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骆驼是一种独特的动物,其艰难的生长环境赋予了骆驼乳独特的营养价值与功能特性。本文对骆驼乳组分进行了详细分析,发现骆驼乳营养丰富——蛋白质特别是保护性蛋白、维生素和矿物质含量都明显高于牛乳;不饱和脂肪酸比例较高、不含过敏原β-乳球蛋白。目前我国对骆驼乳的研究还很有限,但随着消费者们对骆驼乳认识的深入,骆驼乳制品的全面发展将会进一步加快。  相似文献   

骆驼乳是一种具有极高营养价值的乳品,不仅具有良好的保健作用,而且还具有一定的医用价值。文章重点对骆驼乳辅助治疗糖尿病、肝炎以及慢性肾功能衰竭的研究进展作一综述,并对骆驼乳辅助治疗疾病的应用前景进行了展望,为今后骆驼乳辅助治疗疾病提供参考。  相似文献   

为了研究骆驼乳的蛋白质组分及肽清除自由基、抗氧化应激能力,对脱脂生鲜骆驼乳进行水解、电泳、培养、加入过氧化氢(H2O2)等操作。结果表明,骆驼乳蛋白质组分的消化水解产生了大量具有不同抗氧化能力的肽,骆驼乳蛋白肽很可能参与了质子与自由基的交换,因此具有抗氧化能力。  相似文献   

全世界骆驼存栏峰数约2000万峰,骆驼乳总产量540多万吨。在非洲市场,新鲜骆驼乳可以卖到1~1.6美元/升的价格,在新疆市场,新鲜骆驼乳零售价可以卖到25~30元/升。在中国、蒙古国、哈萨克斯坦和俄罗斯双峰驼主要用来产驼绒。骆驼生活在严酷、艰苦的环境中,一身兼有役、肉、毛、乳等多种用途。其最为引人注目的特点是,能利  相似文献   

骆驼乳的营养价值及发展现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
骆驼乳含有大量的乳蛋白、乳脂肪、乳糖等人体必需的营养成分,多种维生素、不饱和脂肪酸、矿物质、免疫球蛋白、乳铁传递蛋白、溶菌酶、类胰岛素等生物活性物质。笔者就骆驼乳的成分、药用价值和发展现状等几个方面进行介绍,以促进今后国内骆驼乳的研究和利用。  相似文献   

骆驼具有多种经济性状和生产性能,既可供使役,又能生产绒、肉、乳等,一身兼有多种用途。近年来,随着骆驼乳营养价值和保健功能被人们公认,骆驼产业发展迅速,骆驼疫病尤其是人畜共患病也随之增加,不但严重制约着养驼业的健康发展,而且对健康构成了严重威胁。目前,我国在骆驼的重大疫病防控方面的研究较少,本文就骆驼几种重大疫病及人畜共患病的研究进展进行讨论,旨在为新疆乃至全国骆驼产业健康发展和骆驼重大疫病及人畜共患病的综合防控工作提供一定参考。  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平提高和方式的改变,糖尿病在全球的发病率逐年上升。研究表明,骆驼乳和益生菌在糖尿病的预防及治疗中发挥较好的价值。本文论述了骆驼乳和益生菌分别对糖尿病的调节作用,展望了骆驼乳粉与双歧杆菌JT-6结合对糖尿病的协同作用,为开发辅助治疗糖尿病的功能乳制品提供参考。  相似文献   

为了解乌鲁木齐市生鲜乳菌落总数,采集当地养殖场的生鲜牛乳、骆驼乳以及市售的生鲜牛乳进行菌落总数的测定。结果表明:全部样品达到国家规定标准。笔者比较生鲜乳的菌落总数时发现,直接从养殖场采集的生鲜骆驼乳和牛乳,前者明显低于后者,而后者又明显低于市售的生鲜牛乳,提示在奶产品质量安全控制中应加强抽检与监管生鲜乳市场零售环节。  相似文献   

乳中富含多种人体所必需的营养成分,对机体的生长发育及免疫功能具有重要作用。除牛乳外,水牛乳、马乳、骆驼乳、山羊乳、驴乳、牦牛乳等特色乳也逐渐进入人们的视野。同时人乳是婴儿最天然的理想食品,是婴儿早期主要的营养物质来源,含有丰富的营养物质及生物活性成分。为了更好的比较7 种常见动物乳及人乳的差异性和优势性,本文总结了其在乳糖、乳脂、乳蛋白、矿物质、维生素等营养物质成分方面的差异,发现牦牛乳的蛋白质含量最高,氨基酸种类丰富;马乳的乳糖含量最高;而骆驼乳的乳脂肪含量则较高,水溶性维生素含量也最高;驴乳相比于其他几种常见乳,则具有低脂高糖等特点。  相似文献   

