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气候变化与中国农业的持续发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
全球气候变化引起地球表面的云系、温度和降水等气候格局的重大变化,直接影响到我国农业生产的发展,而对于不同区域的影响程度的差异及变暖变干的程度与农业生产的关系更为密切。本文根据大量研究结果的分析,提出了适应气候变化的农业持续发展战略,包括建立稳定的农业生态系统、保护生态环境和生物多样性,森林的障作用、农业气候敏感区的防卸措施等。  相似文献   

东北地区农业及环境对气候变化的响应与应对措施   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
气候变化在东北地区对农业生产和生态环境产生了重要影响。本文总结了东北地区农业生产和生态环境对气候变化的响应, 并从调整农业种植结构、采用农业节水技术措施、实施保护性耕作、采取水土保持措施、加强生态?经济型防护林体系建设等方面分析东北地区对气候变化所采取的应对措施及应对效果。在此基础上, 分析了未来气候变化可能对东北地区农业生产和生态环境造成的影响, 并针对这两个重点领域从调整农业结构和种植制度、选育抗逆性强的品种、调整农业生产管理措施、加强水资源管理、加强生态建设、发展生态经济、综合调控水源和完善监测机制等方面提出了未来应对气候变化的建议。  相似文献   

气候变化对农业水管理的影响及应对策略研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
气候变化导致全球年平均气温上升、降水模式变化、河流特性改变、极端气候事件频发等,显现出其对农业水资源和农业生产造成的影响,使全球尤其是干旱和半干旱地区可持续农业发展和现代农业水管理面临重大挑战。该文介绍气候变化下的极端气候事件发生,评价气候变化通过气温和降水的改变以及极端气候事件频度和程度加剧等各种方式对农业用水可利用量和水质以及作物需水造成的影响,阐述气候变化通过水要素对灌溉用水、可用耕地、作物产量带来的影响,综述气候变化对农业水管理的影响及应对策略,提出在气候变化对农业水管理的影响及应对策略研究上,应认真考虑气候变化对农业水管理影响的尺度效应和不确定性,从而有助于因地制宜地制定和合理选用农业水管理应对策略;应积极构建基于多模型集成模式的气候变化对农业水管理影响的综合评估方法,从而有利于改善综合预测评估结果的准确性和可靠性;应深入进行农业水管理应对策略的适应-减缓利弊权衡研究和协同效用分析,从而有效改进和提高应对策略的效用。建议国内应该加强对综合评估方法和效用分析的研究力度。  相似文献   

气候变化对中国农业用水和粮食生产的影响   总被引:19,自引:9,他引:10  
全球气候变暖作为一个不争的客观事实,不可避免地会对中国农业用水和粮食生产产生影响。该文分别采用Palmer干旱指数(PDSI)、单位灌溉面积用水量(GIQ)、单位面积粮食产量(PHGO)作为气候变化、农业用水和粮食生产具体度量指标,分析了中国1949-2005年PDSI、GIQ、PHGO年际变化特征及其相关关系,发现在1949-1983年PHGO和1949-1990年GIQ均与PDSI具有较好线性相关关系,表明气候变化在上述时间段对农业用水和粮食生产影响显著,人为因素(技术进步、政策机制、生产投入等)影响相对较小。依据相关关系对1949-2005年GIQ和PHGO进行预测发现,1991-2005年GIQ和1984-2005年PHGO预测值与实际值拟合程度较差,表明人为因素(技术进步、政策机制、生产投入等)在农业用水和粮食生产中已逐渐占据主导地位,对农业节水平均影响率达27%以上,对粮食增产平均影响率达40%以上。通过技术创新、政策机制保障和生产投入增加等人为因素控制,可在一定程度上缓解气候变化对中国农业用水和粮食生产带来的负面影响。  相似文献   

气候变化对中国农业生产的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
未来气候变化下中国农业的稳定事关中国的长远持续发展,国内外气候变化研究界和农业气象研究界对气候变化对中国农业生产的影响的评估未有一致的认识。本文从农业科学角度讨论了气候变化对中国农业生产涉及的气象资源、土地资源、农业生物环境和生态系统的影响,并从作物生长和经济产量形成的角度讨论和分析了气候变化对中国种植业、养殖业不同产业行业的影响,气候变化中一些趋势性变化因不同作物和不同区域而异,例如温度和CO2浓度变化对农业生产的影响因不同作物和不同时相而异,反之,极端性气候/天气事件对农业不同行业的生产都显得危害很大,而气候变化中区域性干旱将成为我国未来农业生产愈来愈严重的挑战。气候变化对中国农业生产的影响甚为复杂,一些气候变化因子的实际影响还存在很大不确定性。当前,定量评价气候变化对中国农业生产的影响还存在困难。  相似文献   

