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北京地区规模化奶牛场牛病毒性腹泻病血清学调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对北京郊区6个未进行牛病毒性腹泻病(BVD)免疫牛场的546份奶牛血清样品,使用牛病毒性腹泻抗体ELISA试剂盒进行检测,并对其中3个牛群进行牛病毒性腹泻病毒(BVDV)血清抗原筛查。共检出阳性血清514份,总阳性率94.1%,其中5个牛场的场内血清抗体阳性率在95%以上。牛病毒性腹泻持续性感染牛(PI牛)筛查的3个牛群均有阳性牛检出。结果表明,北京地区规模化奶牛场存在牛病毒性腹泻感染和接触史,应采取净化措施进行控制。  相似文献   

本研究旨在对进口胎牛血清中的牛病毒性腹泻病毒(BVDV)进行分离及鉴定。利用BVDV抗原和抗体检测试剂盒检测,提取胎牛血清中的病毒RNA,用5'-UTR巢式PCR进行扩增,PCR扩增产物连接pMD19-T进行测序分析。胎牛血清样品接种MDBK细胞,进行细胞传代培养,通过细胞分离培养、直接免疫荧光抗体检测对实验室进口胎牛血清样品进行病毒分离及鉴定,应用DNAStar对BVDV 5'-UTR、Npro与GenBank中公布的瘟病毒参考株进行多序列比对,采用Mega 6.0进行遗传进化分析。同时通过包被脱脂奶粉进行间接ELISA检测其中的BVDV抗体。结果显示,胎牛血清中BVDV抗原和抗体均为阳性,并且从胎牛血清中成功分离到一株新的牛源BVDV,命名为BVDV-GC株,该病毒株在MDBK细胞上进行增殖培养时未能引起细胞病变;5'-UTR与Npro PCR扩增为阳性,扩增产物大小均与预期相符;直接免疫荧光检测荧光信号为阳性;病毒滴度为10-3.6TCID50/0.1 mL;遗传进化分析表明,该分离株与USMARC-60779(BVDV-2)株有较近的亲缘关系,同属于BVDV-2型毒株;通过包被脱脂奶粉和商品化的ELISA试剂盒进行检测,结果表明脱脂奶粉中存在BVDV抗体。本研究从进口胎牛血清中分离出1株BVDV-2型非致细胞病变病毒,从脱脂奶粉中检测到BVDV抗体,表明进口胎牛血清和脱脂奶粉中都存在BVDV抗原和抗体污染,本研究为后续试验分析提供参考。  相似文献   

试验旨在掌握河北省唐山市13个县(市、区)奶牛场奶犊牛病毒性腹泻病原的流行状况,有效防控奶犊牛腹泻。采集唐山市不同地区38个奶牛场腹泻犊牛粪便样品788份,提取腹泻粪便样品中的基因组RNA。根据GenBank公布的牛病毒性腹泻病毒(Bovine viral diarrhea virus,BVDV)E2基因、牛轮状病毒(Bovine rotavirus,BRV)VP6基因、牛冠状病毒(Bovine coronavirus,BCV)N基因序列,利用Primer Premier 5.0软件分别设计特异性引物,采用PCR方法检测粪便样品中这3种基因,利用Excel 2007对不同地区、不同季节和混合感染病原检测结果进行汇总分析。在采样范围内的788份犊牛腹泻粪便样品中,BVDV、BRV和BCV阳性检出率分别为29.82%(235/788)、29.44%(232/788)和18.02%(142/788);在所有被检地区,滦南县BVDV感染率最高,阳性检出率为45.38%(59/130),汉沽区BRV和BCV感染率最高,阳性检出率分别为55.00%(22/40)和37.50%(15/40);从采样季节来看,春季、夏季和秋季BRV感染率最高,阳性检出率分别为27.71%(46/166)、39.58%(114/288)和19.89%(39/196),冬季则以BVDV感染为主,阳性检出率为52.17%(72/138);从混合感染情况来看,以BRV+BCV二重混合感染为主,感染率为8.37%(66/788)。河北省唐山市各地区腹泻犊牛群中均存在BVDV、BRV和BCV感染,以BVDV、BRV单一感染为主。  相似文献   

