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本文研究了美国屠宰监管体系的构成,对比分析了中美畜禽屠宰监管体系的异同。中美在畜禽屠宰管理体制和官方检验内容等方面存在不同,而在监管人员组成和官方兽医的检疫职责等方面存在相似之处。通过对比分析,认为当前我国屠宰监管体系存在监管力量薄弱,协检队伍法律地位不明确,检疫检验实施主体复杂等难题,由此提出了健全完善我国屠宰监管体系的思考建议。重点要加强驻厂官方兽医队伍建设,分类建设屠宰检疫检验队伍,建立健全畜禽屠宰检疫检验与监管法规标准体系,逐步推进屠宰检疫检验"两检合一"。  相似文献   

生猪定点屠宰检疫检验是实施猪肉"食品安全"工程的重要措施,通过对腾冲市生猪定点屠宰检疫检验工作进行结合实际的阐述,在介绍腾冲市生猪定点屠宰检疫检验的发展过程、方式方法、操作步骤、结果统计分析及目的等经验方面的检疫检验,给实施生猪定点屠宰检疫检验工作的人员提供参考.  相似文献   

(一) “定点屠宰、到点检疫”是畜禽屠宰管理及检疫检验的一种重要形式。是畜牧部门依据《家畜家禽防疫条例》等兽医法规的要求,选定具备相应条件的屠宰场(点),将分散的屠宰户相对集中起来,并派员到场(点)实施兽医卫生监督和检疫检验的全过程。其目的是为了有效的控制畜禽疫病传  相似文献   

在生猪屠宰过程中,由官方兽医实施的屠宰检疫和屠宰企业质检人员实施的生猪屠宰产品品质检验是保障肉品质量安全的基本措施。由于屠宰检疫和肉品品质检验流程复杂,且在许多方面相互交织、重叠,致使操作过程中存在职责不清、操作不规范的现象。本文就生猪屠宰检疫和肉品品质检验的要点进行了梳理,并对其异同点进行了分析和总结,为进一步提高基层检疫工作者的屠宰检疫检验水平提供参考。  相似文献   

生猪屠宰检验检疫监管模式探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生猪屠宰检验、检疫是生猪产品质量安全的重要保障,分别由生猪屠宰场和动物卫生监督机构分别派员实施。本文探讨了在畜禽屠宰行业管理职责划转农业部门,检验、检疫由动物卫生监督机构一个部门监管的情况下,理顺生猪屠宰检验、检疫工作。提出合并屠宰检验检疫、企业负责质量并有官方兽医监管、改产品许可为企业许可的设想,以期建立更规范、高效的屠宰检验检疫监管模式。  相似文献   

正生猪屠宰环节检疫检验是保障猪肉产品质量安全的关键环节。生猪屠宰监督管理职责主体划入农牧部门后,检疫检验管理两张皮的问题得到解决,但检疫、检验存在着交叉重叠,难以分清。如何规范和高效实施生猪屠宰检疫、检验,成为行业管理工作者研究的新课题。对此,笔者对江苏省十余家生猪屠宰企业检疫检验情况进行实地调查,对存在的问题及其成因进行分析,提出现阶段生猪屠宰检疫检验分工协作新模式,与同行一起讨论。  相似文献   

2000年4月1日起,日本政府将对进口畜禽产品实施新法规。新法规规定:日本对进口牛肉、马肉、家禽肉及其制品实行新标准。新标准主要对家畜、家禽屠宰加工厂的设备结构、卫生管理和检验检疫方法三个方面作出了新的规定。其中对生产厂的管理将目前依照出口国改为必须符合日本国的要求;对出口国的官方检验管理提出了明确的要求,要求检验检疫部门的兽医官员必须在屠宰加工的全过程进行检验检疫监督管理,只有实行新标准的畜禽肉生产厂才能允许对日出口。日本进口畜禽产品将实行新规定  相似文献   

近年来,随着动物防疫法和相关法律法规的颁布实施,生猪的检疫工作开始有法可依、有章可循,给控制和消灭畜禽传染病的发生以及让广大消费者吃上“放心肉”,提供了法律依据。但在实施定点屠宰检疫过程中的宰前检疫常被人们所忽视,使一些未经宰前检疫而直接进入屠宰环节,造成宰后检验难度加大。致使一些病猪肉漏检而流入市场,同时也暴露出生猪屠宰检疫过程中,存在着许多问题急待解决。尤其是生猪的宰前检疫令人担忧。1宰前检疫存在的问题1.1生猪宰前检疫与宰后检验是一项政府行为,宰前检疫是屠宰检疫中不可缺少的一环,它具有法规…  相似文献   

