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本文介绍了我国动植物检疫法制化历程的三个不同历史阶段及各阶段立法情况,对法律法规的功效进行了评估。评估认为我国进境非食用动物产品法制化建设起步较早,具备较为完善的法律法规体系;今后工作应重点在疫病监测、新检疫技术研发、检疫处理和风险预警等方面加强法规建设。  相似文献   

日本是目前世界上最大的农产品进口国之一,不仅国内动物卫生体系完善,而且高度重视进境动物及产品检疫工作。日本建立了以《家畜传染病预防法》为主的动物防疫法律法规体系,建立并应用了进口动物及产品风险分析、检疫准入、检疫监管等制度。本文概述了日本进境动物及其产品基本情况、检疫监管相关法律法规和检疫监管体系等内容,并基于此对比了中日两国进境动物检疫制度的区别,最终借鉴日本进境动物监管制度,提出了围绕“正面清单”发布禁令和解禁令,科学设定隔离检疫期限,强化海关部门与农业农村部门合作的建议,为我国进境动物检疫监管工作提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

基于特殊的地理环境和畜牧产业的优势发展地位,澳大利亚对进境动物疫病检疫性防控高度重视,构建了以《生物安全法》《进口食品管制法》为主要法律,以系列动物卫生制度为支撑的澳大利亚进境动物检疫法治体系,建立并应用了进口生物风险分析、动物福利政策、进口安全条件管理系统、可追溯体系、进境动物许可等制度。本文创新性的阐述了澳大利亚进口陆生动物检疫法治体系建设情况和实施状况,分析了其科学、严格的进境动物管控措施,通过入境申报、口岸检疫、隔离检疫,合格放行等流程监管,以保障生态安全和动物健康。上述内容提示我国应对澳大利亚完善的动物检疫法治体系,严格的风险分析和准入许可,先进的BICON系统应用,有效的可追溯和良好的信息沟通等进行借鉴学习,以期为建立具有中国特色的进境陆生动物检疫法治体系提供信息支持。  相似文献   

各国建设动物标识溯源系统的做法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
现阶段,准确和及时的产品和行为溯源正成为农业、食品行业一个重要的质量控制手段.尤其是在畜牧兽医行业.动物标识溯源被广泛应用于动物疫病防治监控、肉类检疫、畜禽饲养管理等各个领域。本文着重介绍美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰及欧盟等国家和地区在动物标识溯源系统建设方面的一些做法。供我国的动物标识溯源管理部门及从业者参考.  相似文献   

随着国民经济的不断发展,畜牧业也呈现快速发展的态势。要加快我国的畜牧业的发展,不仅要改良养殖品种,还要创新养殖方式及不断地完善动物检疫工作。本文对我国动物检疫的现状做如下分析。1动物产品检疫率低——健全动物检疫工作体系现阶段,根据动物产品检疫工作的现状来看,我国动物检疫点的建设已逐渐覆盖全国,动物产品检疫工作正在逐渐向农村地区进行更大范围地扩展,这说明我国动物产品检疫的强度加大,检疫大数据的精准度在进一步提高。虽然当前我国的动物检疫工作体系比较完善,但由于我国普遍应用动物分散养殖模式,造成了动物产品种类的多样化,加大了动物养殖的周期和数量的差别,给动物检疫工作带来了一定的困难,大大降低了动物产品的检疫率,无法保证检疫质量。  相似文献   

芬兰作为欧盟的成员国,在动物福利、动物疫病的检测、预防控制暴发动物疫病时的应急处理、农兽残的控制等方面均具有完善的相应法规制度体系和农兽药残的监控体系,具有健全的动物防疫检疫机构和专业的兽医卫生队伍。在猪病发生方面,目前无我国进境动物一类传染病名录和OIE(世界动物卫生组织)的A类疾病的发生。对芬兰猪肉食品安全体系进行剖析,对进一步推进我国动物疫病疫情监控体系、农兽药残监控体系及动物检验检疫法规制度体系等方面的建设具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

<正>乡镇动物卫生监督分所作为畜牧兽医体系的基层组织,承担日常动物及动物产品的产地检疫、动物卫生监督执法、动物产品安全监督管理等工作。如何合理建设乡镇动物卫生监督分所,对搞好动物产地检疫等工作十分重要。1队伍建设1.1根据《动物防疫法》和《动物检疫管理办法》等法律法规的规定,乡镇分所的动物卫生执法监管人员必须是经过登记的官方兽医。乡镇动物卫生监督分所要加强对辖区内官方兽医和协检员的管理,建  相似文献   

