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Melanocortin receptor 1 (MC1R) and agouti signaling protein (ASIP) are two major genes affecting coat color phenotypes in mammals, and inactivation mutations in the MC1R gene are responsible for red coat color in European pig breeds. Conversely, the gain‐of‐function ASIP mutations block MC1R signaling and lead to the production of red pheomelanin. Chinese Tibetan pigs have three types of coat color phenotypes, including brownish red, solid black and black with patches of brownish red and white. Herein, we investigated variations of the MC1R and ASIP genes in Tibetan pigs. The results showed that the brownish red Tibet pig had the dominant black MC1R allele (ED1). No loss‐of‐function mutation in MC1R responsible for red coat color in European breeds was observed in this breed. No causal mutation for the red coat color phenotype was found in the coding sequence of the ASIP gene. A novel missense mutation c.157G > A was firstly identified in exon 2 of ASIP, which was further genotyped in 285 pigs from five Chinese breeds and three Western breeds having different coat color phenotypes. Nearly all pigs were GG homozygotes. In conclusion, no functional variant responsible for brownish red coloration was found in the coding region of MC1R and ASIP in Tibetan pigs.  相似文献   

In order to assess the purity of Luchuan pig populations, four South Chinese local pig breeds including Putian Black pig, Yuedong Black pig, Dahuabai pig, Bama miniature pig and three foreign pig breeds including Duroc pig, Yorkshire pig and Landrace pig were studied as controls by sequencing of PCR products, MC1R and KIT genotypes in 56 Luchuan pigs were analyzed in this study. Sequencing results indicated that a splicing mutation (G>A) was presented in the first base in intron 17 of KIT gene in both Yorkshire pig and Landrace pig, in contrast, the wildtype GG of KIT gene was presented in Luchuan pig, four south Chinese local pig breeds and Duroc pig.Compared with Hainan wild boar, South Chinese local pig breeds had two missense mutations 95Val > Met and 102Leu > Pro in the coding region of MC1R gene;Compared with Yorkshire pig, Landrace pig and Duroc pig, South Chinese local pig breeds had 5 to 6 SNPs in MC1R gene 5'UTR, and in addtion, an A base deletion in MC1R gene 3'UTR. Furthermore, we found one litter of Luchuan pig with abnormal coat color.The results showed that the presentation of two distinct MC1R genotypes ED1 and Ep in both litters and the sow,but only ED1 in the boar. Considering Ep was derived from Pietrain pig, we preliminarily considered that the genome of the sow might be infiltrated with foreign pig breeds. In summary, we detected the genotypes of the coat color genes KIT and MC1R in eight pig breeds, confirmed the molecular differences of coat color between Chinese local pig breeds and foreign pig breeds, which could be useful for the further investigation of the molecular mechanism of pig coat color.  相似文献   

为了检测陆川猪种群的纯度,本研究以4个华南地方猪种(莆田黑猪、粤东黑猪、大花白猪、巴马香猪)和3个外来猪种(杜洛克猪、大白猪、长白猪)作为对照,利用PCR测序法对陆川猪群体56个样本的MC1R和KIT基因进行基因型鉴定。测序结果表明,大白猪和长白猪KIT基因内含子17的第1个碱基发生G>A剪接突变,而陆川猪和4个华南地方猪种,以及杜洛克猪中KIT基因型一样,均为野生型的GG基因型;MC1R基因编码区分析表明,以海南野猪MC1R基因型作为参考序列,陆川猪和4个华南地方猪种在MC1R基因编码区存在95Val > Met和102Leu > Pro两个错义突变;MC1R基因非编码区分析表明,与大白猪、长白猪和杜洛克猪相比,陆川猪和4个华南地方猪种MC1R基因的5'UTR分别存在5~6个SNPs,3'UTR存在1个A碱基的缺失。另外,试验对一窝毛色异常的陆川猪仔猪及其亲本的KIT和MC1R基因进行测序分析,结果表明,仔猪及其亲本的KIT基因型均为GG野生型,仔猪和母本的MC1R基因均存在ED1和Ep两种不同的基因型,父本的MC1R基因型为ED1,因Ep对应于皮特兰猪的斑块表型,所以初步判定母本渗入了外来猪种的血统。本研究通过检测陆川猪等8个猪种的毛色相关基因KIT和MC1R基因的基因型,证实了中外猪种间在毛色遗传上的分子差异,为今后深入研究猪毛色遗传的分子调控机理提供参考。  相似文献   

