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研究枯草芽孢杆菌可湿性粉剂对大白菜根肿病的防治效果。连续2年开展枯草芽孢杆菌可湿性粉剂田间药效试验。枯草芽孢杆菌可湿性粉剂防治大白菜根肿病,用量0.125×10~8~0.2×10~8cfu/g枯草芽孢杆菌,移栽前蘸根,移栽后灌根4次,防效达53.1%~65.1%。枯草芽孢杆菌可湿性粉剂对大白菜根肿病具有良好防治效果,对作物安全,是防治大白菜根肿病较好的生物制剂。  相似文献   

枯草芽孢杆菌微囊剂的制备及其对番茄立枯病的防治效果   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
马新  黄永  程娟  王伟 《农药学学报》2015,17(4):462-468
为开发环境相容性好、贮藏稳定性高的生物农药新剂型,采用喷雾干燥法制备了枯草芽孢杆菌微囊剂。通过单因素试验确定该微囊剂壁材麦芽糊精与芯材枯草芽孢杆菌发酵液(以下简称发酵液)的最佳配比;通过正交试验优化了喷雾干燥条件;通过田间试验验证了该微囊剂对番茄立枯病的防治效果。结果表明:制备枯草芽孢杆菌微囊剂时,壁材与芯材的最佳配比为m(麦芽糊精)∶V(发酵液)=1∶1;喷雾干燥的最优条件为进风温度125℃,进样流量750 m L/h,喷雾压力0.20 M Pa;所制备微囊剂常温贮存360 d后,菌体存活率仍高达91.36%,显著高于对照枯草芽孢杆菌可湿性粉剂。田间药效试验表明,该枯草芽孢杆菌微囊剂用量为300 g/hm2(芽孢浓度为1.5×107cfu/m2)时,对番茄立枯病的防效最高,为72.76%。  相似文献   

微生物杀菌剂及其混配剂防治水稻纹枯病的田间药效试验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对微生物杀菌剂及其混配剂对水稻纹枯病进行田间防治试验,结果表明枯草芽孢杆菌10亿/g可湿性粉剂、井冈霉素·蜡质芽孢杆菌12.5%可湿性粉剂对水稻纹枯病有较好的防治效果。在发病初期施药,枯草芽孢杆菌10亿/g可湿性粉剂1500g/hm2防效为75.4%,产量增幅21.5%;井冈霉素·蜡质芽孢杆菌12.5%可湿性粉剂2880g/hm2防效为83.89%。可以作为井冈霉素的替代产品,进行推广应用。  相似文献   

为了探明甲基营养型芽胞杆菌AL7对棉花黄萎病的防治效果及其定殖能力,本文利用盆栽接种试验研究了菌株AL7对棉花黄萎病的防治效果;将带四环素抗性的pGFP78质粒转入到菌株AL7中,分析了菌株AL7在棉花根围土壤中、根部组织内的定殖情况。结果表明,菌株AL7对棉花黄萎病的盆栽防治效果为77.1%。pGFP78质粒转入后对菌株AL7的生长没有明显影响,仍具有游动性和产生物膜。定殖检测结果表明,菌株AL7能够在棉花根围土壤中及根系组织内长期定殖,接种5 d时定殖数量最高,达6×10~6cfu/g土,接种80 d后根围土壤中的定殖数量仍维持在2×10~6 cfu/g,根系组织内的定殖量为6×10~4 cfu/g。利用激光共聚焦显微镜观察验证,接种7 d后菌株AL7已经进入到棉花根部的中柱鞘细胞,能够在棉花根内大量定殖。  相似文献   

枯草芽孢杆菌防治棉花黄萎病试验示范效果初报   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
枯草芽孢杆菌1 000亿芽孢/g可湿性粉剂是德强生物股份有限公司研发的一种新型生物制剂,近年兵团结合棉田加压滴灌系统,在棉花常年连作的10个示范点,开展了该药剂的大田滴灌施药试验示范,多点试验结果表明,枯草芽孢杆菌使用剂量100g/667m~2,滴施2~3次,对棉花黄萎病平均防效达51.42%,增产幅度13.48%,在棉花上表现出较好的防病和增产效果。  相似文献   