为建立牛精液中基因I型牛病毒性腹泻病毒(BVDV-1)的快速检测方法,本研究采用Sephycral S-400凝胶对牛精液过滤处理后提取病毒核酸,根据BVDV-1 5'UTR保守区基因序列,设计特异性引物和荧光探针,通过反应条件的优化,建立了牛精液中BVDV-1荧光定量RT-PCR检测方法.该方法可以检测到牛精液中含量为0.0125 TCID50的病毒,灵敏度比病毒分离方法高200倍~2000倍,比常规RT-PCR方法高10倍.对从同一个牛场6个月内采集的120份新鲜牛精液和40份冷冻牛精液用该荧光RT-PCR方法检测,没有检测到BVDV-1阳性样品.对其中的10头牛定期检测精液中病毒的同时,并同步检测了全血中的病毒和血清抗体,结果血清抗体阳性牛精液中没有检测到病毒,本研究结果表明,不能以血清抗体阴阳性做为精液是否带毒的依据.  相似文献   

为了解新疆地区部分规模奶牛场牛病毒性腹泻病(BVD)的流行情况,优化防控措施,以达到建设防控净化场的目的,自2020年11月到2021年7月累计采集新疆5 个地区16 个奶牛场共计26 997 份血清、3 843 份犊牛耳组织进行全群普检。通过使用IDEXX公司牛病毒性腹泻病毒(BVDV)抗原检测试剂盒检测及RT-PCR复检结合测序等方法,淘汰阳性牛,同源性分析流行毒株情况。BVDV血清抗原检测结果为:沙湾某奶牛场BVD阳性率为1.63%(38/2 326);乌鲁木齐某奶牛场BVD阳性率为0.35%(4/1 132);其余奶牛场均为阴性。犊牛耳组织抗原检测结果为:乌鲁木齐某牛场BVDV阳性率为1.17%(4/342);其余奶牛场均为阴性。研究结果揭示,奶牛场通过淘汰BVDV阳性牛,调整免疫程序、制定消毒程序等方法,可有效净化BVD。  相似文献   

利用TB_PCR试剂盒对牛结核病的检测   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
应用聚合酶链式反应(PCR)技术制备的TB-PCR试剂盒对来自新疆6个牛场的238份血样、奶样、口腔分泌物标本中结核分枝杆菌进行检测,结果显示:TB-PCR试剂盒对40份奶样样本进行检测,7头为阳性,阳性检出率17.5%。TB-PCR试剂盒对178份血样标本的检测,23头牛为阳性,阳性检出率为12.92%。TB-PCR试剂盒对20份口腔分泌物标本中结核分歧杆菌检测结果均为阴性。本试验中共计检测6个牛场的238份不同标本的PCR阳性牛共计27头,阳性检出率为3.02%。将PCR和传统的PPD检测方法的结果比较显示PPD检出阳性率高于PCR,PPD检出阳性牛39头,检出阳性率6.7%。本试验对口腔分泌物标本的检测结果不理想。总之,TB-PCR试剂盒在检测牛结核病不同标本中显示出快速、特异等优点。为今后牛结核病的检测  相似文献   

牛病毒性腹泻/黏膜病(BVD)是一种免疫抑制病,对奶牛养殖业的危害极大。为了弄清此病在国内牧场的感染状况,在各地区选140个规模化牛场进行了BVD抗原、抗体的检测,112个牧场只是检测了大缸牛奶中的抗体,抗体阳性率65.18%(73/1 12),22个牧场仅进行了抗原检测,牧场抗原阳性率72.73%(16/22),PI牛(抗原阳性牛)感染率却为0.71%,6个牧场进行了血清抗体检测,阳性率为100%(6/6);另外其中有21个牧场由于检测当时某些突发疾病的存在既做了抗原和抗体的检测,抗体阳性率80.9%(17/21),PI抗原阳性率高达2.09%,可见,牛病毒性腹泻/黏膜病(BVD)是目前规模化奶牛场必须要面对的一种关键传染病。  相似文献   

