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<正>运输应激是动物机体在运输过程中禁食、环境变化、颠簸、心理压力等应激源的综合作用后所产生的适应性和防御性反应;周道雷等曾有过运输应激对断奶仔猪行为和生产性能及对不同商品动物防治的探讨性研究;吕建辉等也曾进行过运输应激对猪、牛等动物造成病理学变化的研究与对应防治方案的报道。运输应激所引起的畜禽发病、死亡或致残造成的巨大经济损失已经引起相关学者的重视。美国每年因运输应激造成的经济损失在4亿到5  相似文献   

维生素C在养殖业的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1 维生素C对机体的生理作用 1.1 维生素C提高机体的热应激能力 热应激是动物为了适应外界过高的温度环境而产生的一种身体内部免疫调节的特异性反应.  相似文献   

<正>应激是动物机体对体内外环境变化刺激时的一种适应性反应。当动物受到的应激刺激过强或者刺激时间过长,机体的新陈代谢反应不足以抵抗应激刺激时,机体就会出现不良反应,生产性能降低,甚至出现衰竭和死亡现象,给养殖场(户)造成很大的经济损失。因此,在畜牧生产实践中,应尽可能预防应激特别是严重应激的发生,以免损害动物福利,影响动物生产,降低经济效益。本文从应激的概念、发病机制、影响因素、临床及病理变化、治疗和  相似文献   

应激是机体对各种非常刺激产生的全身非特异性应答反应和特异性应答反应的总和,能引起动物应激反应的各种环境因素统称为应激源.动物机体受到应激源刺激后,可引起动物对特定刺激产生相应的特异性反应,而有些刺激同时还会使机体产生非特异性反应,其表现为肾上腺皮质变粗,分泌活性提高;  相似文献   

运输应激是指动物机体在运输途中禁食、环境变化、颠簸、心理压力等应激源的综合作用后所产生的适应性和防御性反应。本文从行为变化、神经内分泌的变化、物质和能量代谢的变化、免疫功能的变化及生产性能的变化等方面综述了运输应激对动物机体的影响,旨在为运输应激的相关研究和畜牧生产实践提供理论参考。  相似文献   

运输应激是指动物机体在运输途中禁食、环境变化、颠簸、心理压力等应激源的综合作用后所产生的适应性和防御性反应。本文从行为变化、神经内分泌的变化、物质和能量代谢的变化、免疫功能的变化及生产性能的变化等方面综述了运输应激对动物机体的影响,旨在为运输应激的相关研究和畜牧生产实践提供理论参考。  相似文献   

动物的应激反应是动物机体对受到体内及外界环境变化刺激时的1种适应性反应。应激反应受多种因素刺激而产生,包括内在的遗传因素、生产繁殖因素、外界的环境因素等,这些应激因素"应激原"刺激动物都会给机体造成危害,表现为精神萎顿,  相似文献   

正猪应激综合症是一种非特异性全身性反应,主要是由于猪只受到内外环境因素的刺激而引起,尤其是封闭式饲养或屠宰场内饲养的待宰猪只最容易发生。该病会导致病猪急性死亡或屠宰后肌肉柔软、苍白并渗出水分,对生长、繁殖以及胴体品质等方面造成巨大的经济损失,应采取有效的防治措施。1疾病发生动物机体在应激源的刺激下,既会发生特异性反应,还会发生同样的非特异反应,从而促使机体调动防御系统来克服应激源带来的不良影响。但如果机体应激反应失败或者没  相似文献   

1应激的概念动物机体受到环境因素刺激后,可引起动物对特定刺激产生相应的特异性反应,而有些刺激不仅使动物产生特异性反应,还会使机体产生相同的非特异性反应,其表现为:肾上腺皮质变粗,分泌活性提高;胸腺、脾脏和其他淋巴组织萎缩,血液嗜酸性粒细胞和淋巴细胞减少,中性粒细胞增多,胃和十二指肠溃疡出血等。  相似文献   

应激是指动物体外给予动物的各种刺激在其体内产生防止迫害反应的总和,是机体对不良环境的应答.应激会使机体产生防止损害的各种生理上的、行为上的适应性反应,即应激反应.……  相似文献   

γ-氨基丁酸(γ-aminobutyric acid, GABA)是一种在动物体内起神经镇定作用的非蛋白质氨基酸,广泛存在于哺乳动物中枢神经系统、外周神经系统和一些内分泌细胞中,是一种重要的神经抑制性递质,对提高畜禽采食量、泌乳量、成活率、抗应激、降低呼吸频率、缩短发情间隔等方面有着显著的效果。作者对GABA的制备、生理功能及在畜禽生产中的研究现状作了简要综述。  相似文献   

冷应激对湖羊血清因子及热休克蛋白70 mRNA表达的影响   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
为研究冷应激对湖羊免疫系统及热休克蛋白70(heat stress proteins 70,Hsp70)的影响,试验分别采用实时荧光定量PCR和ELISA方法检测冷应激前后湖羊肝脏、肺脏、脾脏、淋巴结组织中Hsp70mRNA表达量及血清中白细胞介素-2(IL-2)、白细胞介素-4(IL-4)浓度。结果显示,与冷应激前相比,冷应激后湖羊肝脏、肺脏及脾脏组织中Hsp70mRNA表达量均极显著增加(P0.01),其中肝脏的表达量尤为显著;冷应激后湖羊血清中IL-2、IL-4的浓度均呈下降趋势,其中IL-4浓度下降尤为显著(P0.01)。结果表明,冷应激条件下湖羊各组织中Hsp70mRNA表达增强,可提高动物机体的自我保护机能,增强对外界不良刺激的抵抗力,但细胞因子IL-2和IL-4的浓度下降,表明冷应激抑制机体免疫系统。  相似文献   

