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软籽石榴新品种选育初报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1996~2007年,对枣庄市著名的郭村软籽石榴资源进行优选和配套栽培技术研究。通过优株选择、多代高接、引种试栽、辐射育种、脱毒快繁等多项研究,从郭村软籽石榴和岗榴资源中选出的2个软籽石榴优良无性系——‘枣选1号'和‘枣选3号',2007年9月通过山东省科技厅组织的鉴定,2007年12月通过山东省林木品种审定委员会审定。其果个、外观等经济指标均较原品种有较大改观,‘枣选1号',成年树平均株产30kg。果实圆球形,表面光滑,果皮70%着红色,向阳面呈鲜红色,间有浓红断续条纹,萼筒较长,萼片6裂反卷。单果重386g,最大果重468g,平均百粒重57.3g,出汁率92.5%。籽粒大而整齐,长形,青白色,放射线明显,籽粒透明,种子硬度3.74kg,仁软可食,含可溶性固形物15.8%,品质极上。5月上旬进入始花期,6月上旬进入盛花期。果实9月下旬成熟。‘枣选3号',成年树平均株产35kg。大型果,果实圆球形,果肩齐,表面光亮,果皮全面着鲜红色,向阳面呈艳红色,萼筒较短,开张。单果重424g,最大果重662g,平均百粒重51.9g,出汁率91.6%。籽粒略带红色,透明,种子硬度4.77kg,仁软可食,含可溶性固形物15.8%,品质极上。5月上旬进入始花期,6月上旬进入盛花期。果实9月底成熟。经多年多点试栽证明,‘枣选1号'和‘枣选3号'可以在鲁南及相似生态区推广。同时,使用杭州托普仪器有限公司提供的GW-1型谷物硬度计测量国内部分石榴品种的种子硬度,其数值区间为1.27~12.64kg,硬度最小的是‘突尼斯软籽',硬度为1.27kg,硬度最大的是‘冰糖籽'石榴12号样本,硬度为12.64kg,两者相差11.37kg。根据近年来笔者对软籽石榴种子的感官判别标准和生产实际需要,将石榴按照种子硬度划分为软籽石榴、半软籽石榴、普通石榴和硬籽石榴4个等级,每个等级级差为3kg。即一级为软籽石榴,籽粒硬度在0~4.5kg;二级为半软籽石榴,籽粒硬度在4.6~7.5kg;三级为普通石榴,籽粒硬度在7.6~10.5kg;四级为硬籽石榴,籽粒硬度在10.6kg以上。  相似文献   

为了解软籽石榴种子硬度发育特性,以软籽品种‘突尼斯软籽’、半软籽品种‘以色列酸’和硬籽品种‘青皮’为材料,测定了不同发育时期的种子硬度、可溶性固形物含量和籽粒质量,并对其成熟种子种皮细胞进行石蜡切片,间苯三酚和番红固绿染色观察,比较种皮细胞显微结构和木质化程度,同时对不同产地的‘突尼斯软籽’石榴进行种子硬度比较。结果表明,种子最大硬度出现在果实发育后期,而非果实成熟时期,不同品种种子硬度变化趋势一致。‘突尼斯软籽’种子硬度在花后97 d达到最高,为(2.939±0.895)kg;半软籽‘以色列酸’和硬籽‘青皮’在花后106 d到达最高,硬度分别为(5.571±2.106)和(9.203±3.006)kg。在花后124 d(成熟时期),‘突尼斯软籽’、‘以色列酸’和‘青皮’的种子硬度分别为(2.887±0.735)、(4.242±1.036)和(8.192±2.561)kg。5个产地的‘突尼斯软籽’成熟石榴种子硬度没有显著差异,软籽性状不受种植地理环境变化而改变。显微结构观察发现成熟时期石榴种皮外层细胞高度木质化,‘突尼斯软籽’石榴的种皮外层细胞壁厚度显著低于‘以色列酸’和‘青皮’。  相似文献   

