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福州市发生由木尔坦棉花曲叶病毒引起的朱槿曲叶病   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
棉花曲叶病是世界棉花生产上最具毁灭性的病毒病害,其主要病原木尔坦棉花曲叶病毒(Cotton leaf curlMultan virus,CLCuMV)已经入侵我国广东、广西、海南等省多个地理区域,扩散危害范围日益加大.2011-2012年调查发现福建省厦门、福州和宁德等多个城市绿化植物朱槿(Hibiscus rosa-sinensis)发生朱槿曲叶病的流行.应用双生病毒通用引物以及烟粉虱生物型鉴定的通用引物,通过PCR扩增、序列分析等方法,分别检测或鉴定了福州市朱槿曲叶病的病原、介体烟粉虱的生物型以及朱槿病株上烟粉虱的带毒率.结果显示:福州市朱槿曲叶病的病原是木尔坦棉花曲叶病毒,与CLCuMV广东分离物和广西分离物的相似性高达99.6%以上;介体烟粉虱生物型为B型,病株上烟粉虱的带毒率为100%.试验结果说明CLCuMV已经扩散至福建省,应警惕和控制木尔坦棉花曲叶病毒的进一步扩散和危害.  相似文献   

木尔坦棉花曲叶病毒已对我国棉花生产构成严重威胁   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
木尔坦棉花曲叶病毒是引起巴基斯坦和印度棉花曲叶病流行的主要病原之一,是由烟粉虱以持久方式传播。近年来,在广东和广西分别发现了严重侵染朱槿和黄秋葵的木尔坦棉花曲叶病毒。虽然广东和广西不种植棉花,但该病毒传播介体烟粉虱在广东、广西及我国棉花产区都有分布。因此该病毒的入侵,对我国棉花生产构成严重威胁。  相似文献   

浙南菜区番茄曲叶病毒病发生规律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过两年调查,明确了浙南菜区越冬番茄曲叶病毒病的主要侵染期在9月下旬至10月上旬,即番茄苗龄20~30 d。温州近郊常年蔬菜生产基地,番茄曲叶病毒病的侵染循环主要通过携毒烟粉虱在越冬番茄和早春番茄间传播完成。苍南、瑞安等季节性番茄生产基地,该病的侵染循环主要通过携毒烟粉虱在越冬番茄、大田番茄苗和夏季南瓜等中间寄主传播完成。随着播种期推迟,番茄曲叶病毒病发生轻,目前浙南菜区生产上‘托马雷斯’、‘好韦斯特’、‘合作903’等主栽番茄品种均表现感病。田间调查还表明,通过50目防虫网覆盖育苗栽培可以有效控制番茄曲叶病毒病发生,防控效果达到90%以上。  相似文献   

 由粉虱传双生病毒引起的番茄曲叶病[1]在我国最初仅分布在海南、云南、广东和广西,自2006年上海市和浙江省先后在番茄上发现番茄黄化曲叶病毒(Tomato yellow leaf curl virus,TYLCV)以来,该病害蔓延迅速,在多个省份的番茄上暴发成灾[2]。引起番茄曲叶病害的病原较复杂,在我国其主要病原为TYLCV、中国番木瓜曲叶病毒(Papaya leaf curl China virus, PaLCuCNV)、中国番茄黄化曲叶病毒(Tomato yellow leaf curl China virus, TYLCCNV)、泰国番茄黄化曲叶病毒(Tomato yellow leaf curl Thailand virus, TYLCTHV)和台湾番茄曲叶病毒(Tomato leaf curl Taiwan virus, ToLCTWV)[2~5],而浙江省的主要病原为TYLCV和ToLCTWV。选育抗病品种是防治番茄黄化曲叶病最有效的手段。了解番茄品种对不同双生病毒的抗性,对因地制宜布局抗病品种具有重要意义。浙杂502、浙粉701、浙粉702是浙江省大规模种植的番茄品种,为了解这些品种对上述5种病毒的抗性,本研究利用5种病毒的侵染性克隆,在人工接种条件下,综合评定分析这3个番茄品种的抗病指标。  相似文献   

