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在我国南亚热带地区培育珍优阔叶树种大径材人工林,可以兼顾珍贵用材生产和生物多样性保护、生态效益最大化追求、森林生态系统稳定性维持,实现森林可持续经营。本文总结了经营珍优乡土阔叶树种大径材人工林的关键技术环节并以红椎为例,对经营珍优乡土阔叶树种的经济效益进行了概算,并提出了珍优阔叶树种大径材培育的未来优先研究方向。  相似文献   

论我国南方发展珍优阔叶树大径材人工林   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
发展珍优阔叶树大径材人工林适应了我国木材需要,是南方森林可持续经营的重要手段,列举了南方珍优阔叶树种28科75种,分析了保障珍优阔叶树大径材人工林发展的科技和政策支撑条件。  相似文献   

从滇西北亚高山地区乡土阔叶树种的资源状况,该地区乡土阔叶树种所具有的经济、社会、生态三大功能,以及对该地区14种(类)有利用前景的乡土阔叶树种的介绍,论述了滇西北亚高山地区所具有的乡土阔叶树种的资源优势,并对其应用价值作出了评价。以此,提出了利用其乡土阔叶树种的资源优势,治理滇西北亚高山地区退化森林生态系统的建设性意见。  相似文献   

管宁 《国际木业》2010,(8):34-34
爱尔兰:爱尔兰建立了一个高档热带阔叶材柚木人工林基金,预期7年得回报11%。近几十年中,森林被毁导致了迫在眉睫的天然阔叶材的供应危机。柚木是为数不多的生长速度可接受进行人工林营造的热带阔叶树种之一,是增加阔叶材供应的理想树种。  相似文献   

营造乡土阔叶人工林是华南地区自然保护区桉树、相思林改造的主要措施之一,在提高保护地森林生物多样性和生态系统稳定性发挥了重要作用.为明确乡土阔叶树人工林林下草本群落特征,对深圳田头山和大鹏半岛市级自然保护区乡土阔叶人工林林下草本群落开展调查.结果 表明:深圳市级自然保护区桉树相思改造乡土阔叶树林下草本植物平均高度在0.2~120.0 cm之间,草本平均盖度在0.2%~50.0%;田头山桉树相思改造乡土阔叶树林下草本树种丰富度为22~39种,Shannon-Weiner指数在2.54~3.03之间,Simpson指数在0.86~0.92之间,Pielou指数为0.852~0.919之间,芒萁Dicranopteris dichotoma、 芒Miscanthus sinensis、 毛稔Melastoma sanguineum、 粪箕笃Stephania longa、 乌毛蕨Blechnum orientale等为优势草本植物;大鹏桉树相思低效林改造工程区草本树种丰富度在12~14种之间,Shannon-Weiner指数为2.38~2.49之间,Simpson指数在0.88~0.91之间,Pielou指数在0.91~0.98之间,乌毛蕨、玉叶金花Mussaenda pubescens、淡竹叶Lophatherum gracile、小花露籽草Ottochloa nodosa var.micrantha、薇甘菊Mikania micrantha等为优势草本植物.  相似文献   

云南热区乡土阔叶树种的现状及发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在总结云南热区乡土阔叶树种发展优势及研发现状的基础上,分析了乡土阔叶树种在培育人工混交林方面的生态优越性及云南热区林业发展存在的问题。根据树种特性,并结合云南的实际,探讨了乡土阔叶树种在云南热区的开发利用前景。  相似文献   

红松是我国重要的珍贵用材树种,为了培育优质高效健康的红松人工林,利用多年调查数据和资料,结合辽宁省森林经营分区和立地条件特点,该文从培育目标、立地条件选择、质量要求、森林作业法等方面,提出红松-阔叶异龄复层林、红松大径材培育兼顾林下经济复合经营培育,以及红松果材兼用林培育的经营模式,为区域红松人工林经营提供技术参考。  相似文献   

所谓乡土珍优阔叶树种,一般是指原来就生长在当地、或者是长期生长在当地,并且经过当地气候及土壤条件的考验,完全与当地融为一体,且价值较高的优良阔叶树种.这些树种是在严峻的生态条件下,经过漫长的自然筛选保留下来的优胜者,具有顽强的生命力及耐干旱、耐瘠薄、易成活、郁闭快、生态保护功能强等特点.多年来,中国林科院热林中心从实际出发,遵循适地适树原则,在乡土珍优阔叶树的研究与开发方面做了许多大胆的探索和有益的尝试,取得了良好的生态、社会和经济效益.  相似文献   

