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干旱区的平原湖泊,不仅是该区域重要的水资源,而且是举足轻重的环境资源,它的"冷岛效应"比绿洲更强,这对于西北干旱区的社会、经济、环境可持续发展至关重要.但干旱区平原湖泊的生态环境非常脆弱,人为扰动对其影响较大.随着近年来干旱区平原湖泊旅游资源开发的增多,如何保证这些旅游资源的可持续发展,尽可能保护这些生态环境脆弱地区可...  相似文献   

论干旱区水资源与生态环境问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文以我国西北和中亚地区(哈萨克斯坦南部)为主,论述开发利用水资源过程中所出现的生态环境的变化,探讨合理开发、利用水资源与生态环境的关系。  相似文献   

新疆平原湖泊最优运行水位评价指标体系初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
上世纪中叶以来,在人类活动和气候变化的双重影响下,新疆大多数平原湖泊咸化、萎缩甚至干涸,湖泊生态环境严重恶化。近十年以来,在全球气候普遍变暖的情况下,新疆气候逐渐向暖湿转变[1],气温升高、降水增加,部分湖泊水域又呈扩大趋势,给湖泊水资源的可持续利用带来新的挑战。如何确定湖泊最优运行水位,是实现湖泊水资源可持续利用的首要问题。本文旨在通过总结与分析影响新疆平原湖泊水位的因素及湖泊水位变化对湖区生态环境和社会济发展的影响,来构建新疆平原湖泊最优运行水位的评价指标体系。  相似文献   

西北干旱内陆区废水利用与生态环境建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
西北干旱区内陆河流域水资源紧缺 ,而流域内空间水资源分配不均 ,加之人类生产活动所需水量在逐年增加 ,致使生态环境用水大量减少 ,造成了地下水位下降、植被退化、土地荒漠化、耕地盐渍化、沙尘暴频发等一系列的生态环境问题 ,因此如何保证生态环境用水成为目前人们普遍关心的问题。本研究从人类经济生产活动产生的废水出发 ,探讨在西北干旱区废水的产生量及其危害 ,以及如何有效地利用废水 ,并且特别探讨了废水在生态环境建设中的巨大作用。提出废水不但可以增加生态环境建设的供水量 ,同时还减轻其对城市环境、水资源环境和土壤生态环境造成的危害 ,放大水资源总量。  相似文献   

中国西北干旱区水资源特征及保护利用   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
水资源是西北干旱区生态环境中最活跃的因素之一,也是国民经济发展的基本依靠,西北干旱区水资源地区分布不均,山区是水资源的主要来源,山前平原地表沙地下水相互转化,关系十分密切;其它地区水源的奇缺,生态环境十分脆弱,对此提出了保护水资源的建议。  相似文献   

西北干旱区内陆河流域水资源系统与生态环境问题   总被引:19,自引:4,他引:19  
西北干旱区内陆河流域以水为纽带构成一个完整的山地——绿洲——荒漠水循环系统,系统内水资源、生态环境及其两者之间相互关联。人类经济活动和水资源开发利用已影响到内陆水文状态并导致生态环境的严重退化。水资源的持续开发利用和生态环境的综合治理要考虑系统的相互联系,以流域为单元,加强水资源的统筹调配和高效利用;强化科学管理和保护,促进经济和生态环境协调发展。  相似文献   

艾比湖流域生态环境质量评价   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
艾比湖流域是我国西北内陆干旱区生态退化最严重的区域之一,上世纪50年代以来,随着流域的开发和气候变迁,湖泊水域面积剧减,湖周平原区呈现了沙漠化扩展、次生盐渍化严重和自然植被大量衰败等生态环境问题。研究分析认为,形成这些问题的根源(驱动力)是:1)持续的干旱和大风等气候特征控制了生态环境的总体面貌;2)地质地貌控制了生态环境的空间格局;3)水文状态特别是地下水控制了生态环境系统的演化方向和生态结构与功能,地表水、地下水、土壤水和大气降水均以各自的方式影响着流域的植被和生态;4)人类水资源利用和土地开发影响了生态环境的规模和稳定性。以此为基础,用各自的表征指标构成基于驱动力的生态环境质量评价指标体系。利用Matlab中的径向基神经网络模型定量评价了流域的生态环境质量,结果表明流域生态环境从山地向平原到湖泊逐渐变差,最差的地段是艾比湖湖滨的盐土平原、沼泽湿地,这说明保护艾比湖是该地区生态环境的核心问题,要实现流域协调发展必须保证足够的入湖水量。  相似文献   

西北干旱内陆河流域生态需水量理论初探   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在西北干旱内陆河流域,随着人口增长和经济发展,经济发展需水与生态环境需水成为水资源开发利用和生态环境保护的主要矛盾。因此,合理量化生态需水是西北干旱区水资源优化配置尚待解决的问题。文章讨论了西北干旱内陆河流域生态需水量的概念及估算原则,并结合生态需水量估算的地带性理论,提出了利用水量平衡原理估算生态需水量的计算方法。以甘肃民勤县为例,分析预测了生态需水量,为干旱区水资源合理配置提供科学依据。  相似文献   

