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轮胎胎压和车速对无悬架拖拉机横向乘坐振动特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为研究轮胎胎压和行驶速度对驾驶员横向乘坐振动特性的影响,该文以两轮驱动式无悬架国产拖拉机为研究对象,建立无悬架拖拉机横向-垂向平面三自由度模型,通过仿真和试验相结合,分别获取不同轮胎胎压和行驶速度下拖拉机座椅处横向加速度功率谱密度、横向加速度均方值以及总加权加速度均方根值,并分析各自的影响规律.结果表明:拖拉机座椅处横向固有频率试验值与理论计算值的最大相对误差为4.67%,座椅处横向加速度均方根试验值随后轮胎胎压和速度的变化规律与仿真是一致的,且试验值比仿真值要小,其相对误差最大值为5.26%,误差均在可接受范围内,表明建立的理论和仿真模型是可行的;前轮胎压的变化对两轮驱动式拖拉机乘坐横向振动特性的影响不大;当轮胎胎压不变时,试验获取的拖拉机座椅处总加权加速度均方根值随行驶速度的增大而增大;当行驶速度不变时,总加权加速度均方根值随后轮胎压的增大而波浪式增大.该研究为拖拉机多维减振悬架系统的设计提供参考.  相似文献   

轮式和履带式车辆行走对农田土壤的压实作用分析   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
由履带式行走机构代替轮胎被认为是减缓大型农业车辆对土壤压实的有效手段之一。与轮胎相比,履带具有更大的接地面积,能够有效减小车辆对土壤的平均压力。然而履带与土壤接触面间的应力分布极不均匀,应力主要集中在各承重轮下方,履带减缓土壤压实的能力是目前有待研究的问题。该研究通过在土壤内埋设压力传感器,测试比较了相近载质量的轮胎和履带式车辆作用下,0.15和0.35 m深度土壤内的最大垂直及水平应力,同时研究了车辆行驶速度对土壤内垂直及水平应力大小的影响。基于土壤压实分析模型计算了轮胎和履带压实的0.1~0.7m深度土壤内的最大垂直及水平应力分布。通过对0.15和0.35 m深度的土样进行室内测试,比较了轮胎和履带式车辆压实对土壤透气率、先期固结压力及干容重大小的影响。结果表明,履带相比较于轮胎,能够减小土壤内的垂直及水平应力,但垂直应力的减小量比水平应力大;轮胎对0.15和0.35m深度土壤作用的平均最大垂直应力分别约为履带的2.2及2.0倍,而平均最大水平应力仅分别约为履带的1.2及1.1倍。轮胎作用下的最大垂直及水平应力在表层土壤内明显大于履带,但两者的应力差值随着土壤深度的增加逐渐减小,分别在0.7和0.4 m深度时无明显差别。轮胎和履带压实作用下,0.15和0.35 m深度土壤内的垂直及水平应力均随车辆行驶速度的增加而减小,履带作用下的应力减小速度大于轮胎。履带作用下0.15和0.35 m深度内土壤的透气率均明显小于轮胎,但土壤的先期固结压力及干容重无显著区别。研究结果为可为农业车辆行走机构的选择及使用提供参考。  相似文献   

履带式行走机构压实作用下土壤应力分布均匀性分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
履带式行走机构因具有较小的接地压力而被逐渐应用在大型农业车辆上,以减小对土壤的压实。然而由于履带下应力分布的不均匀,导致农业车辆对土壤的最大应力并未有效减小,对土壤较长的压力作用时间反而增加了土壤被压实的风险。应力分布的不均匀还会造成履带沉陷量的增大,降低车辆在软土地面的通过性能。为了研究履带式行走机构压实作用下土壤内的应力分布规律以及如何提高应力分布的均匀性,以缓解履带车辆对土壤压实作用、提高履带车辆软地通过能力,该文采用侧断面水平钻孔埋设压力传感器的方法,测得了履带式行走机构压实作用下履带中心线横截面内0.35 m深度土壤内沿履带长度方向上的垂直及水平应力分布;同时研究了履带张紧力大小对应力分布均匀性的影响。结果表明,履带式行走机构下的垂直应力在各负重轮的轴线处呈现一个应力峰值;水平应力在各负重轮轴线的前、后方分别呈现一个应力峰值,且最小应力在轴线处。各负重轮下的应力峰值大小不同。最大垂直应力出现在履带式行走机构后端的导向轮处;最大水平应力出现在后支重轮与导向轮之间。适当减小履带张紧力能够提高垂直及水平应力分布的均匀性。履带张紧力由1.8×10~4k Pa减小至1.6×10~4k Pa时,履带下的最大垂直及水平应力分别减小了约37.3%和21.7%;平均最大垂直及水平应力分别减小了约26.4%和20.4%。研究结果可为履带式行走机构结构的优化提供理论依据,以期提高履带下应力分布的均匀性。  相似文献   

