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为检验油菜素内酯(BR)的应用效果,采用大田试验的方法,研究不同浓度BR及其配施外源钙对日光温室越冬茬番茄生长、生理特性变化、坐果及产量的影响。结果表明,在试验浓度范围内,高浓度BR处理对番茄前期株高生长起到一定的抑制作用;适宜浓度的BR处理使株高增加。高浓度BR处理使番茄叶片MDA含量显著增高,且降低可溶性糖含量;适宜浓度的BR处理可降低番茄叶片MDA含量和相对电导率,增加番茄叶片的脯氨酸含量和可溶性糖含量,提高番茄的叶绿素含量。高浓度的BR处理会抑制番茄坐果,降低番茄第1花序的产量;适宜浓度的BR处理可提高番茄各层花序的坐果率,提高番茄产量。BR配施外源钙处理对番茄前期生长、生理指标优化、提高番茄坐果率和产量的加成效应不明显。综上,BR配施外源钙处理的效果不显著,适宜浓度的BR可以单独在日光温室越冬茬番茄生产上应用,以提高番茄的抗逆性和产量。  相似文献   
基于串番茄生长特性和采摘要求,设计了一种适应于采摘成串番茄的末端执行器。基于螺旋理论,建立了夹持接触力学模型,分析了夹持的力封闭性;同时,建立了稳定夹持模型,对夹指的可靠夹持力进行了分析,得出夹持力F≥8.24N。制作了物理样机,并对直径为3~8mm的串番茄母枝进行了负重干扰性能的夹持实验,实验结果表明:夹指所能承受的动态负重随母枝直径的增大而增大,最小动态负重为1.015kg,完全满足采摘串番茄时的夹持能力需求。  相似文献   
马铃薯产业是宁夏“1+4”特色优势产业,是西吉县所有农作物中种植面积最大、涉及农户最多、比较效益最高的农民脱贫致富的主导产业。近年来西吉县马铃薯产业由商品薯种植大县向种薯繁育大县的转变,推动了农业增效,农民增收的快速发展。但各类土传性病害的发生影响了马铃薯产业的发展,同时磋商了农民种植的积极性。为了测定筛选出对马铃薯枯萎病和干腐病防治效果好、成本较低药剂,为大田防治提供科学依据。  相似文献   
Tomato chlorosis virus (ToCV) is a plant virus that is mainly propagated by Bemisia tabaci in a semi-persistent and non-circulative manner.It has a wide range of host plants,and has been reported in many countries,causing serious economic losses in vegetable production.In 2019,we investigated about 10 fields,one ha each in Shouguang,Shandong province (China),and in each field we observed symptoms of interveinal chlorosis on lower leaves of the Solanum torvum Swartz,and a large number of B.tabaci gathered on the back of its leaves.To determine the presence of ToCV,total RNA of S.torvum was extracted followed by RT-PCR.The 1 074 (GenBank accessions number MN545620) and 466 bp (GenBank accessions number MN545621) fragments were gel purified and sequenced.The sequences shared 99.44% and 99.57% similarity with ToCV reference sequence tomato chlorosis virus segment RNA1 (AY903447) and RNA2 (AY903448).The results of insect transmission test confirmed that ToCV can spread from S. torvum to tomato.This study confirms S.torvum as a newly reported host of ToCV.  相似文献   
马铃薯镰刀菌干腐病研究进展及防控手段   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马铃薯是世界第四大粮食作物。马铃薯干腐病是一种重要的马铃薯收获后真菌病害,在我国各马铃薯产区内广泛发生,导致马铃薯块茎的商品薯率大幅下降,对马铃薯的产量造成严重经济损失。本文针对马铃薯干腐病的症状、发生与危害、病原菌种类以及综合防控手段进行综述,以期为病害的研究及防治提供参考。  相似文献   
"昌红一号"是以F90为母本,以H28为父本杂交选育而成的早中熟、大红中果型番茄F_1杂交种。属无限生长型,生长势中等,叶量中等,节间适中;第1花穗着生节位为第6~7节,坐果率高,果实整齐,转色均匀;高、低温条件下均能正常坐果,果实正圆形,果色光艳,不易裂果,较耐贮运;果形指数0.85,平均单果质量145 g左右;抗番茄黄化曲叶病毒病(TYLCV)、花叶病毒病(ToMV)、叶部病害、茎基腐病;连续坐果能力强,产量高,平均667 m~2产量在8 000 kg以上。适合长季节保护地栽培,特别适宜秋冬保护地及病毒病高发区栽培。  相似文献   
