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朱金明 《蜜蜂杂志》2007,27(10):31-34
骨质疏松症等骨类疾病,主要因营养缺少造成,除了缺钙以外,还因磷钙比例失调,缺乏蛋白质、矿物质、激素等有密切关系.花粉含有全面、丰富的营养物质,是骨质疏松症患者的理想防治剂.防御骨质疏松症等骨类疾病,是每个人应该注意的问题,这就给花粉的利用增添了新的途径.  相似文献   

骨质疏松症的现代常见的老年性疾病,随着中国人口老年化的发展,可以预测此疾病带来的病痛会影响越来越多的人,骨质疏松症除了给病人带来痛苦外,还会有很多继发性疾病,影响病人的正常生活并造成经济负担,而目前治疗骨质疏松症的药物往往效果不够稳定理想。现作者通过在去卵巢大鼠身上进行的艾灸关元和三阴交实验,得出通过艾灸后大鼠的骨代谢数据情况,根据现代研究可知,骨代谢往往可以确定骨质疏松症的情况,分析结果后类比人体,总结艾灸的影响,并确定艾灸对骨质疏松症患者临床上的应用意义,加强临床上的使用,最大程度的减轻现实中的患者痛苦。本文通过以上实验研究以及结论分析,总结中医药治疗手法对骨质疏松症的影响,辩证归纳各种情况下的效果与否  相似文献   

梅花鹿生性惊骇,跳跃力强,善于奔跑。幼龄梅花鹿骨骼生长迅速,如饲料中钙质供给不足,易患佝偻病、骨软症、骨质疏松症等骨质疾病,此时鹿只若突然受惊或相互打斗、奔跑过程中极易发生四肢骨折,特别是后肢骨折居多。笔者曾遇到2例上述病例,经整复固定、消炎镇痛、补充钙质等治疗措施后痊愈。介绍如下。  相似文献   

骨软症又称骨质疏松症,是由于饲料中长期钙、磷不足或比例不当,维生素D缺乏或不足而发生。笔者在临床实践中遇到80余例骨软症病例,采用土骨合剂治疗42例,屡获良效。  相似文献   

猪骨质疏松症的防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
猪的骨质疏松症又称猪的骨营养不良。是猪常发的一种矿物质代谢紊乱的全身性慢性疾病。多因圈养猪饲料单一,大量饲喂缺乏钙质或多磷的玉米、麸皮、啤酒糟类饲料造成骨质钙盐溶解,引起骨质疏松,主要症状为长期卧地不敢站立,异食、额骨穿刺阳性、骨骼变形等。中西医结合治疗多可治愈。  相似文献   

近年来乳牛骨质疏松症在临床上比较多见,常表现为四肢运动机能障碍,除了易发骨和关节疾患外,常常引起蹄病。我们在北京和太原都遇到这样的病例,甚至在某些乳牛场成为群发疾病,对生产影响很大。由于骨质疏松症引起的牛只蹄病,临床上常常误诊为腐蹄病或坏死杆菌病,长期治疗不能得到应有的效果。发生与症状:由骨质疏松症引起的蹄病,多发于高产牛群,犊牛、公牛、育成牛群发生较少,如  相似文献   

李亮 《广西畜牧兽医》2003,19(6):269-270
骨质疏松症是奶牛矿物质代谢紊乱的一种慢性全身性疾病。成年牛骨质疏松症 ,因钙、磷代谢障碍 ,骨组织进行性脱钙引起 ,多在产后发生。笔者采用中西结合治疗 ,治愈率达 99%。1 病牛症状患牛常舐食墙壁、牛栏、泥土 ,喝粪水等 ;食欲减少 ,吐草饼、伸颈空嚼 ,产奶量下降 ,发情延迟。长期脱钙 ,骨骼变形 ,下颌骨肿大 ,针能刺入 ,触摸尾部感觉柔软易弯曲 ,压无痛感。肋骨肿胀、扁平 ,叩诊有痛感 ;管状骨叩诊有清晰空洞音。腕、跗、趾关节、腱鞘均有炎症。肋软骨肿胀呈串珠样 ,易骨折 ,髋结节吸收消失。拱腰 ,后肢抽搐 ,提肢抬腿 ,在产乳高峰期…  相似文献   