屠宰检疫和肉品品质检验是两个不同的概念,其主管实施部门,以及它们的职责、权利在相关法律、法规中都有明确规定,但是社会上许多人,包括领导、新闻媒体、消费者等对这些问题的认识存在一定误区,常常将注水肉、公母猪肉、中毒肉等问题都统统归咎于动物检验部门。现就我们在学习和实践过程中一些粗浅的认识提出来,供大家商讨。1屠宰检疫和肉品品质检验的关系屠宰检疫是在屠宰加工过程中对动物的胴体、头蹄内脏等携带病原和病原微生物进行检验定性;肉品品质检验主要是对屠宰加工的动物产品在出厂前就其新鲜度、水分、规格、重量进行检查;两者…  相似文献   

动物屠宰检疫是动物检疫部门对屠宰的动物实施的宰前检疫、宰后检验。实施屠宰检疫是防止动物传染病、寄生虫病传播和扩散的有效手段,是保证肉品卫生质量,保障人民群众食肉安全的一项重要措施。因此,做好屠宰场的检疫监督管理工作十分重要。怎样才能做好屠宰检  相似文献   

国务院调整畜禽屠宰管理职能后,畜禽屠宰行业由农业部负责管理,生猪屠宰检疫管理制度亟待进一步完善。本文介绍了美国畜禽屠宰检疫的法律依据、管理体制、检疫人员、检疫的内容和程序,以及检疫出证等内容,希望可以为我国屠宰检疫制度建设提供参考。  相似文献   

In 1978 an agreement was made among the Danish authorities, the slaughterhouse association and the pig produces to develop and operate a national swine herd health scheme based on data from the routine slaughter inspection.This review of the health scheme first presents available evidence of the diagnostic validity of slaughter inspection data in terms of correlation with clinical history and with detailed post-mortem findings of internal organs. The epidemiological basis for the program further includes the use of slaughter inspection findings in estimating the poor beneficial effects of medical treatment procedures in common, multifactorial disorders, their considerable variation within and among herds of different sizes, their correlation with environmental and managerial herd factors, and some obvious associations among different clinical pictures of these economically important herd health problems.Finally, an overview is presented of the current program, its design and operation, and preliminary results from its first few years of operations are given.  相似文献   

The recent crises in the meat industry due to meat-associated risks such as salmonella, nitrofen and dioxin prove that the traditional ante- and post mortem inspection of slaughter animals and carcasses is not any longer able to recognise and prevent the risks of today. Therefore, the EU Commission has issued Reg. (EC) 853/2004 and Reg. (EC) 854/2004 that regulate the transition of the traditional meat inspection, which demands inspecting each individual carcass in the same way, to a risk-based meat inspection, which is using relevant pieces of information about the previous production stages for making risk-based decisions on the intensity of the inspection of slaughter pig batches. The new EU legislation is not any longer prescribing exactly the inspection procedure, but defines the food safety goals. The consequence is that there are still various ideas and opinions on how to implement a reasonable risk-based meat inspection, and, in particular, on how to design the "relevant food chain information". The present paper is describing the legal framework and the objectives of the risk-based meat inspection, and proposals for designing the food chain information for the implementation of the risk-based ante- and post-mortem meat inspection are made and discussed.  相似文献   

SUMMARY Fifty livers from normal slaughter cattle were examined for surface contamination by Salmonella immediately after evisceration and again after inspection. Salmonella were isolated from 32% at evisceration and from 82% after inspection. Numbers of Salmonella present were low at evisceration, and rose after inspection. In only one liver was the parenchyma infected. The sources of the Salmonella were probably the contents of the gastrointestinal tract and the mesenteric lymph nodes, both of which may show high prevalence of infection in cattle which have been held before slaughter. It was concluded that edible offal should be separated from the viscera at evisceration and inspected by personnel who are not involved with the alimentary tract.  相似文献   

