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本实验采用磷酸、过磷酸钙对封闭式鸡舍中的粪便和垫料进行降氨处理,用光镜和扫描电镜等手段检查9周龄肉鸡气管粘膜的变化,结果表明,高浓度的氨可使肉鸡气管粘膜纤毛散乱、缠结、萎缩和变性,单泡腺和杯状细胞数量增多和形态改变,粘膜的完整性受到损伤。用过磷酸钙降氨处理后上述变化轻微,用磷酸处理后粘膜结构无异常变化。由此说明,氨对鸡气管粘膜具有损伤作用,过磷酸钙有一定的降氨效果,用磷酸作降氨处理是一种理想的方法,值得在生产中推广应用。  相似文献   

在炎热气候地区的鸡舍,空气中氨的浓度过高,往往给人们不舒适的感觉。如向垫草中添加过磷酸钙后,鸡舍中氨的污染即可减轻。这主要是过磷酸钙对氨起了吸收作用。在肉鸡舍和产蛋鸡舍中应用过磷酸钙,结果均令人满意。一般每只产蛋鸡用16克,  相似文献   

鸡肾型IBV引起病理形态学的电镜观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本试验通过扫描电镜与透电镜,观察了鸡肾型传生支气管炎病毒(IBV)在气管、肺、肾人的分布以及对器官组织的损伤作用,观察结果表明,肾型IBV主要分布于气管粘膜上皮、肺呼吸毛细管上皮和肾上管上皮细胞浆内,还分布于毛细血管周围。肾型IBV对器官组织的损伤作用主要表现为:气管粘膜纤毛上皮细胞的纤毛脱落,有的缠结成簇,甚至严重倒伏。肺呼吸滤过膜增厚,并发生纤维化。肾小管质液化,线粒体变萎缩,有的线粒体溶解呈  相似文献   

采集具有典型高致病性猪蓝耳病病变特征的心、肝、脾、肺、肾、小肠和淋巴结等制作成石蜡切片,经H.E染色后观察,显示肾小管上皮细胞变性、坏死、脱落减少、肾脏局部出血、肾小球见有萎缩;肺的病例变化差异较大,可见到肺气肿、出血、肺泡壁增厚、单核淋巴细胞等炎性细胞渗出和肺泡内充满纤维素样蛋白渗出物等;肝脏见液化性坏死灶、肝小叶间结缔组织增生;脾脏的动脉鞘部位淋巴细胞减少,噬酸性粒细胞浸润,脾小体周围出血;淋巴结中见有合胞体等。  相似文献   

60只昆明种雄性小鼠随机分为3组,A组(对照组)、B组(用普通摩托车尾气染毒)和C组(用微型摩托车尾气染毒),染毒4周后处死,取出气管、肺脏制作组织切片观察其组织结构.结果表明,试验组小鼠的气管组织结构变得疏松,软骨组织和黏膜下层出现萎缩现象,尤其是C组的气管上皮出现化生,即由假复层纤毛柱状上皮变成鳞状上皮;试验组小鼠肺的各级支气管出现黏膜上皮细胞萎缩、纤毛脱落等现象,肺泡管、肺泡囊及肺泡也发生了一定程度的破坏,尤其是C组肺内小动脉出现管壁增厚、管腔狭窄等现象.  相似文献   

<正>支气管肺炎是由非特异性病原菌引起的细支气管和肺泡内浆液渗出及上皮细胞脱落的炎症。肺泡内积聚脱落的上皮细胞、血浆和白细胞组成的卡他性炎症渗出物,因而又称卡他性肺炎。在多数病例中,由于炎症首先始发于支气管,继而蔓延到细支气管及其所属的肺小叶,引起单个肺小叶或一群小叶发火症,故亦称小叶性肺炎。  相似文献   

