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旨在评价斯氏艾美耳球虫重组蛋白Es-GAPDH对兔的免疫保护效果,为兔斯氏艾美耳球虫重组亚单位疫苗的研制奠定基础。利用相对荧光定量PCR分析Es-GAPDH在斯氏艾美耳球虫不同发育时期的转录水平,并对Es-GAPDH进行原核表达与蛋白纯化;然后将42只45日龄无球虫幼兔随机分为5组(空白对照组、不免疫攻虫组、Trx-His-S tag攻虫对照组、Quil-A saponin攻虫对照组和rEs-GAPDH免疫组),分别经颈部皮下注射1 mL PBS、1 mL PBS、1 mL PBS含100μg pET-32a空载蛋白含1 mg Quil-A、1 mL PBS含1 mg Quil-A、1 mL 100μg rEs-GAPDH含1 mg Quil-A,首免14 d后同等剂量加强免疫。二免14 d后除空白对照组外,其余各组实验兔经口感染1×104个斯氏艾美耳球虫孢子化卵囊,攻虫后观察各组临床表现,每周定时采血、称重,感染21 d后剖检观察肝组织病理变化,并测定和统计每组的相对增重、料肉比、肝指数、卵囊排出量、生化指标、特异性IgG抗体以及细胞因子等。结果发现,Es-GA...  相似文献   
帕托珠利和妥曲珠利在肉鸡体内残留消除的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>妥曲珠利(toltrazuril)是禽类和猪常用的抗球虫药物。帕托珠利(panazuril,描述体内代谢物时称为妥曲珠利砜)是妥曲珠利在机体内主要代谢产物之一,也是妥曲珠利的药效形式。与妥曲珠利相比,帕托珠利易于通过血脑屏障[1]。2001年,美国FDA批准帕托珠利(商品名Marquis)的口服糊剂上市,用于治疗马原生动物性脑脊髓炎(EPM)。目前,帕托珠利尚未被批准用于禽类球虫病的防治,也未见帕托  相似文献   
Quality control and screening of active substances in traditional Chinese medicines have been performed using fingerprint analysis. The spectrum-effect relationship between chromatography fingerprints and efficacy of herbal drugs is considered as a potentially useful method for determining active ingredients in complex mixtures. The study was designed to develop a method for determining the bioactive components of a compound Chinese medicine called Tiefeng based on spectrum-effect relationships between high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) fingerprints and anticoccidial activities. Four peaks of the established HPLC fingerprint indicate the main bioactive components of this medicine. In addition, pharrnacodynamic atlas was defined and used to assess the anticoccidial activity of Tiefeng from different sources for the first time. We found that the level of anticoccidial activity of Tiefeng was consistent with the degree of similarity between the pharmacodynamic atlas and chromatogram of any sample. Furthermore, effect of this medicine was related with the main active constituents, along with the origin and the harvesting time.  相似文献   
球虫病是由鸡吞食一种或多种艾美耳科艾美耳属球虫感染性卵囊后,球虫寄生于鸡肠道黏膜上皮细胞而引起的一种急性流行病,我国将其定为二类动物疫病。临床特征为急性型的病鸡表现为贫血、血便,雏鸡消瘦,可视黏膜苍白。由于肠上皮细胞遭受严重损伤,造成机体中毒后急剧衰竭而死亡。慢性型表现为幼鸡或成年鸡间歇性下痢,逐渐消瘦,产蛋量下降,生长发育不良。  相似文献   
马杜拉霉素是第4代奎诺酮糖昔聚醚类,离子载体具有抗生素的抗菌消炎作用,其铵盐制剂是新一代抗球虫药,具有广谱高效、价廉、不易产生抗药性、与其他抗生素类药物无交叉反应,无耐药性、无致畸、致癌、致突变的优点,近几年又成为畜禽饲养中防治球虫病的新宠。  相似文献   
球虫病是鸡肠道内感染艾美耳球虫引起的一种急性流行性寄生虫病,以出血性肠炎、血痢、雏鸡的高发病率和死亡率为特征. 1 流行及传播途径 鸡球虫只感染鸡而不感染其它畜禽,所有日龄和品种的鸡对球虫都有易感性.本病主要发生于4~6周龄,15~50日龄的鸡最易感染,多流行于阴雨潮湿的季节,病鸡和带虫鸡是本病的主要传染源,被粪便污染的饲料、饮水都带有大量的卵囊,摄入有活力的孢子化卵囊是唯一的天然传播方式.  相似文献   