In the 19th century professional dog slaughter and also the public sale of dog flesh arose. These slaughter and the sale was mainly practised by horse butchers. In Germany dogs had been mostly slaughtered in Sachsen, Schlesien, Anhalt and Bayern. From 1905 to 1940 the meat of 235.144 dogs was inspected. But the true number of slaughtered dogs was certainly larger. Yet in the fifties dogs were professionally slaughtered. After 1960 the slaughter dropped. Sporadically dog flesh was used as human food until 1985. The annual number of slaughtered dogs depended on economic factors like wages, prices of meat, availability of meat and dog tax. Dogs had been also slaughtered to produce dog fat for remedy. Slaughter of dogs has been already discussed in the 19th century. After 1930 it was called for abolishing the inspection order for dogs or for the prohibition of dog slaughter. After four bills of the years 1954, 1963 and 1985 the slaughter of dogs to produce human food was finally prohibited in 1986.  相似文献   

This paper summarises information on the current inspection procedures for pig heads on the slaughterline and their impact on food safety, and considers the implications for food safety of certain lesions. It is argued that although a modified slaughter and inspection technique would decrease the contamination of the carcase with pathogenic microorganisms, leaving lesions in the head undiscovered would be of little or no importance either for human health or for the overall supervision of animal health.  相似文献   

A total of 8,711 sheep in 3 distinct age/sex groups were examined to determine for occurrence and extent of caseous lymphadenitis after slaughter at a major Western Australian abattoir. An adaptation of current mean inspection procedures to provide a numerical weighted evaluation according to number, site, and size of lesions was used to determine extent of involvement. Frequency in slaughter populations was estimated to be 3.4 +/- 0.6% for lambs, 41.8 +/- 3.9% for mixed-age rams, and 53.7 +/- 1.5% for adult ewes at 95% confidence intervals. The results confirmed that frequency increased with age, but also revealed increases in extent of involvement and occurrence of visceral lesions, particularly in association with lesions of the body. Nevertheless, lesions occurred more frequently in the body than in the viscera. However, the mean visceral involvement was greater than mean body involvement in all groups, and the ratio was found to be more or less constant. Visceral involvement was found to be more extensive in rams than in ewes. Difficulties associated with complexity of current inspection procedures were also recorded. The relevance of these findings to pathogenesis and postmortem disposition after slaughter is discussed. It is suggested that current postmortem inspection criteria should be reevaluated.  相似文献   

Time trends in animal-disease surveillance often are evaluated on the basis of crude estimates of apparent prevalence. In addition to possible changes in the true prevalence of the condition, changes in apparent prevalence over time might reflect changes in sensitivity and/or specificity of the diagnostic classification used. To illustrate this, comparative post-mortem meat inspection data from four Danish slaughter plants sampled in 1993-1994 and 1997-1998 were used to obtain latent-class model estimates of the sensitivity and specificity of traditional and extended post-mortem meat inspection of visceral and parietal chronic pleuritis (CP), respectively.True prevalence of CP was estimated for each study period and slaughter plant by latent-class models. Estimated sensitivities of traditional post-mortem meat (TPM) inspection ranged from 28.8 to 61.4% (1993-1994) and 39.2 to 87.3% (1997-1998). An increase in sensitivity with time was seen for all slaughter plants. Estimated sensitivities of extended post-mortem meat (EPM) inspection ranged from 85.7 to 94.8% (1993-1994) and 73.8 to 93.0% (1997-1998). All estimated specificities were >93.3%.The possible association of the estimated true prevalence of CP with time (1993-1994 versus 1997-1998) was investigated with a logistic-regression model with random effects. A slight, but non-significant decrease in the odds of CP from 1994 to 1998 was found (odds ratio=0.9).In this and similar situations, one should consider conducting ongoing double-classification of samples of units followed by statistical estimation of true prevalences, sensitivities and specificities, so that decisions can be based on such estimates rather than on crude apparent prevalences.  相似文献   

In a scientific project 469 slaughter groups originating from 39 farmers with 37.222 pigs in total were investigated concerning the usefulness of the food chain information. A standard statement does not include enough relevant information for the official veterinarian in the slaughterhouse to do a risk-based meat inspection. Even the food chain information for the visual meat inspection, which has certain limits, shows only farms, where the animals are of good health. Groups of fattened pigs with an extreme high rate of mortality and many abnormalities mean a potential risk for food safety. So for a risk-based meat inspection it is affordable to develop information-systems with real mortality and finding rates and the use of drugs on the farm.  相似文献   

Tropical Animal Health and Production - The diagnosis of tuberculosis (TB) in camels at slaughter houses heavily relies on post mortem (PM) meat inspection to detect granulomatous lesions; however,...  相似文献   

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