气候变化对中国农业生产的影响及应对策略   总被引:32,自引:2,他引:30  
全球气候呈现变暖的趋势, 对农业生产和粮食安全产生重大影响, 并成为当今全球环境变化关注的热点问题之一。本文采用文献综述与比较研究的方法, 系统分析了气候变化对光资源、温度、土壤质量和水环境等农业生产要素的影响机理, 探讨了气候变化对我国作物种植区域和种植制度、农作物病虫害、农业生产能力以及农业经济与管理等方面的实际影响, 通过梳理国外应对气候变化的主要农业战略, 提出新时期我国应对气候变化的农业可持续发展策略。  相似文献   

当前,中国进入了建设农业强国的新阶段,农业气象面临前所未有的挑战与发展机遇。针对农业生产智慧化、粮食安全、气候变化、绿色可持续发展等新形势,农业气象迫切需要建立气候要素与农业生产的定量关系,科学合理利用和提高气候资源利用率。农业气象学的重要任务包括深化研究内容、拓展研究视野、创新理论方法;重要研究方向在农业气象基础、气候变化适应、温室气体减排、农业气候资源高效利用、农业气象灾害与风险应对、农业小气候调控、气候智慧型农业等方面。作为一门农业基础学科,农业气象学需要加快发展,走在其他农业科学的前面。  相似文献   

利用作物模型研究气候变化对农业影响的发展过程   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
模型模拟是研究气候变化对农业生产影响的有效途径,得到了广泛关注和应用。本文着重介绍了利用作物模型研究气候变化对农业生产影响的发展过程,即从最初通过人为改变气候参数模拟气候变化对农业的可能影响,到与气候情景结合模拟未来气候变化对农业的可能影响及近年来与其它模型结合综合模拟未来气候变化对农业的影响,并通过对气候变化农业影响模型模拟研究中经验模型与机理模型、站点尺度与区域尺度、确定性气候情景与概率气候情景几个关键问题的评述,指出了存在的问题及未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

通过整合农业科学界从不同行业产业角度和不同的影响方面对气候变化可能带来农业生产影响的分析资料,梳理和辨析了气候变化对农业生产影响的途径和机理,提出了气候变化对中国国家尺度农业影响的“发酵”效应假设:气候变化因子间相互作用与交错叠加,产业的传递和反馈,可能带来不利效应的严重放大;未来气候变化下中国农业面临的基本问题将是:农业技术进步的迟滞性和农业生产能力的波动性,稳定农业生产水平和粮食供应能力将愈来愈困难。讨论和建议了应对气候变化的若干国家战略,这些战略应基于气候变化对中国农业生产的影响的敏感性行业和地区,气候变化的突出性趋势的认识。防患和应对极端性气象灾害事件将成为应对气候变化对农业影响的首要任务,需要加强研究和技术储备,同时迫切需要新的组织和运行机制全面开展气候变化对中国农业生产影响的试验和技术开发研究。  相似文献   

气候变化对中国农业气象灾害与病虫害的影响   总被引:11,自引:3,他引:8  
在前人研究的基础上结合中国统计局《中国农业统计年鉴》1978-2007年主要农业气象灾害成灾面积、经济损失等资料与全国气象站点气象要素资料,总结了气候变化对我国农业气象灾害发生发展的影响,各类农业病虫害由于气候变暖特别是暖冬出现的新的变化发展趋势。结果表明,在已有气候变暖的影响下,绝大部分农业气象灾害危害加重、发生频繁,特别是极端气候事件发生频率加大,极大的威胁着中国粮食生产的安全。气候变化对农业病虫害的影响也是如此,气候变暖造成病虫害发生世代数增加,危害范围扩大,为害程度加重,给农业病虫害的综合防治带来困难。未来农业气象灾害、病虫害会更加频繁,使农业生产的不稳定性加大,应予以积极应对。  相似文献   

The aim of the AIR-CLIM project is to perform an integrated analysis of the linkages between climate change and regional air pollution in Europe and to produce results that are relevant to European policy-making. Key elements of the analysis are on the impact side the exceedances of critical thresholds for air pollution and global change and on the cost side the estimates of costs to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and air pollutants. The integrated modeling framework set up to meet these objectives consists of two state-of-the-art integrated models covering regional air pollution in Europe (RAINS) and global climate change (IMAGE), supplemented by new components. Based on a preliminary analysis it can be stated that climate change will make European vegetation in most regions less sensitive to acid deposition. Taking into account the emission trends the impacts of regional air pollution will decrease while the impacts of climate change increase. Different problems will be important in different regions: regional air pollution in Central and northern Europe, and climate change in southern Europe.  相似文献   