为了明确关中地区越冬茬番茄黄化曲叶病毒病发生和流行规律,通过分析该病发生与番茄品种、定植期及传播介体烟粉虱之间的关系,并采用PCR技术对田间病原进行分子鉴定。结果表明,番茄黄化曲叶病毒病在8月中下旬至11月上中旬开始侵染,翌年3月中下旬发生再侵染,秋季病情减轻;烟粉虱种群数量与病害发生程度呈线性正相关;不同番茄品种对番茄黄化曲叶病毒(Tomato yellow leaf curl virus,TYLCV)的抗性差异显著,其中大番茄品种布鲁尼1288和DRW7728,小番茄品种千禧和美红对该病表现为免疫;分子检测结果表明,4个样品中均扩增出543 bp的特异片段,与NCBI数据库Gen Bank的TYLCV序列(登录号为GU084381、KC138544.1、KC138543.1和JX456642.1)的相似性达99%。研究表明,关中地区番茄病毒病为番茄黄化曲叶病毒病,番茄品种、定植期及烟粉虱发生动态是影响该病发生的主要因素。  相似文献   

北京地区番茄黄化曲叶病毒病的鉴定及防治对策   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
番茄黄化曲叶病毒病是一种由烟粉虱传播的病毒病,给番茄生产造成严重威胁。2009年在北京郊区调查时发现部分保护地种植的番茄植株表现典型黄化曲叶症状。通过提取典型症状样品总DNA利用粉虱传双生病毒检测简并引物PA/PB,进行PCR扩增到541bp的特异条带。通过测序和核苷酸序列比对表明该序列与番茄黄化曲叶病毒序列相似性最高为99%。分子检测结果表明北京郊区部分保护地种植的番茄已被烟粉虱传播的番茄黄化曲叶病毒侵染危害。  相似文献   

棉花曲叶病毒研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
棉花曲叶病毒(Cotton leaf curl virus,CLCuV)是我国的进境检疫性有害生物,严重危害棉花生长,在巴基斯坦和印度的棉花产区已造成毁灭性灾害。该病毒主要由烟粉虱传播,寄主范围广泛。2006年在广东首次发现棉花曲叶病毒(CLCuV)入侵我国危害朱槿,2010年有报道证实CLCuV已侵染广西南宁试验田的棉花。我国是棉花生产大国,该病毒一旦扩散传播到棉花主产区,后果将不堪设想。本文对CLCuV的变异、国内外分布和流行趋势、影响棉花曲叶病流行的因素、病毒对棉花的品质和产量的影响及病害治理等方面进行综述,并探讨了棉花曲叶病毒研究存在的问题及有效防止该病毒传播和扩散的措施。  相似文献   

近年来,广西番茄黄化曲叶病毒病(TYLCD)发生较为严重,病原也比较复杂(发现4种病毒且存在复合侵染现象),对广西的番茄生产造成了很大威胁,种植抗病品种是防治该病的关键措施。本研究对中国农科院蔬菜花卉所、上海市农科院园艺所、浙江省农科院蔬菜所、江苏省农科院蔬菜所、北京市农林科学院蔬菜研究中心和广西大学提供的43份抗TYLCD番茄品种在广西南宁的自然抗病性进行了评价。采用自然诱发的方法,病圃的番茄混合感染中国番茄曲叶病毒与中国番木瓜曲叶病毒。试验结果表明,表现高抗的品种有‘浙红3号’、‘浙红4号’、‘K22’、‘K64’等8个番茄品种,表现抗病和中抗的品种有‘红贝贝’、‘春展56’等25个品种,表现感病的品种有‘樱红1号’、‘K6’等5个品种,表现高感的品种有‘金陵佳玉’、‘苏粉11号’等5个品种。本试验结果为抗病番茄品种在广西乃至全国的推广和布局提供参考。  相似文献   

Q型烟粉虱对20个烟草品种的选择性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了明确不同烟草品种对Q型烟粉虱的抗性及其与叶背茸毛密度的相关性,研究了Q型烟粉虱对20个烟草品种的选择性及其生长发育和存活情况,并分析了烟草抗虫性与叶背茸毛密度的关系。结果表明,Q型烟粉虱成虫对烟草品种的选择性、产卵趋性及卵-成虫的存活率在不同烟草品种间差异显著。在20个供试烟草品种中,抗虫性较弱的品种有‘闽烟9号’、‘闽烟57号’;抗虫性较强的品种有‘云烟97’、‘V2’、‘云烟100’、‘长脖黄’,这4个品种在生产上可优先安排种植。烟草叶背茸毛密度与成虫量和着卵量均呈极显著正相关,即烟草叶背茸毛密度越高,烟草抗虫性越弱。因此,选育茸毛较少的烟草品种,可以提高烟草对Q型烟粉虱的抗性。  相似文献   

