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【目的】土壤原生生物是指土壤中除植物、动物和真菌以外的所有真核生物,具有明显的系统发育和功能多样性特征,是地下生态系统的关键组成部分之一。与原核生物(细菌与古菌)和真菌相比,原生生物在土壤食物网中的作用常被忽视。本文系统论述了土壤原生生物的多样性及其生态功能,并综述了土壤养分、水分、pH、温度、重金属、微塑料等因子对土壤原生生物的影响,旨在阐明原生生物对土壤养分转化、土壤食物网和植物健康的生态作用及对主要环境因子的响应。【进展】土壤原生生物的数量、大小与形态各异,且营养级类群多样性丰富,它们可作为光合藻类、微生物捕食者、植物与动物的寄生者,在土壤食物网中扮演重要角色。光合型原生生物除潜在提高土壤氧浓度外,对陆地生态系统的碳储存具有重要贡献。消费型原生生物可通过捕食改变微生物群落,推动土壤微生物环,抑制植物病害,并提高植物性能。寄生型原生生物常被认为对宿主具有负面效应,如改变动物多样性,并引起植物病害。然而,寄生型原生生物对推动养分(如磷)循环也有贡献,且对植物的叶际细菌具有生防功能。总的来看,原生生物推动了陆地生态系统物质循环与能量流动向更高营养级的转移,并在土壤食物网中占据中心位置,...  相似文献   

土壤动物主要生态特征与生态功能研究进展   总被引:28,自引:4,他引:28       下载免费PDF全文
武海涛  吕宪国  杨青  姜明 《土壤学报》2006,43(2):314-323
土壤动物是陆地生态系统重要的组成部分,是物质循环和能量流动正常运行的关键环节。近年来,土壤动物研究越来越受到人们的重视,研究主要包括土壤动物生态特征和生态功能两个方面。本文概括了土壤动物的定义和分类,阐述了土壤动物的数量、种类、分布格局及影响因素等主要生态特征,着重论述了土壤动物的分解、生态指示等功能。认为,目前土壤动物研究发展缓慢,基础研究差,生态特征研究仍处于定性与半定量水平;功能研究单一,缺少土壤动物多样性功能研究。对今后研究提出展望。本文旨在加深对土壤动物的了解,为生物多样性保护、合理开发利用土壤资源、健全生态指标和实现农业、生态可持续发展提供必要的理论支持。  相似文献   

农业土壤中汞的生物地球化学行为及其生态效应   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
综述了国内外近年来农业土壤中汞的生物地球化学行为,包括了土壤环境中汞的来源,汞的形态和生物有效性,汞在农业生态系统中的迁移和转化途径,影响汞对植物有效性的主要因子。同时讨论了汞对植物、动物生长发育的影响,特别强调了土壤中汞污染对食物中汞积累和分配的影响及通过食物链途径给人类健康带来的危害。最后提出了汞污染土壤的各种修复措施,展望了今后研究的方向。  相似文献   

土壤生态学及其发展近况   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
吴珊眉 《土壤》1991,23(4):198-201
本文论述了土壤生态学的发展简史、有关概念及其研究近况。作者认为,土壤动物、土壤微生物的作用是土壤生态系统的重要研究内容。作为生物能源的植物凋落物,动物、微生物残体Ⅱ等,经土壤中生物的作用,部分养分释放后供给植物生长。营养物质在系统中进行循环,对土壤肥力。系统生产力及系统功能产生有益的影响。  相似文献   

土壤动物与土壤健康   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
土壤动物与土壤健康息息相关,土壤动物多样性和功能能够灵敏反映人类活动和气候变化引起的土壤扰动。同时,土壤动物还通过与生物和非生物组分间的相互作用对地上生态系统产生反馈作用。当前土壤动物在土壤健康评价体系中的应用相对较少,主要集中在土壤线虫、节肢动物和蚯蚓等类群,仍缺乏基于土壤动物的系统性评价指标。因此,本文围绕土壤动物在指示土壤健康方面的潜力,系统总结了现有基于土壤动物的土壤健康评价指标,强调未来应建立和完善土壤动物基因组信息数据库,挖掘土壤动物的功能性状,加强土壤食物网结构和生态功能的研究,建立集成土壤动物物种多样性、功能性状和土壤食物网的指标体系,从而促进土壤健康和生态系统的可持续发展。  相似文献   

