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本研究旨在借助微卫星引物PCR和聚类分析软件,建立一种快速准确鉴定兔皮肤病原真菌的分子生物学方法.本试验以寡核苷酸重复序列(GACA)4为引物,首先对3种常见兔皮肤病原真菌(须癣毛癣菌、犬小孢子菌和石膏样小孢子菌)标准菌株的DNA进行扩增,然后用NTSYS-pc2.10软件分析其DNA指纹的多态性,并根据其多态性的差异进行鉴定分析.最后,用上述方法对临床上的分离株进行鉴定分析,并与传统的形态学鉴定方法进行比较.结果表明,3种不同的兔皮肤病原真菌均呈现不同的DNA指纹,且条带差异明显;聚类分析图显示,同种病原真菌的DNA指纹有很高的相似性(90%~100%);该方法对分离株的鉴定结果与形态学鉴定结果一致.可见,通过微卫星引物PCR结合聚类分析软件可以准确、快速地鉴定兔皮肤病原真菌.  相似文献   

家兔皮肤真菌病病原的致病力研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
用从流行皮肤真菌病的兔中分离出的13株皮肤真菌人工感染15只新西兰兔,均能使兔发生典型的皮肤真菌病,并从中分离到与原菌株培养特性和形态结构相同的真菌,说明分离株有较强的致病性。  相似文献   

为诊断和防控重庆市某肉兔场发生的皮肤病,采用临床诊断、实验室检测方法进行诊断。结果是:该兔场发生的皮肤病是疥螨和真菌混合感染。对兔场实施消毒、隔离或淘汰病兔、用伊维菌素和灰黄霉素紧急治疗等措施,疫情得到有效控制。  相似文献   

为了弄清合肥市宠物市场临床健康兔的常见腐生真菌和皮肤病病原真菌的数量和种类,对40个兔被毛样本直接镜检、分离培养和鉴定。共分离出腐生真菌4个属,有曲霉属、青霉属、根霉属和毛霉属,皮肤病病原真菌2个属(1个种),即念珠菌属和毛癣菌属(石膏样毛癣菌)。本研究为临床诊断和治疗兔皮肤病提供依据。  相似文献   

为了调查三峡库区兔真菌病的流行情况,在三峡库区开县、石柱县、渝北区等地走访调查了17个农户兔场,采集285份疑似真菌病的病料,对真菌进行分离培养和显微镜观察。结果表明:调查的17个农户兔场均有真菌病发生,大多数兔场发病较轻微,发病率为5%~15%,少数兔场发病较严重,发病率可达30%~100%,而且有的饲养员也被真菌感染。病料中真菌的分离培养率为20.00%~45.45%,平均值为32.28%,培养物镜检可见真菌的菌丝和孢子。  相似文献   

为了调查三峡库区兔真菌病的流行情况,在三峡库区开县、石柱县、渝北区等地走访调查了17个农户兔场,采集285份疑似真菌病的病料,对真菌进行分离培养和显微镜观察。结果表明:调查的17个农户兔场均有真菌病发生,大多数兔场发病较轻微,发病率为5%~15%,少数兔场发病较严重,发病率可达30%~100%,而且有的饲养员也被真菌感染。病料中真菌的分离培养率为20.00%~45.45%,平均值为32.28%,培养物镜检可见真菌的菌丝和孢子。  相似文献   

<正> 1 真菌性疾病饲养管理及卫生条件差的兔场或养兔户的兔容易发病。兔一旦感染了真菌性疾病,传染较迅速,而且会导致皮、毛的损害。该病没有疫苗可供防疫,因此必须加强饲养管理及兔舍、笼具等的清洁卫生和消毒。一旦发现个别兔染病,应对整个兔舍的兔逐只检查,检查出来的病兔应立即隔离饲养,及时治疗或淘汰。病兔可用制霉菌素片口服治疗,患部可用克霉素癣药水涂擦。2 病毒性出血症兔病毒性出血病症俗称兔瘟,以侵害青、壮年兔为主,死亡率可高达100%,迄今还没有有效的治疗药物。虽然抗血清能控制疫情,但能提供抗血清的单位较少,所以  相似文献   

家兔体癣(小孢子真菌感染)的诊断与治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
笔者陆续发现40多例家兔患临症表现与兔螨虫病极为相似的皮肤病,将病料直接镜检未发现兔疥螨而见有分枝有隔的真菌菌丝和关节孢子,病料沙氏培养物镜检可见大量大分生孢子呈梭形,少量小分生孢子呈棒状。据此将此病诊断为兔体癣病(小孢子真菌感染)。用癣特灵局部治疗,效果令人满意。  相似文献   

