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<正>传统养牛在甘肃平凉地区具有悠久的历史,平凉红牛的养殖可以追溯到先周时期,得天独厚的地理环境也为平凉红牛产业发展提供了坚实的自然基础。为了进一步推动平凉红牛产业发展,打出品牌、成功走入国际市场,需要进一步加大产业升级,确保产品优势和质量,提升市场竞争力,使得平凉红牛产业能在未来激烈的竞争中占据一席之地,乡村振兴战略无疑是指导产业兴旺发达的不二选择。1 钻石模型理论钻石模型理论是由美国波特提出的,其主要用于分析某种产业的竞争力,  相似文献   

从自然条件和社会因素方面对平凉红牛的形成所产生的影响作了详细分析,充分说明平凉红牛是在当地特定的自然环境和饲草资源条件下,经过人们长期选择和改良形成的一个优秀黄牛群体.经过对平凉红牛生产性能和现状的阐述,对平凉红牛作出了科学定性,指出了平凉红牛发展中的优势和存在问题,提出了今后的发展方向与改良措施.  相似文献   

平凉红牛是全国优质肉牛种质资源,是农业部划定的全国优质肉牛优势生产区,是秦川牛和日本和牛的祖系,千百年延续下来的养牛传统,奠定了发展牛产业的群众基础,加之良好的自然生态环境造就了平凉红牛独特的优质肉牛种质资源。“平凉红牛”肉质细嫩,大理石花纹明显,具有独特的芳香味,共轭亚油酸含量高,被国家权威机构认定为生产高档优质雪花牛肉的肉牛品种,是国内生产高档牛肉的首选,被国家体育总局指定为国家级运动员和重大赛事直供食品。目前,平凉红牛存栏量、出栏量分别达到77万头和47万头,牛产业增加值达到19.5亿元,肉牛良种化率达到98%,研发生产平凉红牛肉制品、革制品、骨制品等6大系列100多种产品,“平凉红牛”成为全国第一个活牛类证明商标,取得了直供香港高档活牛配额及活牛出口的“通行证”,产品销往北京、天津、上海等20多个大中城市以及俄罗斯、中东等国家和地区,品牌知名度和市场竞争力日益提升。  相似文献   

平凉红牛产业发展现状、存在问题及对策建议   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
红牛产业是平凉市的传统特色优势产业,也是全市战略性主导产业和脱贫增收的"首位产业"。通过调查研究、比对分析平凉红牛产业发展现状与前景,指出了产业发展中存在的品种选育进展缓慢、饲养管理粗放、产业链条太短、品牌效益薄弱等新问题,提出了行之有效的发展对策与建议。旨在为平凉红牛产业高质量发展提供决策与参考。  相似文献   

平凉红牛是指在平凉特定的饲养传统、自然环境和气候条件下,以平凉当地黄牛为基础,先后引进秦川牛、利木辛牛、南德温牛等国内外优良品种,经过近五十年选育形成的体形较大、生长发育快、肉用性能优异、商品性状良好的红色肉牛杂交类群.其证明商标发布,标志着成功实现了由商品向品牌牛业的惊险跳跃,进入品牌发展时代.经过若干年育种措施,可望形成新的肉牛品种(品系).  相似文献   

平凉红牛是由平凉本地黄牛改良选育形成的独特肉牛种质资源,具有肌内脂肪沉积明显、肉质细嫩等优良特性,但其遗传背景复杂,种群缺乏系统的选育方案,育种进展较为缓慢。本文总结了近年来平凉红牛的育种研究进展,研判了现阶段育种发展中所面临的诸多挑战,提出平凉红牛下一步的育种及研究方向,以期为加快平凉红牛的品种化培育提供参考。  相似文献   

为进一步推动庄浪县平凉红牛产业高质量发展,切实巩固拓展好牛产业助推脱贫攻坚成果,促进农民增收,助力乡村振兴,结合我县实际,本文分析了庄浪县平凉红牛产业高质量发展的现状、发展思路、发展措施,并提出了相应的发展对策与建议。  相似文献   

平凉红牛产业是全市聚力打造的九大重点产业链之一,是富民强市的主导产业,也是助推脱贫攻坚成果同乡村振兴有效衔接的传统特色优势产业。通过调查研究、比对分析平凉红牛产业链发展成效,指出了产业链发展中存在龙头企业少、链主企业规模小、产业规模不大、产值不高、产业效益不明显等新问题,提出了行之有效的发展对策与建议。旨在为平凉红牛产业链高质量发展提供决策与参考。  相似文献   