为解决骆驼野外放牧条件下长时间分泌低酸度酒精阳性乳,阻碍了产品的深加工问题,分析2015年10~11月份低酸度酒精阳性乳在骆驼养殖集中大范围、长时间出现的原因,初步确定"矿物质营养摄取失衡"是其主要成因,通过"补饲微量元素、维生素"的方法进行治疗,取得了显著效果。本文介绍此次酒精阳性乳的处理方法,为涉及该产业的牧民和生产者提供参考。  相似文献   

内蒙古阿拉善盟双峰驼驼乳理化性质研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文研究了10峰内蒙古阿拉善盟双峰驼不同泌乳时间驼乳的一般理化性质。其比重及pH值与已有报道的单峰驼驼乳结果基本一致,而酸度(%)高于单峰驼。电导率与乳中Na+、K+和Cl-含量之和有关,随三者之和的增减而增减。驼乳的蛋白质、脂肪、乳糖、干物质、灰分和钙的含量均高于牛乳,磷的含量比牛乳略低。驼乳的缓冲性与牛乳有差异:当乳样先酸化后用碱回滴时,驼乳和牛乳分别在pH4.4~6.6和pH5.0~6.6范围内出现典型的“弧形线”,驼乳的最大缓冲作用发生在pH近似4.4处,牛乳的最大缓冲作用在pH近似5.1处,但驼乳在pH4.9处仍有一个缓冲峰。双峰驼驼乳的酒精稳定性(75±2.0)%稍低于牛乳的酒精稳定性(77±1.0)%,驼乳与牛乳的酒精稳定性的变化趋势基本一致,加入Na+、K+都引起酒精稳定性降低,游离Ca2+浓度的降低或pH值的上升都会导致酒精稳定性的增加。  相似文献   

检测新疆不同地区3家驼乳加工企业生产的全脂驼乳粉样品。结果表明,驼乳粉平均总蛋白质氨基酸(TAA)含量为24.25 g/100 g,其中人体必需氨基酸(EAA)占44.58%,非必需氨基酸(NEAA)占55.42%。驼乳粉的TAA、EAA含量均高于牛乳粉,EAA/TAA和EAA/NEAA百分比分别达40.00%以上和60.00%以上,符合FAO/WHO/UNU联合专家委员会理想蛋白质的标准,具有较高的营养价值。  相似文献   

试验旨在系统地分析不同的季节、泌乳阶段、产地和奶站驼乳理化指标的差异。收集了某公司2015年收购生驼乳质量检测数据18 372条,通过四分位数检验法确定了各指标的变化范围,对处理后的数据进行最小二乘方差分析。结果显示,不同的产地、奶站、泌乳阶段和季节驼乳的相对密度、脂肪、非脂乳固体、乳蛋白、乳糖、冰点、灰分有极显著差异(P<0.01)。因此,双峰驼繁殖和分娩具有较强的周期性和季节性,导致在一年内的不同季节和月份驼乳的产量和理化指标有较大的区别,同时驼乳生产企业可以通过此类分析获知不同的产地、奶站、泌乳阶段和季节的驼乳质量情况,驼乳产品的质量取决于生驼乳的理化指标和卫生状况。  相似文献   

This study was aimed to systematically analyze the difference of camel milk physicochemical index of different seasons,stage of lactation,production sites and milk station.Collected 18 372 testing data about raw camel milk quality which were purchased by a company in 2015.The range of each index was determined by the four point test method,SAS 8.1 least squares analysis of variance were performed on the processed data.The results showed that different area,milk stations,stage of lactation and season effect of camel milk had extremely significant influence (P<0.01) on the relative density,fat,non fat milk solid,milk protein,lactose,freezing point and ash.Therefore,the reproduction and childbirth of Bactrian camel had strong periodicity and seasonality,lead to a larger difference in camel milk yield and physicochemical index of different seasons and months within a year,at the same time,camel milk producers could learn about the quality of camel milk situation of different production sites,milk station,stage of lactation and season using such analysis methods,the quality of camel milk product was determines by the physical and chemical indicators and health conditions of the raw camel milk.  相似文献   

