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实验对生殖季节与非生殖季节的大雁生殖系统进行了组织学研究。大雁雌性生殖系统左侧发育,右侧退化。生殖系统由卵巢、输卵管、交际器组成。输卵管包括漏斗部、蛋白分泌部、峡部、子宫与阴道五个部分。卵巢表面无浆膜覆盖,覆以单层生殖上皮,由浅部的皮质和深部髓质组成,皮质内含各级卵泡。雄性生殖系统由精巢、输精管、睾丸旁导管系统和交接器组成。精巢的基本结构单位为曲精细管,外层包被着浆膜,其下是白膜,白膜结缔组织伸入精巢实质部,呈网状分布,繁殖季节的睾丸实质内充满曲细精管。  相似文献   

鸡泌尿生殖系统由泌尿器官(肾脏、输尿管及泄殖腔)和生殖器官(雄性有睾丸、输精管及阴茎,雌性有卵巢及输卵管等)所组成。其中泌尿系统维持体内的电解质平衡,而鸡的生殖系统则可以生产种蛋和/或食用蛋。在鸡的生长、发育、生产过程中,整个泌尿生殖系统必须保持正常...  相似文献   

一、雄禽生殖系统的结构雄禽的生殖系统由睾丸、附睾区、输精管和交配器官组成.1.睾丸:左右各一个,由短的睾丸系膜悬吊在肾脏前端的腹侧面,一般呈长椭圆形.在性成熟前,体积甚小,呈淡红色或深黄色;性成熟后,体积增大.成年公鸡睾丸的重量约为总体重的1%,单个睾丸重约9~13克,老公鸡的睾丸可重达40~60克.在繁殖季节,特别是野生禽,睾丸的体积会暂时地显著增大.成年禽的睾丸呈乳白色,并且左侧的睾丸常较右侧的大.  相似文献   

对一例双输卵管畸形的产蛋鸡进行了解剖观察。分别从左、右输卵管的位置,以及漏斗部、膨大部、峡部、子宫膨大部和阴道的长度、直径进行测量对比。左侧有卵巢,而右侧没有,左侧输卵管的各个部位的长度和直径都要比右侧大,解剖结果也表明右侧输卵管基本发育完全,但能否正常产蛋还无法确定。  相似文献   

研究采用大体解剖法、石蜡切片法、HE染色法等对20只产蛋期的皖西白鹅母鹅生殖系统的形态结构和组织结构进行了观察,结果如下:皖西白鹅母鹅的生殖系统包括卵巢和输卵管两部分,仅左侧发育正常,右侧早已退化,卵巢表面被覆生殖上皮,下方是白膜,其实质由皮质和髓质组成,皮质内含有不同发育阶段的卵泡和萎缩卵泡,大卵泡突出了卵巢表面,卵泡无卵泡腔,也无卵泡液,排卵后不形成黄体。输卵管分为漏斗部、蛋白分泌部、峡部、子宫部和阴道部5个部分,各段均由黏膜层、肌层和外膜构成,黏膜上皮有纤毛,固有层内有腺体和淋巴组织,无黏膜肌层,肌层由内环外纵两层平滑肌组成,外膜为浆膜。  相似文献   

正小母鸡阉割术一年四季均可进行,不受场地的限制,夏天最好在早上10点前阉割,下午在6点以后进行阉割,冬天最好在天气暖和时进行阉割。1母鸡生理结构1.1卵巢位置和形态母鸡的生殖系统由左侧卵巢和输卵管组成,卵巢位于腹腔正中线的左侧,肾脏的前端,肾上腺后面,由卵巢系膜韧带悬于背壁。右侧卵巢和输卵管在鸡孵化期间就停止了发育,仅有一点痕迹,不具繁殖机能。卵巢由外部的皮质和内部的髓质组成。髓质  相似文献   

笔者在临床中曾遇一60日龄仔猪,体重9.5公斤,左侧有一睾丸,无阴茎、包皮,尚有外阴户,小便由雌性尿道排出。行小挑见:右侧子宫角发育正常,卵巢、输卵管肿大,左侧子宫角、输卵管、卵巢较正常的短小近一倍,色苍白,无韧性。小挑后一切正常,留睾丸,至5月龄体重25公斤,有雄性爬跨行为。行  相似文献   

正随着肉鸡饲养业不断发展,一些种鸡场已经采取笼养肉用种鸡的方式。肉用种鸡采取笼养后,公母分开,不能自然交配时,人工授精就成为生产肉用种鸡的途径。1鸡的生殖系统鸡的生殖系统不同于胎生哺乳动物。公鸡的睾丸、附睾在腹腔内,交配器官是退化了的生殖突起,精子头部是长锥形。精子能在母鸡输卵管里的精子腺窝中生存达24 d,并具有受精能力。母鸡能每隔25h左右排卵1次,只有左侧卵巢和输卵管发育,受精卵排出母鸡体外后未达到  相似文献   

