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试验旨在对吉林省某水貂养殖场送检的3只具有典型腹泻症状的病死水貂的小肠和肠内容物样品进行细菌分离鉴定及耐药情况分析,为临床治疗提供参考。通过细菌分离纯化和PCR方法对分离菌株进行鉴定,对BALB/c小鼠进行菌液注射来检测菌株的致病性。采用K-B药敏法检测菌株对常用药物的敏感性,并通过PCR方法检测其耐药基因和Ⅰ类整合子的携带情况。结果显示,分离得到3株志贺氏菌,致病性检测试验显示分离菌可引起小鼠腹泻。药物敏感性试验结果显示,3株志贺氏菌对氟喹诺酮类药物、头孢类药物、氟苯尼考和多黏菌素较敏感,对氨基糖苷类、四环素、氯霉素、青霉素、氨苄西林耐药。耐药基因检测结果显示,3株志贺氏菌共检测出7种耐药基因blaTEM-1、aadA1、aac(3')-Ⅱc、aac(6')-Ⅰb、aph(3')-Ⅶ、tet(M)、cat2及携带aadA1基因盒的Ⅰ类整合子。结果表明,分离的3株志贺氏菌均具有致病性,可引起小鼠腹泻,主要表现为多重耐药现象,携带的耐药基因呈多样性,为临床治疗带来巨大影响。  相似文献   

为指导临床合理用药并为治疗患病水貂提供依据,本试验对山东省某水貂养殖场送检的7只疑似患有沙门氏菌病的病死水貂的肝脏和脾脏样品进行细菌分离鉴定及药物敏感性分析,通过分离纯化方法从样品中分离菌株,并采用革兰氏染色、生化鉴定和PCR方法对分离菌株进行鉴定。运用K-B药敏法检测菌株对临床常用药物的敏感性,并通过PCR方法检测菌株耐药基因及Ⅰ类整合子的携带情况。结果显示,本试验分离得到的7株菌均为革兰氏阴性、短小的杆菌;生化反应检测显示,分离菌株葡萄糖、麦芽糖、甘露醇、MR试验、枸橼酸盐、硫化氢试验均表现为阳性,初步鉴定分离菌株为沙门氏菌;PCR产物测序结果进一步表明7株分离菌均为沙门氏菌;药敏试验结果显示,7株沙门氏菌对头孢曲松、左氧氟沙星、氟苯尼考和多黏菌素较敏感,对氨基糖苷类药物、四环素和氨苄西林表现为耐药;耐药基因检测结果显示,7株沙门氏菌共检测出8种耐药基因blaTEM-1、blaCTX-M-1G、aadA1、aac(3′)-Ⅳ、aac(3′)-Ⅱc、aph(4′)-Ⅰa、aph(3′)-Ⅶ和oqxAB,以及基因盒为aadA1、arr-3-aacA4和blaPSE-1的Ⅰ类整合子。综上可知,本试验在送检的7只患病水貂的肝脏和脾脏样品中分离到7株沙门氏菌,分离菌株均为耐药菌株,且主要表现为多重耐药现象;耐药基因呈多样性,且存在位于质粒上的耐药基因扩大了耐药基因的传播范围,增加了细菌的耐药性,为临床用药治疗带来困难。  相似文献   

本试验旨在通过对山东某水貂养殖场送检的5只具有典型出血性肺炎症状的病死水貂进行细菌分离鉴定及耐药情况分析,为临床用药和治疗提供依据和参考。通过细菌分离纯化、生化鉴定和PCR方法对分离菌株进行鉴定,采用K-B药敏法检测分离菌株对常用药物的敏感性,并通过PCR方法检测分离菌株耐药基因的携带情况。经鉴定共分离得到5株绿脓杆菌,药物敏感性试验结果显示,5株绿脓杆菌对氟喹诺酮类药物、第3代和第4代头孢类药物较敏感,对氨基糖苷类、四环素、氯霉素、青霉素类、第1代和第2代头孢类药物耐药。耐药基因检测结果显示,5株绿脓杆菌共检测出6种耐药基因aadA1、aac(3')-Ⅱcaac(6')-ⅠbtetAtetKcat2。且每株分离菌均检测出3种以上耐药基因。结果表明,分离的5株菌株均为绿脓杆菌,主要引起水貂出血性肺炎。分离菌株耐药性较严重,主要表现为多重耐药现象。菌株携带的耐药基因呈多样性,可引起菌株对相应药物产生耐药现象。  相似文献   