This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of camel milk in alloxan‐induced diabetic dogs and to follow this effect at three doses of milk. Firstly, three groups of dogs were used: two groups composed each of four diabetic dogs and receiving raw camel milk (treatment 1) or cow milk (treatment 2), and four healthy dogs getting raw camel milk (treatment 3) were used as control. Each animal was treated with 500 ml of milk daily. Secondly, we compared the effects of three amounts of camel milk: 100 ml, 250 ml and 500 ml to treat the diabetic dogs. After week 3, the dogs treated with camel milk showed a statistically significant decrease in blood glucose (from 10.88 ± 0.55 to 6.22 ± 0.5 mmol/l) and total protein concentrations (from 78.16 ± 2.61 g/l to 63.63 ± 4.43 g/l). For cholesterol levels, there was a decrease from week 2 (from 6.17 ± 0.5 mmol/l to 4.79 ± 0.5 mmol/l). There were no significant difference in blood glucose, cholesterol or total protein concentrations in dogs drinking 250 and 500 ml of camel milk. The dogs treated with 100 ml of camel milk did not show any significant decrease in blood glucose levels, and cholesterol and total protein concentrations. The investigation was not limited to the improvement in glycemic balance, lipids and proteins control in diabetic dogs getting camel milk, but we also noted a stability of this state after the dogs stopped to drink milk. This effect depended on the quantity of camel milk used to treat diabetic dogs.  相似文献   

骆驼与环境和谐共处,是荒漠和草原经济可持续发展的首选畜种,其优质绒毛和有机乳肉具有经济价值。骆驼还是边疆少数民族游牧文化的特殊符号,戈壁和草原旅游的一道奇异风景。由于我国双峰驼乳肉均缺乏系统的营养学研究评价,尤其是呼伦贝尔双峰驼作为一个独特生境品种或品系,现存不到4 000峰,驼乳营养和生物活性物质缺乏基础研究数据,因此,有必要对其开展基础和应用研究,建立和丰富驼乳数据库,从而为保护性开发奠定基础。驼乳的品质特征分析应尝试新的、基于化学计量学的指纹分析技术,这对突出驼乳的营养和保健价值,以及真实性判别方法开发具有重要意义。  相似文献   

目的:比较不同菌种发酵的驼乳制品对腺嘌呤所致大鼠慢性。肾功能衰竭(CRF)的缓解作用。方法:采用腺嘌呤复制CRF大鼠模型,以不同发酵剂发酵的驼乳作为受试物进行灌胃干预。通过检测大鼠的饮食饮水情况、排尿量、尿液和血清常规指标及肾脏病理组织学变化,评估各发酵驼乳对CRF大鼠的治疗效果。结果:发酵驼乳均可改善肾功能衰竭大鼠的一般生理状况,可降低大鼠血肌酐(Scr)、尿素氦(BUN)水平,减缓尿蛋白(UP),调节Ca、P的含量,提高过氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、血清总蛋白(STP)水平,具有保护肾功能的作用,其中LIcaseiZhang发酵的驼乳对CRF大鼠的改善效果最佳。  相似文献   

Camels have the potential for milk, meat and draught power and can contribute a handsome share of the production of these commodities. The potential of this wonderful animal has never been realized and it could be harnessed as a prospective milk producing animal. The future of animals that can thrive under harsh environmental conditions, the camel being at the top of the list, is bright. The camel is still a neglected species in Pakistan and has not received the proper attention of researchers and scientists. The population explosion, urbanization and industrialization have expanded agricultural activities to produce more food for the rapid growing human population of the country. Cultivated areas are shrinking, thus reducing the fodder production area for buffalo and cattle. Under these circumstances we have to search for other available sources to enhance milk production. The environmental changes occurring on the earth and the water shortage in the region have also adversely affected the production potential of buffalo, cattle, goats and sheep. Under these changing ecological circumstances, rearing camel is the best option for more milk production and the proper utilization of the vast unused lands of this country. Most studies also have named the camel as an animal of great socioeconomic importance in large tracts of the industrializing world. The camel serves as a cheaper source of power for drawing water from wells, plowing and leveling land, working mini extraction mills (extracting from oil seeds), grinding wheat, corn and other grains and crushing sugarcane and pulling carts for the transportation of goods as well as people.  相似文献   

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