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鸡马立克氏病单价活疫苗免疫效力比较试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用农业部南京药械厂和三家外国动物保健品公司生产的4种火鸡疱疹病毒(HVT)冻干苗、实验室制备的CVI988细胞结合苗和HVT细胞结合苗等6种鸡马立克氏病(MD)单价活疫苗免疫1日龄SPF白来航鸡,8日龄时用鸡马立克氏病强毒(vMDV)GA株攻击,同时以Z4+FC126双价活疫苗作对照,进行免疫效力比较试验。结果表明,6种MD单价活疫苗均能使免疫鸡群获得对vMDV攻击的免疫保护力,免疫效力强弱顺序依  相似文献   

抗菌药对马立克氏病活疫苗毒性的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用不同剂量的青霉素钾、硫酸链霉素、硫酸卡那霉素、硫酸庆大霉素和恩诺沙星等5种常见抗菌药加入HVT冻干菌、CVI988细胞结合苗和Z4+FC126双价活疫苗中,作用1h后,分别取样计数,研究其对马立克氏病(MD)疫苗的毒性作用。结果表明:5种抗菌药加入MD疫苗稀释液后,pH值变化较大,MD疫苗空斑数显著减少,以至使MD疫苗失效。  相似文献   

分别以血清型Ⅱ型马立克氏病病毒(MDV)疫苗株(Z4、SB1)、血清Ⅲ型火鸡疱疹病毒(HVT)疫苗株(FC126)及二价疫苗(Z4+FC126、SB1+FC126)免疫鸡群,用琼脂扩散试验(AGPT)检查各鸡群MDV强毒攻击后不同时期的羽囊抗原。结果,二价苗能使试验鸡羽毛囊强毒排出高峰推迟,排毒率显著下降。  相似文献   

本文比较了4种血清I型马立克氏病(MD)单价弱毒疫苗其及其与血清II型和III型病毒混合多价疫苗在安全性及效力方面的差异,以0.2ml的剂量皮下接种1日龄母源抗体阳性的雏鸡。接种后5天,所有的疫苗接种鸡及时对照鸡都用MD强毒株-Md-5或RB1/B株攻毒。血清I型单价疫苗的保护指数由56至80以上不等。I型毒+HVT(III型)疫苗的保护指数亦有很大的提高。用HVT+SB-1或HVT+301B/1  相似文献   

马立克氏病是一种鸡的淋巴组织增生性疾病,是一种高度传染性肿瘤病,其病原马立克氏病病毒(简称MDV)属细胞结合性疱疹病毒。该病对鸡的危害极大,主要引起鸡体消瘦、产蛋率下降、死亡率增加及继发其他传染病。马立克氏病目前尚无有效的疗法,但可通过正确使用疫苗和加强综合防疫加以预防。目前市场上疫苗的类型大致有以下几种:(1)强毒细胞致弱毒株(如CVI988马立克液氮苗);(2)火鸡疱疹病毒马立克冻干苗(HVT);(3)双价苗(如HVT+CVI液氮苗);(4)免疫促进素ACM1+HVT冻干苗混合使用。MD疫苗…  相似文献   

马立克氏病基因工程苗可行性研究吴贤福,蔡宝祥(南京农业大学动物医学院210095)近年来,由于马立克氏病强毒(vMDV)和超强毒(vvMDV)的出现,使临床免疫过HVT的鸡仍然发病,故有必要从免疫学角度反思MD防制问题。MD的免疫与免疫抑制同时并存,...  相似文献   

本实验以马立克氏病(MD)三价苗(SB_1+814+HVT)和HVT疫苗免疫1日龄肉用雏鸡,15日龄时腹腔注射马立克氏病强毒(vDMV)进行攻击,在攻毒后5、25、45和75天用间接ELISA法测定实验雏鸡血清、泪液、气管液、胆汁和肠液IgG、IgM和lgA含量的动态变化,结果发现免疫雏鸡强毒攻击后,其血清、泪液和气管液的IgG、lgM和IgA含量显著高于感染对照鸡,胆汁和肠液中IgA以及IgG、IgM显著高于感染对照鸡,其中三价菌免疫鸡的3种免疫球蛋白含量明显高于HVT免疫鸡;表明MD强毒攻击后,免疫雏鸡全身和消化道、呼吸道局部的体液免疫应答显著增强,三价苗免疫鸡的体液免疫反应明显高于HVT免疫鸡,并与其较高的免疫保护率相关。  相似文献   