本文采用免疫组织化学染色方法,探讨ghrelin在雄性食蟹猴生殖系统内的分布定位。通过对ghrelin免疫阳性细胞在生殖系统中分布部位、含量及细胞形态等方面的研究,为今后ghrelin在食蟹猴体内的功能研究奠定形态学基础。免疫组化染色发现,ghrelin阳性细胞在食蟹猴的生殖系统中有分布。Ghrelin免疫阳性细胞被染为棕色到棕黑色,主要分布于睾丸、附睾及输精管中,精囊腺中无ghrelin阳性细胞分布。Ghrelin阳性细胞在组织中多呈散在分布。细胞大小不一、形态各异,多呈圆形、卵圆形、锥体形、长柱形及其他不规则形。  相似文献   

雄性兔狲生殖器官特征   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
对一例雄性兔狲的生殖器官解剖观察发现:兔狲睾丸的长轴自前上方略斜向后下方。睾丸的头在前、尾在后。左侧睾丸为8.7×5.6×4.2mm,右侧为8.7×5.6×4.8mm。睾丸重0.6g占作重的0.05%;附睾形成一大半圆形覆盖睾丸背侧缘;输精管直径0.7mm,无壶腹部;副性腺有前列腺和尿道球腺,无精囊腺;阴茎长25mm,游离部略呈锥体状,无阴茎骨。  相似文献   

Lectins are glycoproteins of plant and animal origin that have the ability to bind specific carbohydrate residues of cell glycoconjugates, particularly in terminal positions. In this study, the binding of lectins, Dolichos biflorus agglutinin (DBA), soybean agglutinin (SBA), Bandeiraea simplicifolia BS-1 (isolectin B4), Triticum vulgaris (WGA), Arachis hypogaea (PNA), and Ulex europaeus (UEA-I), was studied in the reproductive systems of male thoroughbred horses.DBA was detected in the stereocilia of the caput and corpus epididymis, and in the vas deferens. It was weakly detected in connective tissue of the corpus epididymis. Strong SBA staining was seen in epithelial cells in the testis, stereocilia of the corpus and cauda epididymis, and in the vas deferens. There were intense positive reactions for isolectin B4 in interstitial cells in all tissue and serosa of the vas deferens. PNA staining was seen only in stereocilia in the caput and corpus epididymis, and in the vas deferens. Strong WGA staining was seen throughout the testis, except in Sertoli cells, stereocilia, and connective tissue. UEA-I was detected in secondary spermatids, stereocilia, and epithelial cells of the cauda epididymis. These results show that degenerating cells in the testis, epididymal tubules, and vas deferens have differential affinities for lectins, and suggest that lectins play a role in the reproductive system of the horse. The heterogeneity of the lectin staining pattern in the reproductive tubules of adult horses suggests that the carbohydrate composition of each cell type is region specific.  相似文献   

Thurston RJ  Korn N 《Avian diseases》2000,44(4):1007-1011
A case is described wherein a turkey male (tom) possessed two vent areas with duplicated cloacae served by one large intestine. Both cloacae were functional in that feces were excreted and semen could be collected from each. The left vas deferens and ureter emptied into the left cloaca, and the right vas deferens and ureter emptied into the right cloaca. This allowed semen from each testis/duct to be collected separately from the corresponding cloaca. Thus, a unique opportunity was presented to collect semen separately from the left and right testis/duct system for semen analysis and fertility determination. Sperm concentration and percentage of dead sperm were not significantly different when semen from left vs. right reproductive tract were compared. The concentrations of spermiophages in semen from both reproductive tracts fell into the range reported for normal semen (0-8 x 10(5)/ml); however, semen from the right side had consistently higher spermiophage concentrations than that from the left side. On the basis of observations from one male made possible by an anatomic anomaly, it appears that the fecundities of the left and right testis/duct systems of the turkey male do not significantly differ and that recruitment of spermiophages into one tract (because of immunologic challenge, etc.) does not necessarily mean that the opposite testis/ducts will respond similarly.  相似文献   

旨在研究免疫细胞在健康雄性牦牛附睾和输精管的分布。采用免疫组织化学和实时荧光定量(qRT-PCR)方法对幼龄(5~6月龄)及成年(3~4岁)牦牛附睾(头、体、尾)和输精管中CD68+巨噬细胞、CD3+ T淋巴细胞、CD79α+ B淋巴细胞、IgA+和IgG+浆细胞的分布特征及其表面标志分子的表达水平进行研究。结果显示:CD68+巨噬细胞、CD3+ T淋巴细胞、CD79α+ B淋巴细胞、IgA+和IgG+浆细胞主要分布在附睾管和输精管的上皮和间质;另外,CD68和CD3 mRNA和蛋白水平在各年龄组牦牛附睾头和附睾体显著高于附睾尾和输精管(P < 0.05),而CD79α、IgA和IgG mRNA和蛋白水平在附睾尾和输精管显著高于附睾头和附睾体(P < 0.05);此外,在成年牦牛附睾和输精管CD3、CD79α、IgA、IgG、CD68 mRNA和蛋白水平均显著高于幼龄牦牛(P < 0.05)。综上提示,牦牛附睾头可能主要是细胞免疫发生的位点,而附睾尾和输精管则主要进行体液免疫应答,此外,成年牦牛附睾和输精管的局部免疫可能更完善,以上数据为进一步研究高原牦牛局部生殖免疫和病理提供了形态学资料。  相似文献   

