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贵州是我国马铃薯主产区之一,然而尚未有当地马铃薯Solanum tuberosum田杂草发生情况的研究报道。我们在贵州省修文县、开阳县、息烽县、习水县、水城县等5个典型马铃薯种植区展开田间调查。在所调查的19块马铃薯田间共发现64种杂草,其中重要值位列前10的杂草依次为:粗毛牛膝菊Galinsogaquadriradiata、卷茎蓼Fallopia convolvulus、繁缕Stellaria media、尼泊尔蓼Polygonum nepalense、马唐Digitaria sanguinalis、酸模叶蓼Polygonum lapathifolium、藜Chenopodium album、野艾蒿Artemisia lavandulaefolia、凹头苋Amaranthus lividus、鸭跖草Commelina communis。平均每块样田中杂草种类数为12.05种,Shannon多样性指数平均值为9.88,Pielou均匀度指数平均值为0.87;样地两两之间的Jaccard差异性指数平均值为0.76,Bray-Curtis差异性指数的平均值为0.72。通过主成分分析对所调查的19块马铃薯田杂草群落进行分析,结果表明所调查的19块田可分为4个类群,类群1优势种为粗毛牛膝菊、卷茎蓼、马唐,类群2以马兰为单优势种,类群3以繁缕、看麦娘、猪殃殃、酸模叶蓼为优势种,类群4以粗毛牛膝菊、卷茎蓼、马唐、尼泊尔蓼为优势种。结论:贵州马铃薯田杂草群落的α和β多样性均较高,不同马铃薯种植地区杂草群落结构差异较大,一些具有贵州地区特色的杂草例如粗毛牛膝菊、尼泊尔蓼等在当地马铃薯田危害严重。  相似文献   
广聚萤叶甲Ophraella communa LeSage是入侵恶性豚草的天敌。参照前人对叶甲类半人工饲料的研究配方,采用19因子混水平正交试验L32(45×216),初步筛选出适合广聚萤叶甲成虫和幼虫的半人工饲料配方,筛选出影响广聚萤叶甲成虫寿命的8种关键成分:麦胚、10%KOH、葡萄糖、尼泊金、豚草叶粉、琼脂、胆固醇、大豆油;影响广聚萤叶甲2龄幼虫发育的8种关键成分是:燕麦片、琼脂、麦胚、葡萄糖、氯化胆碱、10%KOH、蒸馏水、大豆油。研究结果为进一步研制广聚萤叶甲人工饲料提供了基础。  相似文献   
不同生境小花山桃草自然种群表型变异与协变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小花山桃草自然种群的表型特征是其对自然生境适应的结果,不同生境种群间表型特征的比较可为揭示其表型变异产生的原因及变异规律提供重要线索。本研究以分布于不同生境的5个小花山桃草自然种群为研究对象,研究了16个表型性状的变化特点。研究结果表明,小花山桃草表型多样性较为丰富,表型性状的平均变异系数为36.30%。表型分化系数在26.85%~96.98%之间,平均为73.03%,表明种群间变异是小花山桃草表型变异的主要来源。不同性状对环境变化的反应不同,其中株高、茎粗、单株果数和比叶面积在种群内的差异不显著,而在种群间的差异达到极显著水平,表型分化系数达82%以上;节间距、叶宽、主根长、分枝数、果长和果宽在种群间和种群内的差异均达极显著水平;单果种子数和单果重在种群内和种群间的差异均不显著。株高、茎粗、叶长、叶宽、茎重、叶重、主根重和单株果数表现出一致的协变格局,生理功能性状之间的这种整合特性有助于小花山桃草适应多样的生境。聚类分析显示,5个种群可按生境条件的好坏分为两大类,进一步表明小花山桃草的表型特征受种群间环境条件(水、肥)强烈影响。绝大多数表型性状与生境因子存在显著或极显著的相关关系,但果实性状(包括果宽、单果重和单果种子数)与生境因子相关性低,进一步表明繁殖性状不易受环境条件影响。  相似文献   
Fimbristylis miliacea, a weed in rice, has evolved resistance to acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibitors. This study aimed to investigate the competitive abilities of ALS‐resistant (R) and ALS‐susceptible (S) F. miliacea with rice. A replacement series experiment was conducted in the glasshouse at the Federal University of Pelotas, Brazil. The proportions of rice to F. miliacea were 100:0, 75:25, 50:50, 25:75 and 0:100, with 1060 plants m?2. The experimental units were arranged in a completely randomised design with four replications. A follow‐up study was conducted at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, USA, in a split‐plot design with four replications. The main plot was species mixture (rice × R, rice × S, R × S). The subplot was competition partitioning (below‐ and above‐ground, below‐ground only, above‐ground only and no interspecific competition). Leaf area, plant height and shoot dry mass were recorded. Rice was more competitive than the R or S F. miliacea. In equal proportions of rice and F. miliacea, regardless of ecotype, the relative leaf area, height and dry mass of rice were greater than that of F. miliacea. The ALS‐resistant ecotype was less competitive with rice than the S ecotype. Intraspecific competition among rice plants was stronger than rice competition with F. miliacea. Competition for below‐ground resources was the most critical aspect of interference among rice and F. miliacea. In production fields, high infestation levels of F. miliacea results in significant yield losses; thus, resistance to ALS inhibitors needs to be curtailed.  相似文献   
