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针对中山陵景区松林遭受松材线虫病危害,严重影响森林景观,以及森林正向落叶阔叶林和针阔混交林顺向演替的趋势,为适应现代森林观光旅游业发展的需要,选用北亚热带森林落叶常绿混交林建群种,耐寒常绿阔叶树苦槠、青冈栎在风景林下直播育苗造林,改造林相。结果表明,该技术能形成较稳定的复层异龄森林结构,显著地改善了风景林景观,达到增加风景林层次,增添冬季绿景,促进森林健康、稳定,持续生长的目的。  相似文献   

江阴要塞森林公园林相改造技术研究初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对江阴要塞森林公园人工林树种单一、林相单调、森林景观较差的状况,对生长衰弱的杉木林实施疏伐,林中隙地栽植秃杉、香樟,促进林下杂阔叶树生长,林缘种植花草等林相改造技术,形成复层森林群落,以便使森林景观得到改善。  相似文献   

择伐经营后马尾松次生林阔叶树的生长与群落恢复   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
对千岛湖国家森林公园几种类型的马尾松次生林,实施"砍松留阔"择伐实验,以促使林下阔叶树种的恢复性生长,快速改善其群落结构和生态功能,弱化松材线虫病的威胁。观测结果表明,马尾松次生林经40%~50%强度的择伐利用6a后,林下的苦槠、石栎、青冈等地带性常绿阔叶树种呈快速的恢复性生长,林相结构得到快速恢复而形成新的森林景观。经过封禁,马尾松纯林恢复成为具有较多地带性常绿阔叶树种的松阔混交林,苦槠和石栎的重要值超过20%,林分密度达250株·hm-2;而以马尾松为主的针阔混交林则快速向常绿阔叶林演替,乔木层中苦槠的重要值和林分密度提高了近1倍。分析表明,对马尾松次生林的科学择伐经营,不仅显著增强了松林的生态功能,而且还增加了中间收入,是一种简单易行、成本低、效果好的林相改造措施。  相似文献   

对中山陵景区异龄复层混交景观林抑菌功能研究结果表明,供试复层林群落均有较好的抑菌效果.与对照相比,上午9:30~10:00空气中细菌菌落数(简称含菌量)减少1 428~9 331 cfu/m3.生长期内4~9月,抑菌率达52.37%~95.62%,抑菌效果以秃杉 松阔、阔瓣含笑 杂阔、乳源木莲 杂阔、香樟 杂阔、香樟 松阔、深山含笑 杂阔、乐昌含笑 杂阔群落较好.苦槠 杂阔、青冈 杂阔群落也有一定的抑菌功能.而桂花 松树(马尾松)、桂花 杂阔等群落抑菌功能则较低.抗菌活性测定结果表明,阔瓣含笑、乳源木莲、深山含笑、乐昌含笑、香樟,以及金叶含笑叶挥发油对空气中革兰氏阳性细菌--金黄色葡萄球菌有较强抗菌活性.同时对供试群落抑菌功能的日变化、季节变化也作了测定分析.  相似文献   

对开化县常绿阔叶林、针叶林、常绿落叶阔叶混交林3种不同自然森林植被类型进行演替过程分析研究。结果表明,常绿阔叶林是该地森林植被自然演替的主要发展方向;常绿阔叶林、针叶林、常绿落叶阔叶混交林分别代表了森林植被不同演替类型与动态。结合森林群落类型和生境的异质性、群落树种组成与结构、演替阶段和演替趋势,根据森林植被景观的优美性、多样性等需求,对开化县主要通道两侧的森林植被确定了7类15种目标的森林植被景观改造方案,提出了森林景观优化"主景树种+地带性树种+伴生景观树种"的树种选择模式与营建技术。  相似文献   

神仙居景区景观林改造技术探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对神仙居景区森林植被现状的调查,结合景区旅游观光的需要,模拟仙居县俞坑自然保护区次生常绿阔叶林的群落结构、树种组成、生活型组成类型进行景观林改造。采用渐伐针叶树、保留阔叶乔木树种、培育阔叶乔木树种萌蘖丛、保留有益灌木、林下补植和林间空地栽植常绿阔叶树、块状清理植被、块状整地造林、次生常绿阔叶林幼龄林的间伐抚育等营林技术措施,使原生植被得到有效的保存,促进植被演替过程,构建物种丰富、群落稳定、地域特色鲜明、景观优美的针阔混交林或常绿阔叶林。  相似文献   

镇江南山国家森林公园是江苏著名的生态旅游胜地之一,自然景观和人文景观蕴藏量十分丰富,镇江"城市山林"之称源由此出.但长期以来,由于遭受松材线虫病危害及其他因素的影响,区域内林相破坏十分严重,针对这一状况,开展了南山地区森林资源调查、研究与分析,探索林相改造技术,以期提高整体景观效果.  相似文献   

根据城市绿化对常绿阔叶景观树深山含笑、乐昌含笑苗木的需求和生产实践,总结出绿化苗木培育技术,为绿化大苗培育的技术标准提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