《关于海关联盟内采取兽医卫生检疫措施的规定》(海关联盟317号决议)是欧亚经济联盟关境内及联盟边境实施动物及动物产品检验检疫的主要法律依据。该决议中的一系列法规自2010年生效以来,历经多次修订。为更好地了解欧亚经济联盟进出境动物检疫制度,促进我国与联盟国家相关产品贸易开展,以海关联盟317号决议为依据,从进出境动物检疫对象、兽医检疫程序、联合检查和抽样、检疫要求、官方兽医检疫证书等方面,对欧亚经济联盟主要法律法规进行概述,并与我国进出境动植物检疫法进行比较,继而借鉴欧亚经济联盟先进做法,在区域化互认机制、统一检疫要求等方面,提出完善我国进出境动物检疫工作的建议。  相似文献   

芬兰作为欧盟的成员国,在动物福利、动物疫病的检测、预防控制、暴发动物疫病时的应急处理、农兽残的控制等方面均具有完善的相应法规制度体系和农兽药残的监控体系,具有健全的动物防疫检疫机构和专业的兽医卫生队伍。笔者对芬兰兽医管理体制进行剖析研究,希望能对进一步推进我国兽医管理体制及动物检验检疫制度体系建设有所借鉴。  相似文献   

本文通过对甘肃省甘谷县动物性食品卫生监督实施的产地检疫、运输检疫、屠宰检疫、畜产品检疫、奶牛“两病”检疫、兽药、饲料监察、畜产品质量安全抽检、案件处理与证章颁发等现状进行分析,提出了实施无公害农产品产地认定与产品认证、动物标识及疫病可追溯体系建设,全面开展动物产地检疫,加强畜产品质量安全监管,进一步加大“两员”培训和执业兽医培训,加大法律法规的宣传力度等提高动物性食品安全的措施。  相似文献   

Timely reporting of animal diseases is fundamental to the detection of emerging threats, rapid and effective outbreak response, and ultimately the health of both animals and humans. In the United States, each state has the authority to regulate reporting of diseases. While past research has reviewed reportable human diseases, the research on reportable animal diseases has assessed only veterinarian knowledge and understanding of law rather than identifying the actual statutes and regulation that exists. Therefore, this article reviewed the statutes, regulations, and online reportable animal disease lists from the 50 states and District of Columbia to describe the legal landscape of animal disease reporting. The findings suggest wide variation in state animal disease reporting requirements. Three hundred and forty distinct diseases, agents, and categories were identified, with only 15 diseases being listed by 40 or more states. States typically require reporting of animal diseases within 48 h. Substantial consideration needs to be given to the implications of these variations for rapid and effective animal and zoonotic disease detection and reporting in the United States, particularly in light of One Health initiatives and international obligations.  相似文献   

The set of animal health conditions under which ratites have been imported into New Zealand from Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom includes the provision that tracheal/ choanal and conjunctival swabs should be examined for the presence of mycoplasmas by culture, and that imported birds should be negative prior to export, and in post-arrival quarantine. Mycoplasma isolates of various species have been recovered from a number of groups of imported ostriches, both in pre-export isolation and in post-arrival quarantine.  相似文献   

我国畜牧养殖产业迅猛向前发展,养殖规模扩大的同时,各种养殖安全问题凸显,瘦肉精、毒奶粉等事件频繁爆发,使食品安全问题备受社会大众关注。猪肉作为人们日常餐桌上的蛋白质来源,品质和质量会对消费者的身心健康产生严重威胁。为更好地贯彻动物防疫法规和生猪屠宰检疫管理条例,确保消费者吃上放心肉,需要严格按照国家相关规定要求开展生猪屠宰检疫,并按照程序对确诊带病的猪肉制品进行严格的无害化处置,避免带病动物上市销售威胁消费者身心健康。该文论述猪屠宰检疫方法和带病猪肉组织的处置措施。  相似文献   

做好动物检疫工作,不仅可促进当地家畜及畜产品的流通和贸易,提高畜牧业的经济效益,而且对加强动物疫病防控,保障动物及动物产品安全都具有十分重要的经济效益和社会效益。原中华人民共和国农业部制定的《动物检疫管理办法》,自2010年3月执行以来,时至今日,已有7~8年的历程了,笔者作为一名基层检疫人员,就本办法执行以来存在的问题及建议分析如下。  相似文献   

2019年1月,A县畜牧服务中心依法取缔一处生猪屠宰窝点。经立案调查,根据《动物防疫法》《生猪屠宰管理条例》等法律法规相关规定,对涉嫌未经定点从事生猪屠宰活动的当事人郭×给予没收5头生猪及猪肉产品,并处货值4倍罚款的行政处罚。郭×对处罚不服而提起行政诉讼,法院判决撤销行政处罚行为,畜牧中心重新作出处罚决定后,案件结案。本文对案件查办中的主体适格、货值计算、价格认定、逃避检疫责任追究、自宰自食认定等相关环节进行了分析,以期与广大同行探讨。  相似文献   