影响土壤微生物活性与群落结构因素研究进展   总被引:60,自引:4,他引:60  
土壤微生物在陆地生态系统中具有重要作用,是整个陆地生态系统物质循环、能量流动的推动者,与陆地生态系统地稳定性密切相关。本文就影响土壤微生物活性与群落结构因素研究进展作了综述,主要内容有:土壤理化性状对土壤微生物群落结构的影响;土壤微生物之间的相互作用,土壤动物多样性,植物多样性对土壤微生物群落结构的影响;不同的经营管理措施对土壤微生物群落结构的影响。并对今后的发展趋势作了探讨,提出深入研究土壤微生物群落结构与其在陆地生态系统中的功能关系,合理调控土壤微生物群落结构,维护整个陆地生态系统稳定的研究方向。  相似文献   

植物多样性对土壤微生物的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
生物多样性强烈地影响生态系统的过程,生态系统过程的变化可导致生物多样性衰减并因素导致生态系统功能衰退,植物种丰度和植物功能多样性对土壤细菌群落的代谢活性和代谢多样性有成正比的影响。土壤细菌的代谢活性和代谢多样性随植物种数量的对数和植物功能组的数量而直线上升,其原因可能是由植被流入土壤的物质和能量的多样性和数量的增加,也可能是由土壤动物区系起作用的土壤微生境的多样性的增加造成的,由于植物多样性的丧失所引起的植物生物量的减少对分解者群落有强烈的影响,微生物生物量将可能减少,因为在大多数陆地生态系统中,有机碳源限制着土壤微生物的活性。  相似文献   

我国土壤动物学研究概况与展望   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
本文简要介绍了我国土壤动物学研究的历史和现状,从以下六个方面介绍和讨论了今后值得注意的一些问题和可能的研究方面。1、土壤圈与其它生态系统的物质循环和能量流动。2、土壤动物群落生物多样性研究。3、植物与土壤动物的相互作用。4、土壤动物与土壤微生物的相互作用。5、土壤动物个体生态学。6、土壤动物在环境保护中的应用。  相似文献   

土壤原生生物是生活在土表凋落物和土壤中最原始、最简单的真核生物。原生生物的演化进程快,种类多样,至今尚没有统一的系统发育分类体系。种类众多的土壤原生生物拥有多样的生态功能,在控制细菌的生长繁殖和群落组成、改变土壤营养物质的循环、调控植物生长发育及土壤污染物的净化等方面发挥着重要作用。本文从形态结构、进化过程及生态功能等几个方面,对土壤原生生物的系统分类及其功能、地理分布和研究方法,及其与土壤微生物、植物之间的生态关系,对土壤环境的潜在影响等领域的研究进展进行了总结,并对土壤原生生物研究中存在的问题进行了展望。旨在深入理解土壤原生生物类群和功能的多样性及其维持机制,为深化土壤原生生物与微生物、植物间的相互关系研究提供依据,为开发新的土壤和植物病害的生物防治技术提供参考。  相似文献   

宁夏香山荒漠草原区生物多样性与环境特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
采用大样地、典型固定样地调查方法,对宁夏香山荒漠草原区生物多样性与环境特征进行了研究。结果表明,研究区所调查151种植物分属39科、95属;植物群落分布体现了山地荒漠草原的特征,多数植物群落类型分布在山地阴坡;群落多样性动态受时间、地形影响较大,在土壤属性中受土壤含水量影响较大;灌丛植被在该山地生态系统中处于重要地位,是生态功能维持的主要因素;昆虫群落符合干旱地区草地植物群落特征,大型动物的稀有也提示对该地区进行生物多样性保护日益紧迫。  相似文献   

Functional aspects of soil animal diversity in agricultural grasslands   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
There has been recent interest in the characterization of soil biodiversity and its function in agricultural grasslands. Much of the interest has come from the need to develop grassland management strategies directed at manipulating the soil biota to encourage a greater reliance on ecosystem self-regulation. This review summarises information on selected groups of soil animals in grasslands, the factors influencing their abundance, diversity and community structure and their relationships to the functioning and stability of grassland ecosystems. Observations on the impacts of agricultural managements on populations and communities of soil fauna and their interactions confirm that high input, intensively managed systems tend to promote low diversity while lower input systems conserve diversity. It is also evident that high input systems favour bacterial-pathways of decomposition, dominated by labile substrates and opportunistic, bacterial-feeding fauna. In contrast, low-input systems favour fungal-pathways with a more heterogeneous habitat and resource leading to domination by more persistent fungal-feeding fauna. In view of this, we suggest that low input grassland farming systems are optimal for increasing soil biotic diversity and hence self-regulation of ecosystem function. Research is needed to test the hypothesis that soil biodiversity is positively associated with stability, and to elucidate relationships between productivity, community integrity and functioning of soil biotic communities.  相似文献   