通过对日本落叶松10 a的营造纯林、与枫香混交造林、与鹅掌楸混交造林的对照试验研究表明:日本落叶松与枫香、鹅掌楸等阔叶树混交造林,既能改善林地生长环境,促进林木生长,提高落叶松林分的产量和质量,又能减少病虫和风雪危害,增强落叶松林的抗灾能力。日本落叶松适宜和喜光、深根性的中山速生阔叶树种(常绿阔叶树或常绿落叶阔叶树)混交造林。  相似文献   

以广东天井山林场2008年遭受特大冰雪灾害损毁的杉木林为对象,通过采用伐除受损杉木,人工引入木荷、黎蒴、火力楠、樟树等乡土阔叶树种,及保留杉木萌芽更新等方式,开展人工促进受损杉木林植被恢复研究。结果表明,人工修复5年后,形成了良好的杉木阔叶树混交林,萌芽杉木平均胸径达到4.41~5.48 cm,木荷、黎蒴、火力楠、深山含笑、黎蒴、樟树平均胸径分别为2.72、6.03、2.59、1.75、4.10、3.30 cm。在水平分布格局上,9个样地属随机分布,6个样地呈均匀分布,无样地呈聚集分布;树种混交度呈弱度、中度混交;树种间竞争优劣顺序依次为黎蒴、木荷、樟树、火力楠、深山含笑。不同配置的阔叶树种所形成林分的空间结构特征没有明显差异。修复受损杉木最佳的树种为黎蒴,其次是木荷、樟树、火力楠,最后是深山含笑。  相似文献   

深圳市羊台山森林公园优良乡土阔叶树种选择技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对广东省深圳市羊台山森林公园内的1块林分改造试验林和1块新造林的树种生长情况进行调查,分析不同树种生长的差异,以此为羊台山地区林分改造和新造林的树种选择提供理论依据。分析结果表明:林分改造试验林中选出14个树种,其林木生长较佳;新造林中紫荆、深山含笑、黄花风铃木、降香黄檀、阴香、土沉香和假苹婆7个树种表现优良。选出的21个树种按用途分为9种乡土生态阔叶树,8种景观树种,5种特色外来树种及4种珍贵树种。在羊台山进行森林公园林分改造或新造林时,树种选择应以乡土阔叶树为骨干,适当搭配景观树种,引进少量的珍贵树种和有特色的外来树种,这对于提升林分质量,改善森林景观,提升森林的文化内涵具有重要意义,同时为类似森林公园的林分改造和造林树种选择提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

林种结构和树种组成是退耕还林工程的关键问题之一,本文分析了延安市退耕还林工程实施以来造林林种和树种组成,指出其存在林种选择上经济林面积过小,使退耕农户从退耕地中收益减少;树种单一,纯林面积过大等问题。建议要因地制宜地发展经济林,适地适树,乔灌草结合,多营造混合林。  相似文献   

研究52 个乔木树种纯林的碳储量,分析其固碳能力差异,为碳汇造林选用乔木树种提供参考 依据。以广东省东江林场11 年生的乔木树种试验林为研究对象,测定52 个树种生长量和树干、树枝和 树叶的含碳率。按照平均木法,算出平均木生物量,结合平均含碳率、林分密度与保存率,估算碳储量。 结果表明,不同树种林分碳储量差异极大,最高碳储量(厚荚相思Acacia farnesiana)比最低碳储量(紫 玉兰Magnolia liliiflora)相差约20 倍,年均碳储量在10 t/hm2 以上的树种有含羞草科的厚荚相思、大叶 相思A. auriculiformis 等5 个树种,年均碳储量在5~10 t/hm2 的有灰木莲Manglietia glanca、红荷Schima wallichii 等18 个树种。以保存率和单位面积碳储量2 个主要性状作聚类分析,可将52 个树种按固碳能力 划分成4 种类型的碳汇树种。  相似文献   

Tree plantations are often used to compensate for the destruction and conversion of natural forests in the tropics. An important question is whether these plantations allow for the regeneration of indigenous tree species and are expected to transform into more natural forests in the future. To evaluate the potential of differently managed forest types for seedling recruitment of indigenous tree species we studied structural characteristics as well as tree and seedling communities in stands of natural forest, different types of tree plantations and secondary forest in Kakamega Forest, western Kenya. Forest types differed considerably in structural characteristics and tree composition with stands of natural forest significantly differing from all other forest types in vertical foliage height diversity and number of late-successional tree species. By contrast, total seedling species richness and number did not differ among the forest types. Yet, number of seedlings of late-successional species decreased from natural forest and plantations of a mixture of indigenous tree species towards monocultures and secondary forests while number of seedlings of early-successional species increased in the same order. A joint Principal Component Analysis (PCA) corroborated higher similarity among seedling communities than among tree communities. Our results indicate a convergence of recruiting seedling communities in different forest management types suggesting that tree plantations might buffer forest loss to a certain extent and may have the potential to develop into more natural forest over time.  相似文献   