Eating in response to stress or negative emotional states is well-documented in humans as well as animals in experimental settings and has been shown to work by alleviating the unpleasant emotional experience. This type of eating behavior, termed stress-induced or emotional eating, is linked to the development of obesity. Standard approaches to companion animal obesity have failed to incorporate this concept. Not every animal given more food than they need will become overweight, which raises the critical question: Why does the animal that overeats do so? If it is to help alleviate stress or negative emotional states, then the standard obesity management approach of restricting food intake without alleviating the emotional distress may actually exacerbate the distress by removing one of the animal's coping mechanisms. Moreover, because emotional eating is a coping mechanism, overeating may be a sign that an animal's psychological well-being is impaired.  相似文献   

镁的生物学功能及其对肉品质影响的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
肉类作为生活中重要的营养之一,其品质越来越受到消费者的关注。镁作为生物体内重要的阳离子,在机体组成、免疫、应激、抗氧化等方面发挥着重要的生物学功能,对肉品质也有重要影响。作者就镁的生物学功能、添加镁对肉品质的影响进行简述,为探索改善肉品质的可行措施提供参考。  相似文献   

免疫、神经和内分泌系统间的关系   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
免疫、神经和内分泌系统是动物和人体内三大调节系统。这三大系统之间不仅存在大的回路,而且彼此之间还进行着直接的双向交流,维持着机体正常的生命活动。这种功能上的相互联系是通过三大系统共同存在的细胞因子、神经递质和内分泌激素及受体实现的。本文综述了这三个系统间关系的研究进展。  相似文献   

海藻是生长在海中的藻类,由数以千计的小叶海藻和大叶海藻组成。海藻含有酚类化合物、海藻多酚、海藻多糖、类胡萝卜素、脂肪酸、多肽和萜烯等生物活性物质,是有价值的生物活性分子来源。海藻还具有抗菌、抗氧化、抗炎和免疫调节功能。在猪日粮中添加海藻可以增强其免疫系统功能,有效提高免疫球蛋白数量,改善肠道健康。有效促进调节细胞因子的产生,提升机体抗氧化能力。  相似文献   

In 1979, 209 cows from 2742 patients in the clinic for obstetrics and gynecology suffered from coliform mastitis. Most of these animals had been sent to the clinic because of a general or local infectious disease, a delayed birth or a teat injury. Coliform mastitis developed secondarily. Only 12 animals (6%) had solely a mastitis and no other clinically recognisable disease. Most of them showed a secondary acetonemia (ketosis). The connection between hypoglycemia, disturbance of the body's own defense mechanism and development of a coliform mastitis is discussed. The frequent occurrence of coliform mastitis in dairy herds with sawdust bedding is not directly attributed to a coliform contamination of the bedding but indirectly to a lack of crude fibre content in the diet which results in a subclinical ketosis and a dysfunction of the leucocytic defense. Coliform mastitis predominantly is not a hygienic but a management problem.  相似文献   

Stress in farm animals: a need for reevaluation   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
In animal husbandry, stress has usually been conceived as a reflex reaction that occurs ineluctably when animals are exposed to adverse environmental conditions, and which is the cause of many unfavorable consequences, ranging from discomfort to death. The inadequacy of this view is apparent from the new concepts that have been developed from research aimed at understanding the relationships between hormonal and behavioral reactions to stressful situations. Psychological aspects of environmental stimuli are powerful activators of endocrine responses. The amount of psychological stress that an animal experiences determines how much the pituitary-adrenal axis responds. Indeed, removing the variable of emotional arousal reduces or eliminates responses to some other stressors such as heat and cold. This means that one of the most important characteristics of the stress response, its nonspecificity, lies in the afferent part of the response, not the efferent. Hormonal and behavioral responses are intimately related in stressful situations. In particular, the perception and ensuing behavior of the subject are critical to the nature and intensity of hormonal response. Evidence from experiments in farm animals is presented to support these concepts. Because adjustment abilities are limited by genetics and previous experience, the respective role of each of these factors needs to be delineated more accurately. In addition, most experimental studies have been concerned with acute stress, while chronic multiple stress, which is more likely to be encountered in intensive husbandry, has received little attention. The approach in this field is hampered by the lack of suitable physiological criteria to assess long-term adaptive changes. Opportunities for further research are delineated and the need for a more integrated view of stress reactions in farm animals is emphasized.  相似文献   

中药对热应激动物消化系统作用的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
中药对动物消化系统具有保护作用,其不仅能够减少热应激时消化系统疾病的发生,还能提高消化系统的消化功能和吸收功能,从而提高动物的生产性能。作者综述了热应激对动物消化系统的影响,中药对热应激动物消化系统的作用,并进一步探讨了中药缓解动物热应激的作用机制。  相似文献   

For euthanasia of pregnant animals, a rapid and painless death is essential. The technique of euthanasia should minimize stress and anxiety experienced by the animal so far as possible. The death is induced by an anoxia in the central nervous system or by a pharmacologic inhibition of essential neuronal functions. Pentobarbital is the best suited drug for euthanasia of animals and especially of pregnant animals. Combinations with muscle relaxing agents should not be used because of possible apnoe without unconsciousness.  相似文献   

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