应用ELLSA试验对来自内蒙古地区17个大﹑中﹑小型奶牛场的2391份牛血清样品进行了牛病毒性腹泻/黏膜病抗体检测,并对其中222份抗体阴性牛应用ELISA试验进行牛病毒性腹泻/黏膜病的抗原检测。结果表明:17个奶牛场均检出BVDV抗体阳性,共检出阳性血清2125份,阳性率最高达100%,最低为46.8%,平均为88.9%。对14个奶牛场进行了BVDV抗原检测,在5个奶牛场检出BVDV抗原阳性,阳性率为3.6%(8/222)。表明内蒙古地区奶牛场普遍存在牛病毒性腹泻/黏膜病感染,感染率较高,并且牛群中存在持续性感染(PI)牛。  相似文献   

牛病毒性腹泻病毒(BVDV)是一种传染性极强的病毒。该病毒主要源于牛群中BVDV携带者。许多携带者处于免疫耐受状态。在妊娠第4个月感染了BVDV的孕牛,产下的犊牛埘BVDV有免疫耐受性。控制和防制BVDV的关键在于榆疫、淘汰牛群中BVDV携带者。用一种准确、便捷的方法对出生后不久的犊牛进行诊断,它将能有效防制该病毒扩散。检疫携带者的手段很多,主要包括VI、ELISA、PCR等方法对血样进行检测。然而,检测携带BVDV的初生犊牛很困难,因为初乳中存在母源抗体,它可以中和血清中的病毒,而且可以一直维持4个月。鉴于此,Ⅵ或ELISA检测血清的方法是不可靠的。  相似文献   

为确定甘肃省临夏州某奶牛场犊牛腹泻的病因,并提供合适的治疗方案和防控措施,试验采集该牛场13头腹泻犊牛的粪便和血清,通过胶体金技术、ELISA方法、细菌分离鉴定、Kirby-Bauer法分别进行病毒病原学检测、病毒血清学抗体检测、病原菌鉴定和药物敏感性试验。病毒学检测结果显示,13份粪样中未检测出牛轮状病毒(BRV)、牛冠状病毒(BCV)的抗原,牛病毒性腹泻病毒(BVDV)抗原阳性率为23.08%(3/13);未检出BRV和BCV的抗体,BVDV血清学抗体阳性率为38.46%(5/13)。病原菌检测结果显示,13份粪便样品中,分离出13株大肠杆菌和7株奇异变形杆菌。药敏试验表明,分离的大肠杆菌和奇异变形杆菌对20种常规药物均产生了不同程度的耐药,且无对两种细菌均有效的药物。此次犊牛腹泻是由BVDV、大肠杆菌、奇异变形杆菌混合感染引起的,且大肠杆菌和奇异变形杆菌的耐药现象严重,本试验结果为该牛场进一步治疗此次的犊牛腹泻病提供了合理有效的依据。  相似文献   



Bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD) is considered eradicated from Denmark. Currently, very few (if any) Danish cattle herds could be infected with BVD virus (BVDV). The Danish antibody blocking enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) has been successfully used during the Danish BVD eradication program, initiated in 1994. During the last decade, the cattle herd size has increased while the prevalence of BVDV has decreased. In this study, we investigated how these changes could affect the performance of the Danish blocking ELISA and of the SVANOVIR®BVDV-Ab indirect ELISA. The latter has successfully been used to eradicate BVD in Sweden.Data (2003–2010) on changes in median herd size and milk production levels, occurrence of viremic animals and bulk milk surveillance were analysed. Additionally, the Danish blocking ELISA and the SVANOVIR ELISA were compared analyzing milk and serum samples. The prevalence of antibody positive milking cows that could be detected by each test was estimated, by diluting positive individual milk samples and making artificial milk pools.


During the study period, the median herd size increased from 74 (2003) to 127 cows (2010), while the prevalence of BVDV infected herds decreased from 0.51 to 0.02 %. The daily milk yield contribution of a single seropositive cow to the entire daily bulk milk was reduced from 1.61 % in 2003 to 0.95 % in 2010 due to the increased herd size. It was observed that antibody levels in bulk milk decreased at national level. Moreover, we found that when testing bulk milk, the SVANOVIR®BVDV-Ab can detect a lower prevalence of seropositive lactating cows, compared to the Danish blocking ELISA (0.78 % vs. 50 %). Values in the SVANOVIR®BVDV-Ab better relate to low concentrations of antibody positive milk (R2 = 94-98 %), than values in the blocking ELISA (R2 = 23–75 %). For sera, the two ELISAs performed equally well.