平凉红牛产业作为平凉市助推脱贫攻坚的"首位产业",不断向规模化、品牌化和绿色化发展,取得了明显成效。以国内外市场需求为导向构筑大市场,以开放促开发,以开发促发展。强化品牌意识,加快证明商标注册,实施原产地保护,把"平凉红牛"做大做强,成为国内外著名品牌。本文对"平凉红牛"品牌形成过程、发展现状及推广价值方面进行分析,提出了相应的升级策略。  相似文献   

平凉红牛产业是泾川县农业和农村经济的主导产业之一,在促进经济社会发展、增加农民收入中,具有十分重要的战略地位。目前,泾川平凉红牛产业正处在转型跨越、升级上档的关键时期,但受困于经济基础、要素保障、市场环境等因素制约,仍然存在养殖增速有所放缓,产业化水平相对较低,资源利用不够充分等短板弱项,必须从平凉红牛适度规模饲养、饲草种植加工延伸、牛肉加工营销、科技人才培育、地方特色产业政策探索制定等方面持续用力,集中突破,全力推进平凉红牛产业高质量发展。  相似文献   

Beef traders’ and consumers’ perceptions on the development of a natural pasture-fed beef (NPB) brand by smallholder cattle producers were investigated. In total, 18 meat traders (five abattoirs and 13 beef retailers) and 155 beef consumers were interviewed using structured questionnaires. All meat traders had the potential but were not willing to support the development of a NPB brand citing smallholder farmers’ limited ability to supply sufficient volumes of high-quality cattle. Consumers (81%) were prepared to purchase NPB upon availability on the market but were not willing (80%) to pay a brand premium. Logistic regression model results showed that consumers’ willingness to buy NPB and pay a premium were influenced (P < 0.05) by gender, household size, income source, meat preference, meat consumption frequency, money spent on beef, frequency of beef purchases and consumption. Overall, beef traders and consumers held positive impressions regarding the development of a NPB brand by smallholder cattle producers but were not willing to support its development. Positive impressions held by value chain partners on the development of a NPB brand provide a basis for advancing development of a NPB brand. Initial efforts should enhance farmers’ capacity to supply sufficient volumes of high-quality cattle.  相似文献   

为了研究不同肉牛品种杂交改良西门塔尔杂种牛的效果,筛选出产肉量高、肉质好、抗逆性强的品种杂交组合,为大规模开展杂交提供依据,试验采用红安格斯、利木赞、夏洛莱(法系)、德国黄牛4个品种牛,分别杂交西门塔尔杂种母牛,产犊后从每个杂交组合中选择11头断奶小公牛,在相同饲养管理条件下持续育肥至18月龄,并进行屠宰和肉质评定。结果表明:红安西杂组合杂交效果最好,其次是利西杂及夏西杂,德黄西杂组合杂交效果较差。说明在生产实际中,如果采用断奶小公牛持续育肥至18月龄时出栏、屠宰,应优先选择红安格斯×西门塔尔杂交组合。  相似文献   

The development and use of modern techniques, such as intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), gene knockout and sperm fluorescence in situ hybridization with chromosome- specific probes, have significantly increased our knowledge about sperm defects. We describe a new oligoasthenoteratozoospermic defect in a bull. Because of its morphological characteristics the defect was named the multinuclear-multiflagellar sperm defect. All spermatozoa in the ejaculate were abnormal. Many of the spermatozoa had multiple nuclei and multiple sperm tails. All spermatozoa lacked an acrosome, and only seldom did spermatozoa have a mitochondrial helix in the midpiece area. Meiosis and spermiogenesis were severely affected in this otherwise phenotypically normal bull. The sperm defects resembled the phenotype of a targeted gene knockout Hrb(-/-) (HIV-1 Rev-binding/interacting protein) mutant mouse strain, which is expressed as sterility in males, while females remain fertile. Since the father of this bull has been extensively used in at least three countries the defective gene has possibly become widespread in the red and white breeds (Ayrshire, Swedish Red and White, Norwegian Red) in the Nordic countries. However, it is not proved that the father of this bull is a carrier of this defect.  相似文献   

