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小麦吸浆虫是小麦毁灭性害虫,在我省为害小麦的主要是麦红吸浆虫(Sitodiplosismosellana(Gehin))。近年来,随着耕作制度的变化,新灌区和感虫品种面积不断扩大,深翻晒田和药剂处理土壤面积缩小,小麦群体结构增多,为吸浆虫的回升积累危害提供了有利条件。1985年全省发生面积100多万亩,达防治指标68万亩,防治了20多万亩,1986年春  相似文献   

景泰川灌区位于甘肃省北部,景泰县内。1974年景泰电力提水工程建成,最大提水高度406.2米,设计流量10.5米/秒,有效灌溉面积30万余亩。本区为干旱区大陆性气候,年平均降水量186毫米,蒸发量3600毫米,且风沙多。过去由于没有灌溉条件,大面积土地长期荒芜。景电工程的建成,彻底改变了本区的自然面貌和生产条件,短短的十四年间,这里建成了荒漠中的大片绿洲。但是,随着土壤灌溉,灌区的次生盐渍化已经露头。根据第二次土壤普查统计,己经盐化面积30482亩,占总耕地面积的10.16%。因此,充分发挥提黄河水灌溉的效益,并防治土  相似文献   

147团即原30团农场,1952年开始垦荒,1961—1965年间曾设立土壤改良试验站,进行过三年不间断的灌区土壤水盐动态定位研究,同时进行了调查与制图,改良区划,土壤水分特性与积盐关系的研究。最近又继续了定位观察,以了解1963—1981年间土壤水盐运动的新动态。这是一种了解次生盐碱化发展趋势的工作,可以掌握在一系列土壤改良措施贯彻之后,土壤中水盐变化,据此来评价灌区土壤改良的效果。  相似文献   

粗绿黄丽金龟生物学特性与防治研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
粗绿黄丽金龟(Rhombonyx holoserieea Fabricius.)是武威地区金龟类的优势种,成虫取食榆树、马铃薯、苹果、葡萄叶片。幼虫为害马铃薯种苗,薯块(被害率9-15.6%),发芽的玉米种子及小麦(被害率8%-25.9%)。在武威地区常年发生30万亩,严重面积10万亩,除高寒山区外,沿山灌区、平川灌区及沙漠干旱区均有分布。1986-1991年20  相似文献   

都阿合剂防除玉米田杂草效果研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
玉米是我区主要旱粮作物,播种面积已由“七五”期间的10万公顷扩大到目前的13.3万公顷,1996年夏播二米面积达到18.7万公顷。人工除草资工费时,已不适应现代化农业发展的需要。为此,1996年开展厂都阿合剂防除夏1米田杂草效果的研究。一、材料与方法(-)供试药剂50%都阿合剂(汽巴一嘉基公司提供);72‘&都尔乳油(汽巴一嘉基公司提供)。(二)试验地点试验在宿州巾南二里庄两块田内进行,面积为3亩,试验田地面平整,沙壤上,个性。优势种杂草有禾本科的马唐、狗尾草、旱稗、牛筋草等,约占杂草总量的8()%~90。沁;阔叶杂草…  相似文献   

不同土体构型土壤的持水性能   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过GMS软件三维建模功能,将宁夏某葡萄基地土壤划分为4种土体构型:壤砂型、砂型、壤砂粘型和壤粘砂型结构,并对基地土壤的田间持水量、饱和导水率和容重进行了分析,研究了不同土体构型下的土壤持水性能。结果表明,土壤土体构型不同,其容重、田间持水量、土壤饱和导水率也不同。砂型结构的田间持水量和容重最小,分别为13%和1.5 g·cm~(-3),而土壤饱和导水率最大,为3.2 m·d~(-1);壤粘砂型结构田间持水量和容重最大,分别为16.5%和1.63 g·cm~(-3),而土壤饱和导水率最小,为1.02 m·d~(-1);田间持水量与土壤饱和导水率的相关系数为-0.92,呈显著负相关,与容重的相关系数为0.73,呈显著正相关。壤粘砂型土体构型上壤下粘,利于保水保肥,持水性能最好;砂型结构持水性能最差,其他土体构型持水性能一般,需要进行改良以提高土壤的持水性能。  相似文献   

