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Small‐scale fisheries are recognised as making important contributions to nutrition and economic development despite a lack of accurate quantitative information on catches and consumption. While direct measurement remains the most appropriate way of collecting such data, it is impractical at large scales. Instead, household surveys based upon informant recall of fish caught and/or consumed are frequently used. However, the accuracy of weight recall by informants (even over short recall periods) has not been established. Using data from household surveys, the accuracy and precision of catch and consumption estimates derived from: (a) asking informants to recall weights of fish caught and (b) asking respondents to recall lengths of fish caught and converting to weight were tested. Length‐based methods, using visual aids to assist recall, were more accurate, precise and correctable. These methods could be useful for catch estimation, especially where fish are processed, sold or consumed shortly after capture.  相似文献   
基于陕西省西安市鄠邑区葡萄种植户的调查数据,在构建农户层面效益评价指标体系的基础上,评价了农户种植葡萄的效益状况。结果表明:第一,农户葡萄种植效益整体位于中等偏下的水平;第二,高效益农户与低效益农户在经济效益、生态效益以及就业机会上存在显著差异,而在对子女和老人的照顾上差异不大;第三,经验丰富、种植规模较大的纯农业型农户的效益较高。节水灌溉技术有助于提高农户的经济效益,而购买化肥的渠道、接受技术培训和有购买过假化肥经历对农户种植经济林的生态效益有影响。  相似文献   
夫妻双方的年龄、受教育程度、收入以及户籍方面的差异会影响婚后的主观幸福感。夫妻双方的年龄差距越大,生活幸福感越弱,且这种影响更多地存在于男性和农业户籍人口中;夫妻双方的受教育程度差距虽然有利于女性主观幸福感的提升,却会恶化男性的主观幸福感;夫妻双方的收入差距越大,生活幸福感越强,且对于女性和农业户籍人口而言,收入差距对生活幸福感的影响更为显著;与夫妻双方都是农业户籍相比,夫妻双方都是非农业户籍的幸福感更强。夫妻双方的个人特征差异对婚后主观幸福感的影响存在性别与户籍差异。  相似文献   
在合理筛选控制变量和对农户生计策略类型进行细分的基础上,基于CFPS两期全国整合样本的面板数据,运用倍差法及倾向得分匹配倍差法,实证检验农地转出对农户生计策略产生的影响。结果表明:农地转出对农户采取农业型和农兼型生计策略产生了显著负向作用,对非农型生计策略的选择具有正向推动作用,而对兼农型生计策略的影响效应有限,没有通过显著性检验,说明农户可以通过调整自家的生计策略适应农地转出所引起的变化。另外,通过多种匹配方法对估计结果进行检验,证实估计结果具有稳定性和可靠性。建议今后在尊重农民意愿的基础上,加大对农地流转政策的支持力度。依据不同类型家庭的实际需求,为农户制定适宜自身发展的差异化鼓励政策,带动发展具有当地特色且真正属于农民自己的非农“产业”,实现农地转出户生计的可持续发展。  相似文献   
This study examines the impact of cash crop cultivation on household income and migration decisions, using survey data collected from low-income regions in China. Given farmers decide themselves whether to cultivate cash crops, an endogenous treatment regression model that accounts for potential selection bias issue is used to analyze the data. The empirical results show that cash crop cultivation exerts a positive and statistically significant impact on household income, but it does not affect household migration decisions significantly. The disaggregated analyses reveal that cash crop cultivation significantly increases farm income but decreases off-farm income.  相似文献   
运用实地调查的方法,对藏北草原牧业户和兼业户进行比较分析和回归分析,以期提高人们对藏北草原牧民生计状况的认识,并对藏北草原牧民生活水平提升和收入增长提供一定的参考依据。结果表明:班戈县牧业户呈现"低质化"特征;兼业户的资本禀赋要好于牧业户;拥有较多自然资本和经济资本的牧户习惯于以单纯依靠牧业收入作为其生计策略;拥有较多人力资本、物质资本和社会资本的牧户更愿意选择多种经营方式来获取更多收入;物质资本对牧户生计策略的影响最为显著,社会资本显著程度不高,而人力资本存量偏低。总体来说,牧民生计在提升藏北草原牧民生活水平和促进牧民收入提高过程中显得更加急迫和重要。  相似文献   
云南省6县退耕还林农户收益分析及增收对策的案例研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
邵珍  文冰  王伟  娄玉娥 《林业调查规划》2007,32(4):131-134,138
采取抽样调查的方式,对云南省6个地(市)退耕农户进行调研,对农户的林业收入状况、在退耕地所经营的林业项目以及退耕面积与收益等3方面进行深入剖析,认为农户的林业收入有高型、中高型、中等型、偏低型以及低下型5种类型.对退耕还林发展林业过程中面临的主要问题和促进当地林业发展、增加农户收入的对策进行了探讨.  相似文献   
本文应用数理统计方法对邢台县浆水镇9村265户样本资料进行了系统分析。指出农户家庭经营是我国农村普遍存在的基本经营形式。这一新生事物完全适应现阶段农村生产力发展水平,其收入已成为农民收入的主要来源。近年来,农民收入虽有大幅度提高,但水平仍然很低,农户间收入差距也在不断扩大,山区农村经济仍在一个低水平上运行。本文还对影响农民收入水平的相关因素和农户收支结构进行了分析,并有针对性地提出改善家庭经营管理的建议。最后,对加强农户家庭经营方面的研究与领导也提出具体意见。  相似文献   