干旱内陆河流域绿洲生态环境需水研究是内陆河流域水资源综合管理和优化配置、保护和恢复生态环境中最为关键的科学问题之一,本研究针对疏勒河中游绿洲生态环境现状以及天然植被、河流湖泊等生态需水特征,建立了基于天然植被、河流、湿地和防治耕地盐碱化的疏勒河中游绿洲生态环境需水定量化模型,以期为干旱内陆河流域绿洲生态环境需水研究提供一种可借鉴方法。模型计算结果表明,疏勒河中游绿洲2013年天然植被、河流基本生态、河流输沙、河流渗漏补给、水面蒸发和湿地生态环境需水量分别为1.90×108m3、1.00×108m3、1.11×108m3、0.83×108m3、0.68×108m3、2.70×108m3。根据目前疏勒河流域中游绿洲水资源与生态环境现状,应加强水资源的综合管理,协调农业用水与生态用水关系以及不同区域和不同部门间水资源配置量,提高水资源综合利用效率;进一步制定中游绿洲近期和远期生态保护和生态恢复目标,确定生态综合治理重点区,准确计算基于生态保护目标的流域中游绿洲生态需水量及阈值。  相似文献   

民勤绿洲生态环境脆弱性模糊物元分析评价   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
针对民勤绿洲水资源、环境和土地利用现状,利用定量分析方法对民勤绿洲生态环境脆弱性进行总体评价.在分析影响民勤绿洲生态环境因素的基础上,将模糊理论、层次分析法和物元可拓集合有机结合起来,建立了民勤绿洲生态环境脆弱性评价的模糊物元模型.该模型充分考虑水资源、环境、土地资源和人工干预等指标.计算结果表明:民勤绿洲生态环境脆弱性状况总体评价为Ⅲ级,即非常脆弱.该方法简捷、易于计算编程,为西北旱区生态环境脆弱性评价提供了一种新的思路.  相似文献   

Lake level assessment is essential for the protection of ecosystem in shrunk or shrinking lakes. Minimum ecological lake level is the critical lake level below which there should be no human activities to further decrease the lake level, and this level can provide a certain protection for the lake ecosystem. Lake surface area method was proposed to define the minimum ecological lake storage as the breakpoint of the lake surface area-storage curve, where the curve slope equals to the ratio of maximum lake surface area to maximum lake storage. If the curve can be expressed as a simple analytical function, the minimum ecological lake storage can be calculated analytically. Otherwise, it can be calculated numerically using the ideal point method for an equivalent multi-objective optimization model that balances ecosystem protection and water use. Then the minimum ecological lake level can be estimated from the lake level-storage curve. Compared with available lake morphology analysis methods, the lake surface area method is superior in its definition of minimum ecological lake level, applicable range of lake morphology, and calculation complexity. The proposed method was applied to two representative lakes in China, including one freshwater lake (the Dongting Lake in Hunan province in Central China) and one saltwater lake (the Ebinur Lake in Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region in Northwest China). The estimated minimum ecological lake level for the Dongting Lake is 26.7 m, at which 31% of the maximum lake storage provides 87% of the maximum lake surface area. The result for the Ebinur Lake is 191.2 m, at which 24% of the maximum lake storage provides 54% of the maximum lake surface area. The estimated minimum ecological lake level balances the conflict between economical and ecological water uses, and can provide a relatively larger habitat for the lake ecosystem with relatively smaller lake storage. These results are rational compared with the results of other methods. The calculated minimum ecological lake level can be used in the protection of lake ecosystems and the planning and rational use of water resources in lake basins.  相似文献   

博斯腾湖的咸化与淡化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
博斯腾湖的功能是多方面的,在南疆经济建设中很重要。本文对该湖概况、湖体效应、水质演变、水盐平衡、生态环境等作了介绍和分析,提出了治理建议,对湖水淡化作了预测。  相似文献   

博斯腾湖区域景观生态风险评价研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
生态风险评价是一个预测人类活动对生态系统结构、过程和功能产生不利影响可能性的过程,是发现、解决生态环境问题的决策基础。本研究结合遥感和地理信息系统技术尝试对干旱区最大的内陆淡水湖———新疆博斯腾湖进行系统的景观生态风险评价,其目的在于为区域风险管理提供理论和技术支持,这对于改善博斯腾湖生态环境、促进南疆地区可持续发展有着重要的现实意义。确立主要生态风险源主要为:洪涝、干旱、水体矿化度和富营养化这四大类生态风险。利用遥感技术确立生态风险受体,通过基于景观的生态风险的综合计算和GIS叠加,得到博斯腾湖区域综合景观生态风险评价图。在此基础上,进行生态风险综合评价和风险管理决策探讨。  相似文献   

