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甘草叶斑病的发生与病原菌鉴定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
近年来,在甘肃省兰州市及渭源地区甘草产区发现一种甘草新病害—甘草叶斑病。2006-2008年对其发病情况进行了调查,甘草叶斑病在6月下旬开始发病,9月中旬为发病高峰期,发病率达80%。高燥地发病率低于低洼地,采用轮作可减轻甘草叶斑病的发生。经过对甘草叶斑病病原菌形态、培养性状和致病性等方面的测定表明,病原菌为豆链格孢(Alternaria azukiae)。通过寄主范围测定表明,该病原菌亦可侵染独活、羌活等药用植物。对大黄、苍耳等不具侵染性。  相似文献   

广西香蕉真菌性叶斑病病原菌种群结构分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2009年2-3月对广西香蕉主产区真菌性叶斑病病原进行抽样鉴定。结果显示,广西香蕉真菌性叶斑病病原至少有10种,主要病原为Cordana musae,分布广,检出率为56.77%~92.19%;Corynespora cassiicola和Deightoniella torulosa为次,两种病原菌均主要集中在南宁地区,检出率分别为32.34%和22.61%;叶斑病类型以单一病原侵染为主,检出率为78.13%~92.19%;复合侵染的叶斑病类型以2种病原共同侵染居多。  相似文献   

由大豆生茎点霉(Phoma glycinicola)侵染引起的大豆红叶斑病主要在非洲发生.该病极具侵袭性,可造成50%~75%的大豆产量损失.病菌能在土壤中长期存活,抗逆性强,通过携带受污染的土壤、病组织及雨水等途径广泛传播.该病菌在中国无分布,一旦传入中国,极有可能使中国的大豆产业蒙受重大的经济损失.笔者描述了该病害的寄主、分布、症状、病原特征、侵染循环和病害控制方法,以期对提高边境口岸人员识别该病菌的能力、阻止大豆红叶斑病传入有所助益.  相似文献   

黄君章  王英 《植物医生》2003,16(6):23-24
香蕉叶斑病是由真菌侵染所致的传染病,主要为害香蕉叶片,包括黄条叶斑病、黑条叶斑病、灰纹病和煤纹病,其中以黄条叶斑病发生较普遍且严重。20世纪80年代曾一度在浦北发生蔓延,发病十分严重,香蕉成熟时已基本没有青叶,甚至有些香蕉还没有成熟,叶已全部枯黄,产量低,种植香蕉的经济效益差。到20世纪80年代末,全县香蕉种植面积还不  相似文献   

杏假褪绿叶斑病毒(Apricot pseudo-chlorotic leaf spot virus,APCLSV)属于弯曲状病毒科、发状病毒属,是一种目前仍然了解不多的新病毒。该病毒与苹果褪绿叶斑病毒(Apple chlorotic leaf spot virus,ACLSV)具有很近的亲缘关系,主要侵染李属的核果类果树。目前已在意大利、西班牙、法国、匈牙利、土耳其、约旦和  相似文献   

 1988年秋,在北京和内蒙的大白菜上发生一种叶斑病,难以确诊何种病害,从其病叶分离到10个菌株,做了致病性测定,革兰氏染色、菌体形态、培养性状、生理生化反应,DNA的G+C含量测定及血清学反应鉴定,结果证明,这10个菌株均属菊苣假单胞菌Pseudomonas cichorii (Swingle) Stapp 1928。该病菌国内无发生记载,对大白菜危害国内外未曾有过报导,称之大白菜细菌性叶斑病。经人工喷雾接种结果表明,该病菌除危害大白菜和油菜外,还能不同程度地侵染甘蓝、菜花、番茄、青椒、芹菜、莴笋、芥菜、萝卜、黄瓜和菜豆,但不能侵染甜菜。  相似文献   

辽宁省白头翁叶斑病发生初报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文首次报道了辽宁省药用植物白头翁叶斑病的发生危害、症状描述及病原菌的形态特征,并进行了病原菌的分离和纯化。分离得到的菌株按照柯赫氏法则进行了致病性测定。初步研究结果表明,白头翁叶斑病是由银莲花壳二孢(Ascochyta anemones Kab..et Bub.)真菌侵染所致。针对此病害的发生特点,本文初步提出了相应的防治措施。  相似文献   