大中小型拖拉机压实对土壤坚实度和大豆产量的影响   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
探讨农业机械压实对土壤坚实度和产量的影响规律,对改善作物生产环境、促进农业机械化向质量型转变具有重要意义。以东北典型黑土区耕地土壤为研究对象,依照随机区组试验原理,选择大、中、小3种型号拖拉机进行6种压实处理,同型拖拉机相同压实次数试验重复3次,采用PV6.08型贯穿阻力仪测量压实轮辙截面土壤坚实度。试验结果表明:土壤坚实度随压实次数增加而逐渐递增,3种拖拉机压实测试截面浅层均出现明显压实核,且压实核内土壤坚实度随压实次数增加而逐渐增大,CASE-210型拖拉机压实对表层土壤坚实度影响程度和范围最大,压实12次时压实核处土壤坚实度达4.0 MPa,JD-280型拖拉机对深层土壤压实影响程度和范围最大,在65~80 cm的土壤深层坚实度的峰值达3.2 MPa;拖拉机压实均导致大豆产量降低,CASE-210、JD-904和JD-280拖拉机压实12次时大豆产量分别降低了21.24%、18.15%和12.38%。  相似文献   

载荷和胎压对轮胎包容特性的影响   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
以弹性滚子接触模型为基础,通过不同载荷与不同胎压下的有效路形仿真,从理论上分析了轮胎载荷和胎压对轮胎包容特性的影响。  相似文献   

土壤压实对土壤物理性质及小麦氮磷钾吸收的影响   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:7  
为了研究土壤压实对土壤物理性质以及小麦养分吸收情况的影响,在2006和2007年进行了两轮田间试验.试验中,先用旋耕机对田块进行旋耕,耕深10cm,然后使用手扶式、轮式、履带式拖拉机在旋耕后的田块中通过1次(T1)、2次(T2)、4次(T3)以对土壤进行压实处理,对照组(T4)不作任何压实处理.压实处理后再次对土壤表层进行浅旋耕,耕深5 cm,耕后用播种机进行小麦播种,小麦品种为南京-601.试验结果发现,次表层土壤的压实处理显著影响次表层土壤的容重,孔隙度,小麦蛋白质含量以及植物中N、P、K的含量.除次表层的土壤容重在T3组中最大,T4组中最小外,其他参数值在T4组中最大,T3组中最小.并且,随着次表层土壤压实程度的增加,几乎所有的参数(土壤容重除外)都有所减少.不过,与第一年相比,参数值在第二年略有增加.总之,土壤压实严重破坏土壤结构,不利于小麦对养分的吸收.  相似文献   

固定道保护性耕作限制了机具对土壤的普遍性压实,提高了拖拉机牵引性能,降低了能耗。在北京郊区青云店镇试验区,设置固定道及非固定道保护性耕作对照区。通过播种机开沟器阻力正交试验及牵引阻力测试试验,研究固定道保护性耕作对播种、深松作业的牵引力及油耗的影响。试验表明:在0.05的置信水平下,对比作业速度、深度租土壤坚实度因素,土壤坚实度因素因田间分布均匀性较低,对开沟阻力波动影响最为显著;非固定道保护性耕作因轮胎压实,破坏了表层土壤均匀性,造成作业负荷变动大,加剧燃油消耗;相对于非固定道保护性耕作,按华北小麦-玉米一年两熟地区两年一深松模式估算,固定道保护性耕作仅播种、深松两项作业一年每公顷节省15.7L柴油;固定道保护性耕作因减少了压实面积,从而可以提高拖拉机田间作业的牵引性能,减小机具的作业阻力,降低燃油消耗,达到减少压实、节约能耗的作用。  相似文献   