近年研究发现四环素类药物具有非抗菌性质,在治疗骨代谢疾病,抗肿瘤等方面很好的临床应用前景。本文主要综述了四环素类药物抑制基质金属蛋白酶、干预细胞因子的产生、抗氧自由基等的非抗菌作用机制,以及治疗牙周炎、骨关节炎、糖尿病、骨质疏松症、抗肿瘤、胸腔积液等的非抗菌临床应用。  相似文献   

产蛋母鸡的骨质疏松症是以产蛋期内结构性骨的骨质进行性丧失的为特征的一种病症。良好的一样有助于减轻骨质疏松症 ,但不能防止此症的发生。育种 ,可能是对抗骨质疏松症的一种比较有效的方法。进行骨质疏松症的抗性或敏感性的选育已产生了骨强度有明显差异的不同选择系 ,其在商业育种条件下表现出骨折发生率相差 6倍。产蛋母鸡骨质疏松症的定义是蛋鸡全矿化结构性骨的量减少 ,导致骨的脆性增高从而易于骨折。Couch( 1 955)首次描述了笼养蛋鸡以骨质疏松为特征的骨丧失病症 ,他报告的病症称为“笼养蛋鸡疲劳症” ,症状包括骨脆、瘫痪和…  相似文献   

笼养蛋鸡骨质疏松症的研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
在当今养禽业中,笼养蛋鸡骨质疏松症(cage layer osteoporosis,CLO),又名笼养蛋鸡疲劳症(cage layer fatigue,CLF)常常会给养禽业造成很大的经济损失,是笼养蛋鸡重要的骨骼疾病之一.该病一年四季均可发生,且多发于高产鸡群的产蛋高峰期,产蛋期发病率为1% ~10%,以骨量减少和骨微观结构退化为特征,临床表现为产蛋减少或停止、腿软无力、瘫痪、死亡.  相似文献   

铅是一种重金属污染物,对人和动物健康损害极大。众多研究发现铅毒性作用的重要靶器官是骨骼,即铅进入机体后会蓄积在骨骼内,极易导致骨质疏松症。在临床上,铅对骨骼的危害主要通过一些骨代谢生化指标进行评估,如PINP、OPG、β-CTX、CT等。近年来多项研究发现骨代谢生化指标可以反映骨代谢状态以及骨转换率,这对于骨质疏松症的鉴别诊断具有重要意义。综述了铅对骨代谢生化指标影响的研究进展,以期为探究铅对骨代谢影响的分子机制提供参考。  相似文献   

There is a great need for animal models of osteoporosis and sheep are a suitable large animal that meets most requirements. Since it is known that bone mass in humans responds to seasonal changes, this study investigated natural bone metabolism in sheep in order to better define the sheep as a model for osteoporosis. Bone mineral density (BMD), trabecular structure, biochemical markers of bone formation and resorption and estrogen were analysed over a period of 18 months. The lowest BMDs, measured by peripheral quantitative computed tomography (pQCT), were observed during winter. Thereafter, a 5.1% increase in BMD was observed during spring and summer (P<0.05). Bone resorption markers showed a variable pattern, with higher values in spring compared to autumn (P<0.001). The physiological estrus phase during autumn was detected by serum estrogen levels. The findings show that it is necessary to take seasonal variations into account if sheep are used to establish an animal model for osteoporosis.  相似文献   

Nineteen lactating or recently weaned sows that had a history of lameness, weakness or paralysis were studied at necropsy. Ten sows had osteoporosis and pathological fractures while six had lumbar vertebral osteomyelitis. Values for bone ash, specific gravity of bone and the cortical to total ratio were significantly reduced in sows with osteoporosis and pathological fractures.  相似文献   

The effect of tamoxifen citrate on bone mass in immobilization osteoporosis was studied in 11 growing dogs. Immobilization osteoporosis was induced by fiberglass cast immobilization of the right hindlimb for 28 days, while the left hindlimb served as a nonimmobilized control. Six dogs received tamoxifen citrate (1.5 mg/kg per os) once daily for 28 days; five dogs received no treatment. All dogs were euthanatized on day 28 and bone samples were collected. Bone mineral content of the distal tibial metaphysis of casted and uncasted limbs was measured by single photon absorptiometry. Immobilization resulted in a significant reduction in bone mass in the casted limb of untreated and tamoxifen-treated dogs. However, tamoxifen-treated dogs had less severe immobilization osteoporosis than untreated dogs. The calculated bone mass sparing effect of tamoxifen was 24.4%. Because of the complexity of pathologic bone remodeling, use of a single therapeutic agent may not be the optimal means of preventing bone loss associated with immobilization.  相似文献   