In order to provide therapeutical guidance for drug admistration,the bacteria from five dead minks suffering with typical symptoms provided by mink farms in Shandong province were isolated and identified,and the drug sensitivity was tested.The bacteria were isolated with TSA plates,and identified using biochemical methods and PCR assay.The drug sensitivity of the isolates to antimicrobial agents was investigated using K-B method.PCR was used to detect the resistance genes.A total of 5 Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolates were obtained from sick minks.The drug sensitivity results showed that 5 strains were sensitive to fluoroquinolone,the third and fourth generations cephalosporin drugs,but were resistant to aminoglycoside,tetracycline,chloramphenicol,penicillin,the first and second generations cephalosporin drugs.There were six resistance genes were detected,aadA1,aac(3')-Ⅱc,aac(6')-Ⅰb,tetA,tetK and cat2.All of the isolates were detected more than three kinds of resistance genes.The result showed that 5 strains were all Pseudomonas aeruginosa,and Pseudomonas aeruginosa was the main cause of mink hemorrhagic pneumonia.The resistance of 5 strains were very serious and mainly for multiple drug resistance phenomenon.The resistance genes detected in the mink were various,and could cause the resistance to the drugs.  相似文献   

【目的】 肺炎克雷伯菌是人畜共患的条件致病菌, 是引起水貂肺炎的常见病原菌之一。试验主要对吉林省某水貂养殖场送检的6只患有肺炎的病死水貂进行细菌分离鉴定及耐药性分析, 为指导临床合理用药提供依据。【方法】 通过分离纯化方法从样品中分离菌株并进行PCR鉴定, 应用多位点序列分型技术(MLST)进行菌株ST分型。通过感染小鼠了解菌株的致病性, PCR检测血清型及毒力基因的携带情况; 运用琼脂稀释法检测分离菌株对18种药物的敏感性, 并通过PCR检测分离菌株耐药基因的携带情况。【结果】 分离得到的6株菌株经PCR鉴定为肺炎克雷伯菌; MLST分析结果表明6株菌株分别有6种ST型, 分别为: ST2594、ST1782、ST2844、ST2330、ST86和ST661。致病性分析结果显示, 6株菌株均可引起小鼠死亡, 共检测出6种毒力基因, 未检测到毒力较强的血清型。药敏试验结果显示, 6株肺炎克雷伯菌对头孢他啶、头孢曲松、亚胺培南、美罗培南、阿米卡星较敏感, 对链霉素、庆大霉素、卡那霉素、青霉素、氨苄西林、环丙沙星、恩诺沙星、左氧氟沙星、多西环素和氟苯尼考较耐药。耐药基因检测结果显示, 6株菌株共检测出blaSHVblaTEM-1blaCTX-M-1GaadA1、aac(3’)-Ⅳ、aac(3’)-Ⅱcaph(4’)-Ⅰaaph(3’)-Ⅶ、aph(3’)-Ⅳ、aph(2’)-ⅠbrmtBqnrBqnrDqnrSqepAoqxABfloRmcr-1 18种耐药基因。【结论】 分离到的6株肺炎克雷伯菌株为不同的种系进化, 并具有较强的致病性和耐药性, 为临床用药治疗带来困难。  相似文献   