光皮桦繁殖方法   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
长期以来,由于对发展阔叶树不够重视,特别是乡土阔叶树种,因此目前尚缺乏优良阔叶树种采种育苗和造林技术的报道,使一些优良树种的发展受到制约。光皮桦(Betulaluminifera)是我国中亚热带森林中常见的阔叶树种,因其生长快,材质优,适应性强,少病虫害而越来越受到林业经营部门的关注,成为闽北山区培育工业原料材的优良树种之一。通过几年的试验研究,已基本掌握了光皮体的有性和无性繁殖方法,现报道如下。1试验地概况和材料1.1试验地概况光皮桦有性和无性繁殖研究均在邵武市苗圃进行。苗圃海拔高200m,地势平坦,土层深厚肥沃,…  相似文献   

根据中山陵风景名胜区森林景观建设的需求和遭受松材线虫病危害,严重影响着森林景观的现状,在遭受松材线虫病危害的松林及杂阔林内应用“林下补阔技术”,引进了若槠、香樟、石楠、大叶女贞、木荷、海桐、乐昌含笑和深山含笑等常绿阔叶树种,进行常绿阔叶树与松树、常绿阔叶树与落叶阔叶树异龄复层混交,以形成较稳定的含常绿树种成分的复层混交森林群落,增加树种的多样性,丰富森林绿景,改善林相结构,进一步提高森林生态系统的稳定性和景观质量。并为风景林林相改造研究出了常绿阔叶树种深山含笑、乐晶含笑异地扩大繁殖播种育苗技术,为林相改造提供了造林新树种。  相似文献   

在对优良珍贵阔叶树种的概念及其繁殖特性和生态特性等进行简要归纳的基础上,结合现有技术与生产实践经验,提出适合我国南亚热带地区优良珍贵树种发展的六种经营模式,这些经营模式对我国南亚热带地区以经营马尾松、杉木人工林为主的林业局(场),在进行树种、林种结构调整等营林活动时,具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

可持续发展战略的推进,非木材林产品的开发,退化地的恢复,生态经济型防护林的营造,对人工林退化问题的新认识,这些都是现代林业发展对造林树种选择提出的新要求。云南具有环境的多样性和丰富的树种资源,为造林树种的选择提供了有利条件。为丰富云南的造林树种,需要在开发乡土树种,加速引种工作,发展珍贵用材树种以及开发树木新用途等方面作出努力。对今后工作提出了建议。  相似文献   

现代林学、森林与林业(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章论述了林学、森林与林业近两个多世纪以来的发展和变化 .林学经历了由传统林学向现代林学的转变 ,现代林学是以森林生态系统的营建、经营管理和利用为研究对象 ,以发挥森林生态系统的生态环境功能为核心 ,全面发挥森林的多种效益和多种功能为目的的学科 .对森林的认识也经历了从认识单株树木、树木群体到森林生态系统的变化 .由于人们对林学及森林认识的变化 ,使人们对林业的认识也从长期形成的以木材利用为中心 ,转变为发挥森林生态系统的生态环境作用为核心和重点 ,全面发挥森林的生态、经济和社会功能作为林业的指导思想和目标 ,以实现林业的可持续发展  相似文献   

论述了林学、森林与林业近两个多世纪以来的发展和变化.林学经历了由传统林学向现代林学的转变.现代林学是以森林生态系统的营建、经营管理和利用为研究对象,以发挥森林生态系统的生态环境功能为核心,全面发挥森林的多种效益和多种功能为目的的学科.对森林的认识也经历了由单株树木到树木群体到森林生态系统的变化.由于对林学及森林认识的深刻变化,人们对林业的认识也就从长期形成的以木材利用为中心,转变到以发挥森林生态系统的生态环境作用为核心和重点,全面发挥森林的生态、经济和社会功能作为林业的指导思想和目标,以实现林业的可持续发展.  相似文献   

判断森林成熟是制定森林轮伐期的依据, 是森林经营决策的关键.文中结合人工用材林的特点, 从数量成熟、工艺成熟、经济成熟3个方面综述了国内外人工用材林森林成熟的核心技术和研究进展, 分析制定合理轮伐期的综合决策方法, 并探讨了人工用材林森林成熟研究的发展趋势, 以期为我国林业工作者经营人工用材林提供参考与指导.  相似文献   