‘豫农早艳’石榴是由‘突尼斯软籽’石榴芽变选育出的早中熟软籽石榴新品种。果实近球形,果形指数0.84;平均单果质量300 g,最大单果质量680 g;果皮底色黄绿,着玫红色晕,着色面积超过70%;萼筒较短,萼片开张或半开张;籽粒粉红色。‘豫农早艳’石榴百粒重37.0 g;出籽率62.3%以上,出汁率84.6%;可溶性固形物含量(w,后同)17.1%,pH 3.4,维生素C含量12.6 mg·100 g^-1。风味酸甜可口,籽粒易剥离;籽粒硬度3.26 kg·cm~(-2),核软可食。果实生育期120 d左右,在郑州荥阳(东经113.35,北纬34.79)9月中下旬成熟,比‘突尼斯软籽’石榴早熟约10 d。该品种植株长势中庸,树姿半开张;耐旱、耐瘠薄,较抗冻,适应性较强。货架期20 d左右,5℃冷库贮藏60 d左右。适合黄河以南石榴适生区栽培,第2年开花结果,丰产,稳产。  相似文献   

于娟娟  李玲  金青  蔡永萍  林毅  吕芮宏 《园艺学报》2011,38(6):1037-1044
 以不同发育时期的砀山酥梨为材料,通过组织化学定位、过氧化物酶(POD)活性及同工酶谱技术,研究木质素代谢关键酶POD不同类型,即谷胱甘肽POD(GSH-PX)、愈创木酚POD(PPOD)、抗坏血酸POD(APX)活性变化与石细胞中木质素代谢的关系,探讨梨果实石细胞发育过程中木质素代谢关键酶POD的类型。结果表明:(1)在砀山酥梨果实发育过程中,位于石细胞细胞壁及邻近区域的POD参与木质素在石细胞细胞壁上的沉积;(2)花后15 ~ 123 d,POD同工酶谱带主要分为3组酶活性区,其中PODⅠ的Rf值为0.13 ~ 0.23,PODⅡ的Rf值为0.44,PODⅢ的Rf值为0.63 ~ 0.96;(3)PPOD是砀山酥梨果实发育过程中木质素代谢关键酶POD的主要类型,参与木质素的合成,促进石细胞团的发育。  相似文献   

以高代自交系137-h华北型黄瓜为试材,探讨了黄瓜种子成熟前后的生理指标变化。结果表明,随着采收期的延长,黄瓜种子的发芽率、发芽势和千粒质量先增长后降低,在32~35d达到最高峰;种子中蛋白质含量、SOD活性和POD含量先增长后降低,而果肉中蛋白质含量、SOD活性和POD含量先降低后升高又降低,并且种子中蛋白质含量、SOD活性和POD含量峰值较果肉中出现的稍晚;种子中α-淀粉酶活性持续降低,脱氢酶含量先升高后降低,可溶性糖含量与淀粉含量呈负相关增长,随着种子的发育进程,可溶性糖向淀粉转化。  相似文献   

The development of pomegranate fruit was studied under continental (Bet Shean Valley) and moderate maritime (coastal plain) climatic conditions. Fertile flowers were vase-shaped and developed into fruits. Bell-shaped flowers with few egg cells were sterile and did not produce fruits. Gibberellic acid induced the sterile flowers to develop into small fruits; however, these were devoid of juicy seeds. The growth curve of pomegranate fruits from both climatic regions showed a single sigmoid pattern. The seeds accounted for about half of the fruit weight. The edible juicy tissue of the seeds grew continuously from June to October whereas the internal stone tissue stopped growing and hardened by the end of June. Juice, total soluble solids (TSS) and anthocyanin content increased continuously during maturation while acidity decreased. Fruit of cv Mule’s Head ripens early and has a low acid content, whereas fruit of the late-ripening cv Wonderful has high juice contents, TSS, acids and anthocyanins, and is therefore suitable for processing. In the hot Bet Shean Valley fruits matured more rapidly than in the coastal plain, but acidity and anthocyanin contents were lower. C02 evolution from the fruits was low and no climacteric peak or measurable ethylene were detected during fruit maturation, thus suggesting that the pomegranate is a non-climacteric fruit.  相似文献   

两个石榴品种结果期光合特性的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在自然条件下,利用Li-6400对青皮软籽石榴和红皮石榴的净光合速率、气孔导度以及胞间CO2浓度等光合生理特性进行测定和对比分析。结果表明:2个品种的净光合速率和气孔导度日变化均为双峰曲线,2个品种均有明显的"午休"现象,但青皮软籽的净光合速率和气孔导度略高于红皮;2个品种的胞间CO2浓度与净光合速率均呈负相关,且都在"午休"期间达到最小值,但红皮的胞间CO2浓度略高于青皮软籽石榴。  相似文献   

