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动物正常的消化吸收与其胃肠道内的微生物菌群有着直接的联系,而胃肠道微生物菌群与宿主胃肠道环境和宿主所处的外界环境密切相关,形成统一的整体.论文就猪胃肠道微生物菌群的组成和分布、胃肠道微生物菌群的作用、影响猪胃肠道微生物菌群的因素、动物胃肠道微生物菌群的研究手段及猪胃肠道微生物菌群的调控等五个方面进行综述,对进一步研究猪...  相似文献   

动物胃肠道正常微生物菌群是微生物与宿主在长期进化过程中逐步形成的,它可通过粘附素与黏膜上皮细胞受体粘附,然后占位定植形成生物屏障,以阻止外来致病菌在肠道的定植(Hentges等,1970)。  相似文献   

猪肠道微生物定植规律和生理功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,人们对畜禽胃肠道正常微生物群的组成、定植规律及与宿主关系有了越来越多的了解,肠道中微生态菌群的组成及变化直接影响着动物的健康和生理功能。肠道内的微生物在动物生长发育  相似文献   

动物肠道细菌定植规律研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
动物肠道内有着丰富的微生物菌群,其中,肠道细菌的定植与宿主的健康,营养物质的消化吸收等方面息息相关。论文在了解动物肠道细菌的定植时间与空间分布的基础上,分析动物细菌定植方式以及影响菌群定植的因素等,为增加肠道有益菌的定植和减少致病菌的定植等方面奠定理论基础。  相似文献   

日粮组成和消化道健康直接影响动物的健康.胃肠道是病原菌侵入机体的直接人口。一旦消化器官的保护性机制出了问题,胃肠道内正常菌群以外的病原微生物便会定植.随后侵入到宿主体细胞和组织。保护胃肠道不受病原微生物侵害的因素有:IgA的分泌、胃肠道菌群的平衡、保护性生理内环境的维系、黏蛋白保护层、消化道蠕动。现就VFA及黏蛋白对肠道微生物和肠道疾病的影响作一介绍。  相似文献   

猪禽肠道微生物调控的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
自 1 9世纪法国微生物学家巴斯德提出正常菌群对宿主是有益的学说以来 ,人们对畜禽胃肠道正常微生物群的组成、定植规律及其与宿主关系有了越来越多的了解。畜禽肠道微生物群组成虽然很稳定 ,但是也受饲料和环境等因素的影响而发生变化。动物消化道内微生物区系的理论平衡是宿主动物保持良好的健康状况和发挥正常生产性能所必需的条件。调控消化道微生物区系对提高生产性能 ,改善饲料利用率和减少病原菌在肠道内的定植有着巨大的潜力。目前可采取的方法有在饲料中添加抗生素、益生素、益生元、合生元、有机酸、铜、氧化锌以及改变日粮组成和…  相似文献   

猪肠道中存在大量的微生物菌群,这些微生物菌群结构复杂种类繁多,参与宿主的代谢,在宿主的消化吸收和免疫调控方面均发挥了重要作用,对猪的生长肥育有很大影响。为此对肥育猪肠道内微生物菌群做一论述,希望能为更高效率更健康环保的动物生产提供新思路。  相似文献   

在动物体内环境中通常有微生物或微生物层,在正常情况下即动物处于健康状态时,并未表现异常或致病现象,称这层微生物为正常菌群或固有菌群和原籍菌群。动物的胃肠道栖息着大约30属500多种细菌,主要由厌氧菌、兼性厌氧菌和需氧菌组成,其中专性厌氧菌占99%以上,而仅类杆菌及双歧杆菌就占细菌总数90%以上。这些菌群是动物机体内环境中不可缺少的组成部分,在正常情况对动物宿主是有益无害的。肠道固有菌群对动物免疫力有如下几方面的作用。  相似文献   

