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猪两种腹泻病毒混合感染的病原诊断   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对我省流行的疑似猪病毒性腹泻进行了病原诊断,通过细菌培养、RNA电泳和电镜形态观察等辅助诊断和免疫萤光特异性诊断,确诊该病病原为猪传染性胃肠炎病毒(TGEV)与猪流行性腹泻病毒(PEDV)的混合感染,混合毒代号为TPV3。  相似文献   

水貂阿留申病的直接电镜和免疫电镜检查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用直接镜(DTEM)和胶体金免疫电镜(IEM-G)技术对疑为水貂阿留申病的貂病科进行快速检测。结果前者杂质较多,呈像不清晰;后者则简单快速,敏感特异,而且可以对病毒在细胞内进行定位,较对流免疫电泳法易于推广与应用。  相似文献   

本研究主要对猪生殖呼吸道综合征( P R R S) 国内分离毒株( C H Ia) 进行了病毒纯化及其结构蛋白的分析。选用聚乙二醇( P E G6000) 沉淀和差速离心法粗提了经 Marc145 细胞系增殖的猪生殖呼吸道综合征病毒( P R R S V) 。并采用非线性蔗糖密度梯度离心法纯化了 P R R S V, 经免疫电镜观察纯化病毒, 发现有较多的胶体金颗粒吸附在直径为42 ~78nm 的病毒粒子周围。经 Dot E L I S A 测定纯化病毒的滴度可达1 1600 以上, 并利用 S D S P A G E 和 Westernblot 两种方法对国内分离毒株( C H Ia) 与欧洲型( Lelystad) 、美洲型( V R2332) 等参考毒株的病毒结构蛋白组成和部分抗原特性进行了初步的研究。测得国内分离毒株主要结构蛋白的分子量为145 K D,192 K D 和263 K D, 并均能被 P R R S V 的高免血清识别, 这与国外的同类报道很相似。  相似文献   

应用胶体金免疫电镜技术检测鸭肝炎病毒   总被引:17,自引:1,他引:16  
本研究应用胶体金免疫电镜技术和直接电镜(DEM)、免疫电镜(IEM)比较观察了鸭肝炎病毒(DHV)QL_79弱毒株和R_85952标准强毒株。QL_79株和R_85952株的形态结构是一致的,球形,大小为20~40nm。胶体金免疫电镜技术可作为检测DHV的常规方法,具有简便、快速、灵敏、直观等特点。  相似文献   

本研究主要对猪生殖-呼吸道综合征国内分离毒株进行了病毒纯化及其结构蛋白的分析。选用聚乙二醇(PEG-6000)沉淀和差速离心法粗提了经Marc-145细胞系增殖的猪生殖-呼吸道综合征病毒(PRRSV)。并采用非线性蔗糖密度梯度离心法纯化了PRRSV,经免疫电镜观察化病毒,发现有较多的胶体金颗粒吸附在直径为42-78nm的病毒粒子周围。经Dot-ELISA测定纯化病毒的滴度可达1:1600以上,并利  相似文献   

5只HVT免疫鸡,实验感染MDV后的第1~10周期间,分别采用初次细胞分离培养物上清中的自由病毒粒子鉴定,dot-blotDNA杂交和常规AGP试验等方法,对并发感染鸡羽毛根进行了病毒及病毒抗原的动态检测与比较。结果显示,在上述羽毛根中可同时存在HVT粒子和MDVDNA。HVT可分离时间为MDV攻毒后1~7周;MDVDNA最早检出时间为MDV攻毒后的第18~22天,并达到其持续性(22~70d)的检出率最高峰(100%);而AGP法对此期间鸡只羽毛根MDV抗原的最早检出时间在第22天,且检出率很低。因此,羽毛病毒抗原AGP检测法,对免疫鸡只或鸡群MDV感染的诊断仍然是特异的,但较单纯感染的检测,其检出率更低,因而更难以反映出免疫鸡群中MDV感染的真实状况。  相似文献   