番木瓜曲叶病毒病在广西南宁市郊区发生严重并造成很大经济损失,经2002-2004年调查,重病果园发病率高达47.23%-100%,染病番木瓜矮缩,叶片向下卷曲,叶背部叶脉增生,叶柄扭曲,早期染病植株无法开花结果。番木瓜曲叶病毒病可以通过烟粉虱传染,但是,室内人工传染效率很低,仅为8.33%;用PCR方法从表现黄脉症状的胜红蓟(Ageratum conyzoides)和田麻(Corchoropsis tomentosa)及表现黄曲叶症状的番茄(Lycopersicon escu-lentum)中检出中国番木瓜曲叶病毒(PaLCuCNV),证明这3种植物是番木瓜曲叶病毒病的中间寄主。  相似文献   

Hibiscus rosa-sinensis is an important landscaping plant in Nanning, Guangxi. In 2019, a new stem rot disease was found in H. rosa-sinensis planting area in Nanning. Six diseased samples were collected, and six fungal isolates were isolated and purified from these samples. The fungi were identified as genus Lasiodiplodia based on morphological characteristics of colony and spore. Combined with the text of Koch's rule and a multi-gene phylogenetic tree with sequences of rDNA-ITS, EF-α and β-tubulin, we confirmed that L. theobromae was the pathogen of the new stem rot disease in Nanning. This is the first report on L. theobromae causing H. rosa-sinensis disease in China.  相似文献   

[目的] 明确引起短穗鱼尾葵灰斑病的病原菌及该菌的生物学特性。[方法] 从短穗鱼尾葵感病组织上分离、纯化病菌,经致病性测定后根据其形态特征进行种类鉴定,并测定其在不同培养条件下的生物学特性。[结果] 引起短穗鱼尾葵灰斑病的病原菌为小孢拟盘多毛孢菌[Pestalotiopsis microspora (Speg.) Satista &; Peresapud Batista]。该菌在PSA 培养基上长势最好;菌丝生长和孢子萌发的最适温度为25 ℃;完全光照条件最利于菌丝的生长和产孢;在pH5时菌丝生长最好,pH6时孢子萌发率最高,pH2时孢子不萌发;孢子的致死温度为50 ℃。[结论] 上述结果可以为短穗鱼尾葵灰斑病的防治提供依据。  相似文献   

田间柑橘植株不同部位黄龙病菌的PCR检测及发病原因分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
[目的]了解黄龙病菌在柑橘植株不同部位的分布,为深入研究病菌在植株体内的扩散情况奠定基础;明确病害的发生原因为有效防控该病害提供借鉴。[方法] 调查浙江省台州市柑橘黄龙病(huanglongbing, HLB)的发生情况,通过常规和巢式PCR,检测了发病情形不同的两个果园内柑橘病株不同部位及不同植株中的黄龙病菌,并对其发病原因进行分析。[结果] 发现一果园内病株的无症状叶片、有症状叶片和枝条中均含有黄龙病菌,而其周围植株不含病菌;另一果园内病株的有症状叶片、枝条、主干和砧木中均含有黄龙病菌,而其周围植株也含菌。[结论]分析认为这两种果园内柑橘植株发病原因不同,一种可能为通过携带黄龙病菌的柑橘木虱所感染,另一种可能为嫁接过程中通过带菌的接穗感染。  相似文献   