疥癣是家兔的一种常发病.是由疥螨或痒螨侵人家兔的皮肤引起的一种体表寄生虫病.以剧痒和患部发炎、结块、消瘦为特征。该病的传染性很强.病兔或被病兔污染的环境为传染源。轻症病兔日渐消瘦,毛色无光.重症者衰竭死亡。真菌癣是由小孢霉菌和真菌霉菌感  相似文献   

兔疥癣病和兔皮肤真菌病(称秃毛癣或皮肤黄癣病)是兔常见的传染性皮肤病,也是目前危害养兔业的严重疾病。兔疥癣病的病原有痒螨和疥螨两种,该病多发于秋、冬季节卫生条件较差的兔场。兔痒螨症状主要侵害兔的耳部,引起外耳道炎症,渗出物干燥成黄色痂皮,塞满耳道。病兔耳下垂,不断摇头和用脚爪搔耳朵,螨虫侵害病兔脑部,可出现歪头或癫痫症状,最后抽搐死亡。兔疥螨主要发病部位在嘴、鼻周围、脚爪,奇痒、啃挠,引起皮肤破损、溃疡后形成痂结,病兔患部脱毛、皮肤结痂、龟裂,以至消瘦、衰竭死亡。兔秃毛症是真菌引起。病兔从鼻部、面部、耳部形成…  相似文献   

Aging avian patients are often presented to veterinary practices for routine physical examination or with geriatric-related diseases. The focus of this article is to review treatment modalities and therapeutic options for common disease presentations in the older psittacine patient, including heart disease, chronic hepatic disease, chronic kidney disease, neoplasia, and chronic pain. Factors involved with the decision of euthanasia are also included as a topic of discussion.  相似文献   

The study of disease is a significant part of the pattern of funding for medical research in North America and elsewhere. Also, the existence of disease and its importance in all branches of the healing professions is the major justification for separate professional schools of medicine. These considerations should encourage a vigorous exploration and development of concepts of disease as an important part of any medical education. Based on much of the current research activities, concepts of disease, especially chronic disease, seem largely outdated and not intimately reflecting the realization that the development of disease is often a physiological response to perturbations in the internal or external environment and not abnormal or pathological in the etymological sense. The importance of viewing cancer and other chronic diseases from this physiological point of view and not from the point of view of end-stage disease is emphasized by the use of one example, the development of cancer with chemicals. The challenge to the healing professions to develop more modern programs for educating the prospective research worker for the study of disease is discussed briefly.  相似文献   

Marek's disease (MD) is a highly contagious lymphoproliferative disease of poultry caused by the oncogenic herpesvirus designated Marek's disease virus (MDV). MD has a worldwide distribution and is thought to cause an annual loss over 1 bn US dollars to the poultry industry. Originally described as a paralytic disease, today MD is mostly manifested as an acute disease with tumours in multiple visceral organs. MD is controlled essentially by the widespread use of live vaccines administered either in ovo into 18-day-old embryos or into chicks immediately after they hatch. In spite of the success of the vaccines in reducing the losses from the disease in the last 30 years, MDV strains have shown continuous evolution in virulence acquiring the ability to overcome the immune responses induced by the vaccines. During this period, different generations of MD vaccines have been introduced to protect birds from the increasingly virulent MDV strains. However, the virus has countered each new vaccine with ever more virulent strains. This continuous race between the virus and the host is making the control of this poultry health problem a major challenge for the future.  相似文献   

The alkaline phosphatases comprise a heterogeneous group of enzymes that are widely distributed in mammalian cells. They often are associated with cell membranes, but their exact physiologic function is unknown. Despite this, alkaline phosphatase activity is a very useful serum biochemical indicator of liver disease, particularly cholestatic disease. However, increases in the activity of alkaline phosphatase in serum and other body fluids may reflect physiologic or pathologic changes beyond those of hepatic origin. For example, nonhepatic increases in serum alkaline phosphatase activity are found in young animals, in pregnant and lactating females, and in association with high fat diets. Bone disease, endocrine disease, neoplasia, and other disorders can result in increased alkaline phosphatase activity. In addition, alkaline phosphatase activity may be increased due to induction by certain drugs such as glucocorticoids and anticonvulsants. In this article, we will review the physiologic and pathologic factors influencing the activity of alkaline phosphatase in serum and other body fluids, with an emphasis on disorders beyond liver disease.  相似文献   

