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以猪瘟兔化弱毒细胞苗分别免疫3组初生仔猪,每头1.5头剂。第1组20头先免疫,1小时后吸初乳。第2组15头,吸初乳后1小时免疫。第3组13头,吸初乳后半小时免疫。75日龄,以猪瘟弱毒单抗酶联方法测定3组动物的平均抗体(OD值)分别为0.25、0.23及0.21。80日龄,每组各随机抽出4头猪,连同非免疫对照猪6头以猪瘟石门系强毒攻击后,对照猪全死,第1组100%保护,第2组75%保护,第3组50%保护。第1组的免疫效果明显优于其它两组。  相似文献   

以猪瘟免化弱毒细胞苗分别免疫5组初生仔猪,每头1.5头剂。第1组20头先免疫,1小时后吸初乳。第2组15头,吸初乳后1小时免疫。第5组15头,吸初乳后半小时免疫。75日龄,以猪瘟弱毒单抗酶联方法测定1组动物的平均抗体(OD值)分别为0.25、0.25及0.21。80日龄,每组各随机抽出4头猪,连同非免疫对照猪6头以猪瘟石门系强毒攻击后,对照猪全死,第1组100%保护,第2组75%保护,第5组50%保护。第1组的免疫效果明显优于其他两组。  相似文献   

一,猪场常规免疫程序 (一)生长肥育猪的免疫程序 1.日龄:猪瘟常发猪场,猪瘟弱毒苗超前免疫,即仔猪生后在未采食初乳前,先肌肉注射一头份猪瘟弱毒苗,隔1~2小时后再让仔猪吃初乳;  相似文献   

1生长肥育猪的免疫程序1日龄进行猪瘟弱毒苗超前免疫,仔猪出生后在未食初乳前,先注射1头份猪瘟弱毒苗,隔1~2小时后再让仔猪吃初乳,这种方法适用于常发猪瘟的猪场;7~15日龄接  相似文献   

本文研究报道了仔猪生下后,在未吃初乳前进行猪瘟疫苗注射的免疫方法。试验以仔猪注苗后吃初乳时距,将试验猪分为0、1、2、3、4、6、8小时七个组,试验猪10窝仔猪90只。仔猪免疫后每两个月采血测定一次血清抗体。第八个月抽选第二、四、五组各3头猪进行猪瘟强毒攻击。结果:免疫试验的第一、二、三、四、五组八月内免疫猪的血清抗体滴度维持在32~×~64~×,第六、七组已下降至4~×~8~×。攻毒试验结果:第二、四组,100%保护,第五组,仅保护33.4%。  相似文献   

应用中国兽药监察所研制的猪瘟弱毒和强毒单抗酶联试剂,对猪瘟免疫抗体和猪瘟疫情进行监测。试验结果表明,一月龄一次接种两头剂和一月龄,二月龄时各接种一头剂猪瘟疫苗的猪均有良好的免疫应答。未吸初乳仔猪的抗体水平较低,而一旦吸初乳后,其OD值可达0.20以上。对20日龄和60日龄进各接种4头剂猪瘟兔化弱毒疫苗的猪,检测其免疫水平表明,在特定的条件下,大剂量接种疫苗有一定的必要性。用猪瘟弱毒单抗酶联试剂对现  相似文献   

一、猪场常规免疫程序 (一)生长肥育猪的免疫程序 1.日龄:猪瘟常发猪场,猪瘟弱毒苗超前免疫,即仔猪生后在未采食初乳前,先肌肉注射一头份猪瘟弱毒苗,隔1~2小时后再让仔猪吃初乳;  相似文献   

1生长肥育猪的免疫程序 1日龄进行猪瘟弱毒苗超前免疫,仔猪出生后在未食初乳前,先注射1头份猪瘟弱毒苗,隔1~2小时后再让仔猪吃初乳,这种方法适用于常发猪瘟的猪场:7~15日龄接种气喘病疫苗:10日龄肌肉或皮下注射传染性萎缩性鼻炎疫苗;10~15日龄接种仔猪水肿病疫苗:2013龄肌注猪瘟疫苗;  相似文献   