The objective ofthis study was to assess the impact of climate change on plant and livestock production in several natural regions of Mongolia. The Simulation of Production and Utilization of Rangelands model was used for the assessment of the climate impacts. Long-term (1961–1990) climatic data and biophysical and physiological parameters of pasture grassland and cattle were used in the study. The selection of simulation sites for the study was based on regions where there are many cattle. Climate change scenario data were obtained by combining historical weather data from each site with predicted output from general circulation models. Results from baseline runs were compared with four climate change scenarios and a scenario with baseline climate conditions and doubled carbon dioxide (2×CO2). The impact of climate change on pasture production is estimated to be negative in the Gobi desert area and favorable in colder regions. Livestock intake and livestock weight are estimated to generally decline in late summer when digestibility is lower. Average daily weight gain of Mongolian steers that have only pasture forage is estimated to be lower, whereas it is estimated that there will be no negative effects on the weight gain of steer that are provided supplemental feed.  相似文献   

气候变化对我国农业的可能影响及对策   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本文根据IPCC对全球未来气候变化的预测,结合我国地理─—气候分布和近百年不同区域气候变化趋势,将我国陆地分成九个区域,海面分成四个海域,分析了未来各区域气候变化的可能趋势。然后以1987年作为基准年,就未来气候变化对我国农业的可能影响作出了定量预测。预测的结果是:如果2030年左右全球CO_2浓度倍增和我国平均气温上升1℃左右,全国种植业生产潜力将因气候变化而下降5%左右;畜牧业综合生产潜力可能下降7%左右;水产业生产潜力下降6%以上。有许多对抗性和适应性措施可以有助于消除全球变暖对农业的不良影响,但需要从现在起作出研究和工作的安排。  相似文献   

Many countries are preparing national climate change action plans that describe specific measures they are taking to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the potential effects of climate change. Among the reasons for preparing such plans are that climate change is likely to occur, and many anticipatory measures that would be taken in response to climate change are “no regret” measures that will produce benefits even if climate does not change. Additionally, these plans can serve as communications required by the U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change. We propose here an assessment process for anticipatory adaptation measures that will enable countries to identify and select measures to adapt to climate change. These measures anticipate potential climate changes and are flexible enough to meet objectives under a wide variety of future climate conditions. The process builds on assessments of vulnerability by focusing on adaptation measures for the most sensitive regions, or populations, within a country. Potential anticipatory adaptation measures are identified, and two or three are chosen based on expert judgment and analysis regarding which measures would produce the greatest benefits and be easiest to implement. Analytic techniques are used to assess the benefits and costs of each of the measures and evaluate barriers to implementation. The measure that is most cost-effective and is easiest to implement is selected. We illustrate the application of the process by examining a hypothetical forest threatened by climate change.  相似文献   

Scenario planning should be an effective tool for developing responses to climate change but will depend on ecological assessments of broad enough scope to support decision-making. Using climate projections from an ensemble of 16 models, we conducted an assessment of a midcontinental area of North America (Minnesota) based on a resistance, resilience, and facilitation framework. We assessed likely impacts and proposed options for eight landscape regions within the planning area. Climate change projections suggest that by 2069, average annual temperatures will increase 3 °C with a slight increase in precipitation (6%). Analogous climate locales currently prevail 400–500 km SSW. Although the effects of climate change may be resisted through intensive management of invasive species, herbivores, and disturbance regimes, conservation practices need to shift to facilitation and resilience. Key resilience actions include providing buffers for small reserves, expanding reserves that lack adequate environmental heterogeneity, prioritizing protection of likely climate refuges, and managing forests for multi-species and multi-aged stands. Modifying restoration practices to rely on seeding (not plants), enlarge seed zones, and include common species from nearby southerly or drier locales is a logical low-risk facilitation strategy. Monitoring “trailing edge” populations of rare species should be a high conservation priority to support decision-making related to assisted colonization. Ecological assessments that consider resistance, resilience, and facilitation actions during scenario planning is a productive first step towards effective climate change planning for biodiversity with broad applicability to many regions of the world.  相似文献   

This paper presents one of the first integrated analyses of acidification and climate change on a geographically-detailed basis, and the first linkage of integrated models for acid deposition (RAINS) and for climate change (IMAGE 2). Emphasis in this paper is on Europe. Trends in driving forces of emissions are used to compute anthropogenic SO2 emissions in 13 world regions. These emissions are translated into regional patterns of sulfur deposition in Europe and global patterns of sulfate aerosols using source-receptor matrices. Changes in climate are then computed based on changes in sulfate and greenhouse gases. Finally, we compute ecosystem areas affected by acid deposition and climate change based on exceedances of critical loads and changes in potential vegetation. Using this framework, information from global and regional integrated models can be used to link sulfur emissions with both their global and regional consequences. Preliminary calculations indicate that the size of European area affected by climate change in 2100 (58%) will be about the same as that affected by acid deposition in 1990. By the mid 21st century, about 14% of Europe's area may be affected by both acid deposition and climate change. Also, reducing sulfur emissions in Europe will have both the desirable impact of reducing the area affected by acid deposition, and the undesirable impact of enhancing climate warming in Europe and thus increasing the area affected by climate change. However, for the scenarios in this paper, the desirable impact of reducing sulfur emissions greatly outweighs its undesirable impact.  相似文献   