1992年安徽省九连山茶场暴发茶尺蠖   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
侯宗红 《植物保护》1993,19(2):51-51
关中渭河流域的高产麦区,自1974年在周至县黑河灌区小麦品种官村1号上发现小麦土传花叶病以来,近年该病在部分麦区春季连续发生,蔓延极快。发生区域已扩大到周至、歧山、户县、长安和西安等县市,面积20余万亩,1992年在周至马召乡发病面积达10万亩。轻者可造成矮缩和穗发育不足,重者死苗、死蘖。估计一般病田可减产一至二成,重病田块还发生过毁苗改种的情况。户县余下一块2亩的麦田,由于该病危  相似文献   

本场系洪泽湖围垦区,东临徐洪河,西临濉河,南靠洪泽湖,三面环水,地面真高11.9~13.5米,南低北高,槽形湖滩地,常年与湖水相平(12.5米左右)。土质粘重,有机质含量在1%以上,速效磷含量很低。年平均气温14.3℃,雨量897.7毫米。全场可耕面积近10万亩,常年三麦种植面积4~8万亩,耕作制度以稻—麦、豆—麦、玉米—麦为主,麦田杂草种类较为复杂,危害较重,为掌握本圩区麦田杂草种类和分布情况,为综合防除提供依据,我们自1988年至1989年调查了本圩区麦田杂草的种类及分布。  相似文献   

一、发生情况稻纵卷叶螟 Cnaphalocrocis medinalis(Gueae′e)是我县水稻的主要害虫之一。自八十年代以来,稻纵卷叶螟逐渐发生严重,成为常发性的主要迁飞性害虫,常年发生5—10万亩左右,以四代危害二晚最为严重。从1980年以后,大发生的频率很高,1980、1983、1985年都属大发生年,发生面积分别为19.485万亩,14.8万亩和20.93万亩,其中严重面积分别为8.4万亩、1.94万亩和2.15万亩,损失产量分别为485.9万斤、450万斤和49.5万斤,今年第四代稻纵卷叶螟在二晚田危害是近12年间(1977—1989年)最为严重的一年。全县二晚总面积32.1187万亩,发生面积24.007万亩,占总面积的74.7%,其中卷叶率为50%的面积  相似文献   

在对内蒙古通辽市井灌区水资源利用现状和农业灌区用水现状进行实际调查与分析的基础上,按不同灌溉方式、土壤类型、分布位置和灌溉管理水平选择典型样点灌区,分别用田间实测法和水量平衡法科学地测算不同灌溉方式下的样点灌区、灌区和地区的灌溉水利用效率,并分析评估样点灌区、灌区和地区三个尺度的节水效果与潜力。测算得出通辽市所辖的奈曼旗、科尔沁左翼中旗、科尔沁区、开鲁县、库伦旗、科尔沁左翼后旗、扎鲁特旗和霍林郭勒市灌溉水利用系数分别为0.799、0.832、0.813、0.803、0.823、0.806、0.802和0.810。。现状年通辽市地下水灌溉总面积为64万hm~2,其中节水灌溉面积为30万hm~2,还有34万hm~2农田使用传统的灌溉形式。假定未来34万hm~2待改造农田全部发展为低压管灌时,通辽市64万hm~2灌溉面积可节约水量3 860万m~3;全部发展为喷灌时,可节约水量8 298万m~3;全部发展为膜下滴灌时,可节约水量10 904万m~3。各灌区灌溉水利用效率的高低主要取决于不同灌溉方式的面积占总灌溉面积的比例,采用高效节水灌溉可整体提升灌区灌溉效率。  相似文献   

