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对杂交粳稻花优14母本机插制种中亲本行比及母本株距与制种产量的关系进行研究,结果表明:父母本栽插行比、母本栽插株距对制种产量有影响显著,在机械辅助授粉条件下,花优14母本机插制种以父母本行比2∶8、母本行株距25 cm×12 cm较为适宜。  相似文献   

为探讨杂交大豆制种最佳的父母本行比、行距配置,提高制种产量,以大豆细胞质雄性不育系JLCMS34A和恢复系JLR11为材料,于2011和2012年在吉林省洮南市进行田间试验.试验设45 cm和65 cm 2种行距,父母本1:1、1:2、1:3和1:4共4种行比,研究了8种处理对制种产量的影响,并对构成产量的主要因素进行分析.结果表明:行距45 cm的制种产量显著高于65 cm行距处理,并随着母本行数增加,制种产量显著提高;以行距45 cm、父母本行比1:4处理的制种产量(1 396.7 kg·hm-2)最高,较行距65 cm、父母本行比1:2的常规种植模式提高35.0%.在吉林省洮南地区适当缩小垄距、增加母本行数可减少单株荚数和单株粒数,增加百粒重,并显著提高制种产量.  相似文献   

【目的】探讨玉米新品种洛单668的高产制种技术,提高制种产量,降低种子成本及制种风险。[方法】通过试验,研究制种密度、播期、父母本行比、错期等对玉米新品种洛单668制种产量的影响。【结果】洛单668在西北应选择4月中旬左右开播;父母本行比以1:6制种时产量最高;播种错期以父本晚3~5d播种花期相遇最好;播种密度西北地区母本以9万株/hm。左右为宜。【结论]研究结果为玉米新品种洛单668的高产制种提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

温光型两系杂交小麦绵杂麦168制种技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为建立温光型两系杂交小麦新品种绵杂麦168的高产制种技术体系,研究了其亲本的安全播期、最佳父母本行比和不育系适宜密度.结果表明,其母本核不育系MTS-1在绵阳的安全播期为10月30日前,不育期较C49S-87延长10 d;10月25日前后父母本同期播种,花期相遇良好且制种安全;绵杂麦168制种产量受父母本行比和不育系种...  相似文献   

为了探索杂交水稻制种父母本机械移栽合适行比,以组合科S/华占为材料,设置父母本行比4∶20、4∶30机械移栽2个处理,以行比2∶10人工移栽为对照。结果表明:父母本行比4∶20机械移栽群体每公顷颖花数达172 793 880粒,父母本颖花比为1∶2.54,母本平均结实率为33.42%,实际产量为2 323.20 kg/hm2。结果显示行比4∶20符合杂交水稻制种绳索授粉方式下父母本机械移栽高产制种群体的要求。  相似文献   

新粳优1号是由母本新稻97200A和父本新恢3号杂交育成的河南省第一个纯自育的杂交粳稻品种,该品种2011年5月通过河南省品种委员会审定,产量高、米质好。为探索杂交种制种最高产量潜力,特设置了父母本不同行比试验研究,明确不同的父母本行比对制种产量的影响。结果表明,新粳优1号不同的父母本行比对制种产量影响较小,说明父母本行比大小不是制约新粳优1号制种产量的主要因素,而确保父母本盛花期才是提高产量的关键因素。  相似文献   

为获得理想的父母本行比,增加芝麻杂交种的制种产量,以芝麻隐性核雄性不育系1615A为材料,开展 了不同亲本行比与产量关系的研究。结果表明:(1)在父母本行比为1:10、2:10、3:10、4:10和5:10的试验中,在授粉 不够充分的情况下,母本(不育系)不育株表现出非正常成熟和基部无效分枝的异常植株生长形态,且非正常成熟 植株比率和基部无效分枝植株比率随着距离父本的行数增加而增加,和与父本距离呈极显著正相关,而和父本行 数的关系较小,在与父本邻近的1~3行或1~4行的不育系植株中非正常成熟植株比率和基部无效分枝植株比率均 相对较低;父本行数、与父本距离对母本的每蒴粒数和单株产量影响最为显著,父本行数和单株产量呈极显著正相 关,与父本距离和每蒴粒数、单株产量呈极显著负相关,随着与父本距离的增加而减少,在与父本邻近的1~3行或 1~4行的母本植株每蒴粒数和单株产量均相对较高。可见,芝麻父本花粉在邻近的3~4行母本植株上可以得到高 效传播,使不育系植株得到较充分的授粉。(2)在父母本行比为1:2、1:3、1:4、1:5、1:6和1:7的6个试验组合中,母本的 每蒴粒数和单株产量均表现为逐渐减少,理论产量表现为先上升后下降,在1:5时达到最高;在2:4、2:5、2:6、2:7、2:8、 2:9和2:10的7个试验组合中,母本的每蒴粒数和单株产量同样逐渐减少,理论产量也先上升后下降,在2:6时达到 最高;综合试验结果认为,芝麻隐性核不育杂交种制种的父母本行比为1:4、1:5和2:6、2:7,制种的理论产量分别为 425.54 kg/hm2、429.30 kg/hm2和473.61 kg/hm2、469.23 kg/hm2。  相似文献   