1生长肥育猪的免疫程序1.11日龄:猪瘟弱毒苗超免,仔猪生后在未采食初乳前,先注射1头份猪瘟弱毒苗,隔1~2小时后再让仔猪吃初乳,这适用于常发猪瘟的猪场。1.27~15日龄:气喘病苗。1.310日龄:传染性萎缩性鼻炎疫苗,肌注或皮下注射。1.410~15日龄:仔猪水肿苗。1.520日龄:肌注猪瘟  相似文献   

1 生长肥育猪的免疫程序 1日龄进行猪瘟弱毒苗超前免疫,仔猪出生后在未食初乳前,先注射1头份猪瘟弱毒苗,隔1~2小时后再让仔猪吃初乳,这种方法适用于常发猪瘟的猪场:7~15日龄接种气喘病疫苗:10日龄肌肉或皮下注射传染性萎缩性鼻炎疫苗;  相似文献   

囊素是一种新型的免疫活性物质 ,为了研究其对哺乳动物的免疫促进作用 ,探索正确的使用方法。作者采用不同剂量 (0 .0 3 ,0 .0 6,0 .0 9m L/ kg)囊素与猪瘟疫苗同时接种 3 0日龄仔猪进行试验。在接种后 2周内 ,试验猪没有出现异常临床反应 ,表明囊素与猪瘟疫苗同时使用无不良影响。在接种后 6周内 ,每隔一周检测各组猪瘟抗体水平。结果表明 :囊素按 0 .0 6m L /kg和 0 .0 9m L/ kg剂量与猪瘟疫苗同时使用组其抗体水平明显高于对照组。通过抗体水平比较及统计学分析 ,表明囊素最佳使用剂量为0 .0 6m L/ kg。  相似文献   

疑某猪场发生非典型猪瘟,采取病死猪的脾、淋巴结,用Dot-ELISA法检测猪瘟抗原,结果阳性,诊断为猪瘟。同时用SPA-ELISA法对猪群开展猪瘟抗体的检测,先后采集75头份仔猪血样(20~28日龄),850头份生产母猪血样。检测结果表明,猪瘟抗体水平低于保护值(OD<0.3)的仔猪11头,占抽检仔猪的14.6%,母猪10头,占生产母猪的1.17%。为此对以上低抗体的猪用猪瘟兔化苗再次进行加强免疫接种,经15天后检测其血清抗体的OD值,结果仍然没有升高。通过本试验证实,猪瘟低抗体的猪,对免疫的应答能力很差,低抗体的母猪还可能成为猪瘟的隐性感染者,并能垂直传播到下一代,是非典型猪瘟的传染源。淘汰低抗体的母猪,是控制和消灭非典型猪瘟的有效措施。  相似文献   

Vaccination with bacterins is an important tool for the control of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae infection of pigs. Because such vaccination often involves piglets that have suckled M. hyopneumoniae antibody-positive dams it is important to understand the effect of pre-existing (passively acquired) antibody on vaccine-induced immunity. To investigate this issue experimentally, 20 sows that were seronegative for M. hyopneumoniae were selected from a M. hyopneumoniae-infected herd and then randomly allocated to one of four treatment groups (five sows/group): Group A, vaccinated sows/vaccinated piglets; Group B, vaccinated sows/non-vaccinated piglets; Group C, non-vaccinated sows/vaccinated piglets; Group D, non-vaccinated sows/non-vaccinated piglets. Sows (Groups A and B) were vaccinated 14 days before farrowing and seroconverted within the next 14 days. Conversely, none of the non-vaccinated sows was seropositive at farrowing. Piglets (Groups A and C) were vaccinated when they were 7 days of age. Regardless of treatments none of the piglets had any evidence of an active immune response until many of those of Groups A and C and a few of those of Groups B and D seroconverted after it had been shown that at least some pigs of all groups had been naturally infected with a field strain of M. hyopneumoniae. This pattern of immune responsiveness (i.e. the collective results of Groups A, B, C and D) suggested that vaccination of pigs had primed their immune system for subsequent exposure to M. hyopneumoniae, and that passively acquired antibody had little or no effect on either a vaccine-induced priming or a subsequent anamnestic response. According to the statistical analysis sow serological status did not interfere with the antibody response in early vaccinated piglets. In conclusion, the results pointed out that early vaccination of piglets may assist M. hyopneumoniae control independently from the serological status of sows.  相似文献   

