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利用5'RACE结合一步法RT-PCR分别从山东泰安与临沂冬小麦上克隆了小麦黄花叶病毒(Wheat yellow mosaic virus,WYMV)的全基因组序列。这2个分离物(TADWK和LYJN)基因组间核苷酸一致性分别为97.21%(RNA1)和95.12%(RNA2)。通过对目前已报道的共14个分离物的基因组不同部分的分析,表明5'UTR是WYMV基因组变化幅度最大的区域,而编码区(ORF)及3'UTR的序列一致性较高且变动幅度小。另外,发现LYJN RNA2的5'UTR与已报道的所有分离物RNA2的核苷酸一致率仅为90%左右。综合分析RNA1和RNA2的系统发生树,表明WYMV各基因组片段呈单独进化特征,不同分离物间存在RNA重排。RNA重组分析显示在LYJN RNA1和TADWK RNA2发现了RNA重组。此研究说明WYMV在山东地区存在分离物分化现象,WYMV的5'UTR是基因组中的突变热点。  相似文献   

系统侵染的番茄植株中黄瓜花叶病毒的时序变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 采用实时荧光定量PCR (FQ-PCR)和DAS-ELISA方法,研究了22~26℃温室条件下番茄幼苗中黄瓜花叶病毒CNA株系(CMV-CNA)各基因组RNA组分及其外壳蛋白(CP)含量的动态变化,同时结合同期感病植株症状发展和病情指数,分析并探讨CMV各基因组RNA、CP以及病症显示程度之间的时间效应及其相关性。以18S rRNA为内参照,FQ-PCR相对定量分析结果显示:接种后5~30 d,CMV三分体基因组RNA在系统侵染的番茄组织中负荷量变化趋势大体一致,但是不同时期含量差异显著,均经历对数增长期、稳定期和回落期。其中,以RNA2负荷量变化情况最为平缓。DAS-ELISA检测结果显示:CP含量随接种时间延长而持续升高,但其对数增长趋势相对滞后于基因组RNA。番茄幼苗发病症状与CMV基因组RNA及CP负荷量的变化趋势大体一致,但症状表现时间相对滞后。CMV-CNA株系在番茄幼苗中以基因组RNA、CP以及病症显示先后次序出现高峰期,显示病毒基因组RNA及其CP在植物组织内负荷量的变化与植株症状表现并不同步。其动态变化规律将为研究CMV侵染机制,病毒与寄主互作及防病控病提供量化依据。  相似文献   

为明确黄瓜花叶病毒(cucumber mosaic virus,CMV)甜瓜分离物的分子变异情况及其侵染性,对2个甜瓜分离物CH99和XH18的基因组进行克隆、测序和分析,并通过构建全长cDNA克隆分析其侵染性。结果显示,黄瓜花叶病毒甜瓜CH99分离物3条RNA长度分别为3 356、3 049和2 211 nt,甜瓜XH18分离物3条RNA长度分别为3 381、3 048和2 217 nt。分离物CH99与XH18的核苷酸序列一致性为89.40%~95.80%,氨基酸序列一致性为90.00%~97.80%,CH99分离物与其他CMV分离物的核苷酸和氨基酸序列一致性平均值分别为79.23%~89.29%和73.52%~93.90%,XH18分离物与其他CMV分离物的核苷酸和氨基酸序列一致性平均值分别为79.81%~89.83%和74.02%~95.14%。遗传发育分析显示,这2个分离物均属于亚组IB成员。接种试验结果显示,分离物CH99和XH18的侵染性克隆构建成功,这2个分离物均能系统侵染本生烟、甜瓜和黄瓜,并在本生烟和甜瓜上引起较严重的症状,在黄瓜上引起的症状较弱,而二者均不能侵染西...  相似文献   

苹果茎痘病毒(Apple stem pitting virus,ASPV)是危害梨(Pyrus spp.)和苹果(Malus spp.)的重要病毒。本研究采用小RNA深度测序技术获得了ASPV基因组的部分序列,在此基础上设计引物对该病毒基因组进行RT-PCR扩增,通过序列拼接得到1个来源于玉露香(Yuluxiang)梨的ASPV分离物(YLX)长度为9 291个核苷酸(nt)(不包括基因组5'末端约30个核苷酸)的基因组序列,该序列与已报道的13个ASPV分离物的基因组核苷酸序列相似性为71.6%~80.7%,与多个来自苹果的ASPV分离物系统进化关系较近。首次分析了来源于ASPV基因组的干扰性小RNA(siRNA),发现来源于ASPV基因组链和互补链的siRNA长度均以21 nt和22 nt为主,siRNA的5'端具有一定的碱基偏好性。本研究结果为深入了解ASPV的分子特性提供了重要信息。  相似文献   