The occurrence of aplasia of the epididymis and vas deferens in a Golden Retriever is reported. The dog was presented for a fertility examination. Scrotal palpation indicated aplasia of the left epididymis and vas deferens. These findings were confirmed by surgical examination and a testicular biopsy taken at this time revealed active spermatogenesis to be present. The upper urinary tract was examined and found to be normal. The condition was not evident on scrotal examination of six siblings.  相似文献   

Three reproductively quiescent female emus (Dromaius novaehollandiae) were embalmed with 10% formalin solution. The reproductive tract was dissected and described. The reproductive tract consists of an ovary and oviduct situated on the left side of the abdominal cavity. The left ovary is dark brown to black in colour with follicles covering the ventral surface. The ovary is located medial to the spleen and closely associated with the ventral surface of the cranial and middle lobes of the left kidney. The oviduct is a relatively straight tube that extends from the level of the cranial extent of the left ilium to the caudal border of the left pubic bone. The oviduct is grossly divided into the infundibulum, magnum, isthmus, uterus and vagina using variations in the mucosal fold pattern.  相似文献   

In recent years host antimicrobial peptides and proteins have been recognised as key mediators of the innate immune response in many vertebrate species, providing the first line of defense against potential pathogens. In chickens a number of cationic antimicrobial peptides have been recently identified. However, although these peptides have been studied extensively in the avian gastrointestinal tract, little is known about their function in the chicken reproductive organs and embryos. Chicken Liver Expressed Antimicrobial Peptide-2 (cLEAP-2) has been previously reported to function in protecting birds against microbial attack. The aim of this study was to investigate the expression of cLEAP-2 gene in the chicken reproductive organs, as well as in chicken embryos during embryonic development, and to determine whether cLEAP-2 expression in the chicken reproductive organs was constitutive or induced as a response to Salmonella enteritidis infection. RNA was extracted from ovary, oviduct, testis and epididymis of sexually mature healthy and Salmonella infected birds, as well as from chicken embryos until day ten of embryonic development. Expression analysis data revealed that cLEAP-2 was expressed in the chicken ovary, testis and epididymis as well as in embryos during early embryonic development. Quantitative real-time PCR analysis revealed that cLEAP-2 expression was constitutive in the chicken epididymis, but was significantly up regulated in the chicken gonads, following Salmonella infection. In addition, expression of cLEAP-2 during chicken embryogenesis appeared to be developmentally regulated. These data provide evidence to suggest a key role of cLEAP-2 in the protection of the chicken reproductive organs and the developing embryos from Salmonella colonization.  相似文献   

The immunoperoxidase staining characteristics of Dirofilaria immitis and pulmonary tissues from infected dogs were studied by using the following sera: anti-fresh D immitis, anti-processed D immitis, anti-dog IgG, anti-dog IgG Fc, anti-dog IgM and anti-dog C3. Marked staining was observed using anti-fresh D immitis serum. Body cavity fluid and cuticle were strongly stained and hypodermis, muscle, lateral cord, testis, vas deferens, ovary, oviduct and uterus were moderately stained. Oesophagus and intestine were mildly stained. Degenerate worms were stained by all antisera. The intact and cut surfaces of microfilariae and eggs and sperm present in filariae were stained, but not their internal contents. Circulating and stored immotile microfilariae did not stain. Excreted eggs, presumed to be unfertilized and, or, degenerate, stained positively. Immunoperoxidase staining of routinely processed histological samples provides a means of assessing D immitis antigen.  相似文献   

本研究旨在探明鸭源新城疫病毒(NDV)通过人工感染后在种鸭生殖系统中分布。应用本实验室分离的一株经鸭胚传递的NDV SDFCH株,对42只无NDV感染的28周龄樱桃谷种鸭进行人工感染试验,试验分母鸭接种强毒组,公鸭接种强毒组和对照组。强毒接种4 d后,每隔2 d每组各迫杀2只,采集母鸭卵巢、卵泡、输卵管组织,公鸭采集睾丸、输精管进行病毒分离鉴定,并利用RT-PCR方法进行病毒F基因的扩增与同源性分析。同时,以NDV F蛋白的单克隆抗体(MAb)为一抗,建立间接免疫荧光检测方法检测输卵管组织中NDV及病毒在输卵管的分布情况。结果表明采用RT-PCR方法能够在种鸭生殖系统各个组织中检测并重新分离到NDV;输卵管子宫部和蛋白分泌部纤毛柱状上皮的纤毛细胞和分泌细胞内有阳性荧光信号存在。结果表明人工感染的种鸭卵巢、卵泡、睾丸、输精管以及输卵管子宫部和蛋白分泌部纤毛柱状上皮的纤毛细胞和分泌细胞中均有NDV分布,病毒能否随蛋白分泌、精液的排泄进入种蛋传递给雏鸭还有待于进一步研究。  相似文献   

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