小型拖拉机土壤压实的有限元预测   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2  
农业土壤的基本特征是松软和经常处于非饱和状态,土壤体积密度与含水率既是主要参数又是影响压实的重要因素,且在不断地变化。为了进行有效田间土壤压实管理,根据具体土壤特性,采用一个二维的模型,用有限元方法进行土壤压实预测。模型考虑了应力路径、初始土壤体积密度和含水率等,将土壤体积密度视为平均主应力和最大自然剪切应变的非线性函数,可预测小型拖拉机在非饱和土壤上通过时引起土壤体积密度的变化及应力分布情况等。在华北轻壤土的试验证明,模型具有良好的拟合效果。  相似文献   

煤矿区复垦土壤压实时空变异特征   总被引:14,自引:6,他引:8  
为了揭示煤矿区复垦土壤压实状况的时空变异规律,该文以未塌陷土地为对照,通过实地测定,分析5个复垦年限水平和垂直方面的土壤压实度变异特征。结果表明:复垦土壤表层压实度以复垦1 a(正在复垦)的最大,达到 2050 kPa,随着复垦年限增加逐渐减少,复垦5 a的最小(50 kPa),基本达到未塌陷土地的压实度。表层土壤压实度空间变异最大的是复垦5 a的土地(变异系数为68.40%),其次是未塌陷土地(52.58%),最小的是正在复垦的土地 (22.01%)。从各层的变异情况看,正在复垦的土地各个层次土壤压实度都较大且变异系数较低,其他复垦年限土壤压实度上面3层较小但变异大,至第4层(22.86~30.48 cm)达到较高值,且变异较小,之下压实度基本稳定。  相似文献   

振动压路机用于不同土壤地面的平顺性评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
实际工况中振动压路机车轮会在各种土壤地面上作业和行驶,为了评价振动式压路机在不同土壤路面上的行驶平顺性,该文针对车轮―不同土壤地面的接触分析,建立了某单钢轮振动压路机非线性动力学模型;描述了振动轮在弹塑性土壤下压实对前车架产生垂直激励力.基于Adam D和Kopf F的弹塑性土壤模型,建立了振动轮在作业时的三自由度振动模型;采用软性土壤地面的Bekker假设,建立了轮胎―变形土壤地面接触模型.对建立的非线性动力学模型进行了仿真,并根据ISO2631-1:1997(E)标准分析与评价了不同路况、工况和速度对驾驶员乘坐舒适性的影响.结果表明,刚性路面不平度等级对振动压路机行驶平顺性有较大影响,路面等级越差,驾驶员的主观感觉越不舒适;路面的变形对驾驶室水平晃动有较大影响,土壤路面越软,驾驶室晃动越大;弹塑性土壤对振动压路机的影响表现在低频工况压实时,车辆平顺性比较差.该研究可为振动式压路机的平顺性设计提供参考.  相似文献   

安全轮胎零压力学特性是提升轮胎续驶性能、实现车辆爆胎稳定性控制的基础。为研究内支撑安全轮胎的零压力学特性,通过零压工况负荷特性、侧向力学特性及接地特性试验,研究了不同负荷作用下内支撑安全轮胎的径向刚度、侧向刚度及接地特征参数的变化规律,并与额定胎压工况进行了对比。研究表明内支撑安全轮胎失压后,径向刚度表现为分段近似线性,在负荷小于负荷6 000 N时,其平均径向刚度较额定胎压工况降低了84.76%,在负荷大于拐点负荷时,其平均径向刚度较额定胎压工况增加283.34%;内支撑安全轮胎在无明显侧滑区侧向力与侧向位移近似为线性,零压侧向刚度较额定胎压工况增大9.92%,最大侧向附着力降低24.41%;当负荷达到一定数值时接地印痕面积基本保持不变,在胎肩和胎冠中心区域出现应力集中现象,胎面翘曲严重,接地压力分布均匀性变差。研究结果为掌握零压工况下内支撑安全轮胎的力学特性,进行车辆爆胎稳定性控制提供理论基础和参考。  相似文献   