Tomato is the most economically important fruit/vegetable crop grown worldwide. However, viral diseases remain an important factor limiting its productivity, with estimated quantitative and qualitative yield losses in tomato crops often reaching up to 100%. Many viruses infecting tomato have been reported, while new viral diseases have also emerged. The climatic changes the world is experiencing can be a contributing factor to the successful spread of newly emerging viruses, as well as the establishment of disease in areas that were previously either unfavourable or where the disease was absent. Because antiviral products are not available, strategies to mitigate viral diseases rely on genetic resistance/tolerance to infection, control of vectors, improvement in crop hygiene, roguing of infected plants and seed certification. Tomato brown rugose fruit virus (ToBRFV) is an emerging viral threat to tomato productivity and is currently spreading into new areas, which is of great concern to the growing global production in the absence of mitigation measures. This review presents the current knowledge about ToBRFV and future prospects for an improved understanding of the virus, which will be needed to support effective control and mitigation of the impact it is likely to cause.  相似文献   
大蒜根腐病根际土壤真菌群落结构及多样性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究旨在解析根腐病发生时大蒜根际土壤真菌群落结构,明确大蒜根腐病与根际土壤真菌群落多样性变化的关系,探明根腐病发生的微生态机制,为病害的防控提供理论基础。以新疆连续3年的大蒜根腐病发病田的根际土壤为研究对象,采用高通量测序方法对大蒜根际土壤总DNA的真菌ITS区序列进行大规模测序分析。结果表明,与健康对照相比,在门的水平上,子囊菌门和接合菌门真菌是大蒜根腐病根际土壤的优势真菌类群,其中高水平的子囊菌门菌群与病害发生有着密切的关系。在属的水平上,注释获得137个属,其中19个属与大蒜根腐病有较大的相关性。镰刀菌属真菌数量在病土中高于健康对照。随着连作年限的延续,根腐病的发生愈发严重,土壤中真菌群落的Shannon指数、Simpson指数、真菌属的数量逐年降低,大蒜根腐病的发生与植株根际真菌群落组成及多样性密切相关,土壤真菌类群的平衡和多样性改变是根腐病发生的一大诱因。  相似文献   
Bull’s eye rot is a typical quiescent postharvest apple disease in major fruit-growing areas. The susceptibility of different apple cultivars to Neofabraea spp. (N. vagabunda and N. malicorticis) was assessed, with Granny Smith showing the most resistance and Cripps Pink the most susceptibility. To assess the factors involved in conidial germination, Neofabraea spp. were grown on crude protein extracts (CPEs) collected from apple fruits at different storage periods. Fungal germ tube growth rate and pathogenic enzyme (cellulase and xylanase) activity were assessed. Results showed that CPEs collected after 2 and 4 months of storage progressively stimulated conidial germination and germ tube elongation, while a lesser effect was observed from CPEs after 1 month of storage. Xylanase proved to be the main degrading enzyme secreted by all the isolates, while cellulase was produced only by N. vagabunda isolates. Overall, the isolate ID02 was the most virulent, based on more rapid germ tube elongation and greater activity of the lytic enzymes.  相似文献   
海茄砧1 号是以野生茄子自交系HZ09-5 为母本,以从越南引进的茄子品种自交系HZ10-2 为父本育成的高抗青枯 病樱桃番茄砧木品种。植株生长势较强,第1 雌花节位约为第7 节,花为紫色,果实卵圆形,青熟果淡绿紫色或淡绿色,果 萼绿色,果长7~9 cm,果宽4~6 cm,单果质量为50~60 g,种子千粒重为3.2 g 左右,种皮浅黄色,高抗青枯病。海茄砧 1 号与樱桃番茄的嫁接亲和性好,共生性强,嫁接苗成活率高。嫁接后的樱桃番茄果萼开展,果面有光泽,可明显改善果实 VC、可溶性固形物和可滴定酸含量等品质,提高产量。适宜华南地区樱桃番茄的嫁接栽培。  相似文献   
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