‘紫柄籽银桂’桂花种子脱水耐性与抗氧化系统的关系   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
李文君  沈永宝 《园艺学报》2009,36(2):279-284
 通过测定‘紫柄籽银桂’桂花种子在自然脱水过程生理生化的变化,研究种子的脱水敏感性。结果表明:‘紫柄籽银桂’种子不耐脱水,种子生活力随着含水量的下降而降低,种子含水量下降到11.6%时,生活力仅为6%;自然脱水过程中,种子细胞膜系统受到损伤,相对电导率不断上升;种子内SOD活性随着含水量下降而呈总体下降的趋势;POD先呈波动性上升,脱水12 h时达到最大值,之后急剧下降。种子O2-含量在脱水12 h之前随含水量的下降而下降, 12 h之后随含水量的下降而急剧上升;随着脱水的进行细胞膜质过氧化程度的加剧,MDA的含量增加,导致种子丧失生活力。  相似文献   

温度预处理对柑橘果实活性氧代谢相关酶的影响   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:15  
周春华  胡西琴 《果树学报》2001,18(5):267-271
以尾张温州蜜柑(Citrus unshiu Marc.)和哈姆林甜橙(Citrus sinensis Osbeck.)为试材,研究了不同温度预处理对果实呼吸速率、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性、过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性、过氧化物酶(POD)活性、丙二醛(MDA)含量、果皮相对电导率(REC)和木质素含量的影响。结果表明,20℃预处理 3d的果实,在贮藏至 100 d时,呼吸速率、MDA含量。果皮 REC均为最低。20℃预处理果实在贮藏后期 SOD与 CAT能较好地协同作用清除 O2-·,果实受自由基伤害程度最小,果实衰老得以延缓。温度预处理引起的POD活性的上升可能与提高果皮木质素含量、加速受损伤油胞的迅速愈合有关,而贮藏后期 POD活性的上升可能与果实的衰老有关。  相似文献   

盐胁迫对几种叶菜生理生化指标的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
原红娟  陈丽 《北方园艺》2011,(24):52-54
以油菜、生菜、茼蒿的种子为试材,采用室内营养液栽培的方法,分别研究了0、40、80、120 mmol/L NaCl、KCl胁迫下对其生理生化指标的影响.结果表明:在NaCl、KCl胁迫下,随处理浓度的增加,油菜的SOD活性是先升后降,生菜与茼蒿的SOD活性均呈先降后升;POD活性茼蒿是先升后降,油菜与生菜均呈先降后升;MDA活性油菜呈先升后降,生菜呈先降后升.  相似文献   

Polyamines putatively affect tolerance to abiotic stresses and are believed to be important in organogenesis. Present experiments investigate the relationship between polyamines (PAs) and seed quality. Therefore, during seed development, the changes in free putrescine (Put), spermidine (Spd) and spermine (Spm) and physiological and biochemical parameters in F1 seeds of sh2 sweet corn were compared. Concentrations of Put, Spd and Spm increased from 14 to 30 days after pollination (DAP). After 30 DAP Put concentration declined with an opposite trend to that of Spd and Spm. The regression analysis between PAs and seed quality described by physiological and biochemical parameters including germination percentage, germination energy, germination index, seed size, seed fresh and dry weight, total soluble sugar, total soluble protein, Malondialdehyde (MDA) concentration, electrolyte leakage, peroxidase (POD) and catalase (CAT) activity were conducted. Spd was observed to have a closer relation with the comprehensive physiological changes of seeds during their development than that of Put and Spm. Moreover, the Spm concentration might be more suitable to forecast seed germinability during seed maturation period than Spd and Put. It indicated that endogenous Spd and Spm in dissociated form had more effect than Put during seed development progress of sweet corn.  相似文献   

