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The paper described the natural conditions and forest types in Northwestern Region of China. Most forests in the region are distributed in subalpine areas. It is important to protect the existent forests in the region for maintaining ecological balance. According to the statistics results of 1991~2000, the paper analyzes the forest fires distribution and fire severity. Annually the numbers of forest fires range from 52 to 240. The incidence rate of forest fires in Northwestern Region is under 0.33 per ten thousand ha. There are 0.67-64.4 ha burned area per ten thousand ha forest. The main reasons for forest fires lie in the dry weather conditions, many firebrands, and high fuel loading. The strategies of fire management in the region are to stress the fire education in forest regions, strength the firebrands' management, emphasize the fuel management, and improve the fire monitoring and fire control ability.  相似文献   
Eucalypts are very popular for revegetation in many parts of south China because of their capacity to tolerate degraded sites and unfertile soils,and their fast growth potential to coppice. This paper reviews a decade of field trials in china, undertaken as part of several bilateral researchprograms in plantation forestry, concerning the use of fertilizers, harvest residue management and inoculation with ectomycorrhizal fungi. One of the key questions addressed is whether the productivity of plantation eucalypts in south China can be increased to the world average by nutrient management across a rotation.  相似文献   
通过在三种杨树无性系,I-214(Populus×euranericanacv.I-214)(ltalica)、中东杨(P.berolinensis)(Berolinensis)和群众杨(P.popularis35-44)(Popularis)一年生盆栽插条苗的木质部导入ABA和细胞分裂素,研究了这两类激素在气孔调控中的作用。尽管不同无性系的气孔在对ABA的敏感性上存在显著差异,但ABA仍可导致气孔的关闭,然而在蒸腾流中的细胞分裂素(与ABA共导入或分别导入)可以明显地抑制ABA的作用。并且玉米素还能推迟土壤干旱所诱导的气孔关闭,在水分胁迫条件下,内源细胞分裂素浓度下降而同时ABA上升.据此提出了复合胁迫信号的概念,即在根冠通讯中,是ABA和细胞分裂素共同调控气孔的运动。另外还研究了玉米素、激动素、6-BA等不同细胞分裂素与ABA的相互作用,结果发现6-BA与玉米素和激动素的作用相反,它不能抑制ABA的作用,反而促进其对气孔的关闭  相似文献   
帽儿山地区是东北东部山区较典型的天然次生林区。本文利用ARC/INFO软件,对帽儿山林场景观类型最小距离指数和景观连接度指数进行分析,进而对帽儿山林场各景观类型的空间分布规律进行了探讨。结果表明:有林地与无林地的景观连接度有明显差异,无林地的景观连接度普遍大于有林地;天然林的景观连接度都接近于O,景观破碎化程度较高。人工林的最小距离指数低于天然林和非林地;人工林中,人工针叶混交林的距离指数最小,格局接近于团聚分布;天然林的景观格局近于随机分布;非林地中,采伐迹地的距离指数最小,接近于团聚分布。图2参15。  相似文献   
在过去,中国竹类资源主要被农户作为林副产品自用,很少与市场关联。近年来,由于谷物供应的过剩和农业环境的恶化,大家都在寻找既能够保护环境又能满足市场需求的替代作物。竹子紧密关联着农、林二业,完全有可能用以应对中国农业面临的新挑战。在有记载的534种中国竹子中,153种生产可食竹笋,其中56种为优秀种;139种竹子可用于木材生产,其中58种为优秀种;116种竹子可生产优质竹篾,其中22种为优秀种;88种竹子适用于公园种植,其中34种为优秀种;45种竹子可生产纸浆,其中18种为优秀种。图5附录5参32。  相似文献   
适宜的生境是珍稀濒危生物生存的决定性条件,对珍稀濒危生物生境的系统研究是生物多样性保护的前提。金丝猴是中国特有并且珍稀的濒危物种,黔金丝猴又是三种金丝猴中分布最为狭窄、对生境要求最为苛刻的一种。本文从黔金丝猴的最佳适宜生境、适宜生境和较适宜生境三个生境选择方面对生境内植物群落特征、环境因子、极端环境因子等进行了系统分析,对黔金丝猴的季节活动规律、活动区域和食物特点进行了系统的研究。结果表明常绿针阔混交林是黔金丝猴的最佳生存的植被群落,其最适宜的年均温度为8~15C,极端最低温度为-2.5C,极端最高温度为25C,最适宜生存的海拔高度为1500~1700m。在同一区域,植物多样性越多,越适宜黔金丝猴的生存。温度和食物是决定黔金丝猴种群活动范围大小的主要生境因子,海拔高度、植被群落特征、温度是黔金丝猴对生境选择的主要限制因子。图3表3参16。  相似文献   
FRW阻燃杨木胶合板物理力学性能和阻燃性能的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选用新型木材阻燃剂FRW处理杨木单板,研制阻燃性能优异的FRW阻燃杨木胶合板,并对其各项物理力学性能和阻燃性能进行了测试.结果表明:FRW阻燃杨木胶合板的物理力学性能可达到GB 9846-2004《胶合板普通胶合板通用技术条件》的规定,阻燃性能达到日本标准JISD1322-77中规定的难燃一级品标准和中华人民共和国公共安全行业标准GA/T42.1-92《阻燃木材燃烧性能试验方法--木垛法》的规定.  相似文献   
对河北、河南、山东、甘肃的4块毛白杨无性系测定林中约100个无性系进行了木材基本密度的测定,对木材基本密度在地点和无性系间的遗传变异进行了研究.结果表明:毛白杨无性系的木材基本密度平均值为0.4363g/cm3,木材基本密度在地点和无性系间均存在极显著差异.木材基本密度的无性系重复力为0.82~0.91,属于受遗传控制较强的材性性状.对生长和材性的相关研究表明,木材基本密度与生长性状(包括胸径、树高和材积)一般存在显著的负相关,但不同地点上表现为不同的正或负的相关关系  相似文献   
The variation of tensile strength parallel to grain in Chinese fir and I-214 poplar wood from plantations was studied in this paper. Aaccording to the national standards The Testing Methods for Physical and Mechanical Properties of Wood (GB 1927 to 1943 ? 1991), the small clear wood samples were cut and tested, which represent the south and north of trees with heights of 1.3, 3.3, 5.3 and 7.3 m. The results showed: the tensile strength parallel to grain of the north wood was higher than that of south wood. ANOVA shows that the tensile strength parallel to the grain with height is of significant difference (at 0.05 level).  相似文献   
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