番鸭呼肠病毒病是由番鸭呼肠病毒引起的一种急性传染病,主要发生于40日龄内的番鸭,临床上以软脚为主要症状,并伴有腹泻,发病率高,病情严重时可致全群死亡,给番鸭养殖业带来了巨大的损失。其病原为呼肠病毒科正呼肠病毒属番鸭呼肠病毒。文章综合了国内外对该病的病原学研究成果,从病毒的分类地位、生物学特性、基因组与编码蛋白、病原分布及流行特性、检测与防控等方面对该病的病原学进行了较全面的论述,以期对该病的深入研究和防控提供有用的资料。  相似文献   

The thoracic bellows mechanism consists of the rib cage and the diaphragm. The purpose of this study was to determine if nontraumatically acquired lesions of the bellows were secondary to underlying disease. Abnormalities of the bellows, specifically stress fractures of the ribs and hiatal hernia, were found in 21 dogs and cats with underlying cardiopulmonary disease, neuromuscular disease, or metabolic disease. A case-control study of Bulldogs demonstrated that hiatal hernia was associated with the more severe manifestations of brachycephalic syndrome. Stress fractures occurred mostly in females and in cats, and involved multiple ribs. Fractures were usually related to severe respiratory effort, but also occurred in association with metabolic disease. Hiatal hernia was also associated with severe respiratory effort, but may be exacerbated if a neuromuscular disorder affecting the diaphragm is present. Abnormalities of the thoracic bellows, such as rib stress fractures and hiatal hernia, may be signs of underlying disease, rather than being primary causes of disease.  相似文献   

Viral disease in the rabbit is encountered infrequently by the clinical practitioner; however, several viral diseases were reported to occur in this species. Viral diseases that are described in the rabbit primarily may affect the integument, gastrointestinal tract or, central nervous system or maybe multi-systemic in nature. Rabbit viral diseases range from oral papillomatosis, with benign clinical signs, to rabbit hemorrhagic disease and myxomatosis, which may result in significant clinical disease and mortality. The wild rabbit may serve as a reservoir for disease transmission for many of these viral agents. In general, treatment of viral disease in the rabbit is supportive in nature.  相似文献   

猫血巴尔通体研究概况   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
猫血巴尔通体是引起猫发生传染性贫血的病原之一,在分类学上归属于立克次体目、无形体科.最近有很多新的研究指出这类病原体应归属于支原体目,"血巴尔通体"和"附红细胞体"也应该合称为"血营养性支原体"(Hemotrophic mycoplasmas).猫血巴尔通体作为血营养性支原体的重要代表,己经被广泛深入地研究,文章对其病原学、流行病学、发病机制、防治等方面的研究成果进行回顾与总结,以期对本病有进一步认识,对其他血营养性支原体的研究提供参考.  相似文献   

为探明香蕉根结线虫(Root-knot nematode)与香蕉枯萎病(Banana Fusarium wilt disease)发生的相关性。 本研究在云南香蕉生产区调查了20个蕉园的根结线虫危害程度和枯萎病发病率,并分别在1个蕉园,对5个品种及植株不同生育期进行连续跟踪调查。结果表明:枯萎病发病率与根结线虫危害程度有相关性。蕉园中枯萎病发病率最高的为35.8%,其根结线虫危害程度为2.7;枯萎病发病率最低的为2.5%,其根结线虫危害程度为0.8。两者的相关性方程为y=0.079x+0.346,相关系数为R=0.898;不同品种中感病品种“巴西”的枯萎病发病率最高,为61.8%;其根结线虫危害程度也是最高的,为2.1;抗病野生种“Pahang”未发现有枯萎病发生,其根结线虫危害程度也是最低的,为0.2。两者的相关性方程为y=0.029x+0.456,相关系数为R=0.923。不同生育期,从苗期到套袋期,枯萎病发病率和根结线虫危害程度的趋势是一致的,逐渐升高,套袋期达最高。结论:枯萎病发病率与根结线虫危害程度呈正相关。  相似文献   

黄龙病是柑桔最严重的传染性病害,其病原菌在病株地上各部位和根部均有分布,主要通过病芽嫁接和柑桔木虱Diaphorina citri Kuwayama进行传播。本文研究了黄龙病通过柑桔根部传病的可能性,结果表明,将感染黄龙病的红皮山桔苗与健康沙糖桔苗直接合种在一起,3年后健苗均没有发病;但是将病苗、健苗的侧根表面切除、相互连接绑缚合种在一起6个月后发现,30株健苗中有1株感染了黄龙病,9个月后感染数达到9株,12个月后为11株,感染率达36.67%,说明病树、健树根系直接交叉生长并不能传播黄龙病,但通过病根嫁接、病健苗的根系生长融合在一起则可以导致病原的传播,即病根嫁接与病芽嫁接一样具备传播黄龙病的能力,而且传播效率较高。  相似文献   

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