The sheep as a model for osteoporosis in humans   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
There is great interest in large animal models for studying different aspects of osteoporosis. Several laboratories around the world have used ovariectomized sheep as a model because of their ease of housing and handling, low expense compared to other large animals, availability and acceptance in society as a research animal. They have been used to study the response to new therapies for post-menopausal osteoporosis, low-magnitude mechanical stimulation, orthopedic implants in osteoporotic bone and bioactive ceramics to strengthen vertebral bodies. To produce severely osteopenic bone comparable to that seen in humans, a combination of estrogen deficiency following ovariectomy plus a calcium-wasting diet is currently being investigated.  相似文献   

对自然铅镉中毒绵羊骨骼损伤的X线特征及骨组织重金属元素的沉积进行了系统研究。结果表明,由于重金属元素在骨骼中的高度蓄积,致使骨中Ca,P代谢紊乱,重金属中毒呈现以骨质疏松为特征的骨营养不良。头颅、胸部及四肢X线摄影检查显示,病羊骨骼主要病理变化是普遍性骨质疏松,牙齿磨灭不齐,四肢长骨密度减低,骨皮质变薄,骨髓腔增宽,骨小梁稀少,骨指数显著低于健康羊(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

Normal bone ash levels were determined on first phalangeal bones from lambs dying of acute causes and from abattoir specimens. First phalanges were chosen because they represent a whole bone thereby ensuring constant and natural proportion which would be difficult if sampling only a portion of a bone. No practical difference in percentage ash, expressed in terms of green bone weight, was found between fore or hind feet of young male or female sheep. Consequently a single regression equation can adequately express the relationship between bone ash and bone length for sheep up to about 9 months of age. Lambs suffering from hypocuprotic osteoporosis or osteodystrophy consistent with hypovitaminosis D have phalangeal bone ash values which tend to lie outside the lower range expected for normal sheep with first phalanges of similar length. Consequently bone ash can be a useful aid in the diagnosis of certain nutritional causes of lameness in sheep.  相似文献   

在动物和人的骨代谢疾病中,组织蛋白酶K是木瓜蛋白酶家族中的一种半胱氨酸蛋白酶,是负责骨吸收过程中溶骨的主要关键酶,是新药物的分子作用靶点。通过毕赤酵母表达系统表达出重组组织蛋白酶K,进一步用离子交换和分子筛系统进行纯化得到高纯度有活性的重组组织蛋白酶K。运用FluStar荧光酶标仪测定390 nm(激发光)和460 nm(发射光)波长下荧光强度的变化并计算出组织蛋白酶K的酶活力为119.6 U,为进一步筛选骨质疏松等骨代谢疾病的新药提供参考。  相似文献   

骨组织维持平衡的关键在于骨代谢的动态平衡。一旦骨代谢失衡,就会导致骨损伤甚至骨骼疾病。中药骨碎补含有主要活性成分——骨碎补总黄酮,该活性物质对骨质疏松、骨缺损、骨折和骨关节炎等骨骼疾病有治疗作用。对国内外相关文献进行归纳总结,从骨组织、血管、骨细胞以及调控机制四个方面综述骨碎补总黄酮对骨代谢的影响,为后续研究提供理论基础。  相似文献   

1. Production-induced osteoporosis in caged laying hens is thought to represent a major constraint to continued genetic development. 2. The relationship between body weight, egg production, skeletal abnormalities characteristic of osteoporosis, femur calcium and bone histology was examined in a flock of ISA Brown layers from 16 to 68 weeks of age. 3. Experiment 2 examined a flock of Lohmann browns for skeletal abnormalities characteristic of osteoporosis at 45 weeks of age and the severity of abnormalities was then related to body weight and production between 18 and 45 weeks of age. 4. Average body weight declined in the ISA flock between 35 and 45 weeks of age, which correlated with a loss of skeletal calcium reserves (15% to 20%) and with the induction of osteoporosis. Between 42 and 68 weeks of age, birds were able to replenish femur calcium levels. 5. Birds in the Lohmann flock showing severe skeletal abnormalities at 45 weeks of age experienced weight loss between 27 and 31 weeks of age, which was associated with a decrease in egg production of 18%. After 35 weeks of age, egg production of these birds recovered to similar levels as unaffected or mildly affected birds. 6. It seems likely that better standardisation of the equilibrium between growth, skeletal reserves, food intake and egg production can reduce osteoporosis, as well as improving the productive potential of modern laying strains.  相似文献   

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