为探讨蚓粪作为"养殖垫料"的可行性,利用自动化输入输出设备分别把蚓粪及传统纤维类垫料——稻壳、玉米芯铺洒在蛋鸡笼下,制成非接触式垫料进行养殖试验,测定鸡舍内的氨气浓度,分析不同垫料对氨气的净化效果及在粪污堆肥中的作用效果。结果表明:三种垫料都具有降低鸡舍内氨气浓度的效果,其中蚓粪的降氨效果最好;各垫料与鸡粪污混合时即开始好氧堆肥过程,但温度及其维持时间不能满足堆肥要求。说明蚓粪作为养殖垫料可降低鸡舍内的氨气浓度,能净化空气,但在粪污堆肥处理过程中作用效果不够理想。  相似文献   

<正> 一、异常干燥气候对鸡群的危害鸡舍内传染病的起源是细菌和病毒,病原体并不是单独存在,它通过人、器具以及附着在空气中的尘埃进行传播。病原体附着于尘埃在鸡舍内到处浮游,污染空气,鸡吸入后就容易被感染。鸡舍内常见的传染病有传染性鼻炎、传染性喉气管炎以及传染性支气管炎等。尤其冬季鸡舍内换气量小,气候干燥,鸡舍内的尘埃、脱落的羽毛和上皮细胞、粪末、饲料粉尘比较多,到处飞扬,空气污染更为严重。初生雏入舍后,由于温度比较高,舍内气候异常干燥,使雏鸡饮水量增大,排软便,下痢,虚弱脱水。异常干  相似文献   

对藏獒和松狮犬的犬瘟热自然感染病例进行了临床观察、尸体剖检以及病理组织学检查.结果显示,病毒主要侵害犬的呼吸、消化、神经、心血管和免疫系统.肺脏呈严重的间质性肺炎和支气管肺炎的变化,肺泡壁结构消失,肺泡腔内有大量巨噬细胞;胃、肠黏膜充血、水肿,上皮细胞坏死、脱落;脑膜和实质充血、水肿,可见微血栓形成;心脏明显扩张,右心肥大,心室腔内有鸡脂样凝血块;免疫器官受损严重,脾脏和淋巴结均呈明显退行性病变.在胃腺上皮细胞、肝细胞、肺泡上皮细胞和细支气管上皮细胞内发现嗜酸性的核内或胞浆包涵体.  相似文献   

为了研究贝氏莫尼茨绦虫自然感染绵羊对小肠黏膜免疫组织的影响,分别从宏观、微观及亚微观水平对自然感染贝氏莫尼茨绦虫的成年绵羊(感染组)肠道进行了细致地观察,并与正常成年绵羊(正常组)进行了比较.结果显示,感染组肠道所见虫体平均长度为1.5m,头节主要吸附在空肠淋巴集结分布丰富的部位,一般寄生数量为1~2条.眼观,虫体寄生部位黏膜增厚,表面有大量灰白色黏液附着,其间可见点状出血.镜下,局部黏膜上皮脱落,而在完整的黏膜上皮处,其上皮细胞、上皮内淋巴细胞、杯状细胞的数量都明显增多;固有层内毛细血管充血,淋巴细胞、浆细胞、弥散淋巴组织以及肠腺杯状细胞均有不同程度的增生,头节寄生处部分肠腺坏死;黏膜下层淋巴小结、淋巴集结显著增生,部分增生凸入固有层形成新的圆顶区;固有层与黏膜下层以及黏膜肌层可见大量嗜酸性粒细胞浸润.扫描电镜下,感染组肠黏膜上皮脱落;贝氏莫尼茨绦虫头节呈椭球状,有4个吸盘,无顶突,小沟,表面覆盖一层致密的微绒毛.研究结果表明,肠黏膜增厚,主要是局部黏膜免疫相关细胞在寄生虫虫体表面覆盖的微绒毛的不断刺激下,机体抗感染自身组织增生所致.成年绵羊对抗贝氏莫尼茨绦虫的感染可能是通过黏膜免疫相关组织增生来加强局部免疫力而实现的.  相似文献   