自1870年艾美耳首次报道鸡肠道有球虫寄生以来,凡有养鸡地方,都存在不同程度的球虫病,以集约化养鸡场更为典型.据有关统计,该病发病率一般为50%~70%,死亡率为20%~30%,严重高达80%左右.在各种鸡病中,球虫病发病率最高,约占1/5~1/6.  相似文献   
In order to study whether the internal transcribed spacers (ITS) sequence could be used as a molecular marker for the species identification of rabbit coccidian, the rDNA ITS of Eimeria intestinalis, Eimeria flavescens and Eimeria magna were amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and were cloned into pGEM-T Easy vector subsequently. The positive recombinant plasmids were identified by PCR and then sequenced. By sequence comparison and comparative analysis with the relative sequences of rabbit Eimeria spp. available in GenBank, the results showed that the lengths of Eimeria intestinalis, Eimeria flavescens and Eimeria magna were 1065, 1009 and 1047 bp, respectively, and the sequence homologies with the same species sequences were 99.2%, 99.0% and 94.5%, respectively, while were 55.3% to 82.1% compared with corresponding sequences of other different species sequences. The phylogenetic analysis using software Mega 5.0 showed that all rabbit coccidia clustered together in a clade, which was divided into two sister lineages, corresponding to the presence or absence of oocyst residuum. The result demonstrated ITS could be used as a molecular marker for the species identification of rabbit coccidia.  相似文献   
为探讨ChIL-17及其受体在抗柔嫩艾美耳球虫(E.tenella)感染中的作用,本研究用E.tenella RC株孢子化卵囊口服感染14日龄非免疫蛋公鸡,于感染后0,2,4,6,12,24,3,5,7d共9个不同时间点同时提取对照组和试验组雏鸡盲肠扁桃体RNA,采用实时荧光定量PCR方法检测ChIL-17A、ChIL-17F和ChIL-17RA基因的表达动态。结果显示,ChIL-17A表达水平在感染后持续下调,感染后4h为感染前(0h)的0.13倍(P0.01),感染后3d达最低表达水平,仅为感染前(0h)的0.009 7倍。而ChIL-17F的表达水平则呈现相反的变化,在感染早期明显上调,感染后2h上调3.07倍(P0.05),感染后4h上调6.49倍(P0.01),其后时间点与感染前相比表达水平则无显著性差异。ChIL-17RA与感染前相比表达上调,于感染后24h和7d分别上调1.73倍和2.21倍(P0.01)。结果表明,ChIL-17及其受体基因的表达水平在感染后均呈现显著变化,说明它们在E.tenella感染中具有重要的宿主-寄生虫免疫生物学意义。特别是ChIL-17A和ChIL-17F在感染早期(感染后2~4h)表现出显著的相反表达动态说明两者在宿主防御E.tenella感染的早期具有不同的免疫调节功能,而这一具体调节机制还有待于进一步的研究加以阐明。  相似文献   
用青蒿、常山等组成复方中药制剂“球宁”,并对其进行超微粉碎加工成微粉制剂。按不同比例添加与饲料中,饲喂人工感染柔嫩艾美耳球虫的雏鸡,以磺胺喹啉钠为对照,在感染后8d剖杀,检测血浆中红细胞C3b受体(RBC-CR1)花环率和免疫复合物(RBC-IC)花环率,以观察“球宁”及其微粉制剂对人工感染柔嫩艾美耳球虫的雏鸡的红细胞免疫功能的影响。结果,粗粉组(2%)、微粉组(2%)、微粉组(1%)三组的红细胞C3b受体花环形成率比阳性对照组有明显提高(p<0.05);红细胞免疫复合物(RBC-IC)花环形成率比阳性对照组有所降低(p<0.01)。说明所试药物能改善红细胞的免疫粘附功能,显著降低血浆中免疫复合物的含量,降低球虫病对机体的损伤。  相似文献   
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