猪瘟野毒混合毒实验室感染的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
本研究以本所近年来所分离的高、中、低三株不同毒力(HeNXH3.98、JL1.94和FJFQ1.99)的猪瘟野毒混合毒对敏感猪进行实验室感染试验,利用HCFA、RT-PCR及序列测定进行检测和分析,结果2头试验猪均在感染后2周发病死亡,表现典型的猪瘟临床症状;序列测定及分析结果表明感染后1周及2周2头实验感染猪所分离的病毒E2基因主要抗原编码区序列完全一致,核苷酸及氨基酸同源性均为1005;与感染毒株序列比较,2头试验感染猪所分离的病毒E2基因主要抗原编码区序列与JL1.94株序列完全一致,核苷酸及 在酸同源性均为100%,且基因分群在同一群;而与HeNXH3.98和FJFQ1.99株序列则有一定的差异,且不在同一基因群或基因亚群,说明在多个猪瘟病毒存在的情况下,敏感猪存在对猪间病毒的优势选择。本试验的条件下3株不同和的猪瘟野毒混合感染以中等毒力毒株JL1.94为优势毒株。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the degree of protection conferred by a Lelystad-like modified live virus (MLV) vaccine against a heterologous wild-type porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) isolate of the same cluster. For this purpose, fourteen 3-week-old piglets were divided into three groups: Group A pigs were vaccinated with a modified live virus vaccine, Group B pigs were used as positive controls, and Group C pigs as negative controls. Twenty-eight days after the last dose of vaccine, all pigs in Groups A and B were inoculated with the Spanish PRRSV strain 5710. To evaluate efficacy, clinical signs were recorded and the presence of challenge virus was determined by virus isolation in blood samples and nasal swabs collected at various time points post-challenge (p.c.) and in tissue samples collected at necropsy 24 days p.c. After challenge, moderate clinical signs were observed in pigs from Groups A and B. In addition, all vaccinated pigs were viremic at least once, although viremia tended to be more sporadic in this group than in Group B pigs. PRRSV was detected in at least one tissue sample from four out of five pigs from Group A and in all pigs from Group B. The results indicate that the protection conferred by the MLV vaccine used in this study against a closely related virulent strain was only partial. The findings suggest that the degree of genetic homology of ORF5 between MLV vaccine and challenge isolate is not a good predictor of vaccine efficacy.  相似文献   

Porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) is endemic in most parts of Asia, where genotype I and II strains of diverse virulence may coexist. This study evaluated the outcome of infection with a highly virulent Asian genotype II PRRSV isolate in piglets vaccinated with a genotype I vaccine. Twenty-one 3-week-old piglets were divided in three groups: Pigs in group V (n=8) were vaccinated with an attenuated genotype I commercial PRRSV vaccine, while pigs in group U (n=8) and a control group (group C; n=5) were unvaccinated; 6 weeks later, pigs in groups V and U were challenged intranasally with a highly virulent strain of genotype II PRRSV (1×10(5) 50% tissue culture infectious doses/mL), while pigs in group C received a placebo. Over a period of 21 days after challenge, vaccinated pigs had significantly lower mortality (0/8 versus 2/8), fewer days of fever, a lower frequency of catarrhal bronchopneumonia, higher weight gains (13.4 versus 6.6 kg) and lower levels of viraemia compared to unvaccinated challenged pigs. Immunisation with a genotype I attenuated PRRSV vaccine provided partial protection against challenge with a highly virulent genotype II strain.  相似文献   