新疆阿克苏地区种稻改良盐渍土问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过新疆阿克苏地区的定点观测试验,以及阿克苏地区种稻改良盐渍土对塔里木河的影响的分析,提出当地通过种稻改良盐渍土的作法是不合理的。阿克苏地区改良盐渍土的根本途径应是完善排水系统,降低地下水位。  相似文献   

运用统计特征值、对应分析等方法,探讨了研究新疆阿瓦提土壤含盐量、盐分化学组成及其空间分布特征。结果发现:区内有50%的土地处于中强盐渍化和盐土状态,且主要为氯化物-硫酸盐型盐渍化;在灌区内土壤盐分随灌溉和排水而呈现季节性变化,但整体上处于脱盐状态。区内土壤盐渍化是在自然和人类活动共同作用下形成的,通过节水灌溉、合理开发地下水、完善灌排系统等措施可有效地改良盐渍土。  相似文献   

依据实地考察实测资料,分析渭干河-库车河灌区的水量平衡、盐量平衡、引水和排水矿化度的变化特征、排盐效率及排水的主要盐分离子.结果显示: (1) 受灌区上游大型水库的调蓄作用,灌区引入地表水的年际变化不大,年内引水出现双峰,排灌比例在8.79%~18.65%,引水利用量为22.53~30.05亿m~3,主要用于农业灌溉用水,农田园林耗水量占总耗水量的75.26%. (2) 随着灌排系统的完善,渭干河-库车河灌区整体处于脱盐过程,年均脱盐量为86.64万t,灌区非盐化土地面积扩大,盐渍化土地面积缩小,灌区内耕地的土壤含盐量减少.(3) 由于大型水库的调蓄作用,灌区引入地表水的矿化度年变幅也较小,1993~1996年平均为0.38 g/L,1997~2001年平均为0.42 g/L,在年内洪水期水量大,矿化度相应偏小.年均排盐量为99.77~275.40万t,排水量和排盐量总体变化趋势相一致,呈略微上升趋势.排水盐分离子中,阴离子主要以Cl~-为主,其次是SO_4~(2-);阳离子主要以Na~+为主,Mg~(2+)出现的机会较小.保持灌区水盐持续均衡所需达到的水量排引比为0.09:1.  相似文献   

Jizzakh Province in Uzbekistan is one of the largest irrigated areas in Central Asia without natural drainage.In combination with aridity,climate change and extensive irrigation practices,this has led to the widespread salinization of agricultural land.The aim of this study was to identify opportunities to improve the reclamation status of the irrigated area and how best to effectively use the water resources in Jizzakh Province based on investigations conducted between 1995 and 2016.A database of field measurements of groundwater levels,mineralization and soil salinity conducted by the provincial Hydro-Geological Reclamation Expeditions was used in the study.The total groundwater mineralization was determined using a portable electric conductometer(Progress 1T)and the chloride concentration was determined using the Mohr method.The soil salinity analyses were conducted by applying two different methods:(1)the extraction and assessment of the soluble salt content,and(2)using an SM-138 conductivity sensor applied to a 1:1 mixture of soil sample and water.The analyses of the monitoring results and the salt balance in the"irrigation water–soil–drainage water"system clearly demonstrated that the condition of the irrigated land in the province was not significantly improved.Under these conditions,the stability of crop yields is achieved mainly through the use of large volumes of fertilizer.However,excess amounts of mineral fertilizers can also cause the salinization of soils.The average groundwater salinization value in most of the irrigated land(75.3%)fluctuated between 1.1 and 5.0 g/L,while the values were less than 1.0 g/L in 13.1%of the land and in the range of 5.1–10.0 g/L in 10.5%of the land.During the period of 1995–2016 the salinization level of the irrigated land in Jizzakh Province increased slightly and the area could be divided into the following classes:no salinity(17.7%of the total area),low salinity(51.3%),moderate salinity(29.0%),and high salinity(2.0%).Detailed studies of the salt balance in irrigated land,the impact of climate change,increased fertilizer use,and repeated remediation leaching on the groundwater level and mineralization should be conducted in the future,due to the possibility of accelerated salinization,fertility decline,and reduced yields of agricultural crops.  相似文献   