<正>在动物体内环境中通常有微生物或微生物层,在正常情况下即动物处于健康状态时,并未表现异常或致病现象,称这层微生物为正常菌群或固有菌群和原籍菌群。动物的胃肠道栖息着大约30属500多种细菌,主要由厌氧菌、兼性厌氧菌和需氧菌组成,其中专性厌氧菌占99%以上,而仅类杆菌及双歧杆菌就占细菌总数90%以上。这些菌群是动物机体内环境中不可缺少的组成部分,在正常情况对动物宿主是有益无害的。肠道固有菌群对动物免疫力有如下几方面的作用。  相似文献   

牛消化道正常菌群的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
动物胃肠道内栖居有许多种微生物,它们作为一个整体彼此相互依赖,相互制约。其中大部分与胃肠道细胞接触,交换营养物质、能量或遗传信息。目前,国内外对鸡、猪、兔等单胃动物的消化道正常菌群作了大量分析和研究,并研制开发出多种微生态制剂,增进了动物健康;提高了生产力。对反刍动物消化道正常菌群,国外有微生态制剂应用于牛的试验研究,但国内这方面的研究及应用尚未见报道。本文就国内外牛消化道正常菌群的研究作一简要综述。1牛消化道正常菌群概况1.1牛瘤胃正常菌群牛瘤胃中存在着极其复杂的微生物区系,主要有原生虫和细菌两大…  相似文献   

肠道是机体重要的消化与免疫器官,维持肠道健康对猪的生长发育和疾病预防具有十分重要的意义。高通量测序技术的发展极大地促进了人们对肠道微生物功能的认知,猪肠道微生物组的研究正逐步成为热点。目前,尽管对某一生长阶段猪的肠道微生物组已有较为深入的理解,但仍缺乏有关商品猪整个生命周期范围内肠道微生物组动态变化的全面纵向研究。而从出生到出栏,猪在整个生长周期内的肠道微生物组并不是一成不变的,是一个动态的发育过程。作者综述了猪哺乳期、断奶期、育肥期和妊娠期等从出生到育肥过程中不同阶段肠道微生物组的纵向变化及其主要影响因素:一方面,肠道微生物群落结构的显著变化主要发生在断奶期;另一方面,虽然肠道微生物组成随着时间始终在不断变化,但仍有一部分优势菌是一直存在的,这部分优势菌被称为核心菌群,而只在特定时期才出现的菌只是胃肠道中的"过客",也最易受外界因素影响。肠道微生物组与多种因素相关,如年龄、饮食、环境、抗生素使用等,其中饮食对塑造肠道微生物起到至关重要的作用。本文可为理解猪在不同生长发育阶段肠道微生物的动态变化规律及改善猪生长性能和健康水平的微生物技术手段提供理论参考。  相似文献   

The capacity of pig gastrointestinal microflora to metabolise the trichothecenes 3-acetyl-deoxynivalenol (3-acDON) and nivalenol (NIV) was investigated. 3-acDON was deacetylated to DON in anaerobic incubations with pig faeces collected at different pig farms. Furthermore, both 3-acDON and NIV were metabolised to the corresponding deepoxy metabolite in these incubates. Five pigs, in which the gastrointestinal microflora lacked the ability to transform 3-acDON and NIV to their corresponding de-epoxidated metabolites, were given low levels of DON in the feed for seven weeks. The gastrointestinal micro-organisms did not acquire the de-epoxidation ability during the seven week long exposure period. At the end of the exposure period, faeces from pigs with a known de-epoxidation ability was spread out in the pens and left for 24 hours. One week after the faeces had been spread out in the pens, the de-epoxidation ability was found in faecal incubations from four out of five experimental pigs. This change in metabolic ability of the intestinal de-epoxidation ability was not accompanied by any detectable changes in the DNA-profiles of the bacterial community composition. The results show that the intestinal de-epoxidation ability is common at pig farms in the Uppsala area, and that the ability may be transferred between pigs in a stock.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the survival and colonization of Lactobacillus plantarum 301102 in porcine gastrointestinal tract and its influence on the intestinal microflora. This strain was isolated from traditional cheese from Inner Mongolia, China. Fermented milk prepared with strain 301102 was administered to pigs and fecal microflora was examined. Intestinal passage of strain 301102 was monitored by a combination of selection with selective medium and the carbohydrate fermentation test, and confirmed by analysis of plasmid DNA patterns. Colonization of this strain was assessed by recovery 7 days after administration. The numbers of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium cells in the feces of pigs administered fermented milk prepared with strain 301102 were increased. This strain was recovered from all the pigs during the administration period, and from four of six pigs 7 days after administration. L. plantarum 301102 can pass through the gastrointestinal tract, balance the intestinal microflora, and colonize the intestinal tract, and is therefore an appropriate candidate for a probiotic.  相似文献   