通过转瓶培养IBRS2细胞,选择最佳接毒剂量、接毒时间和收毒时间生产出凝集价(HA)达212的猪传染性胃肠炎病毒(TGEV)血凝抗原。用抗TGEVS蛋白和 M蛋白的单克隆抗体与不同稀释度的TGEV血凝抗原等量混合,在 37℃作用 30分钟后接种IBRS2细胞和做中和试验(NT)和血凝抑制(HI)试验。结果表明TGEV血凝位点与中和位点一致,血凝素位于S蛋白A位点或其附近。  相似文献   

仔猪四大细菌性腹泻病原的鉴别诊断孔繁德厦门动植物检疫局陈琼厦门市家畜检疫站在仔猪腹泻病原中,除传染性胃肠炎病毒(TGEV)、轮状病毒(RV)和流行性腹泻病毒(PEDV)3大病毒外,还有大肠杆菌(SC)、C型魏氏梭菌(CEI)、痢疾密螺旋体(SD)沙门...  相似文献   

构建了表达了传染性法氏囊病病毒(IBDV)VP2的两种火鸡疱疹病毒(HVT)重组体vHVT001和vHVT002。用其接种1日龄雏鸡以评价它们对IBDV52/70株和马立克氏病病毒(MDV)RB1B株攻击的保护效果。在IBDV攻击中,vHVT002免疫鸡能预防死亡和法氏囊肉眼病变,具有良好的保护力,以10^5PFU免疫能达100%、10^4PFU免疫能达60%保护,而用vHVT001免疫只获得较低  相似文献   

在我国吉林省某地猪生殖呼吸道综合征病毒(PRRSV)抗体阳性猪群的4头2日龄弱仔猪实质脏器中分离到2株PRRSV,间接荧光抗体试验(IFA)结果表明,PRRSV(LV.VR-2332)抗血清与2个分离株呈阳性反应;分离到病毒的弱仔猪血清与参考株(LV.VR-2332)也呈阳性反应,而分离株与HCV,PrV,PPV,TGEV,PEDV和HEV无交叉抗原,以上试验证明,我们已成功地分离到2株地方性PR  相似文献   

采用360只1日龄Avian肉公雏,研究日粮中添加相同毫克当量(179meq/kg)的阴阳离子对21日龄肉仔鸡血液酸碱平衡和胫骨软骨发育不良(TD)的影响。阳离子分别为钙(127%)、钠(062%)、钾(151%)和镁(039%);阴离子分别为氯(092%),磷(080%)和硫(065%)。高氯、磷、硫均不同程度地诱发TD的发生,而添加阳离子将TD的发生率降至为零。添加阴离子显著降低了21日龄肉仔鸡的体增重、血液的碱贮和碱超(P<001)、红细胞平均血红蛋白浓度(MCHC)、血清羟脯氨酸含量以及胫骨重量、长度和皮质层厚度(P<005),血液pH值、血红蛋白含量和红细胞压积也有下降的趋势,从而酸化了血液,损害了血氧运输效率和软骨胶原降解,影响到胫骨生长发育。阳离子则增加了21日龄肉仔鸡血液碱贮和碱超(P<001),降低了体增重和胫骨重量(P<005)。试验结果表明,日粮电解质平衡可能通过改变血液酸碱平衡,影响血氧运输效率和软骨胶原降解代谢及其它多方面机制诱导或制约TD的发生。  相似文献   

两株益生菌对16种抗菌药敏感性测定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对沧海生物公司生产的益生素产品“康源菌宝”中两种主要益生菌-乳酸杆菌和蜡样芽孢杆菌进行了16种抗菌药的药敏实验。结果表明,头孢呋新、四环素、庆大霉素、青霉素、复合磺胺对两种菌无任何抑制作用;其他抗菌药对其均有不同程度的抑制作用,链霉素、利福平、头孢三嗪、头孢哌酮抑制作用最小;卡那霉素对乳酸杆菌抑制作用最小,对蜡样芽孢杆菌抑制作用较小。  相似文献   