The relative importance of wheel load and tyre inflation pressure on topsoil and subsoil stresses has long been disputed in soil compaction research. The objectives of the experiment presented here were to (1) measure maximum soil stresses and stress distribution in the topsoil for different wheel loads at the same recommended tyre inflation pressure; (2) measure soil stresses at different inflation pressures for the given wheel loads; and (3) measure subsoil stresses and compare measured and simulated values. Measurements were made with the wheel loads 11, 15 and 33 kN at inflation pressures of 70, 100 and 150 kPa. Topsoil stresses were measured at 10 cm depth with five stress sensors installed in disturbed soil, perpendicular to driving direction. Contact area was measured on a hard surface. Subsoil stresses were measured at 30, 50 and 70 cm depth with sensors installed in undisturbed soil. The mean ground contact pressure could be approximated by the tyre inflation pressure (only) when the recommended inflation pressure was used. The maximum stress at 10 cm depth was considerably higher than the inflation pressure (39% on average) and also increased with increasing wheel load. While tyre inflation pressure had a large influence on soil stresses measured at 10 cm depth, it had very little influence in the subsoil (30 cm and deeper). In contrast, wheel load had a very large influence on subsoil stresses. Measured and simulated values agreed reasonably well in terms of relative differences between treatments, but the effect of inflation pressure on subsoil stresses was overestimated in the simulations. To reduce soil stresses exerted by tyres in agriculture, the results show the need to further study the distribution of stresses under tyres. For calculation of subsoil stresses, further validations of commonly used models for stress propagation are needed.  相似文献   

The use of heavy machinery is increasing in agriculture, which induces increased risks of subsoil compaction. Hence, there is a need for technical solutions that reduce the compaction risk at high total machine loads. Three field experiments were performed in order to study the effects of dual wheels, tandem wheels and tyre inflation pressure on stress propagation in soil. Vertical soil stress was measured at three different depths by installing probes into the soil horizontally from a dug pit. In one experiment, also the stress distribution below the tyre was measured. Beneath the dual wheels, vertical stresses at 0.15 and 0.3 m depth were lower between the two wheels than under the centre of each wheel, despite the gap between the wheels being small (0.1 m). At 0.5 m depth, vertical stress beneath the wheels was the same as between the two wheels. The stress interaction from the two wheels was weak, even in the subsoil. Accordingly, measured stresses at 0.3, 0.5 and 0.7 m depth were highest under the centre of each axle centre line of tandem wheels, and much lower between the axles. For a wheel load of 86 kN, tyre inflation pressure significantly affected stress at 0.3 m depth, but not at greater depths. Stress directly below the tyre, measured at 0.1 m depth, was unevenly distributed, both in driving direction and perpendicular to driving direction, and maximum stress was considerably higher than tyre inflation pressure. Calculations of vertical stress based on Boussinesq's equation for elastic materials agreed well with measurements. A parabolic or linear contact stress distribution (stress declines from the centre to the edge of the contact area) was a better approximation of the contact stress than a uniform stress distribution. The results demonstrate that stress in the soil at different depths is a function of the stress on the surface and the contact area, which in turn are functions of wheel load, wheel arrangement, tyre inflation pressure, contact stress distribution and soil conditions. Soil stress and soil compaction are a function of neither axle load nor total vehicle load. This is of great importance for practical purposes. Reducing wheel load, e.g. by using dual or tandem wheels, also allows tyre inflation pressure to be reduced. This reduces the risk of subsoil compaction.  相似文献   

农具质量对拖拉机悬挂农具系统振动特性的影响   总被引:10,自引:8,他引:2  
为研究不同悬挂农具质量对拖拉机+悬挂农具系统振动特性的影响,该文以常发CF700型拖拉机(常发集团)为研究对象,用仿真和试验相结合的方法,建立了拖拉机+悬挂农具系统振动微分方程和仿真模型,仿真研究了拖拉机悬挂不同质量农具时拖拉机+悬挂农具系统振动特性,得到悬挂农具质量对拖拉机+悬挂农具系统垂向振动固有频率,俯仰振动固有频率,座椅安装处垂向振动加速度,俯仰振动角加速度,前、后轮动载系数的影响规律。研究结果表明,当悬挂农具质量从0增大到1 000 kg时,拖拉机+悬挂农具系统垂向振动固有频率从3.42逐渐减小到2.74 Hz,俯仰振动固有频率从3.07逐渐减小到1.78 Hz;当行驶速度相同时,座椅安装处垂向振动加速度和俯仰振动角加速度随悬挂农具质量的增大而减小,垂向振动加速度从2.73减小到1.02 m/s2,俯仰振动角加速度从2.56减小到0.82 rad/s2;前轮动载系数从0.09增大到0.33,随悬挂农具质量的增大而增大;速度较低时,后轮动载系数从0.06减小到0.03,随农具质量的增大略有减小,速度较高时,后轮动载系数随农具质量的增大逐渐增大,从0.06增大到0.17。该研究为拖拉机减振系统的设计提供了重要参考。  相似文献   