本文针对目前部分牛场在种公牛引进、管理和利用方面存在的问题进行了,从遗传选择和饲养管理方面提出了提高种公牛利用率的技术措施。  相似文献   

Testicular histopathology is considered the most sensitive and reliable method to detect the effects of chemicals on sperm production. To carry out a sensitive examination of testicular histopathology and interpret the changes require knowledge of spermatogenic stages. Spermatogenic staging based on acrosome development during spermiogenesis is conventionally performed in animal species routinely used for research and toxicity testing. In contrast, small ruminants, such as sheep and goats, are rarely used as animal models to evaluate toxicity in male reproductive organs. To the best of our knowledge, a comparable spermatogenic staging system in rams has not yet been fully characterised. Hence, this study aimed to adapt the existing spermatogenic staging based on acrosome development in bull testes to fit the seminiferous epithelium cycle of ram testes. The results show that spermatogenic staging based on acrosome development in bull testes can, with slight modifications, be efficiently used for the staging of ram testes.  相似文献   

在简要介绍牛精液冷冻技术发展历史的基础上,分析了牛冷冻精液的现状和影响牛冷冻精液受胎率的主要因素,指出了我国牛冷冻精液存在的问题,应加强精液冷冻机理、精液冷冻保护剂、精子质量评估和分离精子的冷冻保存等方面的研究,最后展望了牛冷冻精液的发展前景。  相似文献   

A new type of Robertsonian translocation (1/21) was found in Holstein-Friesian breed, and transmitted through the three generations, namely from the bull to 6 out of 11 daughters and 4 out of 7 grand-daughters/sons. Although the father of the bull was not available for cytogenetical studies, it was ascertained that 5 half-sibs of the bull had a normal karyotype. By C-banded karyotypes, the 9 translocation carriers within the three generations had a dicentric centromere in the translocated chromosome. It seems that no morphological effects have been noted to be associated with the translocation in all cases.  相似文献   

Albendazole (ABZ) biotransformation was studied in vitro in liver microsomes of adult noncastrated male farm animals (ram, buck, bull and boar), castrated adult males (wether, billy and hog), and free living males (fallow buck, red deer stag, mouflon ram, roe buck and wild boar). Liver microsomal fractions were incubated with either ABZ or racemic albendazole sulphoxide (ABZSO). ABZ was extensively metabolized to the (+) and (-) enantiomers of ABZSO, whereas ABZSO underwent a slow oxidation to albendazole sulphone (ABZSO2) in all species. In all species both ABZSO enantiomers were detected. The chiral ratio, (+)-ABZSO/(-)-ABZSO, was greater than one in farm animals, mouflon and wild boar, and less than one in three species of deer. For total ABZ sulphoxidation, deer like species had lower values compared to the other species. Mouflon ram and ram had lower total sulphoxidation rates compared to wethers, as well as ABZ suphoxidation towards (+)-ABZSO. No significant difference occurred comparing ABZSO formation in mouflon ram and ram, but ABZSO2 formation rate in mouflon ram was higher than in rams and wethers. Roe deer stag, fallow buck and red deer stag did not differ in both total-ABZSO and (-)-ABZSO synthesis rates and roe deer stag and fallow buck did not differ in synthesis rates of (+)-ABZSO and ABZSO2. The bull differed from other species in all metabolites studied, except for red deer stag and boar in (-)-ABZSO synthesis rate. The extent of ABZSO sulphonation to ABZSO2 in bull microsomes was more than twice that of other species.  相似文献   

A 3-year study was carried out to evaluate male and female effects on the efficiency of an in vitro fertilization (IVF) programme. The semen of different bulls used for artificial insemination was tested for the in vitro production of transferable blastocysts. The fertilization capacity was recorded for each bull. Bovine oocytes were matured in vitro, fertilized with frozen/thawed semen of 63 individual bulls and cultured during 8 days. The semen of one bull was used as control. The percentage of cleavage (36.3-93.4%) and blastocysts on day 7 (6.9-51.2%) varied from bull to bull. Despite high variability, blastocysts were produced with the semen of all bulls in the first trial. Moreover, oocytes fertilized with 85% of tested bulls reached a blastocyst rate not different to the control bull. The correlation coefficients of six bulls showed no significant male effect but an influence of oocytes on the cleavage rate (F-value 0.38, P > 0.05, and 12.4, P < 0.001, respectively). The development to blastocysts on day 7 was significantly influenced by sperms and also oocytes and session (P < 0.01), but no combined interaction was observed between female and male. It is concluded that transferable embryos can be produced in vitro in the first trial with frozen/thawed semen of 63 tested bulls. The results show different capacities of bulls to produce embryos and high male and female effects on the efficiency of an IVF programme.  相似文献   

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