Pharmacokinetics of enrofloxacin in lactating sheep   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The pharmacokinetics of enrofloxacin (ENR) was investigated after its intravenous (iv) and intramuscular (im) administration in six healthy lactating sheep. After iv ENR injection (as a bolus), the elimination half-life (t(1/2beta)), the volume of distribution (Vd(area)), and the area under the concentration vs. time curve (AUC) were 3.30 (0.36)h, 2.91 (0.17)l/kg and 4.19 (0.18) microg h/ml, respectively. The maximum milk concentrations of ENR (C(max)), the area under the milk concentration vs. time curve (AUC(milk)) and the ratio AUC(milk)/AUC(serum) were 2.38 (0.14)microg/ml, 23.76 (2.21) microg h/ml and 5.62 (0.30), respectively. After im administration of ENR the t(1/2beta), C(max), time of C(max) (t(max)) and absolute bioavailability (F(abs)) were 3.87 (0.10)h, 0.74 (0.07) microg/ml, 0.83 (0.12)h and 75.35%, respectively. The C(max), AUC(milk) and the ratio AUC(milk)/AUC(serum) were 1.94 (0.13) microg/ml, 24.81 (2.25) microg h/ml and 8.15 (0.96), respectively.  相似文献   

本研究用水培试验方法,分别在15%聚乙二醇6000(Polyethylene glycol,PEG-6000)模拟干旱胁迫5 d和14 d后对93份圭亚那柱花草(Stylosanthes guianensis Sw.)的枯叶率、相对叶绿素含量、相对含水量、净光合速率、气孔导度及蒸腾速率进行测定,运用相关性分析、主成分分析、隶属函数法等方法对圭亚那柱花草种质进行抗旱性综合评价并筛选抗旱种质。隶属函数抗旱能力排序表明,在处理的第5 d,71(CIAT10598),73(CIAT10347),72[Wangtingbiao(Qi)],74(Graham),32(TPRC2001-54),39(TPRC2001-26),33[GC1480(IRRI)]和37(TPRC2001-14)等8份材料抗旱性最差,表现为干旱敏感材料;在处理的第14 d,91(TPRC2001-83),82(Nan02145),19(CIAT11362),59(Endeavour),67(Reyan No.2),80(CIAT87830),55(TPRC90033),45(TPRC L2),27(TPRC2001-68),5(TPRC2001-85),23(TPRC2001-20)和50[TPRC90005(1)]等12份材料表现出较强抗旱能力。根据隶属函数排名选取部分材料进行土壤条件下抗旱性验证,结果表明59(Endeavour)和23(TPRC2001-20)的抗旱性明显优于其它材料。本试验可为柱花草抗旱育种提供理论依据。  相似文献   