甘肃省红豆草病原真菌鉴定及病害发生动态调查   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
为明确甘肃省红豆草的病害种类、发生动态和危害状况,采用病原物分离与培养、形态学及分子生物学鉴定和致病性测定确定红豆草病害种类,于2012—2013年在通渭、渭源、榆中和碌曲4县调查各病害的发病率以确定发生动态,观察病害田间发生特点并结合调查数据评价其重要性。结果表明,4县共发生真菌性病害12种,分别为大茎点霉叶斑病(病原为大茎点霉属真菌Macrophoma sp.)、壳针孢叶斑病(病原为歪头菜壳针孢Septoria orobina)、炭疽病(病原为白蜡树刺盘孢Colletotrichum spaethianum)、黑秆病(病原为红豆草壳二孢Ascochyta onobrychis、菠菜刺盘孢C.spinaciae和链格孢Alternaria alternata混合侵染)、壳二孢叶斑病、茎点霉叶斑病、尾孢叶斑病、柱格孢白斑病、匍柄霉叶斑病、链格孢黑斑病、锈病和白粉病,其中大茎点霉属真菌、白蜡树刺盘孢和菠菜刺盘孢在红豆草上首次发现;尾孢叶斑病和壳针孢叶斑病为甘肃新记录病害;大茎点霉叶斑病为世界新病害,仅于碌曲县发现。白粉病、锈病、链格孢黑斑病发生于红豆草生长后期,其它病害则始于6月;6—9月危害加重的为黑秆病和柱格孢白斑病,发病率最高达89.7%和96.0%;危害渐轻的为茎点霉叶斑病、壳二孢叶斑病和壳针孢叶斑病,发病率最高达88.7%、57.4%和45.1%。黑秆病和茎点霉叶斑病在甘肃省目前危害最重。  相似文献   

以多主棒孢的可溶性蛋白为抗原,免疫家兔获得特异性强、灵敏度高的多克隆抗体。通过优化Dot-ELISA反应条件,建立了黄瓜棒孢叶斑病的Dot-ELISA检测方法,该方法田间诊断准确率高,操作简单,整个检测过程仅需5 h左右。通过同多主棒孢在黄瓜叶片上不同侵染时期的症状及显微诊断比较,发现该方法可在黄瓜棒孢叶斑病潜伏、未显症期对病害进行早期诊断,为黄瓜栽培期的病害监测和及时防控奠定基础。  相似文献   

人工接种对新月弯孢菌侵染玉米籽粒的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了人工接种不同接种时期和方法对新月弯孢菌侵染玉米籽粒的影响,结果表明:玉米弯孢叶斑病菌可以侵染玉米果穗籽粒,使玉米籽粒产生褐色病斑。伤口接种法能使玉米果穗100%发病;花丝通道接种也可导致果穗发病,但其发病频率很低;而花丝喷雾接种和苞叶喷雾接种病菌不能成功侵染玉米果穗籽粒;吐丝后10 d和乳熟期接种只能引起接种点籽粒发病,病菌扩展不好;但籽粒形成期接种的玉米果穗籽粒不仅接种点发病,而且其周围的籽粒也感染了病菌,病菌扩展情况较好。试验明确,玉米籽粒形成期采用伤口接种是使玉米籽粒发生弯孢叶斑病的一种较为理想的人工接种方法。  相似文献   

Infestation levels of the red palm weevil, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Oliver, 1790) and its natural enemies on palm trees in recreation areas were investigated in the Adana province of Turkey in 2008. The trunks of dead palms were sampled for R. ferrugineus and for the presence of entomopathogenic nematodes. While 20% of Phoenix canariensis Hort. were found to be killed by R. ferrugineus , only 2 trees from other species, 1 Washingtonia filifera (L. Linden) and 1 Phoenix dactlylifera L., were killed. Only one species of entomopathogenic nematode, Heterorhabditis bacteriophora ( Poinar, 1975 ) (Nematoda: Heterorhabditidae), was isolated from the R. ferrugineus specimens. Seasonal mortality rate in the total larval population (total 565 larval specimens) of R. ferrugineus was 69%. H. bacteriophora resulted in a significant mortality rate (80%) in the pupae population (total 314 pupal specimens). Overall, 70% of the total of 879 pre-adult specimens were found to be fatally infested by the attacks of this nematode. Heterorhabditis bacteriophora killed few adults, corresponding to 2% of the overall mortality rate. It is concluded that H. bacteriophora could be evaluated as a potential candidate for biological control of R. ferrugineus in the Mediterranean region.  相似文献   