单旋翼农用无人机辅助杂交水稻制种授粉效果研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2012—2015年采用单旋翼农用无人机分别在湖南、海南、广东杂交水稻制种基地对10个杂交组合父母本大行比制种,在不同自然风速条件下辅助授粉,通过田间花粉密度观测、母本异交结实率及制种产量考查研究授粉效果。结果表明,父母本行比6∶(40~60),单旋翼农用无人机辅助授粉的结实率和产量可达到甚至高于人工辅助授粉,说明单旋翼农用无人机可用于杂交水稻制种辅助授粉,促进制种全程机械化。  相似文献   

在杂交油葵制种过程中,因气候、父母本播期、父母本行比、栽培管理等因素的影响,使制种田母本授粉不良,结实率低,制种产量与质量难以提高。因此,在对亲本适应性、生育期等特征特性详细观察的基础上,针对油葵制种田不利于母本授粉的具体情况,采取相应的措施,协调好父母本花期,保证父母本花期正常相遇,使母本充分接受父本的花粉,利于提高母本的结实率,进而提高制种产量和质量。  相似文献   

湘杂油1号制种父母本不同行比与产量的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了明确湘杂油1号制种时父母本适宜行比,为大面积制种提供技术方案,于2002年在张家界进行了父母本不同行比制种的比较试验。试验共设1:1,1:2,1:3,1:4,1:5等5个父母本行比,结果表明:(1)行比小的单株产量高,而群体产量低,行比大的单株产量低,而群体产量高,其中以1:4的群体产量居第1位,为912.4kg/hm^2;(2)距父本距离近的母本行全株有效角果数多,距离父本行远的母本行全株有效角果数减少,每角实粒数减少,千粒重升高。采用1:4的行比,可保证制种产量。  相似文献   

对寒地水稻穗数型品种空育131和穗重型品种龙粳26号进行栽培密度试验,结果表明,穗数型品种行距30 cm比24 cm产量高,以行距30 cm、穴距13.3 cm产量最高。穗重型品种行距24 cm比30 cm产量高,以行距24 cm、穴距13.3 cm产量最高。  相似文献   

本研究以马铃薯极早熟品种“东农303”脱毒种薯为试验材料,将种薯分成(20±5)g和(30±5)g两组,分别按5个密度进行种植(行距均为70cm,株距分别为12.5、15.0、17.5、20,0和22.5cm).试验结果表明,在哈尔滨的自然条件下,马铃薯块茎产量和单位面积块茎数目随着种植密度的增大而增加,单个块茎重量则随着密度的增加而减少.大种薯(30±5)g播种可以获得较高的块茎产量.在本试验中,种薯重量为(30±5)g、株12.5和15.0cm时,获得了较高的块茎产量和较多的块茎数.通过对植株地上部鲜重和叶面积指数变化的分析,表明高密度群体具有发育快、生长旺盛的特点。  相似文献   

Summary Experiments carried out on seed size and spacing forRecord potatoes in 76 cm rows showed that, for all seed sizes chosen, increasing seed population above 29640 tubers/ha gave only small increases in both total and ware yield. A further series on row widths indicated that row widths can differ quite considerably without giving any consistent differences in ware yield.  相似文献   

Summary Yield comparisons were made at three stages of maturity between half and whole tubers ofUlster Prince planted equidistant triangularly (row width 33 cm), and whole tubers planted at twice that row width at the same seed rates which averaged 4.5 and 9.0 tonne/ha. At the same seed rate narrow rows gave no increase in total yield at the first lift, but about 1.3 tonne/ha more at lifts made 10 and 20 days later. The higher seed rate outyielded the lower by about 4.0, 6.0 and 7.5 tonne/ha in total yield for the three lifts respectively. In yield of tubers under 32 mm, there was a large response to increased seed rate and a small response to reduced row width. Single experiments withUlster Premier andArran Pilot, showed responses which differed in some respects from those ofUlster Prince.  相似文献   

