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通过在依饶公路的学习与实践,总结了做好监理工作的几条经验。  相似文献   
福建三明市农民人均林地面积0.83hm2,为耕地面积的10倍。从2003年4月起,三明市努力推进集体林权制度改革,到2004年底97%的村完成了此项改革,95.3%的山林明晰了产权。其配套改革措施包括六大体系13个项目,促进了林业生产关系的深刻变革和林业生产力的发展。  相似文献   
胡锦涛总书记在党的十七大报告中提出中国特色社会主义民主政治理论。至此,中国社会主义民主政治建设上了一个新台阶。根据中国特色社会主义民主政治建设在不同时期取得的成就将其进程大致分为五个阶段,通过对中国社会主义民主政治建设的发展历程的分析,总结中国社会主义民主政治建设的主要经验,从而以史为鉴,开创未来。  相似文献   
1971年非洲猪瘟首次传入古巴并于当年根除,1980年再次传入并在一年内又被根除。古巴能快速根除非洲猪瘟,主要与防控专业委员会的及时成立,协作机制的快速建立;全面扑杀措施的快速实施,健康猪产品的合理利用;民间团队的积极参与以及政府财政的大力支持密切相关。古巴的根除经验,可为我国非洲猪瘟的防控提供参考。  相似文献   
2017年9月,甘肃省凉州区农牧局在日常检查时,查处一公司经营的饲料产品涉嫌非法添加其他物质。经立案调查,认定该公司经营的四黄止痢颗粒、抗病毒消炎颗粒、参芪增免颗粒、感冒神奇颗粒中擅自添加国务院农业行政主管部门公布的饲料添加剂品种目录和药物性饲料添加剂品种目录以外物质的违法事实确实,根据《饲料和饲料添加剂管理条例》规定,依法给予了行政处罚。本文通过对案件定性、查处过程及行业规范监管策略进行讨论,提出了多视角案件定性、先行追溯核查生产企业、陈述申辩与申请听证的不同处理和规范企业生产行为的监管举措。为切实规范兽药饲料经营秩序,强化饲料及饲料添加剂生产企业监管提供参考。  相似文献   
前苏联及东欧共产党丧失执政地位使国际共产主义运动遭受重大挫折的原因有很多,最重要的因素是苏东共产党蜕化变质。没有按照党的先进性来建设党,丧失了党的思想、理论、阶级基础、群众基础、前进方向的先进性,从而失去了它作为无产阶级先锋队的作用,削弱乃至丧失了执政能力,最终葬送了社会主义事业也葬送了党的自身。国际共产主义的经验教训对中国共产党人在全党开展先进性建设的启示是深刻而巨大的:在新的形势下必须坚持党在指导思想上与时俱进;必须从严治党,建立党的先进性建设长效机制;必须加强党的执政能力建设。巩固党的执政基础;必须加大反腐败力度。永葆党的先进性。  相似文献   
建立市场经济新机制开创水保工作新局面李志强(河北省水利厅,石家在市050011)河北省地处京畿,是首都北京和天津的重要水源地和工业原料基地。全省国土总面积18.77万km ̄2,总人口6300多万人。其中山丘区面积11.36万km ̄2,占总土地面积的6...  相似文献   
Previous research reported contrasting results on the effect of owner experience on dog behaviors. This may be because of dog breed genetic variability, differences in expectations, management choices, and attitude toward their dogs by owners of dogs of different breeds. A study of a single breed may help provide a better insight into this issue. A convenience sample of 94 participants, owners of 181 Argentine Dogos, was recruited to provide information on their dogs' behaviors through a questionnaire. Participants were classified according to their previous general experience or inexperience with dogs and whether they had previously owned an Argentine Dogo (expert vs. naive owners). Reasons for getting a dog (companionship, guarding, hunting, breeding) and attendance at dog-training classes were also explored. Pearson chi-square tests and binary logistic regressions were used to analyze the data. Previous inexperience with dogs was associated with a higher prevalence of dogs that were fearful of children and unknown dogs. Naive Dogo owners perceived that their dogs were more obedient and friendly toward strangers but aggressive toward children, than those belonging to Argentine Dogo experts. It also appeared that living environment and the dog's age are critical predictors of many outcome variables. Kennel living was found to be predictive of car and food protection, owner-directed aggression and aggression toward children, whereas house living was associated with fear of loud noises. Changes related to the dogs' age were probably related to behavioral development in the dogs. Destructiveness, excessive body licking, and protective aggression were more common in younger dogs, whereas aggression to unknown dogs was more common in older ones. Protective aggression was more common in males, and fear of startling noises was more common in females. Intact dogs showed a higher probability of having attention-getting behavior, and neutered dogs were more fearful of traffic. Our findings are correlative. Even if causative links cannot be made, our findings certainly provide direction for further investigation.  相似文献   
都市农业发展的国内外先进经验比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文阐述了国内外发展都市农业的先进经验,并指出都市农业未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   
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