方位及冠层对核桃内果皮木质素形成及相关酶活性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王芬  张萍  黄闽敏  张强 《果树学报》2020,(5):696-704
【目的】明确核桃果实发育过程中不同光照强度对内果皮中木质素、相关酶活性影响的动态变化规律。【方法】以核桃品种’新新2号’为试验材料,研究了树冠不同方位、不同冠层对内果皮中木质素含量、相关酶活性的变化规律,并进行了相关性分析。【结果】在不同方位、不同冠层上,木质素含量随着核桃果实的生长发育呈持续增加趋势;PAL、POD酶活性强弱的排序依次为:南面上层>南面中层>南面下层>北面上层>北面中层>北面下层>中部上层>中部中层>中部下层;PPO酶活性强弱的排序依次为:北面下层>北面中层>北面上层>中部下层>中部中层>中部上层>南面下层>南面中层>南面上层。相关性分析表明,木质素含量与POD酶活性呈极显著正相关(p<0.01,r=0.808**),与PPO酶活性呈负相关。【结论】树冠南面和上层接受的光照强度最大,木质素含量最高,PAL、POD酶活性最强;PPO酶活性最低;木质素含量与POD酶活性呈极显著正相关(p<0.01,r=0.808**),表明光照强度诱导了核桃果实内果皮中木质素的积累及相关酶活性的增强。  相似文献   

Soft-seedness in pomegranate is a desirable trait for fresh consumption of this valuable fruit. At the main Iran pomegranate collection, 21 pomegranate accessions gathered from different parts of Iran are registered as soft-seed genotypes. The aim of this research was to study these soft-seed pomegranate accessions using fruit morphopomological traits and DNA markers to reveal their relatedness. Thirty-six fruit characteristics were measured in these accessions together with applying 29 random decamer primers already reported to be polymorphic on pomegranate. Factor analysis on mean values of fruit characteristics determined 10 main factors and applied for grouping of the accessions using Ward's method. Also 14 of the random primers showed good amplification and polymorphism on these samples, and a total of 43 RAPD markers were produced. Estimates of genetic similarity, using Jaccard's similarity coefficient, ranged from 0.13 to 1.0 using the RAPD data. Grouping based on the fruit traits compared with that based on RAPD data did not produce a significant correlation (r = −0.36). Morphometric measurements and sensory evaluation confirmed that some accessions are hard or semi-hard seeded. This study showed that information based on fruit characteristics and RAPD markers are complementary for genetic discrimination in soft-seed pomegranate accessions. This might be due to the high level of similarity between soft-seed pomegranate accessions.  相似文献   

A recent increasing demand in Western countries for pomegranate products by consumers is especially supported for the nutritional and medicinal characteristics, due to the antioxidant properties of this fruit. Some studies have been published on the morphological and biochemical characteristics of pomegranate fruits in some Mediterranean countries, but little information is available about the genotypes present in Italy and in particular in Apulia (Southeastern region of Italy). This study (2008–2009) evaluated morpho-pomological and chemical parameters of eight pomegranate genotypes localized in private small orchards. Significant differences were observed among the pomegranate genotypes for many of the parameters investigated. In particular, fruit weight ranged from 168.9 g (SouMol) to 574.9 g (SouOst), °Brix from 14.7 (ComTri) to 18.0 (SouMol), titratable acidity from 5.4 (ComMol) to 25.0 (SouTri) g/L. SouMol showed the highest polyphenols (97.1 mg/L) and vitamin C (236.3 mg/L) contents. Oil content of the seeds was between 5.90% and 10.30%, no differences have been observed for the fatty acid composition with conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) isomers as the most abundant fraction (81.23%). Considering all the evaluated parameters, and especially those referring to the organoleptic characteristics and antioxidants content, it must be stated that the best genotypes worthy to be considered from agricultural and industrial points of view were AdeSgi for fresh market and SouOst for the juice industry.  相似文献   

文菁  赵书岗  王红霞  张志华  李夕勃 《园艺学报》2015,42(11):2144-2152
 以‘赞美’和‘珍珠香’核桃(Juglans regia L.)果实为试材,采用间苯三酚–HCl 法观察 了内果皮木质化过程,测定了其发育过程中木质素、纤维素和酚类物质含量以及相关酶活性的变化。结 果表明:两个品种核桃硬壳木质化始于6 月初,6 月中旬初步成型,7 月下旬完成。从硬壳木质化至坚果 采收,木质素、纤维素和酚类物质含量均呈逐渐升高趋势,但酚类物质含量在采前略有下降,POD 和PAL 活性均呈下降趋势,PPO 活性整体变化不大。相关分析表明,核桃硬壳分化期木质素含量与纤维素含量 极显著正相关,酚类物质含量与木质素含量极显著正相关,与纤维素含量显著正相关;POD 活性与木质 素、纤维素、酚类物质含量极显著负相关,与PAL 活性极显著正相关。  相似文献   