Tree plantations of native and exotic species are frequently used to compensate for forest loss in the tropics. However, these plantations may support lower species diversity and different communities than natural forest. We therefore investigated bird communities in stands of natural forest, different types of tree plantations and secondary forest in Kakamega Forest, western Kenya. We compared birds differing in habitat specialisation, i.e. forest specialists, generalists, and visitors. We recorded significant differences in mean species richness and number of individuals among the different forest types. Stands of natural forest and plantations of indigenous tree species comprised more species and individuals than plantations of exotic tree species and secondary forest. This was caused by a significant decline of forest specialists and generalists from natural forest and indigenous plantations to exotic plantations and secondary forest. Species composition of the bird communities did not differ between natural forest stands and plantations of a mixture of indigenous tree species, but clearly changed between natural forest and plantations of single tree species. These findings demonstrate that natural forest areas are needed for the conservation of forest bird diversity, but that plantations with a mixture of indigenous tree species can have similarly high conservation value.  相似文献   

The joint and independent effects of dominant tree species, forest patch spatial attributes, and forest structure and management as drivers of plant species richness and composition in small forest patches scattered within an intensive agricultural landscape were addressed.In a landscape with scattered urban and intensive dairy agricultural areas in north-west Portugal, within which small forest patches (dominated by pines, eucalypts, or both) represent semi-natural habitat islands, 50 small forest patches, with areas ranging between 0.3 and 3 ha, were selected and surveyed for vascular plant diversity, within dairy farming landscape mosaics dominated by annual forage crops. Explanatory variables were composed of three datasets derived either from GIS mapping or field observations: forest type (dominant tree species), forest patch spatial attributes (patch area and shape index), and measures of forest management and structure (diameter at breast height, tree density per hectare, and percentage cover of vegetation strata). Variations in these forest patch attributes were assessed across forest types, and related to measures of plant diversity (total, native, alien, woody, and herbaceous species richness). Redundancy analysis with variance partitioning was applied to evaluate the joint and independent effects of the three sets of variables on species assemblages. The recent shift in canopy dominance from pine to eucalypt observed in the region appears to be related to a (nonsignificant) tendency for the increase of patch area and to the decrease of patch complexity, as well as several changes in forest structure and management, expressed as a trend to denser tree canopies and lower cover of understory plants. Dominant tree species and attributes related to forest structure and management were the most important factors determining plant diversity. The joint effect of the dominant tree species and forest structure and management resulted in lower levels of plant species richness in eucalypt plantations. These were also more prone to invasion by alien species, probably due to decreased biotic resistance from unsaturated native plant assemblages. Our results draw attention to the importance of dominant tree species and management practices for the maintenance of plant diversity levels (species richness and composition) in dairy landscape mosaics, highlighting the importance of the remnants of semi-natural forests as refuges for plant diversity in the landscape context. Nonetheless, forest plant diversity could further be fostered by promoting naturalness of pine stands and the regeneration of native oak woodlands in some forest areas. This would also diversify the range of ecosystem services that could be provided by forest areas in these peri-urban farmlands.  相似文献   

浙江安吉退化毛竹林改为竹阔混交林模式初探   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为提高退化毛竹纯林的生态价值,重建森林生态系统,结合安吉县培育珍贵树种、营造彩色森林建设目标,试点研究了将安吉退化毛竹纯林改造成彩色林分或竹阔混交林的具体模式。结果显示,退化毛竹林通过采用留养抚育、适度透光间伐、适当清理林下灌木、补植乡土珍贵树种等方法改造后,阔叶树种均生长良好。  相似文献   

小陇山不同灌木林地改造模式林分树种多样性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生物多样性研究已经成为生态学研究的热点,而维持物种多样性是目前森林经营研究的一个主要内容。本文运用点抽样方法研究了甘肃小陇山5种不同的灌木林地改造模式的树种多样性。结果表明:带状割灌改造模式林分的树种较全面清理割灌模式丰富,Shannon-Wiener指数与Margalef指数较高,林分的树种多样性较高,林分内各树种分配较为均匀,带状割灌改造更有利于提高林分的树种多样性;在3种全面清理割灌改造模式中,改造日本落叶松模式虽然树种数与其它2种相同,但林分内树种分配均匀性差,集中性高。不同的改造模式对林分树种多样性的影响不同,这对提高和保持改造林分的物种多样性具有一定借鉴意义。  相似文献   

扬州市丘陵岗地植被恢复选择树种时必须考虑乡土树种、经济林树种和园林景现植物,提出了意杨(populus Canadensls)等9个备选树种为扬州市丘陵岗地森林植被恢复的主要树种。  相似文献   

基于永新县七溪岭林场采伐迹地森林恢复的森林调查,从树高生长量和蓄积生长量两个方面分析选择不同树种造林的林地生产能力,总结同一树种连栽的生产能力低下和更换树种造林的效果显著,指出采伐迹地森林恢复树种选择对国有林场大面积经营森林的重要性以及树种选择的方法。  相似文献   

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