An overview of the forestry sector in Costa Rica was undertaken to determine whether the existing management practices of timber resources hold the potential to meet the country's demands for timber in the immediate decades to come, and to identify changes that might be needed in the management of forested lands. To meet these goals, we examined the present status and potential future contribution of the two newest forest sectors: the management of natural forest and plantation forestry. Rcsults indicate that the present management of Costa Rica's timber resources does not hold the potential to meet the country's demands for timber for more than the next ten years without severe loss of its forests. Substantial progress is occurring, but at an insufficient rate. Moreover, despite the considerable headway made in conservation in recent years, the rate of deforestation remains high. A number of factors limit advancement in natural forest management and plantation forestry, both of which have the potential to deaccelerate deforestation. In natural forest management, constraints are the rate at which forests are being brought under management, lack of budgetary provisions for fiscal incentives to private owners who alone cannot be expected to bear the cost of benefits of natural forest management that are national or even global in their distribution, and the weak infrastructure, extension services and research support to meet management goals. In the case of plantation forestry, the capability of this sector to produce commercial timber is not known. Moreover, inadequate management and extension services together with the misuse of the incentive system by private owners is likely to limit the potential of plantations. Institutional constraints include outdated legal and bureaucratic framework, market interventions, absence of clear policy toward natural forest management and plantation forestry, poor investment in infrastructure, extension and research support, and inadequate interaction among various agencies responsible for the development of the forestry sector. Such institutional constraints have allowed the proliferation of disincentives against the development of a sustainable timber sector. If the Costa Rican government's objective is to encourage sustainable forestry, it must first clearly articulate the policy and then create the appropriate legal, economic and institutional framework for implementation of the policy. Costa Rica, with its enlightened public administration system, vast technical and scientific knowledge about its forest ecosystem and extensive assistance from international organizations, must succeed, otherwise prospects for sustainable forestry in thc less fortunate tropical countries would be bleak.  相似文献   

介绍葡萄牙森林资源、林业政策法规、林业机构和管理体制、森林经营、森林保护、林产品贸易、林业科研教育现状, 分析其林业发展存在的主要问题, 在此基础上提出对我国林业发展的3点建议:1)在完善分类经营管理体系的基础上, 划分出适当区域和适当比例的森林作为多功能森林, 并且按照相应的经营管理体系对公益林、商品林和多功能林进行管理; 2)为了降低林产品对外依存度, 维护木材安全, 大力发展用材林特别是珍贵用材林战略储备基地建设; 3)大力培育林农合作组织, 提高森林经营管理效率。  相似文献   

通过对比3种可用于林业生态建设的融资模式,即银行专项资金贷款、Private Finance Initiative(PFI)融资、CDM林业碳汇融资各自优劣性,试图找出更完善、更适合林业生态工程建设的融资模式。对国家林业生态系统工程建设融资提供有意义的理论探索以及有价值的对策,为林业这种高持续性、发展性、规模性的产业开辟一条新的融资之路。  相似文献   


Diversification in resource management can serve as a strategy to increase both economic well-being and environmental sustainability in rural communities, especially in tropical forested regions. This paper documents and analyzes the recent and rapid regional commercialization of small diameter, lesser-known tropical hardwood species as polewood in Quintana Roo, Mexico, presenting the promises and perils for sustainable management and resource diversification in the context of Mexican economic development and community forestry. We present data from interviews with local farmers and forestry officials involved in community management of timber resources to reveal baseline information regarding the use and management of polewood, locally called palizada. We found the same permitting system used for high-value timber was implemented for polewood without recognizing the complex ecological characteristics of polewood and the different metrics by which polewood and high-value timber are bought and sold. These factors, coupled with an unstable market for this new forest product and potential for overexploitation, present a difficult situation for the sustainable management of polewood. We conclude that incorporating local ecological knowledge in devising polewood management strategies can strengthen local governance and is an essential aspect of managing this emerging market of forest products.  相似文献   

The roots of American ginseng have been harvested from the hardwood forests of the eastern United States, alongside timber, since the mid-1700s. Very little is known about this non-timber commodity relative to timber, although significant volumes of ginseng root have been harvested from the same forests along with timber. The harvest of ginseng correlated positively and significantly with hardwood forest area, hardwood growing stock volume, and timber removals. Also, it correlated with hardwood growing stock on public forestlands in the region. The annual wholesale value of American ginseng was estimated at approximately $26.9 million compared to annual stumpage value of harvested hardwood timber of just over $1.27 billion. The volume of ginseng root harvested from natural forests represents substantial extraction of biomass, and the associated value represents substantial income for people living in an economically marginalized region. Co-management of eastern hardwood forests for timber and non-timber forest products could improve local economies and better conserve the biodiversity of these forests.  相似文献   

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