Competitive crop cultivars offer a potentially cheap option to include in integrated weed management strategies (IWM). Although cultivars with high competitive potential have been identified amongst cereal crops, competitiveness has not traditionally been considered a priority for breeding or farmer cultivar choice. The challenge of managing herbicide‐resistant weed populations has, however, renewed interest in cultural weed control options, including competitive cultivars. We evaluated the current understanding of the traits that explain variability in competitive ability between cultivars, the relationship between suppression of weed neighbours and tolerance of their presence and the existence of trade‐offs between competitive ability and yield in weed‐free scenarios. A large number of relationships between competitive ability and plant traits have been reported in the literature, including plant height, speed of development, canopy architecture and partitioning of resources. There is uncertainty over the relationship between suppressive ability and tolerance, although tolerance is a less stable trait over seasons and locations. To realise the potential of competitive crop cultivars as a tool in IWM, a quick and simple‐to‐use protocol for assessing the competitive potential of new cultivars is required; it is likely that this will not be based on a single trait, but will need to capture the combined effect of multiple traits. A way needs to be found to make this information accessible to farmers, so that competitive cultivars can be better integrated into their weed control programmes.  相似文献   
华北大黑鳃金龟[Holotrichia oblita(Faldermann)]是一种为害多种作物的重要地下害虫,为了解其近年的发生动态以便针对性防治,于2010-2013年对其成虫出土规律进行了周年系统研究,并对其发生期和发生量影响因素进行了初步分析。结果表明,2010-2013年华北大黑鳃金龟的出土盛期仍在5月份,与文献相比总体一致,但出土期略滞后并且时间有所延长;而2013年始发期明显晚于其他年份,对其气象因素分析发现,2013年春季干旱,首次降雨在5月26日,明显晚于其他年份,其始发期也较其他年份偏晚,说明土壤湿度可能影响成虫出土始期。出土盛期成虫出土量与气象因素的灰色关联度分析表明,成虫日出土量与平均相对湿度关联最密切,其次是日均温和降雨量。研究结果为华北大黑鳃金龟的预测预报以及针对性防治提供了基础。  相似文献   
基于蜂群-杂草算法的农机行星传动优化设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将人工蜂群算法的寻优机制引入到入侵性杂草优化算法中,提出了一种混合蜂群杂草算法(BCIWO),将其应用于农业机械中星齿行星传动机构的优化设计。选取一个实例,将新算法与遗传算法(GA)及基本杂草算法(IWO)的实验结果进行对比,结果表明:①采用 BCIWO 算法所得的行星传动结构的设计体积为1.4725×107 mm3,小于 GA 与 IWO 所得;② BCIWO 多次求解的波动较小,求解稳定性较高;③ BCIWO 的计算速度较快。从而推知, BCIWO 在机械优化设计领域更具推广性。  相似文献   
李茵  魏文静  韩颖  祝建新  乔宁 《植物检疫》2022,(1):83-84,封3
本文对江西口岸2018-2020年进境粮谷携带杂草种子进行统计分析,结果表明,进境粮谷携带大量杂草种子,共计25科134种4646种次,其中检疫性杂草6科14种616种次.检出数量最多的检疫性杂草是硬雀麦.来源于乌克兰、澳大利亚和美国的进境大麦、玉米和高粱携带有害生物的风险较高.本文总结了江西口岸进境粮谷中检疫性杂草名...  相似文献   
内蒙古武川地区燕麦田杂草发生情况   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了安全、高效地防除杂草,采用样方调查法对内蒙古武川地区燕麦田间杂草的种类和分布情况进行了调查,结果表明:内蒙古武川地区燕麦田杂草共13科22属27种,其中阔叶杂草21种,占91.30%;禾本科杂草2种,占8.70%。主要杂草有狗尾草、藜、沙蓬、猪毛菜、苣荬菜等。免耕田内杂草种类多于常规耕作,免耕不覆盖的杂草发生严重;免耕覆盖的杂草发生较轻。  相似文献   
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