为确定内蒙古地区羊源大肠杆菌的耐药表型及其耐药基因的流行情况,本研究采用微量稀释法测定了内蒙古地区108株羊源大肠杆菌对13种临床常用抗菌药物的最小抑菌浓度。结果显示,分离菌株对阿莫西林、头孢噻吩、磺胺甲唑、黏菌素的耐药率最高,均达100.0%,对阿莫西林/克拉维酸、四环素、环丙沙星的耐药率在50%~80%之间,对头孢噻肟、美洛培南、新霉素的耐药率均低于10%,较为敏感。108株羊源大肠杆菌中耐7种以上药物的菌株占94.4%,其中15.6%菌株对13种抗菌药物耐药,只有1株菌对所有抗菌药物敏感。采用PCR方法对羊源大肠杆菌分离株所携带的6种相关耐药基因进行检测,结果显示,6种耐药基因中的4种耐药基因blaTEM、proP-2、sul-Ⅰ、ampG检出率超过50%,耐药基因aph(3')-Ⅰ携带率达40%,只有耐药基因aac(3)-Ⅱ检出率仅为5.5%。由此可见,内蒙古地区羊源大肠杆菌对13种抗菌药物产生了不同程度的耐药性,且存在严重的多重耐药情况,羊源大肠杆菌分离株携带aph(3')-Ⅰ、sul-Ⅰ、ampG、blaTEM、proP-2、aac(3)-Ⅱ耐药基因。  相似文献   

In order to determine the drug resistance phenotype and prevalence of drug resistance genes in Escherichia coli (E.coli) isolated from sheep in Inner Mongolia, the minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of the isolates to antibiotics commonly used in veterinary clinical were detected by micro-dilution method in vitro. The results showed that the highest resistance rates of the isolates to amoxicillin,cephalothin,sulfamethoxazole and polymyxin were up to 100.0%,respectively.To amoxicillin-clavulanic, tetracycline and ciprofloxacin were 50% to 80%. These isolates were sensitive to cefotaxime, meropenem trihydrate, neomycin, and their resistance rates were all less than 10%. Among the 108 strains of E.coli from sheep, 94.4% of them were resistant to more than 7 antimicrobial agents,15.6% of them were resistant to 13 antimicrobial agents, only one strain was sensitive to all antimicrobial agents. Six kinds of resistance genes among the 108 E.coli isolates were detected by PCR method.The results showed that detection rates of 4 kinds of drug resistance genes including blaTEM, proP-2, sul-Ⅰ and ampG were all over 50%,the detection rate of resistance gene aph (3')-Ⅰ was up to 40%, only resistance gene aac(3)-Ⅱ detection rate was 5.5%. Thus, the sheep E.coli isolates in Inner Mongolia produced various degrees of resistance to 13 kinds of antibiotics, and their multi-drug resistances were very serious. They carried aph(3')-Ⅰ, sul-Ⅰ, ampG, blaTEM, proP-2 and aac(3)-Ⅱ resistance genes.  相似文献   

为探究广西地区猪源奇异变形杆菌的毒力和耐药情况,本研究从不同规模养殖场收集病死猪病料98份,通过分离培养、形态学观察、染色镜检、16S rRNA测序对分离菌进行鉴定;采用微量肉汤稀释法进行药敏试验;PCR检测毒力基因、耐药基因和整合子及其可变区;可变区扩增产物克隆至pMDTM19-T载体进行测序。鉴定结果显示,22株细菌在TSA培养基上弥漫性生长,在SS培养基上形成中心黑色边缘白色的单菌落,镜检为革兰氏阴性短杆菌,变形杆菌属特异性基因(TUF)阳性。16S rRNA测序结果显示,21株分离菌与奇异变形杆菌同源性达99%,1株分离菌与彭氏变形杆菌同源性达99%。药敏结果显示,21株奇异变形杆菌对四环素、多西环素、氨苄西林、磺胺甲噁唑耐药率均为100%,对头孢氨苄、头孢呋辛、头孢噻肟、亚胺培南、卡那霉素耐药率在57.1%以上,所有分离株均为多重耐药菌。PCR结果显示,21株分离菌毒力基因atfA、hpmA、ireA、mrpA、pmfA、rsb、ureC、zapA、ptA检出率均为100%,ucaA检出率为95.2%;ESBLs菌株为blaTEM型、blaCTX型或blaTEM型和blaCTX型,AmpC菌株均为blaDHA型,携带ESBLs或AmpC基因的菌株比例为57.1%、14.3%,同时携带ESBLs和AmpC基因的菌株比例为14.3%;qnrA、qnrB、qnrSaac(6’)-Ⅰb-cr检出率分别为9.5%、0、4.8%和80.1%。21株分离菌Ⅰ类整合子(intⅠ1)阳性率61.9%,检测到9种基因盒阵列(aadA2-linF、estX、dfrA32-ereA-aadA2、drfA5、drfA12-orfF-aadA2、arr3-aac (6’)Ⅰb-cr5、aac (6’)Ⅰb-cr5-blaOXA-1-catB3-aar3、drfA1-orfC和aadA2);Ⅱ类整合子(intⅠ2)阳性率76.2%,检测到1种基因盒阵列(drfA1-sat1-aadA1)。本研究结果表明,广西地区猪源奇异变形杆菌毒力高且耐药严重,为后期针对奇异变形杆菌的防治和研究提供数据支持。  相似文献   