[目的]从黄龙病耐病寄主植物cDNA中筛选抗病基因相关序列并对其进行表达分析研究。[方法]根据已克隆的植物抗性基因表达产物NBS-LRR保守区域设计简并引物,以耐HLB的柑橘属柚cDNA为模板扩增RGAs,并进行实时荧光定量PCR。[结果]通过RFLP分析及克隆测序共得到5个NBS类抗病基因相似序列(RGAs)片段,在GenBank上登录号为HM777043~HM777047。通过Clustalx、DNAMAN等软件分析5个RGAs及其推导的氨基酸的相似性,结果显示它们均含有典型NBS-LRR类抗性基因所具有的保守区域:P-loop、Kinase-2a、GL-PLAL,其与已克隆的烟草N、亚麻L6、拟南芥RPS2、RPS5、RPP8、RPM1等抗病基因在保守区域氨基酸水平上的相似性为19.71%~42.86%。根据得到的序列设计特异性引物,对5个RGAs在HLB侵染过程中的表达进行定量PCR,结果显示嫁接病芽接穗后的8次连续采样中5个RGA的表达受到不同程度的调控。[结论]表明5个RGAs可能与黄龙病的侵染有关。  相似文献   

This study characterized the early infection and establishment of the sheath blight pathogen Rhizoctonia solani on a tolerant rice variety, Swarnadhaan (IET 5656), and a susceptible variety, Swarna (MTU 7029). Assays using whole plants showed that disease severity was higher in Swarna than Swarnadhaan. In a detached leaf assay, Swarnadhaan showed a disease index that was 50% less than that with Swarna. Rhizoctonia solani exhibited different growth behaviour in the tolerant and susceptible varieties. The pathogen showed more hyphal growth in the susceptible host than in the tolerant variety. It also showed profuse branching, making intimate contact with the host surface to form more inter‐ and intracellular structures, and greater sclerotial development in the susceptible host compared to the tolerant one. Using light and scanning electron microscopy, it was observed for the first time that the pathogen could intercept host surface structures and use these for anchorage or penetration. Transformed R. solani, expressing green fluorescent protein, was observed using confocal laser scanning microscopy to investigate pathogen behaviour, including the formation of infection cushions and subsequent colonization of the host tissues. This is the first ultrastructural report to characterize the differential behaviour of the sheath blight pathogen in the vicinity and within tolerant and susceptible rice plants.  相似文献   

The potential of acibenzolar-S-methyl (Benzo [1,2,3]thiadiazole-7-carbothioic acid-S-methyl ester, ASM; Bion 50 WG) and of an extract of Hedera helix, to protect M26 apple rootstocks against fire blight was determined under controlled conditions. Marked differences were observed in the rate and extent of multiplication as well as in pathogen cell viability between control and ASM and H. helix-treated rootstocks. Although the pathogen multiplied abundantly in the plant tissue of water-treated rootstocks and showed severe damage, ASM and the plant extract of H. helix applied prior to inoculation with the causal agent of fire blight, E. amylovora (strain 7/74), suppressed disease development and bacterial multiplication. Physiological observations of ASM and plant extract-treated rootstocks indicated that restriction of pathogen colonization in plant tissue was correlated with a pronounced increase of peroxidase (POX) and chitinase activity. Furthermore, physiological changes caused by these treatments in host cells were characterized by POX labeling methods with SDS-Page electrophoresis. Differences in expression of the POX and protein bands were observed in tissues of plants treated with different inducers. POX activity was determined by the presence of three strong bands in plant extract-treated leaves, two strong bands and one very weak band of about 20.1 and 43 kDa were visible in ASM-treated leaves. Evidence is provided that ASM, as well as extract of H. helix are equally capable of inducing of resistance responses in M26 apple rootstock, which result in an increased resistance to E. amylovora—the fire blight pathogen. These findings demonstrate that both treatments have the ability to induce the activation of defense genes leading to the accumulation of structural and biochemical activities at strategic sites, and these can be associated with induction of resistance against fire-blight.  相似文献   