To understand molecular genetic characteristics of Korean pigs, the genetic relationships of nine pig breeds including two Korean pigs (Korean native pig and Korean wild pig), three Chinese pigs (Min pig, Xiang pig, and Wuzhishan pig), and four European breeds (Berkshire, Duroc, Landrace, and Yorkshire) were characterized from a 16-microsatellite loci analysis. The mean heterozygosity within breeds ranged from 0.494 to 0.703. Across multiple loci, significant deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was observed in most pig breeds, except for two Chinese pigs (Min pig and Wuzhishan pig). This deviation was in the direction of heterozygote deficit. Across population loci, 36 of 144 significantly deviated (P < 0.05) from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The mean FST, a measure of genetic divergence among subpopulations, of all loci indicated that 26.1% of total variation could be attributed to the breed difference. Relationship trees based on the Nei's DA genetic distance and scatter diagram from principal component analysis consistently displayed pronounced genetic differentiation among the Korean wild pig, Xiang pig, and Wuzhishan pig. Individual assignment test using a Bayesian method showed 100% success in assigning Korean and Chinese individual pigs into their correct breeds of origin and 100% exclusion success from all alternative reference populations at P < 0.001. These findings indicate that the Korean native pig has been experiencing progressive interbreeding with Western pig breeds after originating from a North China pig breed with a black coat color. Considering the close genetic relationship of Korean pigs to the Western breeds such as Berkshire and Landrace, our findings can be used as valuable genetic information for the preservation and further genetic improvement of the Korean native pig.  相似文献   

为了研究KIT基因的拷贝数与贵州地方猪毛色之间的关系,本试验以黔北黑猪、柯乐猪、糯谷猪、香猪4个地方品种为试验材料,采用实时荧光定量PCR方法检测基因组中KIT基因的拷贝数变异,并与荣昌猪和大白猪2个白毛色猪品种相比较.结果显示,4个贵州地方猪种中,全黑/全棕毛色个体的KIT基因拷贝数以缺失为主,黑色带白斑个体的KIT基因拷贝数全部缺失,而棕色带白个体的KIT基因拷贝数增加、正常各半.大白猪的KIT基因拷贝数显著增加,荣昌猪KIT基因拷贝数以正常类型为主.表明大白猪的白毛色由KIT基因拷贝数增加决定,但荣昌猪的白毛色可能与KIT基因的拷贝数变异之间没有直接的联系;4个贵州地方品猪的全黑/全棕色毛色与KIT基因拷贝数的缺失有关,但柯乐猪和香猪中带白斑个体的KIT基因拷贝数并未增加,提示贵州地方猪品种的白斑毛色的形成机制有一定的特殊性.  相似文献   

Coat color is one of the important factors characterizing breeds for domestic animals. Melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R) is a representative responsible gene for this phenotype. Two single‐nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in bovine MC1R gene, c.296T > C and c.310G>‐, have been well characterized, but these SNPs are not enough to explain cattle coat color. As far as we know, MC1R genotypes of Kumamoto sub‐breed of Japanese Brown cattle have not been analyzed. In the current study, genotyping for c.296T > C and c.310G>‐ was performed to elucidate the role of MC1R in determining the coat color of this sub‐breed. As a result, most animals were e/e genotype, suggesting the coat color of this sub‐breed is derived from the e allele of MC1R gene. However, we found six animals with E/e genotype, which coat color would be black theoretically. Subsequently, sequence comparison was performed with these animals to identify other polymorphisms affecting coat color, elucidating that these animals possessed the A allele of c.871G > A commonly. c.871G > A was a non‐synonymous mutation in the seventh transmembrane domain, suggesting alteration of the function and/or the structure of MC1R protein. Our data indicated that the A allele of c.871G > A might be a loss‐of‐function mutation.  相似文献   