The SVANOVIR ELISA is recommended for analysis of bulk milk samples in the current Danish situation, since infected dairy herds e.g. due to import of infected cattle can be detected shortly after BVDV introduction, when only few lactating cows have seroconverted. In sera, the two ELISAs can be used interchangeably.  相似文献   

Bulk and individual milk samples from 117 herds located in Brittany (west France) were used to assess: (i) the performance characteristics of an indirect enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) applied to individual milk for the detection of antibodies to bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV); and (ii) the relationship between the bulk milk result obtained from this test and the within‐herd prevalence of antibody‐positive lactating cows. This ELISA test was based on a monoclonal antibody directed against non‐structural protein NS2‐3 of pestiviruses. At the individual level, based on 1113 matched milk/serum samples, the sensitivity and specificity of this test applied to milk, compared with the virus neutralization test on serum, were 95.0 and 97.7%, respectively. At the herd level, the relationship between the optical density percentage (OD%) of bulk milk and the within‐herd prevalence of antibody‐positive lactating cows was assessed using the receiver operating characteristics (ROC) analysis. Classes of OD% of bulk milk were determined so that they were associated with minimum intraclass and maximum between‐class variances of within‐herd prevalence of antibody‐positive cows. The ROC analysis resulted in two classes of bulk milk results corresponding to different expected levels of within‐herd prevalence. Herds with an OD% of bulk milk <75% and ≥75% had a mean observed prevalence of antibody‐positive cows of 8.9 and 60.6%, respectively. Herds with a bulk milk result <75% were expected to be BVDV free, whereas large variations in prevalence of antibody‐positive cows existed in the herds with OD% ≥75%. The test described in this study is suitable to identify herds likely to have a low prevalence of BVDV antibody‐positive cows.  相似文献   

AIMS: To assess the sensitivity and specificity of a bulk tank milk (BTM) antibody enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to detect likely infection of a dairy herd with bovine vi- ral diarrhoea virus (BVDV). The ELISA was subsequently used to estimate the prevalence of likely infected herds in parts of the North Island of New Zealand.

METHODS: BTM samples from 724 randomly selected dairy herds in the Waikato, Bay of Plenty and Northland regions of New Zealand were tested for BVDV antibodies. From this group, 20 herds were again randomly selected from each of the quartiles of the ELISA percentage inhibition (%INH) result. From each participant herd, serum from 15 randomly selected calves aged 6–18 months and 15 cows was collected and tested using an indirect blocking ELISA for BVDV antibodies.

RESULTS: Among serum results from calves from 50 herds available for analysis, 34 (68%) herds were classified as likely non-infected (0-3 seropositive among 15 calves) and 16 (32%) as likely infected (5–15 seropositive among 15 calves). Receiver- operator characteristic (ROC) analysis identified an optimal cut-off for BTM of 80%INH associated with 81% sensitivity and 91% specificity for likely herd infection. The prevalence of BVDV antibodies in cows within herds and %INH for BVDV in bulk milk were positively correlated (p<0.01). The association between bulk milk %INH and the prevalence of BVDV antibodies in calves was stronger than the same association in cows. Based on the threshold of 80%INH, the 95% confidence interval (CI) for prevalence of likely infection in the 724 herds in the Waikato, Bay of Plenty and Northland regions of New Zealand was 12–17%. Vaccination against BVDV was not significantly associated with the likely infection status of the herd based on prevalence of BVDV antibodies among calves.