: Some feed ingredients bind more acid in the stomach than others and for this reason may be best omitted from pig starter foods if gastric acidity is to be promoted. The objective of this study was to measure the acid-binding capacity (ABC) of ingredients commonly used in pig starter foods. Ingredients were categorised as follows: (i) milk products (n = 6), (ii) cereals (n = 10), (iii) root and pulp products (n = 5), (iv) vegetable proteins (n = 11), (v) meat and fish meal (n = 2), (vi) medication (n = 3), (vii) amino acids (n = 4), (viii) minerals (n = 16), (ix) acid salts (n = 4), (x) acids (n = 10). A 0.5 g sample of food was suspended in 50 ml distilled de-ionised water with continuous stirring. This suspension was titrated with 0.1 mol/L HCl or 0.1 mol/L NaOH so that approximately 10 additions of titrant was required to reach pH 3.0. The pH readings after each addition were recorded following equilibration for three minutes. ABC was calculated as the amount of acid in milliequivalents (meq) required to lower the pH of 1 kg food to (a) pH 4.0 (ABC-4) and (b) pH 3.0 (ABC-3). Categories of food had significantly different (P < 0.01) ABC values. Mean ABC-4 and ABC-3 values of the ten categories were: (i) 623 (s.d. 367.0) and 936 (s.d. 460.2), (ii) 142 (s.d. 79.2) and 324 (s.d. 146.4), (iii) 368 (s.d. 65.3) and 804 (s.d. 126.7), (iv) 381 (s.d. 186.1) and 746 (s.d. 227.0), (v) 749 (s.d. 211.6) and 1508 (s.d. 360.8), (vi) 120 (s.d. 95.6) and 261 (s.d. 163.2), (vii) 177 (s.d. 60.7) and 1078 (s.d. 359.0), (viii) 5064 (s.d. 5525.1) and 7051 (s.d. 5911.6), (ix) 5057 (s.d. 1336.6) and 8945 (s.d. 2654.1) and (x) -5883 (s.d. 4220.5) and -2591 (s.d. 2245.4) meq HCl per kg, respectively. Within category, ABC-3 and ABC- 4 values were highly correlated: R2 values of 0.80 and greater for food categories i, iv, v, vi, vii and viii. The correlation between predicted and observed ABC values of 34 mixed diets was 0.83 for ABC-4 and 0.71 for ABC-3. It was concluded that complete diets with low ABC values may be formulated through careful selection of ingredients. The final pH to which ABC is measured should matter little as ABC-3 and ABC-4 are highly correlated.  相似文献   

青海可可西里国家自然保护区草地牧草营养成分测定   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
测定了可可西里国家级自然保护区内紫花针茅草地型和高山嵩草草地型牧草,冷季9月份和4月份营养成分。结果表明,各种牧草营养成分含量随种类不同和生长季节迁移而呈现一定差异;9月份两类草地型牧草DM,CP,EE,NDF,ADF,ADL,Ash,Ca和P平均含量分别为92.20%和90.42%,5.40%和5.98%,2.90%和3.06%,48.30%和44.3%,41.40%和34.36%,3.68%和6.52%,18.85%和8.28%,1.43%和1.25%,0.38%和0.47%;4月份两类草地型牧草DM,CP,EE,NDF,ADF,ADL,Ash,Ca和P平均含量分别为94.33%和93.75%,3.69%和5.85%,1.52%和2.32%,66.82%和61.88%,47.14%和43.32%,9.14%和8.53%,13.48%和13.47%,1.38%和1.16%,0.38%和0.36%;紫花针茅草地型和高山嵩草草地型牧草CP平均含量9月份较4月份分别高出46.8%和35.5%,NDF,ADF和ADL分别降低了27.71%和28.41%,11.95%和20.68%,59.63%和23.33%;就营养品质而言,高山嵩草草地型牧草优于紫花针茅草地型牧草。  相似文献   

Ivermectin (IVM- Eqvalan paste, 1.87%) and doramectin (DRM-Dectomax 1%) were each administered orally to donkeys at 200 microgkg(-1) bodyweight. Blood and faecal samples were collected at predetermined times over 30 days and plasma pharmacokinetics and faecal excretion determined. Maximum plasma concentrations (C(max)) of IVM (23.6 ngml(-1)) and DRM (33.9 ngml(-1)) were obtained at (t(max)) 19.2 and 24h, respectively. The area under the concentration curve (AUC) of DRM (228.9 ngdayml(-1)) was significantly larger than that of IVM (119.3 ngdayml(-1)) and mean residence time (MRT) was 6.5 days for IVM and 9.1days for DRM. The highest (dry weight) faecal concentrations (9.33 microgg(-1) - IVM, 12.12 microgg(-1) - DRM) were detected at 55.9 and 48.0 h, respectively and each compound was detected (0.05 microgg(-1)) in faeces between 11h and 9 days following oral administration in donkeys.  相似文献   