为利用RNA介导的病毒抗性策略,培育抗性稳定或抗多烟草蚀纹病毒(Tobacco etch virus,TEV)株系的转基因植株,采用RT-PCR及5'-RACE方法克隆了烟草蚀纹病毒山东分离物TEV-SD1的全基因组序列。TEV-SD1全基因组核苷酸序列长度为9494 bp,包含1个9165 bp的开放阅读框架(open reading frame,ORF),编码3054个氨基酸。将TEV-SD1基因组序列与GenBank中已公布的4个TEV全基因组序列和11个外壳蛋白(coat protein,CP)基因序列比对分析发现,各分离物CP基因间的核苷酸和氨基酸序列平均相似性分别为96.65%和98.31%,高于其它功能基因间的相似性;各分离物CP基因3'端核苷酸序列相似性平均为96.55%,高于5'端序列。聚类分析发现TEV在自然界中的分子变异与其寄主关系密切。  相似文献   

本文概述了寄生蜂体内RNA病毒的研究进展。迄今,在寄生蜂中已鉴定获得17种RNA病毒,分属7个科、3种基因组型,其中冠状病毒科、传染性软腐病病毒科、双顺反子病毒科和杯状病毒科等属正义单链RNA病毒;弹状病毒科和尼亚玛尼病毒科等属负义单链RNA病毒;呼肠孤病毒科属分段双链RNA病毒等。就不同寄生蜂RNA病毒的形态与基因组特征、传播途径以及与寄生蜂及其寄主间的相互关系作了比较,并就RNA病毒在寄生蜂成功寄生中的作用以及对寄生蜂的致病性等作了探讨,旨在为促进寄主-寄生蜂-病毒三者互作机制研究以及用于害虫协同防控提供参考。  相似文献   

表达dsRNA的细菌提取液可抑制黄瓜花叶病毒对烟草的侵染   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
 利用RT-PCR分别克隆了CMV P3613株系的RNA2片段、MP(movement protein)基因片段及CMV AN株系的CP(coat protein)基因片段。以CP基因为中间间隔序列,分别构建了含有RNA2片段和MP基因反向重复片段的原核表达载体。体外转录试验表明:两个载体转录后都能形成预期大小的dsRNA。经过IPTG诱导,在大肠杆菌HT115(DE3)菌株中可表达产生预期大小的核酸片段,经DNase和RNaseA消化处理,证实为dsRNA。将表达病毒基因dsRNA的细菌超声破碎后处理烟草,进行保护和治疗试验,结果表明:表达CMV MP基因和RNA2片段dsRNA的细菌破碎液能够诱导烟草对CMV产生抗性。接种病毒60d后,保护效果试验病株率分别为45%和60%,治疗效果试验病株率分别为75%和85%,而其他对照发病率均为100%。本研究结果证明了利用RNA沉默的原理,构建具有反向重复序列的原核表达载体,用细菌表达dsRNA的粗提取物可防治CMV对烟草的侵染。  相似文献   

 采用黄瓜花叶病毒((CMV)亚组Ⅰ株系Fny-CMV及亚组Ⅱ株系Ls-CMV的RNA2的特定序列片段的cDNA克隆,体外转录,同时掺入32P标记制备负链RNA探针,再与纯化的甜椒上的CMV中国分离物的RNA进行杂交,检测其与探针之间的同源性。共检测样品分离物3份。试验结果表明:河南新乡和北京密云的CMV甜椒分离物与Fny-CMV的核苷酸有高度同源性,隶属于Fny-CMV为代表的亚组Ⅰ株系。来自福建的样品与亚组Ⅱ的Ls-CMV株系有高度同源性,隶属于CMV亚组Ⅱ株系。本试验同时利用源于我国CMV亚组Ⅰ的K株系的RNA2两个EcoR Ⅰ位点间1657-2125 nt的核苷酸序列为探针,同样与以上3份CMV中国分离物进行RNA杂交,进一步比较分析了这几个分离物与我国亚组Ⅰ的K-CMV株系的关系,证明了我国CMV存在亚组与株系分化。  相似文献   

 为明确侵染白附子的芋花叶病毒(dasheen mosaic virus,DsMV)的分子变异情况,对51个DsMV白附子分离物(DsMV-BF)的外壳蛋白(Coat Protein,CP)基因和3个分离物的近全长基因组序列进行了克隆和测定,DsMV-BF的CP基因大小有855个和942个核苷酸两种类型,51个白附子分离物之间CP基因的核苷酸和氨基酸一致率分别为88.3%~100%和91.9%~100%,BF8、BF30和BF38分离物之间多聚蛋白的核苷酸和氨基酸序列一致率分别为82.9%~95.9%和90.7%~95.9%,与GenBank中其他分离物之间多聚蛋白的核苷酸和氨基酸序列一致率分别为76.9%~99.4%和85.6%~99.0%;P1基因的分子变异较大,P1基因大小有987个和990 个核苷酸两种类型;CP基因核苷酸序列系统进化树分析结果表明,侵染白附子的DsMV分离物可分为两个亚组;重组分析结果表明BF8和BF30分离物各检测到1个重组事件,BF38检测到2个重组事件。  相似文献   