为检测7株鱼源维氏气单胞菌(Aeromonas veronii)的耐药基因和耐药表型的分布情况,试验采用PCR法检测分离株中氨基糖苷类耐药基因(aac(3)-Ⅱa、aac(6')-Ⅰb、ant(3")-Ⅰa和aph(3')-Ⅱa),磺胺类耐药基因(Sul1、Sul2和Sul3)和四环素类耐药基因(tetA、tetC和tetM),运用Kirby-Bauer纸片扩散法检测7株鱼源维氏气单胞菌分离株对22种常用抗生素的敏感性。结果表明,可检出耐药基因aac(3)-Ⅱa(71.4%)、aac(6')-Ⅰb(85.7%)、Sul2(85.7%)和tetA(28.5%);未检出ant(3")-Ⅰa、aph(3')-Ⅱa、Sul1、Sul3、tetC和tetM基因。7株维氏气单胞菌对磷霉素(100%)、多黏霉素B(100%)、痢特灵(85.7%)、奥复星(71.4%)较敏感;对氨苄西林(100%)、乙酰螺旋霉素(100%)、复方新诺明(85.7%)、磺胺异恶唑(85.7%)、四环素(85.7%)等耐药。这说明耐药基因和耐药表型之间存在一定的相关性。  相似文献   

To investigate the prevalence and molecular characterization of class Ⅰ integron in Escherichia coli isolated from beef cattle, and analyze the relationship between integron and antimicrobial resistance, susceptibilities to 11 antimicrobials were conducted on 92 isolates, the presence and characterization of class Ⅰ integrons and inserted gene cassettes were performed using PCR combined with sequencing analysis. The results showed that 29 isolates had been detected positive for class Ⅰ integron integrase gene (intⅠ1) among 92 isolates, and aadA1 and dfrA17+aadA5 were the most prevalent gene cassette arrays detected. The resistance rates of 92 isolates to ampicillin, streptomycin, sulfisoxazole and tetracycline were all more than 45.0%. As revealed by analyzing the association between resistance phenotypes and class Ⅰ integron, isolates that contained the class Ⅰ integron were significantly highly resistant to ampicillin, chloramphenicol, streptomycin, sulfisoxazole and sulfamethoxazole-trimethoprim (P<0.05), but not to quinolones and amoxicillin/clavulanic acid. The conclusion was that E.coli isolated from beef cattle were seriously resistant to antimicrobials,and integron/cassettes widely existed. The presence of integrons and the association of antimicrobial resistance determinants with transferable elements might play a crucial role in the dissemination of antibiotic resistance among E.coli. Data reported here clearly emphasized the need for a stricter application of antimicrobials restriction policies in feedlot setting.  相似文献   

新疆北疆地区猪源粪肠球菌的耐药性分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了解新疆北疆地区猪源粪肠球菌的耐药性及相关耐药基因型的分布情况,本试验采用K-B(Kirby-Baller)琼脂扩散法检测了49株猪源粪肠球菌对8种抗菌药物的敏感性,并采用PCR法对9种相关耐药基因进行检测并测序,测序结果与GenBank中的相应基因序列比对。药敏试验结果显示,分离菌对链霉素耐药率最高,其次为青霉素和红霉素,对呋喃妥因、氨苄西林高度敏感。PCR检测结果显示,β-内酰胺类耐药基因tem的检出率最高,为93.88%,其次是四环素类耐药基因tetM,为85.71%,喹诺酮类基因gyrA和parC检出率均为42.86%,氨基糖苷类耐药基因aph(3')-Ⅲ、aac(6')/aph2″和ant(6')-Ⅰ的检出率分别为36.73%、16.33%和16.33%,未检出mefA和ermB基因。本试验从表型与基因型分析发现,北疆地区猪源粪肠球菌的多重耐药现象非常严重,且其耐药表型与基因型并不完全一致。  相似文献   