Combination of anthelmintic drugs from different chemical groups has been proposed as alternative parasite control strategies where failure of individual drugs is documented. The main goal of the current trial was to compare the clinical anthelmintic efficacy of albendazole (ABZ) and ivermectin (IVM) given either separately or co-administered to lambs naturally infected with gastrointestinal nematodes resistant to both molecules. Seventy (70) Corriedale lambs naturally infected with multiple resistant gastrointestinal nematodes were involved in the efficacy trial: the animals were allocated into 7 experimental groups (n=10) and treated with either ABZ intravenously (iv) (ABZ(IV)), IVM(IV), ABZ(IV)+IVM(IV), ABZ intraruminally (ir) (ABZ(IR)), IVM subcutaneously (sc) (IVM(SC)) and ABZ(IR)+IVM(SC) or kept as untreated controls. The indirect estimation of the efficacy of the different treatments was performed by the faecal egg count reduction test (FECRT). Additionally, four animals randomly chosen from the untreated control and ABZ(IV,) IVM(IV) and ABZ(IV)+IVM(IV) experimental groups were sacrificed 15 days post-treatment to evaluate the efficacy against different adult resistant nematode parasites. The results were statistically compared by a non-parametric ANOVA (Kruskal-Wallis test). The following egg output reduction values were obtained: 73.4% (ABZ(IV)), 79.0% (IVM(IV)), 91.9% (ABZ(IV)+IVM(IV)), 43.5% (ABZ(IR)), 79.8% (IVM(SC)) and 70.8% (ABZ(IR)+IVM(SC)). The efficacy against Haemonchus spp. was 95.1 (ABZ(IV)), 99.3 (IVM(IV)) and 99.9% (ABZ(IV)+IVM(IV)), while the efficacy against Trichostrongylus colubriformis for the same treatment groups was 79.6, 100 and 99.9%. The data obtained on the assessment of the ABZ-IVM combination indicates that no potentiation synergism is observed. This work is complementary to a parallel study that demonstrated the lack of negative pharmacokinetic interactions between the two anthelmintics acting by different mode of action. Thus, an additive effect may be achieved against nematodes resistant to both compounds. Further work is required to understand the implications of potential pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic interactions between anthelmintics before drug combined formulations are developed to be introduced into the pharmaceutical market.  相似文献   

The pharmacokinetics of diclofenac was investigated in sheep given diclofenac alone (1mgkg(-1), i.v. or i.m.) and in combination with enrofloxacin (5mgkg(-1), i.v.). The plasma concentration-time data following i.v. administration of diclofenac was best described by a two compartment open pharmacokinetic model. The elimination half-life (t(1/2beta)), area under concentration-time-curve (AUC), volume of distribution (Vd(area)), mean residence time (MRT) and total body clearance (Cl(B)) were 1.03+/-0.18h, 12.17+/-1.98microg h ml(-1), 0.14+/-0.02Lkg(-1), 1.36+/-0.16h and 0.10+/-0.02Lkg(-1)h(-1), respectively. Following i.m. administration of diclofenac alone and in conjunction with enrofloxacin, the plasma concentration-time data best fitted to a one compartment open model. The t(1/2beta), AUC, Vd(area), MRT and Cl(B) were 1.33+/-0.10h, 7.32+/-1.01microg h mL(-1), 0.13+/-0.01Lkg(-1) and 0.07+/-0.01Lkg(-1)h(-1), respectively. Co-administration of enrofloxacin did not affect Vd(area) and MRT but absorption rate constant (K(a)), beta, t1/2Ka, t1/2beta, AUC, AUMC, Cl(B) and bioavailability (F) were significantly increased. This may be due to direct inhibition of cytochrome P(450) isozymes by enrofloxacin. A dose of 1.4mgkg(-1) of diclofenac administered every 6h may be appropriate for use in sheep.  相似文献   

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