Strains of the pathogen causing bacterial blight of kiwifruit in New Zealand, previously identified as Pseudomonas viridiflava, were examined using phenotypic and genotypic methods. Percentage DNA–DNA reassociation values for strains of the pathogen, with the type strains representing P. viridiflava and P. savastanoi, and representative strains within P. syringae , were obtained using the S1 endonuclease method. Strains of the pathogen were most similar to the type strain of P. savastanoi. This similarity was supported by examination of the Δ T m between representative strains. It is concluded that the pathogen can be considered as a member of the P. savastanoi genomic species. The pathogen from kiwifruit in New Zealand was also differentiated in genomic terms from P. syringae pv. actinidiae . Strains of the kiwifruit pathogen compared using the Biomerieux API Biotype 100 system exhibited consistent determinative tests which distinguished the pathogen from P. viridiflava and P. syringae pv. actinidiae . The origins of the pathogen in New Zealand are discussed.  相似文献   

基于GIS的中国小麦条锈病菌越夏区气候区划   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
 基于多年的气象数据(1980~2001年),首次从制约小麦条锈病菌越夏的温度因子入手,结合寄主小麦因素,利用地理信息系统(Geographical Information System,GIS),对我国小麦条锈病菌越夏区进行较详细的气候区划。本研究从温度条件上明确了全国适合小麦条锈病菌越夏的范围。研究表明,在我国小麦种植区适合小麦条锈病菌越夏的范围很广。其中甘肃、四川、云南、陕西境内适合越夏的地区是连成一片的,甘肃东部除了西边的几个县外其它地方7、8月份最高一旬均温在20~23℃,条锈病菌越夏困难;西藏、青海境内的小麦种植区几乎都适合小麦条锈病菌越夏;贵州境内适合越夏的地区可能和云南越夏区是一个整体。云南适合越夏的地区甚广,且地形复杂,需要进一步调查研究。  相似文献   

A seasonal model, where a growing season is defined as the time between sowing and harvest and alternates with an inter-crop period, was derived to study the effects of the ‘cost of virulence’ and cropping ratio on durability of resistance. We assumed a single strain of virulent pathogen, a single strain of avirulent pathogen and two cultivars (one resistant and one susceptible) and studied two measures of durability of resistance (‘take-over time’ and ‘usefulness time’). Take-over time is defined as the time needed for the virulent strain of the pathogen to reach a preset threshold and predominate over the previous pathogen population. Usefulness time is the time needed before the estimated gain in green canopy area duration per plant through the use of the resistant cultivar becomes negligible. The model suggested that, although it could take several seasons before the virulent strain of the pathogen predominated over the previous pathogen population, the usefulness time of the resistant cultivar was always much shorter. Furthermore, increasing selection for the virulent strain of the pathogen (through increasing the cropping ratio of the resistant cultivar) caused the virulent strain of the pathogen to invade the system more rapidly. Cost of virulence, reflecting differences in pathogen infection rates between the four possible combinations of cultivar/pathogen strain, significantly affected durability of resistance, with the dynamics of the virulent and avirulent strains ranging from a case where the virulent strain of the pathogen died out to a case where the virulent strain of the pathogen invaded the resident pathogen population. An intermediate state, where the system reached equilibrium and the virulent strain of the pathogen neither became predominant nor died out, was defined as ‘coexistence’ of both strains of the pathogen. Occurrence of coexistence was directly related to the cost of virulence since it did not occur when virulence of the pathogen did not have a fitness cost. Two methods to include cost of virulence in the model gave similar results in relation to the two measures of durability of resistance studied.  相似文献   

<正>蓝莓(Vaccinium corymbosum L.),属于杜鹃花科(Ericaceae)越橘属(Vaccinium)多年生小浆果类果树,果实蓝色,营养丰富,具有良好的保健作用。随着蓝莓的大面积商业化种植,其病害的发生也愈加频繁。2013年7月对沈阳市蓝莓种植园病害调查时,发现一种新病害。该病主要危害基生枝中上部芽眼,受害芽坏死,芽眼周围出现褐色或红褐色椭圆形病斑,凹陷,后期中部呈灰白色,病斑  相似文献   