为探究温和气单胞菌对氨基糖苷类和四环素类抗生素的耐药性,试验采用PCR法检测10株来源不同的鱼源温和气单胞菌对氨基糖苷类抗生素的4种耐药基因(aph(3')-Ⅱa、ant(3″)-Ⅰa、aac(6')-Ⅰb、aac(3)-Ⅱa)及四环素类抗生素的3种耐药基因(tetA、tetC、tetM)的表达情况,并利用K-B纸片扩散法对6种抗生素进行耐药表型分析。结果显示,10株温和气单胞菌对氨基糖苷类耐药基因aph(3')-Ⅱa、ant(3″)-Ⅰa、aac(6')-Ⅰb的检出率分别为20%、30%、20%,未检测出aac(3)-Ⅱa基因;对四环素类的耐药基因tetA、tetC、tetM的检出率分别为70%、20%、60%。K-B纸片扩散法结果显示,10株菌对四环素耐药率最高,对链霉素敏感,对庆大霉素、卡那霉素、多西环素、米诺环素高度敏感。结果表明,本次分离的温和气单胞菌对氨基糖苷类和四环素类抗生素具有一定的耐药性,为深入了解温和气单胞菌的耐药机制提供参考。  相似文献   

To assess the prevalence of antimicrobial resistance and class I integrons in Escherichia coli strains (n=58) isolated from bovine mastitis in Inner Mongolia, antimicrobial susceptibility and the presence of various types of integrons were characterized. Most isolates were susceptible to amikacin, colistin, ceftazidime, gentamicin and kanamycin, while those also exhibited high resistant incidence rates to ampicillin, amoxicillin, sulfadiazine and sulfamethoxydiazine. The integrase gene of integrons was amplified by PCR using degenerate primers. The integrons were confirmed by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis of positive PCR products. Neither class II nor class III integron was detected, while 56.90% (n=33) of the isolates were positive for the presence of intI1 gene. Sequencing analysis of gene cassettes revealed that seven gene cassettes were found, which encoded resistance to trimethoprim (dfrA1 and dfrA17), aminoglycosides (aacA4, aadA1 and aadA5) and chloramphenicol (catB3), respectively. Of them, the gene cassette array dfrA17-aadA5 was found most prevalent (62.96%). The percentage of positive-integron among the isolates whose resistant profile was relatively broad (n> or =7) is 100.00%, while the one in narrow-profile isolates (n=2-6) is 30.56%. The correlation analysis revealed the incidence of integrons among the isolates were highly related to the resistant profile, indicating integrons play an important role in the dissemination and spread of the antimicrobial resistant strains.  相似文献   

查明辽宁地区整合子在猪源大肠埃希菌中的分布及整合子携带耐药基因盒的种类,可为该病的综合防控提供科学依据。本研究利用整合酶基因PCR扩增法检测整合子,并对整合子可变区进行扩增测序。结果表明,71.43%(40/56)的菌株为Ⅰ类整合子阳性,1.79%(1/56)的菌株同时为Ⅰ类和Ⅱ类整合子阳性,未检测到Ⅲ类整合子;87.8%(36/41)的菌株表现为Ⅰ类整合子可变区扩增阳性,扩增产物大小在116bp~2 307bp之间,100%(1/1)菌株表现为Ⅱ类整合子可变区扩增阳性,大小为2 106bp;整合子可变区含有编码对氨基糖苷类抗生素耐药的基因(aadA1、aadA2、aadA5、aadA22、aadB、aacA4和sat2),编码对磺胺类抗生素耐药的基因(dfrA1、dfrA12、dfrA17),编码对氯霉素抗生素耐药的基因(cmlA1、cmlA6)。因此,整合子在大肠埃希菌中广泛存在,辽宁地区大肠埃希菌中整合子主要携带编码对氨基糖苷类、磺胺类和氯霉素耐药基因盒。  相似文献   