Forest-covered home gardens around the tropical world vary in their structure, but serve to supply food and other products for direct family consumption or marketing. Little quantitative data exist defining home garden structure. Thus, this study was undertaken to examine the variation in home garden structures in response to market or household needs and the subsequent variation in light interception and productivity.Four home gardens were studied in the Department of the Petén, in northern Guatemala. Areal extent and height of canopies were mapped in transects through four gardens representing a range of site water regimes and market orientation. Light intensities incident on the ground were measured along each transect to assess light use. Results showed structural complexity, with full canopy closure in the one or more layers within the canopy for most gardens. The garden architectures made efficient use of light and space, with intersive management for food and fuel production. Farmers grew the crops for both cash and family subsistence. One home garden on a comparatively dry site with shallow soil seemed less structured, with only a single broken canopy layer, but with diverse species of plants.The results indicate that development of gardens in this area utilized existing trees, thinning them to leave the most useful, and inserting other desirable trees and shrubs in the understory and in open spaces. This strategy seemed to maximize light use, regardless of market orientation.This look at the structure and composition of four home gardens, in a forested area of current immigration, demonstrated (1) variety of organization and plant components, (2) different architecture for different soil/site conditions and market orientations, and (3) efficient use of available light through the arrangement of plants.  相似文献   
A survey of forestry practices and attitudes was undertaken in four communities in Leyte, the Philippines, to improve understanding of the social and economic factors affecting small-scale forestry development. The survey had three main data collection activities — initial focus group discussions (FGDs), household interviews, and reporting and validation FGDs. A team of enumerators was selected for household interviews which consisted of both males and females, to avoid potential problems of unwillingness of people to talk with those of the opposite gender. The interviewers were also required to be able to speak local dialects (Cebuano and Waray Waray), the survey questionnaires being administered in these dialects. Various methods were used to gain the support and assistance of local government units and barangay captains. Some difficulty was experienced by the survey team in the first community due to barangay elections at the time of the survey, and the requirement by the University of Queensland Ethics Committee that respondents sign a consent form. This requirement was found to be not culturally appropriate for the Leyte smallholder communities. Offering goods at the end of the interview was found to be of limited value for encouraging participation in the survey. Provision of food and drinks were found to encourage FGD participants to express their views, but too much alcohol had a negative effect. The importance of providing comprehensive feedback to respondents and involving them and other stakeholders in development of policy recommendations was apparent. These survey experiences provide valuable insights which are not generally available in textbooks on sample surveys, and provide lessons for planning and conducting smallholder community survey into natural resource management issues.  相似文献   
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