甘肃定西地区甘蓝枯萎病病原菌的分离与鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自2009年起,甘肃定西地区出现了甘蓝植株矮化、叶片黄化、枯萎甚至死亡的现象。2015年8月,我们采集了田间病株样本,使用常规组织分离法对病原菌进行了分离和纯化,依据柯赫氏法则进行了病原菌确认,并通过形态学和分子生物学方法对病原菌进行了鉴定。结果表明病原菌的形态学特征与尖孢镰刀菌Fusarium oxysporum一致,其rDNA-ITS、rDNA-IGS以及EF-1α序列与尖孢镰刀菌F.oxysporum相似性达99%,基于病原菌及尖孢镰刀菌各代表专化型EF-1α序列构建的系统发育树将该菌与尖孢镰刀菌黏团专化型F.oxysporum f.sp.conglutinans聚为一类,故引致甘肃定西地区甘蓝枯萎病的病原菌为尖孢镰刀菌黏团专化型F.oxysporum f.sp.conglutinans。  相似文献   

In order to clarify the pathogen causing brown spot of Psidium guajava Linn., and provide a theore-tical basis for effective prevention and treatment of the disease, the pathogen of the brown spot of Psidium guajava Linn. was isolated and identified by molecular and morphological methods. The pathogen was obtained by tissue separation method, and the pathogenicity of the pathogen was determined by Koch′s rule. The morphological characteristics of the conidia of the pathogen were observed by optical microscope, and the sequence of the rDNA-ITS and RPB2 of the pathogen was analyzed by online Blast. The BLAST online alignment showed that the ITS sequence of the pathogen was 100% homologous with multiple strains of Alternaria alternata and Alternaria tenuissima, the homology of the RPB2 sequence of the pathogen with the strains of A. alternata and A. tenuissima reached 99.86%. According to the latest references, A. tenuissima (Fr.) Wiltshire was not an independent species but was a synonym of A. alternata (Fr.) Keissler. Combined with the pathological characteristics of pathogenic fungi, pathogenicity determination and phylogenetic tree analysis, the pathogen of guava brown spot disease in Guangdong was identified as A. alternata.  相似文献   

王琪  肖紫兰  张敬泽 《植物保护》2018,44(1):132-134
慈姑黑粉病是慈姑生产中最重要的病害之一。病原菌最初被认为是慈姑实球黑粉菌。随着属名的变化,该病原菌被转移到虚球黑粉菌属称为慈姑虚球黑粉菌。最新研究表明,该病原菌与侵染可变慈姑的病原菌是同种,是畸形虚球黑粉菌的异名。本文说明了慈姑黑粉病病原菌名称演变原因以及最新进展,这对准确应用病原菌名称提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

席燕敏  贺伟 《植物保护》2012,38(3):23-27
对杨树角斑病菌进行分离和鉴定,并研究不同培养条件对其培养特性的影响,以获得病原菌的纯培养并筛选出最佳培养条件,为杨树角斑病防治提供理论参考。分别采用组织和单孢分离法分离病原菌,根据子实体形态和病菌rDNA ITS序列对其进行鉴定。观察不同培养基、温度、光照、pH对病原菌生长的影响。结果表明,自然条件下,用杨树角斑病菌的分生孢子分离较病组织分离易成功。根据病菌的形态特征和rDNA ITS序列分析,将病菌鉴定为柳假尾孢[Pseudocercospora salicina(Ell.&Ev.)Deighton]。培养基、温度、光照、pH等因素影响病菌在培养基上的生长。燕麦培养基、pH6~7、25℃、黑暗条件是适合的培养条件。  相似文献   

广西黑皮冬瓜疫病的病原菌鉴定及其生物学特性   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
 Isolate PD1 of Phytophthora was isolated from diseased black pericarp wax gourd in Guangxi in 2005. The morphological and biological characters of the isolate were examined, and its sequence of ribosomal DNA-ITS was analyzed. The range of growth temperature of the isolate was 10-37℃ and the optimal one was 31℃. The pathogen was sensitive to 10 mg/kg of malachite green, and its ability for starch utilization was weak. A wide host range of the pathogen was confirmed by artificial inoculation. The sizes of sporangia were (37.5-71.7) μm×(20.8-47.5) μm (av. 55.0 μm×30.4 μm). Microcycle conidiation of the pathogen was observed. The pathogen was identified as Phytophthora drechsleri Tucker based on its morphological and biological characters as well as ribosomal DNA-ITS sequence.  相似文献   

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