单胃动物的肠道中存在着庞大而复杂的菌群,它们与宿主肠道免疫系统协同进化。肠道细菌及其代谢产物在维持肠道稳态方面发挥着重要的作用。正常的肠道菌群能促进免疫系统发育,参与维持宿主免疫功能,协同拮抗病原菌的增殖和入侵。反过来,宿主肠道免疫系统对肠道菌群又有制约和调控作用,如对正常共生菌表现为免疫耐受,对病原菌表现为免疫排斥。一旦这种动态平衡被破坏,就会导致疾病的发生。本文综述了单胃动物肠道菌群与宿主肠道免疫系统的相互关系,并基于现有的研究结果,对其可能的互作机制做了较为系统的总结。  相似文献   

彭娜  彭先启  乐敏 《畜牧兽医学报》2020,51(12):2942-2953
实验室条件下可培养的微生物约占自然界中微生物总数的1%,这限制了人们对99%未知微生物的认识和利用,而研究表明,那些“不可培养的微生物”是可以被开发和利用的,未能被纯培养的微生物才是未知微生物的主体。微生物培养组学探索利用多种培养条件和长时间的培养,结合基质辅助激光解吸电离飞行时间质谱法(MALDI-TOF-MS)和16S核糖体RNA(rRNA)测序可以大规模鉴定各种微生物,同时利用全基因组测序和宏基因组测序手段对未知微生物进行深入分析。本文综述了国内外近年来微生物菌群培养组学在反刍动物胃肠道、禽类盲肠及家畜鼻腔微生物菌群研究中的最新进展,探讨将动物体内菌群培养组学方法应用于动物疾病防治领域的可行性。作为一个新兴的研究方法,尽管该培养组学还存在一些不够成熟的方面,但它的发展前景十分广阔,微生物菌群培养组学方法和其他研究方法的互补已经逐渐成为发展兽医微生物学新的突破口。  相似文献   

Under laboratory conditions, the number of cultured microorganisms accounts for about 1% of the total number of microorganisms in nature, which limits people's understanding and utilization of 99% of the unknown microorganisms. However, relevant researches show that those "uncultured microorganisms" can be developed and utilized, and the uncultured microorganisms are the main body of the unknown microorganisms. The microbial culturomics explored the application of multiple culture conditions and long-term culture, it was combined with Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) and 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) sequencing to identify all kinds of microorganisms on a large scale. At the same time, whole-genome sequencing (WGS) and Metagenomics sequencing technology were used to analyze unknown microorganisms in depth. In this paper, the latest progress of culturomics in the ruminant gastrointestinal tract, poultry cecum, and livestock nasal microflora in recent years was reviewed, and the feasibility of applying the method of microflora culturomics in animal disease prevention and control was discussed. As a new research idea, culturomics has some immature aspects, but its development prospect is very broad. The complementary of microflora culturomics and other research methods have gradually become a breakthrough in the development of veterinary microbiology.  相似文献   