马立克氏病(MD)是严重危害养鸡业的疾病之一。70年代以来,火鸡疱疾病毒(HVT)疫苗的问世,使得本病造成的损失大大降低。但近年来,世界各地相继发现了强毒力的马立克氏病病毒(VMDV)及毒力极强的马立克氏病病毒(vvMDV),疫苗免疫失败屡屡发生,给本病的防制带来了新的挑战。一、疫苗的种类目前常用的MD疫苗可分为三种类型。I型疫苗:为人工培育致弱的疫苗,如CV1988、814株;Ⅱ型疫苗:为自然筛选的无毒株疫苗,如SB-1、Z4株;血型疫苗:即HVT疫苗。另外,还有二价和三价疫苗,如SB-1+H…  相似文献   

应用马立克氏病病毒( M D V)2 型 Z4 株和 3 型 H V T 联合和单独免疫鸡,结果表明,双价疫苗免疫的鸡,其 H V T 病毒血症与单独 H V T 免疫鸡相比,差异不显著,但是联合免疫能诱导机体产生更强的抗 M D V1型的细胞和体液免疫应答。疫苗保护试验进一步证实,双价疫苗明显优于单价疫苗,能显著减少 M D V 强毒在体内生产性感染和潜伏感染的水平,减少 M D 的肿瘤发生率。  相似文献   

鸡马立克氏病Z4+Fc126双价活疫苗配比试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本研究用不同剂量的Z4和Fc126配制成鸡马立克氏病双价活疫苗做配比试验。2个试验8种配比的Z4和Fc126双介活疫苗免疫易感鸡,攻毒保护试验结果表明,Z4无论与Fc126细胞结合毒还是与Fc126冻干毒配成双价活疫苗,均能给免疫鸡群提供坚强的免疫保护力,Z4与Fc126间存在很强的免疫协同作用,即使Z4剂量小至仅占疫苗病毒PFU总数的10%,这种协同作用仍能使免疫鸡群产生较强的免疫保护力。  相似文献   

Comparative 50% protective dose (PD50) assays were performed using a plaque-purified preparation of Marek's disease virus (MDV) strain CVI-988 at the 65th chicken embryo fibroblast (CEF) passage level (MDV CVI-988 CEF65 clone C) and three commercial MD vaccines: herpesvirus of turkeys (HVT) FC126, MDV CVI-988 CEF35, and a bivalent vaccine composed of HVT FC126 and MDV SB-1. In addition, comparative PD50 assays were performed in groups of chickens with maternal antibody to each of the three vaccines. Three representatives of the newly emerged biovariant very virulent (vv) MDV strains-RB/1B, Tun, and Md5-were employed as challenge virus. The experiments made feasible the differentiation between virulent MDV and vvMDV strains, within serotype 1. Vaccination with CVI-988 clone C vaccine resulted in PD50 estimates of about 5 plaque-forming units (PFUs) against challenge infection with each of the three vvMDV strains. The PD50 estimate of CVI-988 clone C vaccine was 12-fold below the PD50 of HVT FC126. The protective synergism of bivalent vaccine, composed of HVT and SB-1, was confirmed by groups given the lowest vaccine doses. The bivalent vaccine, however, resulted in incomplete protection in groups given the highest vaccine doses. Homologous maternal antibodies to serotype 1 caused a fivefold increase in the PD50 estimate of CVI-988 clone C. Heterologous maternal antibodies against HVT did not interfere with efficacy of CVI-988 clone C vaccination. However, the combination of maternal antibodies against both HVT and SB-1 (serotypes 2 and 3) showed a strong adverse effect on CVI-988 clone C vaccine.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

分别以7种鸡MD疫苗免疫SPF鸡和狼山鸡,用琼脂扩散试验(AGP)检查鸡群MDV强毒攻击后不同时期的羽囊抗原,结果表明,免疫组鸡羽囊排毒高峰推迟,排毒率下降,排毒高峰维持时间短,不同疫苗免疫不同品种鸡后排毒情况有差异,CVI988和两种二价苗效果优于HVT苗。  相似文献   