Antimicrobial susceptibility testing was performed on a total of 581 clinical Escherichia coli isolates from diarrhea and edema disease in pigs, from acute mastitis in dairy cattle, from urinary tract infections in dogs and cats, and from septicemia in laying hens collected in Switzerland between 1999 and 2001. Among the 16 antimicrobial agents tested, resistance was most frequent for sulfonamides, tetracycline, and streptomycin. Isolates from swine presented significantly more resistance than those from the other animal species. The distribution of the resistance determinants for sulfonamides, tetracycline, and streptomycin was assessed by hybridization and PCR in resistant isolates. Significant differences in the distribution of resistance determinants for tetracycline (tetA, tetB) and sulfonamides (sulII) were observed between the isolates from swine and those from the other species. Resistance to sulfonamides could not be explained by known resistance mechanisms in more than a quarter of the sulfonamide-resistant and sulfonamide-intermediate isolates from swine, dogs and cats. This finding suggests that one or several new resistance mechanisms for sulfonamides may be widespread among E. coli isolates from these animal species. The integrase gene (intI) from class I integrons was detected in a large proportion of resistant isolates in association with the sulI and aadA genes, thus demonstrating the importance of integrons in the epidemiology of resistance in clinical E. coli isolates from animals.  相似文献   

对河南省鸡源大肠杆菌Ⅰ类、Ⅱ类和Ⅲ类整合子及其携带的耐药基因盒进行了分子流行病学研究。结果表明:51株鸡源大肠杆菌中86.3%(44/51)检出Ⅰ类整合子,3.9%(2/51)检出Ⅱ类整合子,未检出Ⅲ类整合子。Ⅰ类整合子共检出5种类型的基因盒,分剐是sat基因盒(100%),dfrAl+aadAl基因盒(45.4%,20/44),dfrAl7+aadA5基因盒(22.5%,9/44),dfrAl+sat+aadA2基因盒(6.8%,3/44)和4800bp未知基因盒(27.3%,12/44),其中4800bp未知基因盒的下游携带有ESBLCTX-M基因,Ⅱ类整合子的基因盒携带dfrAl+sat+aadAl3种基因。  相似文献   

To assess the prevalence of antimicrobial resistance and three classes of integrons in Escherichia coli (E. coli) strains (n = 57) isolated from bovine endometritis in Inner Mongolia of China, antimicrobial susceptibility and the presence of three types of integrons were characterized. Most isolates were susceptible to ceftiofur, furazolidone, ciprofloxacin and enrofloxacin, while 57 isolates were all resistant to sulfamethoxydiazine and trimethoprim. High resistant incidence rates were exhibited to sulfadiazine, tetracycline, oxytetracycline, cefazolin, chloramphenicol. Forty-six of 57 E. coli strains were resistant to above 10 antibiotics (80.70%). The integrase gene and gene cassettes of integrons were amplified by PCR. DNA sequencing and analysis were used to identify the genetic content of the integron-variable regions. Neither class II nor class III integron was detected, while 36.8% (n = 21) of the isolates were positive for the presence of intI1 gene. Analysis of gene cassettes revealed that six gene cassettes were found, which encoded resistance to trimethoprim (dhfr, dhfrI, dfrA17) and aminoglycosides (aadA1, aadA2, aadA5). Among them, the gene cassette array dfrA17–aadA5 was found most prevalent (66.7%). The resistance profile of positive-integron isolates was relatively broad and they were resistant to more than eight antimicrobials (n ? 8). The correlation analysis revealed the incidence of integrons among the isolates were related to the multiple antibiotic resistance profile, indicating integrons play an important role in the dissemination and spread of the antimicrobial resistant strains.  相似文献   