层次分析法在新疆平原灌区土壤盐渍化研究中的应用   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文结合新疆平原灌区土壤盐渍化形成、治理以及现状,利用层次分析法,探讨了灌区内部土壤盐渍化的发生原因和治理措施的有效性。结果表明:干旱荒漠化气候和土壤历史积留盐分是灌区内土壤盐渍化的主导因子,贡献率达69.3%;地下水水位过高是引起土壤盐渍化的重要原因,贡献率11.1%;不完善的排水系统和不合理的灌溉方式也是土壤盐渍化的重要因素。各个治理措施组合权重的分配格局相对均衡,其中建立现代化的排水系统和通过平整土地、植树造林治理土壤盐渍化的效益较高,组合权重达31%。层次分析法可为灌区土地资源的管理、土壤盐渍化的治理提供定量依据。  相似文献   

Tong HENG 《干旱区科学》2018,10(6):932-945
Developing effective irrigation and drainage strategies to improve the quality of saline-alkali soil is vital for enhancing agricultural production and increasing economic returns. In this study, we explored how irrigation and drainage modes (flood irrigation, drip irrigation, and sub-surface pipe drainage under drip irrigation) improve the saline-alkali soil in Xinjiang, China. We aimed to study the transport characteristics of soil water and salt under different irrigation and drainage modes, and analyze the effects of the combination of irrigation and drainage on soil salt leaching, as well as its impacts on the growth of oil sunflower. Our results show that sub-surface pipe drainage under drip irrigation significantly reduced the soil salt content and soil water content at the 0-200 cm soil depth. Under sub-surface pipe drainage combined with drip irrigation, the mean soil salt content was reduced to below 10 g/kg after the second irrigation, and the soil salt content decreased as sub-surface pipe distance decreased. The mean soil salt content of flood irrigation exceeded 25 g/kg, and the mean soil desalination efficiency was 3.28%, which was lower than that of drip irrigation. The mean soil desalination rate under drip irrigation and sub-surface pipe drainage under drip irrigation was 19.30% and 58.12%, respectively. After sub-surface drainage regulation under drip irrigation, the germination percentage of oil sunflower seedlings was increased to more than 50%, which further confirmed that combined drip irrigation and sub-surface pipe drainage is very effective in improving the quality of saline-alkali soil and increasing the productivity of agricultural crops.  相似文献   

以河套灌区不同利用类型土地为研究对象,旨在探究耕地、荒地、沙地土壤水分变异及土壤积盐特征与盐分离子对土壤积盐量的影响。结果表明:耕地、荒地、沙地土壤水分分布不均,含水率变异系数随土层深度加深而减小,沙地表层变异性较大,变异系数为104.5%;耕地积盐主要集中在春季和秋季收获期,春汇后土壤脱盐约2.1 t·hm-2,灌水间歇期毛管作用下土壤积盐约0.76 t·hm-2;荒地70%盐分聚积在表层,春汇后最多可积聚39.85 t·hm-2;耕地积盐量与荒地积盐量呈显著负相关关系,与沙地积盐量呈显著正相关关系,相关系数分别为-0.249、0.712;HCO-3、Na+在耕、荒地间随水移动性较强,耕、沙地间SO2-4、Mg2+随水移动性较强。主成分分析表明影响耕地积盐量主要是SO2-4和Cl-,影响荒地和沙地积盐量主要是Na+和Cl-。采用逐步回归分析方法建立耕、荒、沙地1.2 m深土壤积盐回归预测模型。  相似文献   


