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The aim of this study was to evaluate prognostic and/or diagnostic factors of canine mammary tumors by immunohistochemically analyzing the expression of alpha basic crystallin (αB-c). For this, formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded blocks of 51 naturally-occurring canine mammary tumors (11 benign and 40 malignant) were used. Tissue from eight normal canine mammary glands were served as a control. Immunohistochemically, in the control mammary tissues, a few luminal epithelial cells were αB-c positive but myoepithelial cells were negative. In benign or simple type malignant tumors, αB-c expression was observed in luminal epithelial cells while the myoepithelial basal cells were negative. In benign or complex type malign tumors, positive staining was predominantly found in the cytoplasm of epithelial cells. Immunoreactivity of αB-c was also observed in neoplastic myoepithelial cells. Statistically, the number of cells immunolabeled with αB-c was found to be significantly different among tissues from normal canine mammary glands, benign lesions, and malignant tumors (p < 0.05). αB-c immunoreactivity was higher in malignant tumors than the control mammary tissues (p < 0.001). Data obtained in the current study revealed a strong association between high expression levels of αB-c and primary mammary gland tumors in canines.  相似文献   
The vascularization of the cranial cervical ganglion [superior cervical ganglion (SCG)] of 10 adult guinea-pigs (Cavia porcellus) was investigated by latex injection and dissection techniques. Compared with other species, there were differences in the arterial supply of SCG and in the number of branches originating from these vessels. The SCG received arterial blood from branches of the ascending pharyngeal and internal carotid arteries. In addition, it was demonstrated that the superior thyroid and occipital arteries contribute rarely to the vascularization of the SCG.  相似文献   
The department of National Parks and Protection of Wild Nature sent five (two males, three females) adult long-legged buzzards for investigation of their deaths to Ankara University Veterinary Faculty. Facial bones of buzzards were evaluated. Distinguishing facial features such as strong os premaxillare, cavum nasale filled with spider webbing-like structures, prominent os prefrontalis and processes, H-shaped paraglossum were determined. In this study, we investigated the anatomic properties of facial bones in long-legged buzzard. We also aimed to identify the data using these bones in order to separate different bird species.  相似文献   
A fibroadenoma was diagnosed in the left udder of a 3-month-old female Chios lamb. No recurrence was observed after surgery. Grossly, the tumor had a whitish-gray lobular appearance, and the lobules were interlaced with thin septa. Microscopically, the tumor was composed of proliferating fibroepithelial tissue, including differentiated ducts lined by whorls and interlacing bundles of abundant loose fibrovascular stroma. Immunohistochemistry revealed the ductal epithelium to be positive for pancytokeratin (AE1/AE3) and loose fibrovascular stroma was positive for vimentin and basal cells covering the ductal epithelium of alpha-smooth-muscle actin. Immunostaining for the estrogen and progesterone receptors was negative. A diagnosis of mammary fibroadenoma was made based on the histological and immunohistochemical findings.  相似文献   
兽药产品批准文号管理是我国控制兽药市场准入的前置性管理模式,本文就目前兽药产品批准文号申报、核发及管理中存在的一些问题进行了分析,对企业申报兽药产品批准文号时的注意事项进行了阐述。  相似文献   
1. The conchae within the nasal cavity of poultry are important for water and energy conservation, but have not been experimentally evaluated. The aim of the present study was to determine the accuracy of volume and volume fraction estimates of the conchae, nasal septum and nasal cavity.

2. The nasal cavities of 7 adult goose heads were scanned using computed tomography (CT), with images sampled randomly at a 1/5 sampling fraction. Physical sections were obtained from the same samples, using an electric saw that had an adjustable section range, and provided 14 to 15 sections with a thickness of 2.5 mm. The section surface areas of the nasal cavity, nasal septum and conchae were estimated using the Cavalieri principle. Results obtained using the CT and physical section images were compared. Volumes and volume fractions obtained from the physical sections were accepted as the gold standard and differences in the CT images were determined.

3. Multiplication of the data obtained on the CT images with the deviation percentage of the physical sections produced normalised values. No differences were observed between the gold standard data and the CT images. While it was possible to normalise the obtained data using the gold standard values, the raw data could also be used for comparative studies because the deviations from normal would be similar for all groups.

4. Our study showed that the nasal structures could be estimated in vivo using CT images.  相似文献   

Five long-legged buzzards (Buteo rufinus), weighing 475-570 g, were used in this study. It was determined that long-legged buzzards' larynx is composed of three different cartilages. Among these cartilages, the cricoid and procricoid cartilages were single and the arytenoid cartilage was double. The partially ossified corpus and ala of the cricoid cartilage were connected with cartilaginous plate. Trachea was formed up of complete cartilage circles. The tracheal cartilages were notched in dorsal and ventral directions and a number of the tracheal cartilages inter-mingling one another were between 89-96. Syrinx, which was covered with the inter-clavicular air sac, was in contact with basis cordis. It was observed that there is tracheobronchial type syrinx in long-legged buzzard and this syrinx is formed by two different cartilage groups named as the cartt. tracheosyringeales and cartt. bronchosyringeales. The first cartilage rings of the cartt. tracheosyringeales formed the tympanum. The tympanum, cartt. tracheosyringeales and cartt. bronchosyringeales were created of three, two or three and four cartilage rings, respectively. Membrana tympaniformis lateralis and medialis, two pairs of thin membranes constituting voice formation, also determined in long-legged buzzard. Membrana tympaniformis lateralis was observed to be very short between the first and second cartilage rings of cartt. bronchosyringeales. Although the instrictic syringeal muscles were not present in long-legged buzzard, the sternotracheal and tracheolateral muscles, expressed as extrinsic syringeal muscles, were evident. In this study, which is expected to give contribution to veterinary anatomy literature, the similarities and differences in larynx, trachea and syrinx of long-legged buzzard with other bird species were exposed.  相似文献   
刘业兵 《中国兽药杂志》2007,41(1):38-39,55
《农产品质量安全法》的颁布和实施,标志着我国农产品质量安全监管工作进入新阶段,兽药作为保障动物性产品安全的农产品生产过程中的重要投入品,其监管工作尤其令人关注。作者曾在基层挂职从事兽药监管工作,对我国兽药监管体系建设,尤其是市县级兽药监管现状十分担忧。特撰文阐述了兽药及兽药监管工作的重要性,分析了目前我国兽药及监督管理体系现状、面临的任务及存在问题,指出了我国市县级兽药监管系统存在监管主体不明确、监管体系不健全、行政管理和执法能力较弱、经费保障机制不到位、队伍素质不高、宣传培训不够等问题,并对此提出了解决问题的建议与对策。各级农牧部门应借兽医管理体制改革的东风,加强监督管理体系建设,进一步加强兽药监督队伍建设,加大兽药监督工作的经费支持力度,切实加强兽药监督管理工作。[编者按]  相似文献   
恩拉霉素的研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
概述了恩拉霉素的理化特性、药效学、毒理学和临床应用研究进展,展望了今后恩拉霉素的研究方向.  相似文献   
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