为明确10亿活芽孢/g枯草芽孢杆菌可湿性粉剂对黄瓜根腐病的防治效果及使用剂量,以70%敌磺钠可溶粉剂作对照,采用田间试验研究10亿活芽孢/g枯草芽孢杆菌可湿性粉剂对黄瓜根腐病的防治效果。结果表明,10亿活芽孢/g枯草芽孢杆菌可湿性粉剂对黄瓜根腐病具有良好防效,最佳使用剂量为3. 0g/株,防效均优于70%敌磺钠可溶粉剂,且对黄瓜生长安全,是防治黄瓜根腐病较理想的药剂之一。  相似文献   

10亿活芽孢/g枯草芽孢杆菌防治棉花黄萎病药效试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探索10亿活芽孢/g枯草芽孢杆菌可湿性粉剂对棉花黄萎病的田间防效及其对作物的安全性,确定合适的使用方法和施用剂量,为该产品在我省棉花产区的推广应用提供依据.我们于2008年在武汉市东西湖农场进行了试验,现将试验结果初报如下.  相似文献   

5种杀菌剂对青贮玉米3种病害的田间防治效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为有效防治青贮玉米Zea mays Linn.锈病、小斑病和大斑病, 筛选出低毒、无公害的高效防治杀菌剂, 选用哈茨木霉水分散粒剂(1亿cfu/g)、枯草芽孢杆菌可湿性粉剂(1 000亿孢子/g)、37%苯醚甲环唑水分散粒剂、15%三唑酮可湿性粉剂和80%代森锰锌可湿性粉剂5种杀菌剂进行田间药效试验。结果表明, 1亿cfu/g哈茨木霉WG对青贮玉米3种病害的田间防效最优, 37%苯醚甲环唑WG对小斑病的防效最好, 15%三唑酮WP对锈病的防效最理想, 80%代森锰锌WP对大斑病的防效最优。  相似文献   

为探讨枯草芽孢杆菌对甜瓜白粉病的田间防控效果,以50%嘧菌酯水分散粒剂为对照,在甜瓜白粉病初期喷施不同浓度的200亿个活芽孢/g枯草芽孢杆菌可湿性粉剂。调查应用效果发现,该枯草芽孢杆菌制剂与嘧菌酯防效相当。施药处理后14 d,200亿个活芽孢/g枯草芽孢杆菌可湿性粉剂100倍液和500倍液对甜瓜白粉病的防效分别达96.72%和81.40%;对甜瓜株高、叶面横径、叶面纵径、果实横径、果实纵径和果实糖度指标的促生作用分别达24.28%~31.78%、36.85%~50.08%、42.42%~52.21%、61.14%~69.14%、39.58%~49.12%、23.29%~29.86%。  相似文献   

为筛选生产中防治韭菜灰霉病的适用药剂,采用菌丝生长速率法测定了9种非化学杀菌剂对韭菜灰霉病病菌的室内毒力,发现10%多抗霉素B可湿性粉剂和100亿CFU/g枯草芽孢杆菌可湿性粉剂的毒力最强,EC50值分别为0.004 1、0.007 6μg/mL;0.5%大黄素甲醚水剂和3亿CFU/g哈茨木霉菌可湿性粉剂的毒力较弱。田间药效试验验证,10%多抗霉素B可湿性粉剂、100亿CFU/g枯草芽孢杆菌可湿性粉剂常规用量处理的防效分别为67.60%和61.01%,适用于田间韭菜灰霉病的防治。  相似文献   

