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Integrated no-till crop and livestock production systems may help rejuvenate degraded pastures, increase land use efficiency (LUE), and increase enterprise revenue. Our objectives were to evaluate: (1) planting date effects on seed yield and nutrient concentration of an early-maturing, no-till system (NTS) soybean (Glycine max) when intercropped with palisade grass (Brachiaria brizantha); (2) dry matter production and protein concentration of the grass pasture after soybean harvest; and (3) overall revenue and LUE for the intercrop system. Experiments were performed during two growing seasons in Botucatu, Brazil using a randomized complete block experimental design. When palisade grass and soybean were sown simultaneously, soybean yield averaged 3.28 Mg ha−1. Similar seed yields were observed when palisade grass was planted either 30 d after soybean emergence (DAE) (3.29 Mg ha−1) or at the soybean reproductive stage R6 (full seed) (3.50 Mg ha−1). Monocrop soybean yield averaged 3.50 Mg ha−1. First cut dry matter forage production was greater when palisade grass was sown at the same time as soybean or 30 DAE of soybean. This indicates that interseeding palisade grass with soybean does not significantly affect soybean nutrition or yield. Intercropping did increase LUE and resulted in 1.6 times more revenue than soybean alone. However, sowing palisade grass at the soybean reproductive stage R6 (full seed) significantly reduced the forage yield compared to early planting.  相似文献   
侵蚀果园长期植草的生态效益分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对山地果园不合理开发引发的土壤侵蚀和土壤退化问题,将适生牧草套种于幼龄侵蚀果园,开展水土流失、土壤肥力及果树生长的定位观测。结果表明:套种平托花生(Arachis pintoi)、圆叶决明(Chamaecrista rotundifolia)1~12年,年地面径流系数0~0.0136,均值为0.007左右,仅为清耕处理的1/10,基本无土壤侵蚀发生;套种11年,套种区0~30 cm土层的土壤pH值比清耕分别提高0.25~0.30个单位,0~15 cm土层土壤有机碳、碱解氮、有效磷质量分数比清耕提高7.595~6.728 g·kg-1,26.84~31.89 mg·kg-1,3.57~4.62 mg·kg-1;轻组有机碳质量分数在0~30 cm土层呈套种平托花生>套种圆叶决明>清耕的变化趋势,重组有机碳质量分数在0~15cm土层亦呈相同变化趋势。套种处理有助改善果肉糖酸比和商品果率,牧草综合利用可明显提升果园建园初期的经济效益,尽管套种处理给果树带来一定的减产。  相似文献   
烤烟大麦花生一年三熟高效栽培模式及效益分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了以烤烟为主,烤烟、大麦和花生一年三熟高效栽培模式的主要技术措施和栽培注意事项;并对该模式下的经济效益进行了分析,结果表明:该种植模式下烟农净收入可达29250元/hm2以上,比单作烟叶增收11250元/hm2以上,经济效益和社会效益显著。  相似文献   
日光温室间作新模式对环境因子及菇菜生长的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用反遮光内拱棚模式,在日光温室内进行菇菜间作,研究对环境因子及菇菜生长的影响。结果表明:反遮光内拱棚日均温度15.5℃,最高22℃,最低12℃;相对湿度平均96.7%,最高99%,最低90%;光照强度最高为0.5klx;CO2平均浓度为828μL·L-1,最高为1000μL·L-1,最低为630μL·L-1,完全满足金针菇生长需求。通过斜拉秧措施,极大提高了黄瓜窄行光照强度,提高了保护地栽培效益。  相似文献   
玉米花生间作复合体系光合特性的研究   总被引:31,自引:2,他引:31  
以单作玉米和单作花生为对照,研究了间作玉米花生功能叶片的光合速率、PSⅡ最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)和PSⅡ实际光化学效率(ΦPSⅡ)的日变化以及叶绿素含量。结果表明,间作提高了玉米、花生叶绿素含量,其光合速率日变化呈单峰曲线,中午达到最大值;玉米东西行向种植东侧功能叶片的光合速率,上午间作明显大于单作,下午相反;间作明显提高了玉米阴天和晴天的光合速率,却明显降低了花生光合速率;在晴天,间作玉米花生的Fv/Fm、ΦPSⅡ日变化均呈倒抛物线,上午间作玉米明显大于单作的,下午相反,间作明显提高了花生的Fv/Fm,中午花生的ΦPSⅡ间作低于单作,上午和下午反之;阴天的Fv/Fm、ΦPSⅡ,间作玉米除中午小于外,上午和下午均大于单作玉米,间作花生全天均高于单作花生,说明玉米花生间作提高了花生对弱光的吸收利用效率。  相似文献   
Three separate greenhouse experiments were conducted to determine the bi-directional N transfer in a peanut and rice intercropping system using the direct 15N foliar feeding technique at N application rates of 15, 75 and 150 kg ha–1. When peanut was used as the 15N donor plant, the atom % 15N in the rice shoot was consistently higher than in control rice, indicating that 15N transfer from peanut to the associated rice crop occurred. The percentage of N transfer (%NT) from peanut to the associated rice was 9.9%, 5.7% and 4.2% at the three N application rates, respectively. The N transferred from peanut to rice was 22.6, 15.5 and 8.2 mg N plant–1, accounting for 10.9%, 6.4% and 3.1% of the total N accumulated in rice plants at the three N application rates, respectively. When rice functioned as the 15N donor plant, the %NTs were 4.4%, 2.1% and 1.4% and represented about 5.2%, 3.4% and 2.4% of total N accumulated in peanut shoot at the three N application rates, respectively. The net directional N transfer was from peanut to rice and this was calculated by the difference in the bi-directional transfers and was mainly due to peanut root decomposition. Thus, the %NTs were 10.7%, 6.3%, 5.1% and 3.5% on 28 July (the day on which peanut shoots were cut), 8 August, 28 August and 8 September, respectively, and correspondingly, the N transferred from peanut to rice represented 6.0%, 5.8%, 5.1% and 3.2% of the total N accumulated in the rice plants.  相似文献   
随着农业产业结构的进一步调整,鲜食玉米以其营养价值高,风味独特,深受消费者青睐,种植面积逐年扩大.经试验,繁种黄瓜套种鲜食玉米栽培技术是一条科学合理、优质、高效的栽培模式,有效地解决了糯玉米加工与生产之间的矛盾,是一项增产增收的栽培技术。  相似文献   
简要介绍了间套作对世界粮食安全的重要性,并对间套作领域当前主要的研究进展进行了综述与讨论。首先,综述了间套作复合群体在光能利用特性,指出了间套作可通过增强叶片光合性能和提高光的截获率与转化效率显著提高光能利用率。其次,综述了不同间套作复合群体在氮、磷、钾养分及水分利用等方面存在的竞争和互补利用现象,讨论了各种间套作类型资源高效利用的可能机制。最后,综述了间套作对产量和品质的影响。间套作可以使产量提高20%~50%,合理的种植密度和复合群体结构是高产的关键。不同间套作类型对秸秆和籽粒粗蛋白、粗纤维、粗脂肪、粗灰分及无氮浸出物等营养物质含量和产量的影响。通过以上几个方面的讨论,指出了间套作研究在资源集约利用、产量和品质等方面存在的不足和需进一步研究的问题。  相似文献   
本试验合理利用了蔬菜之间的"根系差、时间差、空间差、高低差",以互促互补的原理[3],通过对本地日光温室番茄套种平菇栽培模式的研究,提出了利用温室内的后墙空闲地进行平菇菌袋立体堆叠式和番茄小行间双层摆放式套种模式,可使日光温室生产效益提高到150%以上。  相似文献   
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