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目的:探讨大强度间歇游泳运动对青年肥胖女性减肥的效果。方法:20名自愿参加青年肥胖女性随机分为对照组和实验组各10名,实验组进行12周4次/周大强度间歇游泳运动,运动方案为以85%VO2max强度完成200m游、再以55%VO2max强度完成100m游、间歇休息3min为一组,重复6组;在运动计划实施前和12周结束时采用ZEUS9.9身体成分分析仪测定受试者身体成分。结果:与对照组或运动前比较,实验组青年肥胖女性的体重、BMI、腰围、臀围、WHR、体脂%、身体脂肪、内脏脂肪和皮下脂肪均出现极显著性或显著性减少(P<0.01,P<0.05),而肌肉量和蛋白质量则出现显著性增加 (p<0.05)。结论:大强度间歇游泳运动对青年肥胖女性有明显的减肥效果。  相似文献   
In this study, we aimed to clarify the mechanism of sinking death during the larval stage of Pacific Bluefin tuna Thunnus orientalis by investigating the effects of swimming performance on sinking death, using a behavioral approach. Swimming performance was examined 3–9 days after hatching (DAH) under day and night light conditions in cuboid experimental tanks. Swimming behavior variables such as swimming speed and swimming angle were measured under both light conditions. Larvae in the daytime experiment and larvae with inflated swim bladders at night were distributed on the surface layer of the water column. In contrast, larvae with uninflated swim bladders at night were frequently observed swimming vertically or sinking to the bottom of the tank. Larvae with inflated swim bladders at night were always distributed beneath the surface until the next morning (survival rates were 100 %). However, larvae with uninflated swim bladders at night swam upward repeatedly and later sank to the bottom of the tank (survival rates were 60 % and 38 % at 5 and 9 DAH, respectively). Larvae with uninflated swim bladders were not always able to maintain their swimming depth by swimming until the next morning. Additionally, their swimming speed and vertical swimming frequency (ratio) depended on the illumination and swim bladder conditions. Our findings show that larvae with uninflated swim bladders at night were associated with a higher risk of sinking death. The swimming energy capacity of Pacific Bluefin tuna larvae, which indicates the total amount of the energy that enables individuals to swim throughout the night without feeding, was found to be linked to sinking death.  相似文献   
Fresh autologous tunica vaginalis was experimentally used for partial substitution of the excised urinary bladder wall in ten male mongrel dogs. The substituted areas of two dogs were examined macroscopically and histologically at 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 weeks after surgery. Two control dogs underwent partial cystectomy and primary wall closure without substitution. The regenerated transitional epithelium completely covered the substituted portion and smooth muscle regeneration was present at 6 weeks. The bladder walls at the closure area of one control dog and at the substituted portions of two dogs at 10 weeks were indistinguishable macroscopically from the native bladder with all layers of the bladder wall present histologically. According to the macroscopic and histological findings and simplicity of the technique, tunica vaginalis can be used as an alternative graft for bladder wall substitution. Calcification and bone metaplasia observed were similar to those found after using other tissue grafts.  相似文献   
目的 观察简易膀胱容量压力测定技术在神经源性膀胱管理中的应用效果。方法 将40例神经源性膀胱患者随机分为对照组和试验组各20例,对照组常规依据患者膀胱残余尿量定间歇导尿时间和频次,试验组通过优化的简易膀胱测容量压力测定确定患者膀胱安全容量,依据膀胱安全容量及残余尿量确定间歇导尿时间和频次。观察两组患者的初次排尿时间、结束间歇导尿时间、膀胱容量、残余尿量及泌尿系感染情况。结果 试验组患者初次排尿时间和结束间歇导尿时间都早于对照组(P<0.01);膀胱容量更接近正常成人,残余尿量小于对照组(P<0.01);试验组患者尿路感染率明显低于对照组,有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 神经源性膀胱患者依据优化的膀胱容量压力测定技术确定膀胱安全容量结合残余尿量进行间歇导尿更安全、有效。  相似文献   
脊髓充贯椎骨管腔、传导脑髓神机、调控躯体神机、脊髓濡养全身躯体及脏腑、脑脊液循环代谢自有常度。督脉循行脊髓,反映脊髓的大部分功能,督脉为通真之路,脊髓为脏真聚所。例举颈脊髓外伤后遗症神经源性膀胱并神经源性直肠、T12-L1水平椎管内多发性肿瘤术后、脊髓空洞症3个医案,阐释了脊髓病变以脏腑经络病变为基础,具有易虚损、易痹阻、易共病的病机特征。脊髓疾病属于督脉病变的一部分,治疗上以恢复督脉阴阳水火升降之通道为原则,要同时兼顾督脉病和髓病的用药特点。治督脉应与相关经脉同治,形神同治;虚者治肾命为主,实者通经络为要,治神者参考脑病;治髓虚实主于肝胆,尚用风药。脊髓疾病用药不拘定法,必须辨病辨证,分别轻重缓急处理。  相似文献   
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