为了更好地服务于生物多样性监测及价值评估研究,采用自上而下逐级划分、专家集成和GIS模型定量结合的方法,依据国际上普遍遵循的生态地理区划原则,将过去研究中各区划方案和相关图件作为分区过程的辅助材料及校正材料,利用各种生态地理因子指标,包括气候指标月平均气温、年均温,与需热性有关的植物生长季积温,水分指标湿润指数及干燥度,植被指标如植被类型、植被区划类型、植物区系类型、动物区系类型等,土壤指标土壤类型、土壤有机质等,地形和地貌特征,进行了中国荒漠生态系统生物多样性生态地理分区。根据相应区划原则和指标体系,荒漠生态系统采用干湿区、自然区和类型区3级区划制。分区过程中遵循综合分析和主导因素相结合的原则,主要体现对生物多样性保育的服务,将荒漠生态系统划分为67个类型区。  相似文献   

胡靖  何贵勇  闫俊  陈晗  尹鑫  李兰平  杜国祯 《土壤学报》2016,53(6):1506-1516
不同强度、季节的放牧是草地生态系统中主要的放牧管理措施,在生物多样性维持以及生态过程发挥中起着重要的作用,然而,关于青藏高原东缘高寒草甸地区放牧对土壤线虫群落的研究甚少。本文调查了放牧(轻度、中度和重度)对植物群落、土壤理化性质和线虫群落的影响。结果表明:植物群落、土壤理化性质和线虫群落受到放牧、时间以及放牧和时间共同作用的影响;食细菌线虫、植物凋落物生物量、根生物量、土壤含水量、土壤有机碳含量在轻度放牧草地内最高(p<0.05);杂类草生物量在中度放牧草地内最高;杂食线虫数量在重度放牧地内最低(p<0.05)。植物群落和土壤特性与土壤线虫群落有明显的相关关系(p<0.05)。结构方程模型显示食草动物主要通过植物群落影响植食和食细菌线虫,进一步的研究应针对植物群落多样性以及个体特征对线虫群落的影响。  相似文献   

Edaphic fauna contributes to important ecosystem functions in grassland soils such as decomposition and nutrient mineralization. Since this functional role is likely to be altered by global change and associated shifts in plant communities, a thorough understanding of large scale drivers on below-ground processes independent of regional differences in soil type or climate is essential. We investigated the relationship between abiotic (soil properties, management practices) and biotic (plant functional group composition, vegetation characteristics, soil fauna abundance) predictors and feeding activity of soil fauna after accounting for sample year and study region. Our study was carried out over a period of two consecutive years in 92 agricultural grasslands in three regions of Germany, spanning a latitudinal gradient of more than 500 km. A structural equation model suggests that feeding activity of soil fauna as measured by the bait-lamina test was positively related to legume and grass species richness in both years. Most probably, a diverse vegetation promotes feeding activity of soil fauna via alterations of both microclimate and resource availability. Feeding activity of soil fauna also increased with earthworm biomass via a pathway over Collembola abundance. The effect of earthworms on the feeding activity in soil may be attributed to their important role as ecosystem engineers. As no additional effects of agricultural management such as fertilization, livestock density or number of cuts on bait consumption were observed, our results suggest that the positive effect of legume and grass species richness on the feeding activity in soil fauna is a general one that will not be overruled by regional differences in management or environmental conditions. We thus suggest that agri-environment schemes aiming at the protection of belowground activity and associated ecosystem functions in temperate grasslands may generally focus on maintaining plant diversity, especially with regard to the potential effects of climate change on future vegetation structure.  相似文献   