Rectal smears of calves, cows and young bulls, as well as cloacal smears of house sparrows (Passer domesticus), from farms at the villages of Sumice and Troskotovice, Czech Republic, were examined for E. coli resistant to 12 antimicrobials. The resistant isolates were tested for antimicrobial-resistance genes and integrons. Totals of 40% (n=183), 3% (n=95), 0% (n=33), and 9% (n=54) of Escherichia coli isolates from calves, cows, young bulls and house sparrows, respectively, were antimicrobial resistant. The following genes were identified in cattle E. coli isolates: tetA, tetB (isolates resistant to tetracycline), bla(TEM) (beta-lactams), strA, aadA (streptomycin), sul1, sul2 (sulphonamides), and cat, floR (chloramphenicol). Seven of 16 antimicrobial-resistant calf isolates from the Sumice farm possessed class 1 integrons with the aadA1 gene cassette integrated, 1 kb in size. On the Troskotovice farm, eight of 57 antimicrobial-resistant calf isolates possessed class 1 integrons. Integrons of 1.5kb with the dhfr1- aadA1 gene cassette were found in four isolates, followed by a 1kb integron with the aadA1 gene found in three isolates, and a 1.7kb integron with the dhfr17-aadA5 gene cassette and the phenotype ASSuTSxtNaCipCCfG. The prevalence of resistant E. coli in calves compared to adult cattle was much higher and probably was influenced by oral antimicrobial usage in calves, feeding with milk and colostrum from treated cows, as well as mechanisms unrelated to antimicrobial drug selection. Although house sparrows lived together with the cattle and came into contact with cattle waste on the farm, they were not infected by resistant E. coli isolates with the same characteristics as those found in cattle.  相似文献   

Recent data from the European and Hungarian Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring Systems have indicated that the routine use of gentamicin in human and veterinary medicine frequently leads to the selection of gentamicin resistance in Escherichia coli. The aim of this study was to provide molecular characterization of gentamicin resistance in clinical and commensal E. coli strains representing humans and food producing animals by genotyping for antimicrobial resistance and virulence using a miniaturized microarray. All 50 strains tested proved to be multidrug resistant defined as resistance to three or more antimicrobial classes. Antimicrobial resistances genes such as aadA1-like, strB, bla(TEM), sul1 and tet(A) or tet(B), and corresponding phenotypes (streptomycin-, ampicillin-, sulfamethoxazole- and tetracycline resistance) were detected in >50% of isolates regardless of the host or clinical background. However, certain genes encoding gentamicin resistance such as aac(6')-Ib and ant(2″)-Ia as well as catB3-like genes for phenicol resistance were only detected in human isolates. Among virulence genes, the increased serum survival gene iss was predominant in all host groups. Although the majority of gentamicin resistant E. coli strains were characterized by diverse antimicrobial resistance, and virulence gene patterns, accentuated links between catB3-like, aac(6')-Ib, bla(CTX-M-1) and sat genes could be detected in human strains. Further resistance/virulence gene associations (tet(A) with iroN and iss) were detected in poultry strains. In conclusion, the simultaneous characterization of antimicrobial resistance and virulence genotypes of representative clinical and commensal strains of E. coli should be useful for the identification of emerging genotypes with human and or animal health implications.  相似文献   

为了明确禽大肠埃希菌的耐药情况和氨基糖苷抗性基因的流行情况,用K-B纸片扩散法检测了27株致病性大肠杆菌对19种常用抗生素的耐药谱,用PCR方法检测了耐氨基糖苷抗生素分离株的4种氨基糖苷抗性基因,包括腺苷转移酶基因aadA1和aadB、乙酰转移酶基因aacA4 和磷酸转移酶基因apH(3')-Ⅱ.结果表明,氨苄青霉素、安灭菌、青霉素G和四环素的耐药菌株率高达100%,利福平的耐药菌株率达96.3%,氯霉素、红霉素的耐药菌株为70.4%,卡那霉素、环丙沙星、氟哌酸的耐药菌株率为59.3%, 链霉素的耐药菌株达到63.0%.氨苄西林/舒巴坦复方制剂、复达欣、庆大霉素和磷霉素的高敏菌株率分别为100%、 77. 8%、74.1%和51.9%.氨基糖苷抗性基因aadA1、aacA4 和apH(3')-Ⅱ的阳性率分别是44.4%、27.8%和55.6%,aadB未捡出.这些数据提示禽致病性大肠埃希菌存在广泛的耐药谱,氨基糖苷抗性基因aadA1和apH-(3')-Ⅱ是主要流行基因.  相似文献   

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