Lakes play important roles in sustaining the ecosystem and economic development in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of China, but the spatial patterns and driving mechanisms of water quality in lakes so far remain unclear. This study aimed to identify the spatial changes in water quality and the driving factors of seven lakes (Juyanhai Lake, Ulansuhai Lake, Hongjiannao Lake, Daihai Lake, Chagannaoer Lake, Hulun Lake, and Wulannuoer Lake) across the longitudinal axis (from the west to the east) of Inner Mongolia. Large-scale research was conducted using the comprehensive trophic level index (TLI (Σ)), multivariate statistics, and spatial analysis methods. The results showed that most lakes in Inner Mongolia were weakly alkaline. Total dissolved solids and salinity of lake water showed obvious zonation characteristics. Nitrogen and phosphorus were identified as the main pollutants in lakes, with high average concentrations of total nitrogen and total phosphorus being of 4.05 and 0.21 mg/L, respectively. The values of TLI (Σ) ranged from 49.14 to 71.77, indicating varying degrees of lake eutrophication, and phosphorus was the main driver of lake eutrophication. The lakes of Inner Mongolia could be categorized into lakes to the west of Daihai Lake and lakes to the east of Daihai Lake in terms of salinity and TLI (Σ). The salinity levels of lakes to the west of Daihai Lake exceeded those of lakes to the east of Daihai Lake, whereas the opposite trend was observed for lake trophic level. The intensity and mode of anthropogenic activities were the driving factors of the spatial patterns of lake water quality. It is recommended to control the impact of anthropogenic activities on the water quality of lakes in Inner Mongolia to improve lake ecological environment. These findings provide a more thorough understanding of the driving mechanism of the spatial patterns of water quality in lakes of Inner Mongolia, which can be used to develop strategies for lake ecosystem protection and water resources management in this region.  相似文献   

本文对新疆30多个主要湖泊的pH、矿化度及水化学类型作了研究,并按湖水的盐分含量和矿化度划分为淡水湖、咸水湖及盐湖三种类型。新疆由于是内陆干旱地区,淡水湖的面积很小,主要是咸水湖和盐湖。  相似文献   

新疆艾比湖流域生态环境空间分异特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文着重从地质地貌、气候、植被、土壤及水环境等方面对艾比湖流域生态环境空间分异规律以及相互之间的联系,将有助于深刻了解该流域生态环境形成和演化的自然背景和各种资源组合的规律,这是解决艾比湖流域生态环境恶化问题关键出发点。综合分析艾比湖流域生态环境空间分异的气候、地质构造和地貌演化、地表水和地下水水文化学性质、土壤性状和水资源供应状况等自然地理要素,为该流域合理开发和配置各种资源提供理论依据,以保证该流域各种资源的可持续利用和生态环境的改善。  相似文献   

Assessment of ecological flow or water level for water bodies is important for the protection of degraded or degrading ecosystems caused by water shortage in arid regions, and it has become a key issue in water resources planning. In the past several decades, many methods have been proposed to assess ecological flow for rivers and ecological water level for lakes or wetlands. To balance water uses by human and ecosystems, we proposed a general multi-objective programming model to determine minimum ecological flow or water level for inland water bodies, where two objectives are water index for human and habitat index for ecosystems, respectively. Using the weighted sum method for multi-objective optimization, minimum ecological flow or water level can be determined from the breakpoint in the water index–habitat index curve, which is similar to the slope method to determine minimum ecological flow from wetted perimeter–discharge curve. However, the general multi-objective programming model is superior to the slope method in its physical meaning and calculation method. This model provides a general analysis method for ecological water uses of different inland water bodies, and can be used to define minimum ecological flow or water level by choosing appropriate water and habitat indices. Several commonly used flow or water level assessment methods were found to be special cases of the general model, including the wetted perimeter method and the multi-objective physical habitat simulation method for ecological river flow, the inundated forest width method for regeneration flow of floodplain forest and the lake surface area method for ecological lake level. These methods were applied to determine minimum ecological flow or water level for two representative rivers and a lake in northern Xinjiang of China, including minimum ecological flow for the Ertix River, minimum regeneration flow for floodplain forest along the midstream of Kaxgar River, and minimum ecological lake level for the Ebinur Lake. The results illustrated the versatility of the general model, and can provide references for water resources planning and ecosystem protection for these rivers and lake.  相似文献   

松嫩平原西部湖泡水环境问题、成因与对策   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文利用气象数据和湖泡水化学实验数据从宏观至微观分析了松嫩平原西部存在的主要水环境问题 ,即旱涝灾害并存、氟污染严重、水生环境退化、盐沼化加剧、富营养化明显。针对问题剖析了产生这些问题的成因 ,最后提出了保护与改善湖泡水环境的主要治理对策 ,即保护湖泡漫滩湿地、加强生态建设与管理、协调好区际用水  相似文献   

近20年博斯腾湖与岱海水位变化比较分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
岱海和博斯腾湖是分布在我国西部干旱半干旱地区的两个典型湖泊,在过去的几十年中受气候和人类活动影响,湖泊水位都发生了比较显著的变化,但在表现上却很不一样,尤其是80年代中期之后,水位一涨一落。本文从水盐平衡出发,通过对两处湖区气候、人类活动、湖泊水量和盐平衡的分析认为,岱海水位下降主要是流域上人类活动加剧的结果;而博斯腾湖水位上升则主要体现了水文对区域气候变化的响应,尤其是近年干旱区西部暖湿化作用下上游山区降水增加和冰川消融发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

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