CONCLUSION: An ELISA test result for BVDV antibodies in BTM ≥80%INH can be used as a threshold to indicate the presence of likely infection with BVDV in dairy herds in New Zealand, with 81% sensitivity and 91% specificity.  相似文献   

An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using bulk tank milk samples was evaluated as a screening test for bovine tuberculosis (TB), a contagious chronic disease of cattle. An ELISA with MPB70, a major antigen of Mycobacterium bovis was performed using paired sets of milk and sera samples from 33 tuberculin-positive and 43 tuberculin-negative cattle. Anti-MPB70 antibodies were detected in milk samples and there was a significant correlation between seroreactivities of milk and sera samples (R2 = 0.83). Using the tuberculin skin test as the reference test, the sensitivities of ELISA using milk and sera samples were 87.8% and 81.8%, respectively, and the specificities were 97.7% and 100%, respectively.In the screening test using bulk tank milk samples from 931 dairy herds in Whasung, Gyeonggi-do, Korea, the positive rate for anti-MPB70 antibody was 4.5% (42/931) and the tuberculin-positive rate was 2.8% (26/931). Individual milk samples (n = 253) were collected from randomly selected 8 problematic and 3 negative herds (positive and negative in the screening test by MPB70 ELISA using bulk tank milk samples, respectively) and tested by MPB70 milk ELISA. In the problematic herds, positive rates were 10.5% (20/190) for anti-MPB70 antibodies in milk ELISA and 2.1% (4/190) in the tuberculin skin test. More than one dairy cows were positive by milk ELISA among the problematic herds, and all tuberculin-positive dairy cows were positive in the milk ELISA. Further, no positive cows were detected in negative herds both by milk ELISA and tuberculin skin test. These results suggest that an ELISA, using bulk tank milk samples, might be a potential efficient screening test for bovine TB of dairy cows.  相似文献   

The Ostertagia-specific antibody levels in milk were monitored in 2 dairy herds to investigate seasonal variations and the relationship between individual and bulk tank milk antibody levels. Bulk tank and individual milk samples from all lactating animals were collected over a 1-year period at weekly and monthly intervals, respectively. The Ostertagia-specific antibody levels were measured with an indirect ELISA and the test results were expressed as optical density ratios (ODR). A clear seasonal pattern that followed the expected intake of infectious larvae was observed in the individual and bulk tank milk antibody levels of both herds. Within each herd, there was a large variation in the individual ODRs. This variation remained large when the distribution of individual ODRs was plotted according to high and low bulk tank milk ODR categories. The results suggest that the effect of seasonal variations on cut-off levels that predict production responses after anthelmintic control, needs to be assessed.  相似文献   

AIMS: To assess the sensitivity and specificity of a bulk tank milk (BTM) antibody enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to detect likely infection of a dairy herd with bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV). The ELISA was subsequently used to estimate the prevalence of likely infected herds in parts of the North Island of New Zealand. METHODS: BTM samples from 724 randomly selected dairy herds in the Waikato, Bay of Plenty and Northland regions of New Zealand were tested for BVDV antibodies. From this group, 20 herds were again randomly selected from each of the quartiles of the ELISA percentage inhibition (%INH) result. From each participant herd, serum from 15 randomly selected calves aged 6-18 months and 15 cows was collected and tested using an indirect blocking ELISA for BVDV antibodies. RESULTS: Among serum results from calves from 50 herds available for analysis, 34 (68%) herds were classified as likely non-infected (0-3 seropositive among 15 calves) and 16 (32%) as likely infected (5-15 seropositive among 15 calves). Receiver-operator characteristic (ROC) analysis identified an optimal cut-off for BTM of 80%INH associated with 81% sensitivity and 91% specificity for likely herd infection. The prevalence of BVDV antibodies in cows within herds and %INH for BVDV in bulk milk were positively correlated (p<0.01). The association between bulk milk %INH and the prevalence of BVDV antibodies in calves was stronger than the same association in cows. Based on the threshold of 80%INH, the 95% confidence interval (CI) for prevalence of likely infection in the 724 herds in the Waikato, Bay of Plenty and Northland regions of New Zealand was 12-17%. Vaccination against BVDV was not significantly associated with the likely infection status of the herd based on prevalence of BVDV antibodies among calves. CONCLUSION: An ELISA test result for BVDV antibodies in BTM >/=80%INH can be used as a threshold to indicate the presence of likely infection with BVDV in dairy herds in New Zealand, with 81% sensitivity and 91% specificity.  相似文献   

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