Rice hull burning (RHB) is a traditional cultural practice of many onion growers in San Jose City, Nueva Ecija, Philippines, mainly for weed control and increased yield. The resulting carbonized rice hull (ash) is incorporated into the soil during land preparation before transplanting of onion. Studies to evaluate the effect of RHB on the population of the rice root-knotnematode, Meloidogyne graminicola, and onion yield were conducted in a farmer's field naturally infested with the pathogen. Burning of 15-cm-deep rice hulls significantly reduced the nematode populations in the soil and increased onion yield. Increasing the thickness of rice hulls burned to 30 cm deep resulted in a yield increase of 44.2% over no RHB and 11.9% over 15-cm-deep rice hulls, while the yield increase with 15-cm-thick hulls was 28.8% over no RHB. Plots that received rice hulls 30 cm deep also produced 37.7% more large bulbs for export than those plots that received 15-cm-deep hulls, and 151.7% more than those plots with no RHB. Deep ploughing did not significantly affect nematode populations compared with standard ploughing. Organic amendment did not contribute to an increase in onion yield and has no effect on the population of rice root-knot nematode.  相似文献   


In irrigated agriculture of arid and semiarid regions, soil salinity, coupled with waterlogging, is a serious problem. Provision of subsurface drainage seems to be a prerequisite for optimal crop production. A study was conducted to evaluate the long term (8-year) impact of a subsurface drainage system on soil properties and yields of wheat. The study was located in a severely affected, waterlogged, barren, sandy loamsaline soil (Comborthids). The subsurface drainage system was installed at a 1.75 m depth with three drain spacings (25, 50, and 75 m). The drains facilitated reclamation of the waterlogged saline land which had variations in salt removal with space and time. The removal of salts from the root zone varied initially with distance from the drain and with depth. However, after a few years, the variations were reduced and the land was reclaimed sufficiently to grow most of the crops of the region. Plots provided with a drain spacing of 75 m required more time for complete reclamation compared to plots provided with 25 m drain spacing. Leaching through subsurface drainage increased soil porosity, modulus of rupture, infiltration rate, organic carbon, available nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and available water, and decreased bulk density differently in the three drain spacings (20, 50, and 75 m). In the 75 m drain spacing plots, soil salinity (EC e ) and water content remained higher than in the 25 and 50 m drain spacing plots. Soil EC e and water content were less near the drains, were highest in areas midway between the drains, and the effects were more apparent in the summer season. Wheat grain yield decreased with increasing drain spacings in the initial years of reclamation. With the gradual improvement in soil salinity, yields from plots with a 75 m spacing reached those of the narrower drain spacing plots by the fourth year. It was concluded that by installing a subsurface drainage system in a monsoon climate, waterlogged saline soils can be reclaimed by the natural leaching that can take place from rainfall. The optimum yield can be attained with a drain spacing of 75 m, which is 50% more than the design spacing of 50 m. Faster reclamation and more yield were obtained with a 25 m drain spacing and was achieved at a higher cost for the more expensive drainage system.  相似文献   

The effects of NaCl-induced stress on physiochemical factors such as inorganic cations, proline, malondialdehyde (MDA) and polyamines were investigated in the gramineous weed, Echinochloa crus-galli Beauv. var. formosensis Ohwi ( E. crus-galli ) and rice ( Oryza sativa L. cv. Nipponbare). Growth inhibition at the 2nd leaf stage under salt stress was more severe in rice than in E. crus-galli . Water content in the 2nd leaves was also more severely decreased in rice, indicating that E. crus-galli was more salt-tolerant. After NaCl treatment, Na+ accumulated in the 2nd leaves of both plant species but not in their roots. Proline accumulation in the 2nd leaves was significantly higher in salt stressed E. crus-galli than in rice, suggesting the significance of proline production in the salt tolerance of this weed. Content of MDA of the rice increased more greatly with NaCl treatment than that in E. crus-galli . NaCl treatment affected polyamine metabolism of both plant species, but the response of each plant to salt stress was somewhat different, especially in the leaves. Leaf putrescine and spermidine contents were high in non-stressed plants in salt-sensitive rice, although rather lower in E. crus-galli in response to NaCl concentrations. These results indicate that an increase in proline and changes in polyamines relates to the salt tolerance of E. crus-galli .  相似文献   

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