为了调查兰尼定1型受体(RYR1)基因和黑素皮质素受体4(MC4R)基因[其目前公认的数量性状基因座(QTN)]在新组建的民猪群体内的分布情况,试验采用PCR-RFLP的方法,对黑龙江省农业科学院畜牧研究所收集整理的23头民猪的RYR1基因和MC4R基因进行检测,并与其他已报道的猪种进行比较。结果表明:RYR1基因的N等位基因频率为86.96%,n等位基因频率为13.04%;MC4R的A等位基因频率为76.19%,G等位基因频率为23.81%,与其他猪种相比,n等位基因频率偏高。  相似文献   

不同中外猪种对疾病的抵抗能力有一定差异,原因之一是不同猪种猪白细胞抗原(swine leukocyte antigen,SLA)分子的多样性不同。本研究旨在探究中外猪种的SLA基因差异,为阐明地方猪的抗病机理提供重要参考。本研究首先对健康的8头民猪以及4头大白猪进行基因组重测序,并对所获得的SNP进一步质控用于后续分析。使用VCFtools、GEVALT软件分析SLAⅠ类基因的SNP以及单倍型,并将SNP利用ENSEMBL中的VEP工具进行注释,在全局层面阐述两个猪种的SLAⅠ类基因多样性。通过Mega软件比对两猪种的经典SLAⅠ类基因外显子2和3的核苷酸及编码氨基酸序列,利用Expasy服务器上的ProtParam工具和Protscale程序分析蛋白质特性,并利用DnaSP软件计算核苷酸多样性,分析两个猪种经典SLAⅠ类基因抗原递呈能力的差异。结果表明,民猪的SLAⅠ类基因具有更多的SNPs和长度较短的单倍型块,并且错义突变的碱基数量较多。在经典SLAⅠ类基因的外显子2和3可分别鉴定出2个等位基因,民猪在等位基因上的核苷酸多样性要明显高于大白猪,并且民猪具有更多的碱基突变以及位于抗原结合位点上的氨基酸突变。两个猪种的经典SLAⅠ类基因氨基酸表现为亲水性,民猪的亲水性要强于大白猪。综上所述,SLAⅠ类基因在民猪上有更强的多态性。民猪经典SLAⅠ类基因的碱基突变数量和抗原结合位点上氨基酸突变的数量都要多于大白猪。本研究所检测到的民猪在经典SLAⅠ类基因ARSs上的变异可为猪抗病育种标记的筛选提供参考。  相似文献   

为检测黑色素受体1(melanocortin receptor 1,MC1R)基因型在不同毛色猪种中的分布,研究该基因在猪毛色决定中的地位和作用,本试验使用PCR-SSCP和PCR-RFLP方法对军牧1号白猪、杜洛克猪、西藏小型猪和大白猪的MC1R基因型进行了检测。结果显示,长白猪、大白猪存在nt894insCC和G1197A突变;杜洛克猪存在G668C、C1318T和G1554A突变;西藏小型猪存在C1318T和G1554A突变,而在nt894insCC位点则表现出其他基因型。通过对4个猪种的MC1R基因型的检测,为研究MC1R基因对毛色的作用机理奠定了基础。  相似文献   

在欧洲马品种中,黑色素皮质激素受体1(melanocortin receptor 1,MC1R)基因第248位碱基有C/T多态性,纯合的T248位点决定欧洲马的栗毛色。针对MC1R基因的248位点设计了2对特异性引物,采用等位基因特异性PCR技术,研究3个中国马品种MC1R基因型与栗色毛之间的关系。经扩增获得两种DNA片段,克隆测序后证明,扩增片段确为MC1R基因,两种DNA片段序列在基因的248位点的确呈现C/T多态性,但检测126份贵州矮马、西南马和新疆伊犁马血液样本,全部为杂合基因型(Ee),其中包括栗毛、黑毛、骝毛3种单毛色及3种复毛色。这些研究结果提示,MC1R基因中248位点的多态性与国内3个马品种的栗色毛之间没有直接的相关性。  相似文献   

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