为明确棉花内生真菌CEF-373菌株对棉花黄萎病的防效及其作用机理,利用圆盘滤膜法和平板对扣培养法测定菌株CEF-373对大丽轮枝菌Verticillium dahliae菌丝生长的抑制作用,测定其对棉花黄萎病的温室和田间防效,并通过活性氧含量及防御基因表达情况来分析其作用机理。结果表明,菌株CEF-373的挥发性代谢产物和非挥发性代谢产物对大丽轮枝菌菌丝的生长均有显著抑制作用,抑制率最高分别可达37.75%和100.00%。用1×107CFU/mL的菌株CEF-373分生孢子悬浮液灌根后,对棉花黄萎病的温室防效可达71.12%,用质量比为3%的菌株CEF-373固体菌剂拌土栽培后,对棉花黄萎病的温室防效可达62.74%,防治作用显著。菌株CEF-373的发酵液滴灌和微生物肥料处理40 d后,对棉花黄萎病的田间防效达到最大,分别为36.23%和27.71%,而在后期有所降低。菌株CEF-373可以诱导棉花叶片中细胞活性氧的爆发;且菌株CEF-373成功激活了苯丙氨酸解氨酶、过氧化物酶、多酚氧化酶、几丁质酶和病程相关蛋白基因PR10的表达,对大丽轮枝菌的侵染具有抵御作用。表明棉花内生真菌CEF-373菌株通过抑制大丽轮枝菌生长以及诱导寄主系统抗病性来有效防治棉花黄萎病,具有较好的生物防治应用前景。  相似文献   

内生菌B47的定殖能力及其对番茄青枯病的防治作用   总被引:11,自引:4,他引:11  
从番茄茎分离的内生枯草芽孢杆菌菌株B47对番茄青枯病有较好的防治作用,利用该菌株的抗链霉素突变菌株,研究其在土壤和番茄植株根、茎中的定殖能力及其对番茄青枯病的防治作用。结果表明,枯草芽孢杆菌菌株B47可在土壤和番茄植株中定殖。B47施到土壤中后的15~45天,其数量逐步增加,45天后,其数量逐步下降。B47在土壤中的定殖能力随土壤的种类和土壤的处理情况而异。施入菜地土后的第45天,B47在非灭菌土中的数量是9.91×105cfu/g土壤干重,而在灭菌土中的数量是9.84×107cfu/g土壤干重。接种后,番茄植株根和茎中的B47数量,从苗期到结果期逐渐增加,但到了成熟期呈下降趋势。B47和番茄青枯病菌混合施入土壤后,随B47的数量增加番茄青枯病菌的数量显著降低。当番茄植株根和茎中B47的含量分别为1.17×104cfu/g鲜重和3.33×104cfu/g鲜重时,接种番茄青枯病菌后的第20天,对番茄青枯病的防治效果达79.79%。  相似文献   

海洋多黏类芽胞杆菌可湿性粉剂的研制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以海洋多黏类芽胞杆菌Paenibacillus polymyxa为研究对象,通过单因素室内试验和田间试验,确定了可湿性粉剂配方及其对甜瓜枯萎病的田间防效。结果表明,可湿性粉剂最佳配方为:以皂土为载体的菌粉70%,稳定剂海藻酸钠14%,湿润剂蔗糖脂肪酸酯8%,分散剂聚乙烯醇8%。制得的可湿性粉剂活菌数为1.23×10^10cfu/g,含水量6%,润湿时间48 s,悬浮率75%,杂菌率0。采用7种不同方法防治甜瓜枯萎病,结果表明,可湿性粉剂对甜瓜枯萎病的综合防治效果高达84.9%。该制剂对甜瓜枯萎病具有良好防效,可作为防治甜瓜枯萎病的药剂在生产上推广应用。  相似文献   