R L Witter 《Avian diseases》1987,31(4):752-765
Attempts were made, through selection of optimum viral strains, to develop improved vaccines against Marek's disease (MD). Seven attenuated serotype 1 strains and 22 avirulent serotype 2 strains, both alone and in combination with the FC126 strain of serotype 3, were screened for protective efficacy against challenge with virulent and very virulent MD viral strains. The three viruses selected as most promising were evaluated alone and in various combinations and compared with commercially available vaccines, including FC126, bivalent (FC126 + SB-1), and CV1988/C, in 12 separate assays. Two of these new viruses--301B/1 (serotype 2) and Md11/75C/R2 (serotype 1)--were exceptionally protective compared with prototype vaccine strains. Four new monovalent and polyvalent vaccines based on these two isolates protected chickens better than FC126 alone or CV1988/C alone. Three of these new vaccines provided better protection than the bivalent (FC126 + SB-1) vaccine. Protective synergism was noted commonly between viruses of serotypes 2 and 3 but only sporadically between serotypes 1 and 2 or between serotypes 1 and 3. Strain CVI988/C was protective but was no better than FC126 alone, and it was less effective than bivalent (FC126 + SB-1) vaccine, even when used as a bivalent vaccine with FC126 or SB-1.  相似文献   

Earlier studies have shown that the B haplotype has a significant influence on the protective efficacy of vaccines against Marek's disease (MD) and that the level of protection varies dependent on the serotype of MD virus (MDV) used in the vaccine. To determine if the protective glycoprotein gene gB is a basis for this association, we compared recombinant fowlpox virus (rFPV) containing a single gB gene from three serotypes of MDV. The rFPV were used to vaccinate 15.B congenic lines. Nonvaccinated chickens from all three haplotypes had 84%-97% MD after challenge. The rFPV containing gB1 provides better protection than rFPV containing gB2 or gB3 in all three B genotypes. Moreover, the gB proteins were critical, since the B*21/*21 chickens had better protection than chickens with B*13/*13 or B*5/*5 using rFPV with gB1, gB2, or gB3. A newly described combined rFPV/gB1gEgIUL32 + HVT vaccine was analyzed in chickens of lines 15 x 7 (B*2/*15) and N (B*21/*21) challenged with two vv+ strains of MDV. There were line differences in protection by the vaccines and line N had better protection with the rFPV/gB1gEgIUL32 + HVT vaccines (92%-100%) following either MDV challenge, but protection was significantly lower in 15 X 7 chickens (35%) when compared with the vaccine CVI988/Rispens (94%) and 301B1 + HVT (65%). Another experiment used four lines of chickens receiving the new rFPV + HVT vaccine or CVI988/Rispens and challenge with 648A MDV. The CVI 988/Rispens generally provided better protection in lines P and 15 X 7 and in one replicate with line TK. The combined rFPV/gB1gEgIUL32 + HVT vaccines protected line N chickens (90%) better than did CVI988/Rispens (73%). These data indicate that rFPV + HVT vaccines may provide protection against MD that is equivalent to or superior to CVI988/ Rispens in some chicken strains. It is not clear whether the rFPV/gB1gEgIUL32 + HVT vaccine will offer high levels of protection to commercial strains, but this vaccine, when used in line N chickens, may be a useful model to study interactions between vaccines and chicken genotypes and may thereby improve future MD vaccines.  相似文献   

The pathogenicity of Marek's disease (MD) strain CVI-988 vaccine, eight plaque-purified preparations originating from this strain, and the vaccine HVT FC126 (based on herpesvirus of turkeys) was determined by intramuscular administration of high virus doses to day-old specific-pathogen-free Rhode Island Red (RIR) chickens, which are extremely MD-susceptible. Paralysis and neuritis were observed in 88% of RIR chickens inoculated with MDV CVI-988 at the cell-passage level of the commercial vaccine. HVT FC126 caused paralysis in two of 39 RIR chickens tested, of which one had an endoneural lymphoma, and another three had endoneural inflammation. Five plaque-purified MDV CVI-988 virus preparations at various cell-culture-passage levels caused no lesions. Of another three clones, two caused inflammatory B-type lesions in the nerves of 1/10 chickens, and the third clone caused inflammatory nonneoplastic MD lesions in the liver of 1/11 chickens.  相似文献   