An intensive preparation is necessary to make legal regulations work in practice. Examples are given how the registration procedure of a livestock enterprise is performed. Firstly, the owner has to declare the type of keeping system and the animal species. Secondly, he has to apply for a registration number which is related to the farm site and which is listed in the geographical information system (GIS). The particular procedures of licensing livestock operations and their facilities this according to the animal transport regulation (Viehverkehrsordnung) and the animal disease act (Binnenmarkt-Tierseuchenverordnung) are explained. The precise registration and licensing of facilities and operations is important for common market trade and the issuing of health certificates. Health certificates have to show name and address of facilities and operations and can give the registration number or license number. The control actions of the veterinary service are described when the arrival of an animal transport is announced and how to prevent the spread of infectious diseases in case of danger. Special regulations for the import of animals such as quarantine and laboratory tests are explained.  相似文献   

2019—2020年,广东省中山市执法部门查获了大量非法入境冷冻动物产品。为了解这些非法入境冷冻动物产品来源分布及组成特点,对其种类、数量、来源地进行统计分析。结果显示:2019—2020年,中山市共查获冻品约5847 t;走私冷冻动物产品涵盖了鸡、猪、牛、羊、马等常见养殖动物种类,主要为动物副产品,其中最多的为冻鸡爪(33.61%)和冻猪蹄(26.82%);来源地遍及全球,其中主要来源地为美国(34.40%)和巴西(27.18%);48.41%的走私冷冻动物产品来自相关动物疫病疫区,还有6.50%无法确定产地。结果表明,中山市走私冷冻动物产品数量大、种类多、来源广、品质低,既影响了我国相关贸易政策的实施,也对我国生态安全、公共卫生安全及畜牧业健康发展带来了极大威胁,需要严厉打击。  相似文献   

The lack of Federal Drug Administration-approved drug products in the United States for avian and exotic animals creates daily challenges for the practitioner. The day-to-day practice of avian and exotic animal medicine requires us to meet these challenges in many ways, including by: extralabel use of domestic human and animal products; simple compounding or other manipulations in the clinical setting; using a pharmacy compounding service; using medicated feeds; and using imported pharmaceutical products. These may present legal and ethical issues to the practitioner that he or she may not be aware of. This paper will discuss some of practical and legal implications of these methods (based on U.S. laws), with an emphasis on compounding and extralabel use.  相似文献   

吴渊  高颂  高雅灵  林慧龙 《草业学报》2018,27(10):171-182
新时期下,保障我国畜产食品供给安全是保障我国食物安全的重要内容之一,而“适度进口”是保障我国畜产食品供给安全的重要途径之一。如何才算“适度进口”,需对畜产食品进口的相关风险进行分析方可评判。运用进口依赖性评价模型对我国猪肉、鸡肉、羊肉、牛肉、鲜牛奶的进口依赖性风险进行分析发现,上述5种畜产食品均存在进口依赖性风险。其中,猪肉的风险来自美国、德国、丹麦、西班牙和加拿大;鸡肉的风险来自美国、巴西、阿根廷和波兰;羊肉的风险来自澳大利亚、新西兰和乌拉圭;牛肉的风险来自乌拉圭、澳大利亚、新西兰、阿根廷和加拿大;鲜牛奶的风险来自德国、法国、新西兰和澳大利亚。为降低我国畜产食品进口依赖性风险,短期内应采取畜产食品进口市场多元化策略以及用进口饲草料替代进口畜产食品的进口方式;长期应在保障“口粮安全”的前提下,调整农业结构,大力发展草地农业,减少对国际市场的依赖性。  相似文献   

The Constitution forming the Australian Commonwealth Government on 1 January 1901 provided that animal and animal products imported into and exported from Australia would be under the authority of the national government. By mutual agreement, the Quarantine Act 1908 provided for the states to continue the delivery of services under contract until 1995 when the Commonwealth took back full responsibility for quarantine services. In the 1940s, 50s and 60s there were world pandemics of livestock diseases and Australia ceased the import of many species. By the 1970s, the livestock industries sought relaxation of import restrictions to gain access to diversified genetic stock. By the use of new technologies, many species can now be imported into Australia through tight importation protocols. With the advent of the World Trade Organization and implementation of the Sanitary Phytosanitary Agreement, Australia has developed a risk-based framework to support the development of import conditions for animals and animal products. Australia's 'Acceptable Level of Protection' has been set to provide a low likelihood of disease entry. Being an island continent, Australia can apply strong controls over imports and exports of all commodities and relatively few outbreaks of exotic animal diseases have occurred by breach of quarantine, but the outbreaks of rinderpest in 1923 and equine influenza in 2007 were notable exceptions.  相似文献   

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