气候变暖对甘肃省不同气候类型区主要作物需水量的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
作物需水量是农田水分循环系统中最重要的因素之一。在未来温度上升1~4 ℃的情景下, 研究了气候变暖对我国甘肃省不同气候类型区主要作物需水量的影响。结果表明, 气候变暖对不同作物需水量的影响程度不同。其中对冬小麦需水量的影响最大, 对玉米和春小麦次之。当生长期内温度上升1~4 ℃时, 冬小麦需水量将增加3.05%~12.90%, 相当于13.2~81.2 mm; 玉米需水量将增加2.49%~10.80%, 相当于9.9~60.6 mm;春小麦需水量将增加2.74%~11.69%, 相当于6.7~40.0 mm。气候变暖对作物需水量的影响存在一定地域性差异。对干旱区的作物需水量影响最大, 半干旱区次之, 其次是半湿润区, 对湿润区影响不大。根据甘肃省目前的种植结构, 据此估算, 当温度上升1~4 ℃时, 将使甘肃省冬小麦的灌溉需水量增加12.43×108 m3、13.02×108 m3、13.74×108 m3 和14.65×108 m3, 玉米的灌溉需水量增加7.94×108 m3、8.32×108 m3、8.78×108 m3 和9.30×108 m3, 春小麦的灌溉需水量增加4.97×108 m3、5.16×108 m3、5.42×108 m3 和5.76×108 m3。  相似文献   

基于海南岛主岛19个气象站点连续40a(1980-2019年)逐日气象数据及地形等要素,建立空间分析模型,综合确定海南岛绿橙种植气候适宜区指标。在气候适宜度模型基础上构建海南岛绿橙种植温度、日照、降水以及综合适宜度模型,采用地理信息系统(GIS)技术综合分析,利用自然点断法对绿橙种植气候适宜性进行精细化区划,并利用RCP4.5未来气候情景模式模拟数据探讨未来30a(2020-2049年)气候变化情景下海南岛绿橙种植适宜区变化趋势。结果表明:现阶段海南岛绿橙种植最适宜区主要分布于中部地区,面积0.87×104km2,气候适宜度为0.9~1.0;适宜区主要分布于东部局部地区及中西部大部地区,面积1.83×104km2,气候适宜度为0.7~0.9;次适宜区主要分布于西部沿海及中西部海拔较高地区,面积0.51×104km2,气候适宜度为0.4~0.7;不适宜区主要分布于中部山区,面积0.17×104km2,气候适宜度为0~0.4。未来气候变化情景下海南岛气温、降水分布呈较大变化,温度适宜区由四周向中部逐渐缩小,降水适宜区由东部逐渐迁移至中部地区。未来绿橙种植气候最适宜区主要分布于琼中、屯昌和保亭县大部分地区、万宁市西部及白沙县中东部等地。  相似文献   

积雪是干旱区水资源的重要组成部分,气候变暖引起的降水形态和积雪消融的改变势必会对流域径流过程及其组分变化产生重要的影响。选取天山北坡呼图壁河流域作为干旱区积雪补给典型流域,利用站点气象数据及IPCC CMIP5气候情景数据,驱动改进雨雪划分方案、融雪径流计算模块的VIC模型,以观测径流和MODIS积雪面积数据进行模型多目标参数优化,定量解析呼图壁河流域径流组成、变化特征及对气候变化的响应机理。结果表明:(1)呼图壁河径流呈暖季集中的单峰型分布,融雪径流、降雨径流和冰川径流分别占径流总量的27.7%,66.1%,6.2%。1978—2010年呼图壁流域在气温、降水量显著增加,降雪量变化不大,降雪占降水比例显著下降的背景下,总径流和降雨径流显著增加,融雪径流微弱增加。(2) RCP4.5情景下,预估未来呼图壁河流域气温将显著升高,降水缓慢增加,而降雪明显减少;流域总径流将缓慢增加,其中降雨径流显著增加,而融雪径流将显著减少;径流年内分配亦将改变,将表现为春季径流和峰值流量的下降,枯水期流量增加,融雪径流峰值前移。(3)春季融雪径流的占比最高,其变化直接决定着总径流的丰枯变化;预估未来融雪径流显著减少将导致3—6月灌溉期总径流减少,在现有农业生产模式下将进一步加剧灌溉用水矛盾。  相似文献   

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