The concept of gene-for-gene coevolution is a major model for research on disease resistance in crop plants. However, few theoretical or empirical studies have examined such systems in natural situations, and as a consequence, there is little knowledge of how spatial effects are likely to influence the evolution of host resistance and pathogen virulence in gene-for-gene interactions. In this work, a simulation approach was used to investigate the epidemiological and genetic consequences of varying host and pathogen dispersal in metapopulation situations. The results demonstrate clear impacts of dispersal distance on the total number of host and pathogen genotypes that are maintained, as well as on genetic variation at individual host resistance and pathogen virulence loci. Several other important results also emerged from this study. In contrast to the predictions of many earlier nonspatial models, so-called 'super-races' of pathogens do not always evolve and dominate, indicating that it is not necessary to assume costs of resistance or virulence to maintain high levels of polymorphism in biologically realistic situations. The rate of evolution of both resistance and virulence depend on the scale of dispersal, with greater mixing (as a function of dispersal scale) resulting in a faster approach to a dynamic endpoint. The model in this paper also predicts that, despite the greater total genotypic diversity of pathogens across the metapopulation, variation in host resistance will generally be greater than variation in pathogen virulence within local populations.  相似文献   

王桂清  陈捷 《植物保护》2006,32(5):26-28
利用玉米灰斑病菌株20-47、感病玉米品种(掖单13)和抗病玉米品种(沈单10号),在人工气候室和自然条件下对影响玉米灰斑病菌侵染的环境条件和寄主生育期进行了研究。结果表明:玉米灰斑病是属偏高温高湿类型的病害,在温湿度条件不能得到满足时,病害就难以完成侵染发病;病菌接种侵入的最佳温度为25℃左右,水滴条件下侵染最容易;土壤条件特别是氮、磷肥如果施用不均匀、不足或过多,也都可以对结果产生影响,在通常情况下,增施氮、磷肥能提高玉米对灰斑病的抗性;在一定光照强度范围内,光对鉴定结果的影响不明显,但光暗交替更有利于寄主发病;寄主不同生育期对病原菌侵染寄主的影响不同,11~12叶期(喇叭口期)接种,病菌较易侵染。  相似文献   

In 1994, Oku reported that plant pathogens, mainly fungal pathogens, require three essential abilities to infect plants: to enter plants, to overcome host resistance, and to evoke disease. Because the infectious process of phytopathogenic bacteria differs from that of fungal pathogens, we have attempted to characterize pathogenicity, the ability of a pathogen to cause disease, using the phytopathogenic bacterium Pseudomonas syringae as a representative pathogen. To establish infection and incite disease development, bacteria first have to enter a plant. This process requires flagella- and type IV pili-mediated motility, and active taxis is probably necessary for effective infection. After bacteria enter a plant’s apoplastic spaces, they need to overcome host plant resistance. To do this, they secrete a wide variety of hypersensitive response and pathogenicity (Hrp) effector proteins into the plant cytoplasm to interfere with pathogen/microbe-associated molecular pattern- and effector-triggered immunity, produce phytohormones and/or phytotoxins to suppress plant defense responses and extracellular polysaccharides to prevent access by antibiotics and to chelate Ca2+, and activate the multidrug resistance efflux pump to extrude antimicrobial compounds for successful colonization. Furthermore, to evoke disease, bacteria produce toxins and Hrp effectors that compromise a plant’s homeostasis and injure plant cells. The expression of these virulence factors depends on the infection processes and environmental conditions. Thus, the expression and function of virulence factors interact with each other, creating complex networks in the regulation of bacterial virulence-related genes.  相似文献   

Garrett KA  Mundt CC 《Phytopathology》1999,89(11):984-990
ABSTRACT Although plant disease epidemiology has focused on populations in which all host plants have the same genotype, mixtures of host genotypes are more typical of natural populations and offer promising options for deployment of resistance genes in agriculture. In this review, we discuss Leonard's classic model of the effects of host genotype diversity on disease and its predictions of disease level based on the proportion of susceptible host tissue. As a refinement to Leonard's model, the spatial structure of host and pathogen population can be taken into account by considering factors such as autoinfection, interaction between host size and pathogen dispersal gradients, lesion expansion, and host carrying capacity for disease. The genetic composition of the host population also can be taken into account by considering differences in race-specific resistance among host genotypes, compensation, plant competition, and competitive interactions among pathogen genotypes. The magnitude of host-diversity effects for particular host-pathogen systems can be predicted by considering how the inherent characteristics of a system causes it to differ from the assumptions of the classic model. Because of the limited number of studies comparing host-diversity effects in different systems, it is difficult at this point to make more than qualitative predictions. Environmental conditions and management decisions also influence host-diversity effects on disease through their effect on factors such as host density and epidemic length and intensity.  相似文献   

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