Thirteen lectins were used to characterize lectin-binding specificity of glycoconjugates on sections of formalin-fixed lung and trachea from seven normal turkeys, two turkeys with acute pneumonia, and two turkeys with chronic pneumonia. Neuraminidase was used to digest sialic acid residues. One N-acetylgalactosamine-binding lectin and two N-acetylgalactosamine/galactose-binding lectins stained the apical membrane and cytoplasm of multifocal cells that lined air atria and hyperplastic granular cells. Other lectins in these groups stained ciliated cells of the trachea and bronchi and air capillary epithelial cells. Sialic acid residues were on apical surfaces of ciliated and nonciliated tracheal and bronchial lining cells, air capillary epithelial cells, and vascular endothelial cells. Mannose/glucose-binding lectins stained reticular and elastic fibers in the lamina propria of trachea, primary and secondary bronchi, and the tunica adventitia of arteries and veins. By transmission electron microscopy, colloidal gold-Arachis hypogaea (peanut agglutinin) labeled microvilli on the apical surface of mature granular cells. The L-fucose-binding lectin, in addition to several other lectins, stained nonspecifically in both trachea and lung. These studies show that granular cells that line air atria can be identified with lectins of N-acetylglucosamine and N-acetylgalactosamine/galactose groups, and that apical surfaces of epithelial cells and endothelial cells in the trachea and lung express terminal sialic acid residues.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that walls of air capillaries are a site for Escherichia coli to pass the air-blood barrier, fimbriated and nonfimbriated strains of E. coli were inoculated intratracheally into 18-day-old turkeys. Venous blood was cultured, and turkeys were necropsied from 0.5 to 8 hours post-inoculation. Lungs were processed for histopathology and electron microscopy. E. coli 078 was identified ultrastructurally using rabbit anti-lipopolysaccharide antibody and protein A-colloidal gold. All birds developed bacteremia; there was no significant difference between groups given fimbriated or nonfimbriated bacteria. Bacteria adhered to the plasma membrane of air capillary epithelial cells and were seen within vacuoles of portions of these cells that lined the fornices of air capillaries. Bacteria were also seen in the basement membrane at the basal surface of air capillary epithelial cells and, rarely, in vacuoles of subjacent endothelial cells. Infected granular and non-granular cells that lined air atria were necrotic 4 hours post-inoculation. Bacteria were within the overlying trilaminar substance and between reticular fibers of the interstitial stroma and pleura at 30 minutes post-infection and thereafter. Thus, the pulmonary air capillaries are a site for entrance of E. coli into the pulmonary blood capillaries, but fimbriae play little or no role in passage across the air-blood barrier.  相似文献   

Slight changes in lung volume have previously been reported in ducks. We studied the functional structure of the lung of the domestic duck using classical anatomical techniques as well as ultrasound monitoring to unravel the causes of such changes. Later dorsal and medioventral secondary bronchi were superficially positioned and covered with a thin transparent and collapsible membrane, internally lined with a cuboidal to squamous epithelium. The lung parenchyma was rigid, with atria well supported by septa containing smooth muscles, interparabronchial septa reinforced by collagen fibres, and blood capillaries supported by epithelial plates. On ultrasound monitoring, an outward and inward movement of the lung surface during inspiration and expiration, respectively, was evident at the region where the airways were covered by the thin membranes. The movements plausibly facilitated air movement in the lung just like the air sacs. We conclude that volume changes in the duck lung occur due to a slight morphological adaptation rather than a change in the archetypical design of the avian lung parenchyma.  相似文献   

The resin casts of the respiratory and vascular systems in pigeon lung were examined using a scanning electron microscope. The primary bronchi branched to form many secondary bronchi that anastomosed with each other via the parabronchi. Numerous infundibula protruded from the parabronchi via the atria and ramified into the air capillaries. The pulmonary artery entered into the lung and branched into three vessels that coursed the interparabronchial parts. The intraparabronchial arterioles penetrated the gas-exchange tissue to form the anastomosing networks of blood capillaries. The observation of the double casts of the respiratory and vascular systems revealed three-dimensional complicated networks of air capillaries and blood capillaries.  相似文献   