Summary Small seed tubers of 1–5 g, 5–10 g and 10–20 g were planted at the same sprout densities as standard size seed tubers of 40–60 g in order to give similar stem densities. Early ground cover by foliage, total yield, and yield of tubers >45 mm were consistently greater in plots planted with larger seed tubers. The effect of seed tuber size on yield and tuber number per stem varied between years but 1–5 g seed tubers always gave lower yields per stem than larger seed tubers. Reducing the spacing between rows from 90 cm to 60 cm and maintaining the same sprout density was more effective in increasing yields from small seed tubers than increasing sprout density from 20 to 40 sprouts per m2 by reducing plant spacing within the row.  相似文献   

Planting three rows of potatoes in a bed the width of two conventional rows offers an easily managed way to increase seed piece populations, with the potential of increasing tuber yield and enhancing tuber quality. A wide bed production system (3 rows of potatoes planted on a 1.9 m flat-topped raised bed) was compared to a conventional-ridged system (1 row of potatoes in sharply sloped ridges on 96 cm centers) in 1996 and 1997 on a Norfolk sandy loam soil and a Portsmouth fine sandy loam soil in eastern North Carolina. Potato plant stands, leaf area index at approximately 9 WAP, yield, and quality were measured. Soil temperature, soil moisture, and cone index, as a measure of soil penetration resistance, were also measured, wide beds were more moist than conventional ridges early in the season. Cone index was greater throughout the root profile in wide beds in two of three tests. The row on the west side of an individual wide bed was most similar to conventional ridges in daily soil temperature fluctuations between minimum and maximum temperatures, and had greater fluctuations than the middle and eastern rows of the wide bed. Total yield and yield of grade A potatoes were not significantly different between wide beds and conventional ridges at either site. At one site, yield of grade B potatoes was significantly less in the wide bed; among the three rows in the wide bed, the eastern row had significantly lower yield of grade B potatoes. Conventional ridges had a higher percent of green grade A potatoes than the wide beds in one of three trials. Under North Carolina conditions, changing production systems would be unadvisable for most growers because wide beds do not increase yield enough to justify spending the money for more seed and to change equipment.  相似文献   

利用40对SSR核心引物和MaizeSNP3072芯片对京科968雄性不育及常规制种的母本和杂交种进行遗传背景分析发现,雄性不育制种母本不育系S京724与常规制种母本京724之间、雄性不育制种京科968(S京科968)与常规制种京科968(N京科968)之间均未检测到差异位点。结果表明,S京724与京724在株高等农艺性状、单穗粒重等产量性状上的表现均无显著性差异。经花粉I_2-KI染色鉴定,S京科968花粉表现约50%可染、50%败育,与S型细胞质的恢复型F_1代植株花粉育性吻合。多点鉴定结果表明,S京科968与N京科968在株高、穗位高、雄穗分枝数、雄穗主轴长等农艺性状和穗长、穗粗、穗行数、行粒数、单穗粒重、容重等产量性状上的表现均无显著性差异。结果证明,利用S型细胞质雄性不育系进行京科968三系配套杂交种制种是切实可行的。  相似文献   

The hill to hill variation in tuber yield and mainstem number was studied on 18 potato farms. There were up to 14-fold differences in the tuber yield per hill among plants of Norland, Russet Burbank, Norchip, Carlton and Alaska Red. The mainstem number was more variable than tuber weight per hill in Norland, Russet Burbank and Alaska Red. However, the opposite was true in Norchip and Carlton. In nearly all comparisons, the number of tubers per hill was less variable than tuber weight and mainstem number per hill. The total variation in tuber weight found in about 50% of the samples could be explained by the variance of hills within rows. Even in samples where an added variance component due to differences among rows was present, relatively more variation occurred within than among rows. The correlation coefficients between the number of mainstems and tuber weight per hill were positive but significant (P&< 0.05) only in Norland and Norchip. The correlation coefficients between the number of mainstems and number of tubers per hill were also positive but slightly higher and significant (P<0.01) in all 5 cultivars. The coefficient of determination values indicated that variation in cut seed piece weight explained only about 10% of the total variation in tuber weight harvested per hill. At a spacing of 30 cm within the row, a major proportion of hill to hill variation in tuber yield had to be explained by factors other than the seed piece weight.  相似文献   

密度和钾肥对马铃薯品种东农306产量的影响   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
以特用型马铃薯品种"东农306"为材料,在2003~2004年进行了种植密度与钾肥用量对产量的影响试验。结果表明,该品种在不同种植密度与钾肥用量下单株产量差异显著,在本试验中以行距70 cm和株距30 cm的密度、硫酸钾用量150 kg·hm~(-2)最适合该品种的个体生长,能获得较高的单株产量和商品薯产量;行距70 cm和株距20 cm的密度、硫酸钾用量75 kg·hm~(-2)最适合该品种的群体生长,能获得较高的群体产量和商品薯产量。  相似文献   

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