细菌在长期进化过程中形成了设计精巧的蛋白传输系统,运送与寄主互作过程中产生的各种与致病有关的毒性因子和效应子。目前已发现在细菌基因组中至少存在6种不同类型的分泌系统。本文着重介绍新近发现的Ⅵ型分泌系统及其与革兰氏阴性病原细菌致病性的关系。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The host range of a pathogen can have special consequences on its evolution and the evolution of its virulence. For generalists, adaptation to different hosts may be conditioned by different trade-offs in the pathogen's life history and be affected by evolutionary processes that shape pathogen populations. We have examined adaptation of Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) to different hosts, and analyzed the relationship between host adaptation and virulence. For this, six CMV isolates from central Spain from three different hosts were compared for the ability to multiply and to affect host growth. These analyses were done before and after an experimental evolution process consisting of 10 serial passages in the original host of the isolate. The differential capacity to infect different hosts was compatible with host adaptation. However, the capacity to multiply in different hosts did not provide evidence of host adaptation and was not improved after 10 passages, suggesting that fitness of the natural population of CMV was at, or near to, its maximum. No relationship was found between capacity of multiplication and virulence in any of the three different hosts. These results suggest that the "trade-off" model for the evolution of virulence may not apply to CMV.  相似文献   

The population structure and genetic variation of Tomato torrado virus (ToTV) were estimated from 19 Spanish isolates collected from 2001 to 2009 in different tomato‐production areas by analyses of the partial nucleotide sequences of five regions of the virus genome: the protease cofactor (Pro‐Co) and the RNA‐dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp) in RNA1, and the movement protein (MP) and two subunits of the coat protein (CP; viz. Vp35 and Vp23) in RNA2. Three Hungarian isolates of the virus were also included in the analyses. All the ToTV isolates clustered together in the phylogenetic analysis of the nucleotide sequences of the different regions. However, some genetic diversity was observed in the case of the two CP subunits among the Gran Canaria isolates and the remaining ToTV‐isolates analysed, which grouped together. A high similarity was observed among all the isolates and the two published ToTV isolates: the ToTV type isolate (PRI‐ToTV0301) and the Polish isolate Wal03. The most variable encoding regions studied were those on RNA2. In general, no correlation was found between genetic diversity and collection date. Studying the genetic distances between pairs of sequences, the ratio between nonsynonymous (amino‐acid‐replacing) and synonymous (silent mutational) substitutions was low, indicating a strong negative selective pressure in the studied regions. Nine negatively selected sites (distributed in Pro‐Co, MP, Vp23 and Vp35) and just one positively selected one (in Pro‐Co) were found for all the genome regions studied.  相似文献   

Plants naturally infected with Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) were collected and analyzed by electrophoresis of the replicative form of dsRNA and by Northern blot hybridization using CMV RNA-specific probes. Some of the CMV-infected plants, especially winter crops, contained two kinds of RNA 1 segments or RNA 2 segments (or both), suggesting that mixed infections of CMV occurred naturally. Single-aphid-transmitted isolates (SATIs) from the field isolate containing two RNA 1 segments were grouped into three types by the electrophoretic mobility of RNA 1 (i.e., those containing one slow segment, those containing one fast segment, and those containing both). Furthermore, SATIs and single-lesion isolates, generated from the plants inoculated with a mixture of two CMV isolates that could be differentiated by their electrophoretic dsRNA profiles, were analyzed by dsRNA, indicating that nonparental progenies were observed. These results suggested that genetic reassortment of CMV RNA may occur in nature and that this is an important mechanism in CMV evolution.  相似文献   