In a natural outbreak of Atrophic Rhinitis, the weaned piglets were divided into four groups. Group 1 (10 weaned piglets); Their mother was vaccinated with 2 ml Rhinipig i. m. 3 weeks prior to farrowing. The piglets received 0.2 ml each of Pargenta 50 (= 10 mg Gentamycin) k. m. on the third, fifth and seventh days after birth. The piglets were fed a food containing 10 ppm Gentamycin base during the 6 weeks following their weaning. Group 2 (10 weaned piglets); Their mother was vaccinated with 2 ml Rhinipig i. m. 3 weeks prior to farrowing. The piglets received 0.2 ml each of Pargenta 50 (= 10 mg Gentamycin) i. m. on the third, fifth and seventh days after birth. Group 3 (10 weaned piglets); Their mother was vaccinated with 2 ml Rhinipig i. m. 3 weeks prior to farrowing. Group 4 (10 weaned piglets, untreated, experimental control group). The results were during the growing period (from 12.3 kg to 32-34.9 kg) and during the finishing period (from 32-34.9 kg to 100 kg) evaluated. Group 1 showed significantly better food conversion and daily weight gain in both periods when compared to the other groups. Although the difference of daily weight gain between Group 1 and Groups 2 and 3 where diminished by 4.34% respectively 1.72%.  相似文献   

We studied the antibody responses to transmissible gastroenteritis (TGE) in serum, colostrum, and milk from sows vaccinated with 2 attenuated (1 IM and 1 oral-IM) and 1 nonattenuated live vaccines and the relationship of these responses with the survivability of the sow's suckling pigs after challenge exposure with virulent TGE virus. Contrary to previous studies, the anti-TGE virus-neutralizing geometric mean titers (GMT) in the milk of sows vaccinated with attenuated vaccines at 3 and 5 days of lactation were similar to that found in the colostrum. Colostral and serum antibody titers were highest in sows given 2 injections of the IM attenuated vaccine. Half of the sows given the oral-IM attenuated vaccine did not seroconvert after 2 oral doses. Only sows vaccinated with the nonattenuated live vaccine had milk GMT that remained high for 21 days after farrowing. The linear relationship between colostral GMT and percentage of survivability of suckling pigs challenge exposed at 3 days of age was significant (P less than 0.05), although the relationship between serum GMT and percentage of survivability and the relationship between milk GMT and percentage of survivability were not significant (P greater than 0.10). The linear relationship between colostral (P less than 0.10) or pre-challenge exposure milk (P less than 0.05) GMT and percentage of survivability of suckling pigs challenge exposed at 5 days of age was significant.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

集约化养猪场猪瘟免疫程序的研究   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
以一家正在流行猪瘟的集约化养猪场基本条件完全相同的两个万头商品猪生产线为实验群体,利用兽医流行病学中自然实验的方法,对三种猪瘟免疫程序进行研究,经历了二年共四个实验阶段,从中筛选出适用于集约化养猪场商品猪群有效的猪瘟免疫程序,该程序包括二次免疫,即首免为乳前免疫,二免为30~35日龄免疫。  相似文献   

In a pig breeding unit that for years had been infected with Atrophic Rhinitis, the weaned piglets were divided into four groups. Group 1 (10 weaned piglets) --Their mother was vaccinated with 2 ml Rhinipig i.m. 3 weeks prior to farrowing. --The piglets received 0.2 ml each of Pargenta 50 (= 10 mg Gentamycin) i.m. on the third, fifth and seventh days after birth. --The piglets were fed a food containing 10 ppm Gentamycin-base during the 6 weeks following their weaning. Group 2 (10 weaned piglets) --Their mother was vaccinated with 2 ml Rhinipig i.m. 3 weeks prior to farrowing. --The piglets received 0.2 ml each of Pargenta 50 (= 10 mg Gentamycin) i.m. on the third, fifth and seventh days after birth. Group 3 (10 weaned piglets) --Their mother was vaccinated with 2 ml Rhinipig i.m. 3 weeks prior to farrowing. Group 4 (10 weaned piglets, untreated, experimental control group) After 6 weeks of treatment, Group 1 showed significantly better food conversion and daily weight gain when compared to the other groups.  相似文献   

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