Regression analysis of some factors influencing soil compaction   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Experiments were conducted in a laboratory soil bin, at the Regional Research Center of Asian Institute of Technology, to develop compaction models for a silty clay loam soil. The development of the models made use of dimensional analysis techniques. Three independent parameters were investigated: (1) tire variables (section width, diameter, inflation pressure), (2) soil variables (moisture content, initial cone index), and (3) external variables (travel speed, axle load, number of passes). Bulk density and cone index were considered as dependent variables. Results showed that axle load and number of tire passes were the most prominent factors which greatly influence soil compaction. Furthermore, soil moisture content, aspect ratio, and tire inflation pressure also revealed significant effects. The greatest soil compaction occurred during the first three passes of the tire. Soil compaction models were established and were found to provide good predictions. The trend established by the models signifies that general relationships can be established to predict soil compaction related to soil types. Furthermore, the models provided predictions at different soil and machine working conditions. Using the models, assessment of soil compaction can be made to develop a decision support system to establish useful recommendations for appropriate soil management practices and solutions to site-specific soil compaction problems.  相似文献   

This study was in an olive (Olea europea L.) grove in the Vélez Blanco District of Almería, Spain, where the soil is a typical Aridisol. The aim was to evaluate subsoil compaction caused by three different tractors currently used in olive groves. Measurements were made of (i) the cone index (CI), (ii) hydraulic conductivity (HC) and (iii) rut depth after passage of a light tractor (LT = 22.50 kN), a heavy tractor (HT = 42.60 kN) and a medium tractor (MT = 33.30 kN). The CI differed for the topsoil (0–200 mm) for each type of tractor after up to five passes. In this depth soil level, the CI was greatest for LT because the ground pressure (by narrow tyres) was greater than under the MT and HT. For deeper layers, there was a strong positive relationship between number of tractor passes and CI values, and the CI was greater for passes by the HT than the LT or MT. The HT resulted in shallower ruts up to the fifth pass, and the CI values were smaller because there was less ground pressure from this tractor than the others. In all treatments, tractor traffic caused varying decreases in HC in the 0–600 mm depth range. The main conclusion is that subsoil compaction is related directly to tractor weight. For the three tractors, topsoil compaction is caused by ground pressure and not on total axle load.  相似文献   

轮式拖拉机振动系统横向固有频率理论建模及验证   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
为了进一步研究拖拉机的振动特性,对拖拉机振动系统的横向固有频率进行研究,建立了无悬架拖拉机横向和侧倾2自由度振动模型,推导出拖拉机横向固有频率的理论计算公式。以江苏常发集团CF700型拖拉机为研究对象,用理论与试验相结合的方法进行了试验验证,试验分别在5、9、11、13和15 km/h的行驶速度下测得拖拉机的横向固有频率,并与其相应的横向固有频率理论计算值进行比较。结果表明,理论计算值与试验值最大相对误差为1.11%,验证了横向固有频率理论计算公式的准确性,该研究为拖拉机座椅横向减振系统的设计提供了重要参考。  相似文献   

为了考察不平路面激励对挂接车辆纵向平顺性的影响,构造了一种能同时反映不平路面对车辆的垂直与纵向激励状况的随机接地印迹轮胎模型,建立了其相应的车辆动力学模型,并在确定性函数路面激励状况下对该模型进行了时域仿真,分析了其对挂接车辆牵引架动态纵向力的影响。仿真分析结果与试验结果相吻合。  相似文献   

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