The yeast Pichia anomala strain K was selected in Belgium from the apple surface for its antagonistic activity against post-harvest diseases of apples. The efficacy of this strain against P. expansum was evaluated in the laboratory in three scenarios designed to mimic practical conditions, with different periods of incubation between biological treatment, wounding of fruit surface, and pathogen inoculation. Higher protection levels and higher final yeast densities were obtained when the applied initial concentration was 1 × 108 cfu ml−1 than when it was only 1 × 105 cfu ml−1. The protection level correlated positively with the yeast density determined in wounds and was influenced by apple surface wetness. In orchard trials spanning two successive years, biological treatment against P. expansum, based on a powder of P. anomala strain K (1 × 107 cfu ml−1), β-1,3-glucans (YGT 2 g l−1), and CaCl2.2H20 (20 g l−1), was applied to apples pre- or post-harvest under practical conditions and its effect compared with standard chemical treatments. The first year, the highest reduction (95.2%) against blue decay was obtained by means of four successive fungicide treatments and the next-highest level (87.6%) with pre-harvest high-volume spraying of the three-component mixture 12 days before harvest. The second year, the best results were obtained with post-harvest Sumico (carbendazim 25% and diethofencarb 25%) treatment and post-harvest biological treatment, both by dipping the apples, 88.3 and 56.3% respectively. A density threshold of 1 × 104 cfu cm−2 of strain K on the apple surface seemed to be required just after harvest for high protective activity, whatever the method and time of application. In the case of pre-harvest biological treatments, variations in meteorological conditions between the 2 years may have considerably affected strain K population density and its efficacies.  相似文献   

Verticillium dahliae causes severe yield reductions in a variety of important annual crops worldwide. Control of verticillium wilt has relied on soil fumigation; however, the use of the main soil fumigant, methyl bromide, has been banned in the European Union since 2010, creating a demand for novel crop protectants. As such, the use of biocontrol agents (BCAs) is an appealing management strategy. Prerequisites for the development of a successful BCA are an understanding of the modes of action of the antagonist, its ecological fitness and an efficient and economically feasible delivery system. Therefore, two BCAs (Paenibacillus alvei K165 or the nonpathogenic Fusarium oxysporum F2) and two release strategies (seed coating or amendment of the transplant soil plug) were assessed against verticillium wilt of aubergine (eggplant). Mixing the transplant soil plug with K165 or F2, at a rate of 10 and 20% (v/v), respectively, reduced verticillium wilt symptom development. Furthermore, a positive correlation was revealed between the release strategy and the BCA rhizosphere population. Correlation analysis also showed that disease severity was negatively correlated to the rhizosphere size of the BCA population. In addition, qPCR analysis showed that both BCAs induced the expression of the pathogenesis‐related (PR) proteins PR1 and PR4 in the stem of aubergines before and after inoculation with V. dahliae in a manner that suggests a link with the rhizosphere size of the BCA population.  相似文献   

人参病原菌拮抗细菌的分离筛选与鉴定   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为明确土壤拮抗细菌对人参常见病原菌的生防价值,从吉林省抚松县人参根际土壤中分离、纯化获得113株细菌,采用平板对峙法测定菌株的拮抗能力,通过温室盆栽试验研究其在土壤及人参根部的定殖规律,并通过形态、培养特征及16S r DNA序列分析进行分类鉴定。对峙试验结果表明,2株细菌对供试人参病原菌具有良好的拮抗广谱性,且多次验证其抑菌效果稳定。定殖研究结果表明,活性菌株SZ-56与SZ-60的定殖能力均达到显著水平,在土壤中的最大定殖菌量分别为每克土7.51×106CFU和7.28×106CFU,30 d后定殖菌量仍保持在105CFU;21 d后在人参根部的定殖菌量仍保持在每克根105CFU水平。根据形态、培养特征、生理生化指标和16S r DNA序列分析,确定SZ-56为内生芽胞杆菌Bacillus endophyticus,SZ-60为解淀粉芽胞杆菌B.amyloliquefaciens。  相似文献   