肠道微生物被称为动物的"隐藏免疫器官",不仅能参与宿主代谢还能影响宿主的免疫系统,对维持机体健康至关重要。作者主要介绍了培养组学的发展历程及其对动物肠道微生物研究的重要意义、传统微生物培养方法和分子生物学方法在研究微生物时各自的优、缺点。培养组学是基于传统微生物培养方法同时采用多种培养条件进行微生物培养,再辅以基质辅助激光解吸电离飞行时间质谱(MALDI-TOF MS)和16S rRNA基因测序技术建立的一种新型微生物分离、鉴定方法,该方法将传统微生物培养技术与分子生物学技术的优点融为一体。该方法在挖掘"新微生物"的研究中,具有发现、找到并获得的优势;在微生物的研究中可定制分离目标菌株进行验证,并能通过丰富注释清楚地了解肠道微生物组。此外,分析了培养组学分别在家禽肠道、猪肠道、反刍动物肠道等动物肠道的研究应用现状,提出了环境条件对肠道微生物的影响,如人类接触对肠道菌群的影响、同物种不同性别肠道菌群的差异,以期为培养组学在动物肠道微生物的研究运用中提供参考。  相似文献   

卜莹  郑楠  王加启  赵圣国 《中国畜牧兽医》2022,49(10):3800-3808
动物胃肠道被视为抵御外界病原体的一道重要屏障,胃肠道健康与动物机体健康密不可分。动物胃肠道中栖息着大量多样性的微生物种群,微生物之间的相互作用复杂且多样,微生物的功能和种类组成影响着胃肠道的稳态平衡。微生物群通过定植在胃肠道黏膜,在黏膜免疫系统发育中起着至关重要的作用,同时也对胃肠道健康与功能起着重要作用。调控胃肠道健康的方式有很多种,目前主要通过添加益生元、益生素等非营养物质和营养调控剂来调控胃肠道功能和维护胃肠道健康。但相较于其他营养调控剂来说,免疫球蛋白调控胃肠道的研究报道较少,属于新的免疫调控技术,其具有特异专一性、易生产且成本低、效果显著等优点。免疫调节是一种高效且相对安全的调节方式。作者介绍了4种免疫球蛋白(IgG、IgA、IgY、纳米抗体)的主要理化性质,总结了现阶段免疫球蛋白对胃肠道功能调节的进展及展望,从而为应用免疫球蛋白调控动物胃肠道健康和促进营养代谢提供指导。  相似文献   

Studies were conducted on the enumeration of 7 groups of fecal microflora including total aerobes, total anaerobes, coliforms, lactobacilli, staphylococci, streptococci and yeasts and molds of 18-day old piglets. These pigs were early weaned (21 days) on different modifications of an early-weaning ration. The above mentioned microflora were enumerated again when some of the pigs in a replicate started scouring. The occurrence of diarrhea was always associated with significant increases in the numbers of coliforms and corresponding decreases in the lactobacilli counts. No other single group of fecal microflora differed in the scouring and non-scouring animals. The composition of the early-weaning ration offered to the animals did not, in itself, influence the fecal microflora to any appreciable extent.

In another series of experiments, enumeration of coliforms and lactobacilli was conducted on samples obtained from different segments of the intestinal tracts of scouring and non-scouring pigs. Increased numbers of coliforms and decreased numbers of lactobacilli were observed at all levels of the intestinal tracts of the scouring animals. However, these changes were more marked in the duodenal samples than in those obtained from other parts of the intestine.


Somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) is a cost-effective technique for producing transgenic pigs. However, abnormalities in the cloned pigs might prevent use these animals for clinical applications or disease modeling. In the present study, we generated several cloned pigs. One of the pigs was found to have intrapancreatic ectopic splenic tissue during histopathology analysis although this animal was grossly normal and genetically identical to the other cloned pigs. Ectopic splenic tissue in the pancreas is very rare, especially in animals. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first such report for cloned pigs.  相似文献   

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