以红毛五加为试材,观察红毛五加种子形态,测定千粒重、种皮透水性,研究果实各部分水浸物对油菜种子发芽和胚根生长抑制活性的影响。结果表明:红毛五加种子较小,种皮较薄,种皮透水性良好,对发芽率没有影响;红毛五加种子成熟度极不均匀,种胚细小,不具备萌发能力,需经过形态后熟和生理后熟才能萌发;红毛五加果实各部浸提液,对油菜种子发芽、胚根生长有显著的抑制作用,随着浸泡量的增加,对油菜种子发芽抑制活性越强,胚根长度越短;红毛五加果实各部分水浸物对油菜种子发芽抑制活性,果肉最强,种皮次之,种仁最弱。  相似文献   

Pericarp browning is a major factor to limit storage and transportation of postharvest litchi fruit. Experiments were conducted firstly to determine variations in contents of browning substrate (−)-epicatechin in pericarp tissues of litchi fruit during development. Changes in the activities of polyphenoloxidase (PPO), peroxidase (POD) and phenylalanine ammonialyase (PAL) in association with the synthesis or oxidation of (−)-epicatechin were also examined. (−)-Epicatechin content tended to decrease during fruit development. PAL activity had a high level at the initial stage of fruit development, then decreased rapidly, and finally increased slightly, which was in agreement with the variation in (−)-epicatechin content. The higher contents of total phenolics and (−)-epicatechin of fruit of ‘Nuomici’ than ‘Feizixiao’ were also related to the higher PAL activity. PPO had a similar change to PAL in activity, but POD activity slowly decreased at the early fruit development and then increased markedly. It is suggested that (−)-epicatechin content might be largely regulated by PAL activity. This study could help to understand the variations in the content of the browning substrate and the activities of some substrate-related enzymes of litchi fruit during development and then control better pericarp browning of harvested litchi fruit by the application of appropriate preharvest treatments.  相似文献   

张宇  李亚灵 《北方园艺》2011,(20):27-29
通过对番茄植株进行自然高温处理,研究高温胁迫下番茄的内源激素和生殖生长的变化.结果表明:随着处理温度的升高(11:00~15:00平均温度高于45℃时),番茄植株叶片中叶绿素含量降低,降低的程度与处理强度成正比,从而导致植株的光合作用下降,叶片厚度变薄,根冠比下降;SOD活性减弱,POD活性增强,自由基清除能力下降;花粉活力、花粉数目及坐果率都最小;高温条件下也会造成番茄花柱突出花药筒(三级长花柱),致使番茄授粉不良,结实率降低.  相似文献   

 以‘贵农5号’刺梨为材料,研究了果实和叶片发育过程中主要保护酶和抗坏血酸(AsA)的变化。结果表明,刺梨果实和叶片内都具有较高的SOD活性,并在发育过程中呈基本相似的变化模式;总体上看,刺梨叶片中具有较高的POD和CAT等抗氧化酶活性,并呈‘初期升高后期降低’的变化趋势,但AsA含量及其氧化还原态(AsA与AsA库的比值)较低。在果实中,SOD活性和AsA含量高,而POD活性很低,并且在果实发育中、后期降至检测不到的水平,整个生育期都未能检测到CAT活性。这表明刺梨果实和叶片中存在着不同的自由基清除协作机制。  相似文献   

A study was conducted to determine the effect of pollen source on fruit, aril, and seed characteristics in pomegranate. The cultivar Malas Yazdi was pollinated with three pollen sources including: Rabab Neyriz (a commercial cultivar), Malas Pishva Varamin (selected superior local cultivar), and Poost Sefid Dezful (non-commercial cultivar). The results showed that the rate of fruit set from different pollen sources varied from 13% to 46%. Pollen source also had significant effects on other fruit properties, such as fruit weight, fruit shape, fruit length and diameter, fruit peel color, fruit peel thickness, and edible portion of the fruit. Aril characteristics including number of arils per fruit, aril length and diameter, aril weight, and aril color were also significantly affected by pollen source as well as seed physical properties, including seed weight, seed length and diameter, seed hardness, and seed toughness. However ‘Malas Pishva Varamin’ as a pollinizer showed the lowest rate of fruit set, but performed better in terms of fruit quality and seed characteristic than ‘Rabab Neyriz’ and ‘Poost Sefid Dezful’. This is the first observation of xenia effect in pomegranate breeding and could serve as a new area of research for pomegranate production. These findings suggest that selection of suitable pollinizer could be a new area of research for pomegranate production.  相似文献   

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