It has taken time for the international community to accept the idea of biodiversity values, a concept which had previously been restricted to the limited aesthetic and touristic aspects of wildlife. This situation changed following the International Convention on Biodiversity in Rio de Janeiro (1992), which focussed on “the forgotten environmental problem” of biodiversity erosion and made the first clear reference to the values of living species. Biodiversity values refer to direct or indirect, economic or non-economic interest, a given species or ecosystem may represent for human populations. These values are generally split into intrinsic and instrumental (use) values, the last category itself being divided into direct and indirect economic values. Obviously, each of these values carries different weights, and cannot be considered as being weighted equally in terms of justification for species or ecosystem conservation. Soil is probably one of the most species-rich habitats of terrestrial ecosystems, especially if the definition is extended to related habitats like vertebrate faeces, decaying wood, and humus of hollow trees (i.e. epiphytic soils). The diversity of soil communities (sensu lato) thus probably encompasses a large part of terrestrial animals. This highly speciose fauna has been the subject of recent research efforts, and current trends in soil fauna studies include aspects of biology, autecology, ecotoxicology, or functional ecology. During the past 20 years, recognition of the importance of soil fauna in the functioning of soils and by extension of terrestrial ecosystems has been continuously growing, ending in some important applications in agronomy. However, despite the general agreement about the ecological importance of soil fauna and its economic consequences, the absence of concern about this group from conservationists in their studies is conspicuous. This paper aims at presenting soil fauna within the scope of conservation biology concepts, trying to identify the different values of soil fauna and how they participe to the provisioning of key ecosystem services. Finally, the enormous gap between their recognised usefulness and their consideration in protection policies is discussed.  相似文献   

采用定点试验的方法,在哈尔滨市呼兰区选择典型农田生态系统进行试验,研究施用不同浓度乙草胺对农田中小型土壤动物群落组成、多样性及垂直分布的影响。本调查共获中小型土壤动物4 648只,隶属于2门4纲10目15个类群,其中甲螨亚目和中气门亚目为优势类群。研究结果表明,施用不同浓度的乙草胺对农田中小型土壤动物群落组成、多样性及垂直分布均产生一定影响。Sorenson相似性系数和Morisita-Hron相似性系数均表现为高浓度与中浓度差异高浓度与低浓度差异高浓度与对照差异,表明随乙草胺浓度的增加土壤动物的群落结构差异逐渐显著;除优势度指数外,其余多样性指数均表现为中浓度和低浓度样地与对照样地存在显著差异(P0.05),高浓度样地与对照样地间存在极显著差异(P0.001)。5月、7月和9月土壤动物的密度在0~5 cm土层中均表现为对照样地低浓度样地中浓度样地高浓度样地,而在其下部的各土层中土壤动物密度变化与乙草胺浓度变化无明显相关性。中小型土壤动物可以作为揭示施用乙草胺过程中土壤质量变化的生物学指标。其群落组成、多样性和垂直分布的变化表明,中小型土壤群落对乙草胺的不同施用浓度产生了响应,过高浓度乙草胺会对土壤生态系统产生干扰,对土壤环境造成威胁。  相似文献   

The current decline in biodiversity is particularly pronounced in the herbaceous layer of forest ecosystems. We explored the relationship between a naturally occurring plant diversity gradient in the understory vegetation of a deciduous forest and several above-and belowground ecosystem processes. We show that particularly soil microbial parameters and microarthropod densities are positively correlated with plant species richness. These results confirm recent findings in grassland ecosystems and highlight the intimate interconnectance between the diversity and functioning of above-and belowground compartments. We conclude that irrespective of a potential causal relationship between plant species richness and belowground processes, it is essential to consider the performance of soil biota in order to understand the relationship between herbaceous layer composition and ecosystem function.  相似文献   

Disturbance–diversity relationships have long been studied in ecology with a unimodal relationship as the key prediction. Although this relationship has been widely contested, it is rarely tested for soil invertebrate fauna, an important component of terrestrial biodiversity. We tested disturbance–diversity relationships for soil meso- and macrofauna in a salt marsh where periodic sea water inundation and cattle grazing occur as stressors. We hypothesized a unimodal inundation frequency–diversity relationship, whereas we expected grazing to overrule the effects of inundation frequency due to its large effects on the habitat of soil fauna. We found a negative relationship between inundation frequency and diversity at the ungrazed sites and no relationship at the grazed sites. Moreover, we found a negative relationship between community biomass and diversity for soil fauna that may have caused this negative disturbance–diversity relationship. Community biomass at the intermediate inundation frequency increased due to the dominance of Orchestia gammarellus (a macro-detritivore species), which could exploit low quality litters at the ungrazed sites. We highlight that the negative relationship between faunal community biomass and faunal diversity may influence disturbance–diversity relationships and illustrate that total biomass distribution of feeding guilds of soil fauna can improve our understanding of the soil fauna response to stressors in salt marshes.  相似文献   

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