Verticillium dahliae antagonistic endorhizosphere bacteria were selected from root tips of tomato plants grown in solarized soils. Fifty-three out of the 435 selected bacterial isolates were found to be antagonistic against V. dahliae and several other soilborne pathogens in dual cultures. Significant biocontrol activity against V. dahliae in glasshouse trials was demonstrated in three of 18 evaluated antagonistic isolates, provisionally identified as Bacillus sp. Although fluorescent pseudomonads were also isolated from root tips of tomato plants, none of the tested isolates exercised any significant antagonistic activity against V. dahliae in dual cultures. So these isolates were not tested in glasshouse trials in this study. Finally, two of the most effective bacterial isolates, designated as K-165 and 5-127, were shown to be rhizosphere colonizers, very efficient in inhibiting mycelial growth of V. dahliae in dual cultures and successfully controlling Verticillium wilt of solanaceous hosts. In glasshouse experiments, root dipping or soil drenching of eggplants with bacterial suspension of 107cfu ml–1 resulted in reduced disease severity expressed as percentage of diseased leaves (40–70%) compared to the untreated controls under high V. dahliae inoculum level (40 microsclerotia g–1 soil). In heavily Verticillium infested potato fields, experiments with potato seeds dusted with a bacterial talc formulation (108cfu g–1 formulation), showed a significant reduction in symptom development expressed as percentage of diseased potato plants and a 25% increase in yield over the untreated controls. As for their effectiveness in increasing plant height, both bacterial isolates K-165 and 5-127 produced indolebutyric, indolepyruvic and indole propionic acids. Both antagonists are considered as plant growth promoting rhizobacteria bacteria since significantly increased the height of treated plants compared with the untreated controls. Chitinolytic activity test showed that both isolates were able to produce chitinase. Testing rhizospheric and endophytic activity of the antagonists it was shown that although the bacteria are rhizosphere inhabitants they also preferentially colonize the endorhizosphere of tomatoes and eggplants. Fatty acid analysis showed that isolate K-165 could belong to Paenibacillus alvei while 5-127 to Bacillus amiloliquefaciens.  相似文献   

为筛选对大丽轮枝菌Verticillium dahliae Kleb.具有拮抗活性的根际细菌,以大丽轮枝菌为靶菌,分离获得棉花根际细菌,利用平板对峙法和琼脂扩散法筛选具有较高拮抗活性的菌株,采用室内盆栽法测定筛选所得菌株对棉花黄萎病的防效,并通过形态特征、生理生化特性和16S r DNA基因序列分析确立其分类地位,采用底物降解法和抗菌肽基因克隆法检测其产生水解酶和抗菌肽的能力。结果显示,试验共分离获得182株棉花根际细菌,筛选得到3株对大丽轮枝菌抑菌率大于50.00%且抑菌圈直径大于15 mm的菌株,其中菌株H14的抑菌率和抑菌圈直径最大,分别为54.25%和18.10 mm。该菌能在0~9%NaCl和pH 4.5~9.0的NB培养基上生长;经形态特征观察、生理生化试验及16S rDNA基因序列分析,最终将其鉴定为莫哈韦芽胞杆菌Bacillus mojavensis;菌株H14对大丽轮枝菌孢子萌发的抑制率和对棉花黄萎病的盆栽防效分别为89.55%和74.57%;菌株H14能合成蛋白酶,含有srfAA、fenD、bacA脂肽类抗生素合成基因。表明莫哈韦芽胞杆菌菌株H14能够合成蛋白酶和脂肽类拮抗物质,具有良好的抑菌和防病能力。  相似文献   

Twelve entomopathogenic fungi were screened for controlling diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella L.) eggs and larvae in the laboratory. None had any significant ovicidal effect.Isaria fumosorosea CKPF-095 showed the best efficacy in controlling the 2 nd instar larvae. It was formulated into a wettable powder at a concentration of 1 × 109 conidia g−1 and used in two field tests. Both tests revealed thatI. fumosorosea CKPF-095 at 1.25 × 1013 ha−1 showed as good efficacy as Dipel at 1 × 1011 IU ha−1. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting June 1, 2008.  相似文献   

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