为明确我国陕西省猕猴桃主产区的徐香、海沃德、华优和秦美4个猕猴桃品种上的猕猴桃褪绿环斑相关病毒(Actinidia chlorotic ringspot-associated virus,AcCRaV)的分布情况,对采集自该省4个地区的493份样品进行AcCRaV检测,基于cp基因序列对获得的AcCRaV分离物进行分子变异分析,并采用高通量测序技术对其中2份样品进行转录组测序。结果显示:AcCRaV在陕西省猕猴桃上分布广泛,且检出率较高,其中周至县秦美猕猴桃上AcCRaV的检出率最高,为45.0%,在杨凌区秦美猕猴桃上AcCRaV的检出率最低,为10.0%。测定的23个AcCRaV分离物cp基因序列全长均为945 nt。系统发育树显示AcCRaV分离物共分成2个组,存在较大的分子变异。AcCRaV的cp基因分子变异与猕猴桃品种有一定关系,而与地理位置相关性不明显。获得了2个AcCRaV分离物ZZ1和ZZ2的基因组序列,RNA1长度分别为7 049 nt和7 274 nt,RNA2长度均为2 266 nt,RNA3长度分别为1 691 nt和1 696 nt,RNA4长度分别为1 736 nt和1 683 nt,RNA5长度分别为1 460 nt和1 497 nt。分离物ZZ1和ZZ2的基因组序列与GenBank中唯一报道的我国湖北省AcCRaV分离物HN-6基因组序列比对中,分离物ZZ2与HN-6的RNA4同源率最高,为96.0%,分离物ZZ2与HN-6的RNA1同源率最低,为87.8%。表明AcCRaV在我国陕西省猕猴桃主产区分布较广泛,且其分子变异与猕猴桃品种有一定关系。  相似文献   

Eight isolates of Grapevine virus A (GVA), which induced different symptoms in leaves of Nicotiana benthamiana, were recovered from various grapevines. The dsRNA patterns of two isolates, which consistently induced mild vein clearing (referred here as mild isolates of GVA) were similar, but different from those of other isolates of GVA. Analysis based on overall nucleotide (nt) sequence identity in the 3 terminal part of the GVA genome, comprising part of ORF3 (putative movement protein, MP), entire ORF4 (capsid protein, CP), entire ORF5 and part of 3 UTR, revealed that GVA isolates separate into three groups (I, II, III), sharing 91.0–99.8% nt sequence identity within groups and 78.0–89.3% nt sequence identity between groups. Mild isolates of the virus were group III and shared only 78.0–79.6% nt sequence identity with the other isolates. The comparison of predicted amino acid sequences for MP and CP revealed many amino acid alterations, revealing distinct local net charges of these proteins for mild isolates of the virus. Based on both conserved and divergent nt regions in the CP and ORF5, oligonucleotide primers were designed for the simultaneous RT-PCR detection of all GVA isolates and for the specific detection of the most divergent virus variants represented here by mild isolates of the virus.  相似文献   

Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV) causes crop losses worldwide. Eight Australian TuMV isolates originally obtained from five different species in two plant families were inoculated to 14 plant species belonging to four families to compare their host reactions. They differed considerably in virulence in Brassicaceae crop species and virus indicator hosts belonging to three other families. The isolates infected most Brassica species inoculated, but not Raphanus sativus, usually causing systemic mosaic symptoms, so they resembled TuMV biological host type [B]. Whole genome sequences of seven of the Australian isolates were obtained and had lengths of 9834 nucleotides (nt). When they were compared with 37 non‐recombinant TuMV genomes from other continents and another whole genome from Australia, six of them formed an Australian group within the overall world‐B phylogenetic grouping, while the remaining new genome sequence and the additional whole genome from Australia were part of the basal‐B grouping. When the seven new Australian genomes and the additional whole genome from Australia were subjected to recombination analysis, six different recombination events were found. Six genomes contained one or two recombination events each, but one was non‐recombinant. The non‐recombinant isolate was in the Australian grouping within the overall world‐B group while the remaining recombinant isolates were in the basal‐B and world‐B phylogenetic groups.  相似文献   

A. virus causing mosaic and leaf deformation of Physalis minima has been identified as an isolate of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) on the basis of its transmission by aphids in a non-persistent manner, polyhedral particles of 29 nm diameter, molecular weight of coat protein subunits us 24-5 kDa. serological relationship with a CMV isolate and a tripartite single-stranded RNA genome with a subgenomic RNA4- Furthermore. cDNA representing coat protein gene was synthesized and cloned. Complete nucleotide sequences (890 nt) were obtained which showed a coat protein gene open reading frame of 657 residues. THE nucleotide sequences provided the 218 amino ACID sequences of the coat protein. Nucleotide as well as amino acid sequences revealed more than 90% identity with the CMV subgroup I strains.  相似文献   

 首次测定了我国水稻条纹叶枯病常年流行区的云南楚雄(CX)及病害暴发区的江苏洪泽(HZ)的RSV 2个分离物RNA1片段的全长序列,这2个分离物RNA1片段的全长序列均为8970 nts。同源性分析结果表明,HZ与日本T分离物的亲缘关系较CX与T分离物的亲缘关系更为接近。通过对纤细病毒属病毒RNA1编码的依赖于RNA的RNA聚合酶(RdRp)氨基酸序列分析的结果表明,该蛋白除了具有RNA聚合酶特征的基元序列结构外,还存在mRNA的转录过程中所采取的加帽起始机制的保守性结构域位点,这表明,纤细病毒属病毒和布尼安病毒科病毒及甲型流感病毒一样,都是采取加帽起始机制进行转录的。  相似文献   

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