Marek's disease (MD) is a lymphoproliferative disease of domestic chickens caused by a highly infectious, oncogenic alpha-herpesvirus known as Marek's disease virus (MDV). MD is presently controlled by vaccination. Current MD vaccines include attenuated serotype 1 strains (e.g., CVI988/Rispens), avirulent serotype 2 (SB-1), and serotype 3 (HVT) MDV strains. In addition, recombinant MDV strains have been developed as potential new and more efficient vaccines to sustain the success of MD control in poultry. One of the candidate recombinant MDV strains, named rMd5deltaMeq, was derived from Md5, a very virulent strain of MDV lacking the MDV oncogene Meq. Our earlier reports suggest that rMd5deltaMeq provided protection equally well or better than commonly used MD vaccines in experimental and commercial lines of chickens challenged with very virulent plus (vv+) strains of MDV. In this study, maternal antibody-positive (trial 1) and negative (trial 2) chickens from a series of relatively MD resistant lines were either vaccinated with the rMd5deltaMeq or CVI988/Rispens followed by infection of a vv+ strain of MDV, 648A, passage 10. This report presents experimental evidence that the rMd5deltaMeq protected significantly better than the CVI988/Rispens (P < 0.01) in the relatively resistant experimental lines of chickens challenged with the vv+ strain of MDV. Together with early reports, the rMd5deltaMeq appeared to provide better protection, comparing with the most efficacious commercially available vaccine, CVI988/Rispens, for control of MD in lines of chickens regardless of their genetic background.  相似文献   

由于CVI988/Rispense疫苗优良的免疫特性,已经被认为是目前防控马立克氏病(Marek'sdisease,MD)效果最好的疫苗。然而,近年来随着马立克病毒(Marek'sdisease virus,MDV)毒力的不断增强。CVI988/Rispense需要与MDV-Ⅱ或者HVT联合使用才能防止免疫失败的发生。本实验通过空斑计数和间接免疫荧光相结合的方法测定了马立克病毒CVI988/Rispense+FC126二价活疫苗的效价。结果显示批次A中CVI988为4400PFU/dose,HVT为2600/dose;批次B中CVI988为4800PFU/dose,HVT为2400PFU/dose;批次C中CVI988为4600PFU/dose,HVT为2800PFU/dose。所得结果均显著高于国家标准CVI988不少于2000PFU/dose,HVT不少于1000PFU/dose,并且批次之间非常稳定,适合用作鸡群马立克氏病的防控。  相似文献   

鸡马立克氏病三价疫苗的安全性及免疫效力研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将MD三价疫苗以25000PFU/只的剂量颈部皮下接种1日龄SPF雏鸡,结果表明,疫苗的接种不影响鸡体重的增加;不引起鸡法氏囊、脾脏等组织器官发生MD组织病理学变化,对鸡安全无毒性。用SPF鸡评价MD三价疫苗的免疫效力,三批疫苗对RB1B超强毒株攻击的平均保护效力为95.99%,而且无论是用RB1B超强毒株还是用BJMDV-1血毒攻击,MD三价疫苗的保护效力明显高于HVT+SB1二价疫苗及HVT冻干苗,好于CV1988疫苗;接种MD三价疫苗的4个品系的商品鸡群,抗RB1B超强毒株攻毒的平均保护效力为94.60%;在模拟MD强毒自然传染的试验中,MD三价疫苗的保护效力达到95.65%。上述效力试验的结果说明:MD三价疫苗的免疫接种可使鸡形成抗MD强毒攻击的坚强免疫力。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To develop a serotype 1 Marek's disease (MD) vaccine from a very virulent MDV (vvMDV) pathotype and demonstrate safety and efficacy against early challenge with very virulent field strains in the presence of maternal antibody. STUDY DESIGN: Strain BH 16 was isolated and attenuated by serial cell culture passage. One of two cloned passages was selected for vaccine development following early laboratory-scale protection trials in commercial birds. Comparative protection trials were carded out on the BH 16 vaccine and on a CVI 988 Rispens vaccine using commercial and SPF chickens. Challenge viruses used were either a low passage strain BH 16 virus, the Woodlands No. 1 strain or MPF 57 strain of MDV. The BH 16 vaccine was back-passaged in SPF chickens six times and virus recovered from the final passage and the original vaccine virus were tested for safety. The immunosuppressive potential of the BH 16 and Rispens vaccines was also assessed in parallel. RESULTS: The BH 16 and Rispens vaccines induced comparable levels of protection when used as monovalent or multivalent vaccines, although protection achieved with the monovalent vaccines was lower. No gross tumour formation was evident in any birds receiving the BH 16 vaccine or bird-passaged virus, although microscopic lesions were present in 2/12 birds that received the bird-passaged virus. In tests for immunosuppression, there was no histological evidence of damage to either the bursa of Fabricius or the thymus. CONCLUSION: The BH 16 vaccine was shown to be safe and at least as protective as the Rispens vaccine against three highly virulent MD challenge viruses.  相似文献   

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