本研究旨在观察一种由多种有益菌组成的微生态制剂(主要成分为乳酸杆菌和芽孢杆菌等)通过饮水摄入以后,对鸡舍氨气浓度,肉鸡血清中血氨、血清尿酸、总蛋白、白蛋白和球蛋白含量和免疫系统的影响。选用240只1日龄AA肉鸡,按试验需求随机分成4个试验组,即对照组、试验1组、试验2组和试验3组。每个试验组3次重复,每次重复20只。从1日龄开始,对照组按正常饮水,其余各组均在饮水中添加该液态微生态制剂,添加量分别为试验1组0.3%,试验2组0.6%,试验3组1.2%。结果表明,试验2组在第6周可显著降低鸡舍内的氨气浓度(P〈0.05)。各试验组血清总蛋白、球蛋白含量均显著高于对照组(P〈0.05)。试验1组肉鸡免疫后的抗体水平显著高于对照组(P〈0.05)。结果提示,适量添加该微生态制剂能在一定程度上降低鸡舍氨气浓度,使机体血液中总蛋白、球蛋白含量升高。同时可以增强机体体液免疫能力,但对细胞免疫的影响效果不显著。  相似文献   

目的研究血管内皮生长因子(vascular endothelial growth factor,VEGF)在绵羊肺脏中的表达分布特征。方法取成年绵羊肺脏组织,制备石蜡切片,利用HE染色法观察绵羊肺脏组织的形态结构,采用免疫组织化学方法检测VEGF在绵羊肺脏组织中的分布。结果肺脏的各类型细胞均可见VEGF表达,在绵羊肺脏导气部的细支气管和终末细支气管的上皮细胞,呼吸部的肺泡管和呼吸性细支气管的上皮细胞,以及肺的血管内皮细胞均可检测到VEGF的强阳性表达信号。结论VEGF广泛分布于绵羊肺脏组织中,对其形态结构和功能的维持具有重要作用。  相似文献   

畜禽场氨减排技术研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,随着规模化养殖业的迅速发展,畜禽饲养密度不断增大,导致养殖业氨排放量大幅上升,严重影响畜禽健康及其生产性能,同时造成大气污染,因此开展养殖场氨减排技术研究对于畜禽健康、产品安全和环境改善均具有重要意义。着眼于畜禽内源氨营养调控、畜禽舍内原位净化和粪污处理过程三个重点环节,综述了多种氨减排技术,包括从源头的饲料优化、粪便除臭剂使用、舍内空气净化及粪污处理过程中的固液分离、表面覆盖等技术,对于养殖业氨减排具有一定参考意义。  相似文献   

Air pollutants from poultry operations pose a potential threat not only for bird health, but also for the environment outside. Ventilation is believed to be an effective way of regulating house environment. To improve understanding of ventilation effects on house environment, distributions, concentrations and emissions of ammonia, carbon dioxide, total suspended particulates, and particulate matter 2.5 (fine particles with a diameter of 2.5 μm or less) were investigated in a manure-belt layer house using 9 ventilation stages (VS) with different ventilation rates (VT). Distributions of pollutants were assessed visually using contour plots and coefficient of variation. Emission rates of pollutants were estimated by multiplying VT by concentration. Spatial distributions of 4 pollutants were not homogeneous throughout the house, regardless of VS, and increased VT aggravated the spatial disparity. In the house, pollutant concentrations were controlled under harmful levels during the 9 VS. Ventilation, as expected, can decrease pollutant concentrations. However concentrations of ammonia and carbon dioxide did not decrease proportionately to increased VT. The highest emission rates of 4 pollutants were observed during VS1, a stage with maximum ventilation, which reflected VT as a key factor determining emission rate. The study indicated that it is difficult to balance house environment and control pollutant concentrations depending only on ventilation. Several additional factors, such as temperature, humidity, manure handling, bird management, and ventilation system design, should be comprehensively considered to control air pollutants from poultry operations.  相似文献   

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