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为探讨不同灌溉方式对苹果园土壤含水率、生育期耗水量、产量及水分利用效率的影响,于2005年4~11月在密云水库上游地区新城子蔡家甸有机苹果基地布设了3种灌溉方式(管灌、滴灌和微喷灌)及对照(不灌溉)共4个处理、3个重复的对比试验.分别在苹果树开花期、枝条速长期、成熟期和封冻前灌水,依据不同灌溉方式的灌溉效率以及田间土壤实际含水率等因素确定灌水量.结果表明:(1)在3种灌溉方式处理中,微喷灌、滴灌处理的0~60 cm土层土壤含水率较高,入渗深度在80 cm以内,未产生水分深层渗漏.管灌向下入渗深度大于微喷灌和滴灌,达到120 cm.(2)在整个生育期内,微喷灌和滴灌处理比管灌节约灌水量分别是31.99%和49.83%;微喷灌和滴灌条件下果园耗水量较管灌分别减少11.52%和12.49%.(3)从产量来看,微喷灌、滴灌、管灌产量分别比对照高25.74%、9.99%和0.78%;微喷灌产量达到51 000 kg/hm2;其水分利用效率最高且达到9.288 kg/m3.总体看来,微喷灌是相对较好的节水增效灌溉方式,值得在果园灌溉中应用.  相似文献   

民勤绿洲不同节水灌溉模式棉花综合效益研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了提高民勤绿洲水资源利用率,在该地区棉田进行了滴灌、半固定式喷灌和渠道防渗灌溉3种不同灌溉模式的节水综合效益比较试验。结果表明,与大水漫灌相比,防渗渠灌节水40.4%,滴灌节水49%~55.6%,喷灌节水59.2%;防渗渠灌、滴灌和喷灌分别省工3.6%、16.2%和25.1%;滴灌、喷灌和防渗渠灌分别节电38.5%、31.1%和29.2%。滴灌和防渗渠灌收效明显,可在该地区推广应用。  相似文献   

灌溉方式对梨园土壤水分及产量品质的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用沟灌、畦灌、滴灌、微喷灌和不灌水(CK)5种灌溉方式,通过对比试验研究不同灌溉方式对梨园土壤水分含量、叶片光合参数及果实产量与品质的影响,筛选适宜的节水抗旱灌溉技术。结果表明:(1)果树根层(0~60 cm)土壤含水量表现为微喷灌>滴灌>畦灌>沟灌>CK,微喷灌的蓄水能力显著高于其它灌溉方式;(2)叶片净光合速率表现为微喷灌≥滴灌≥畦灌>沟灌>CK,微喷灌处理的梨树叶片光合作用能力最强,其次是滴灌;(3)增产效果最好的是微喷灌,其次是滴灌,单株产量分别比CK提高了54.98%和44.18%;(4)在果实品质方面,微喷灌和滴灌显著提高了果实的单果质量、可溶性固形物含量及可溶性总糖含量,并且显著降低了果实硬度、含酸量及石细胞含量,两者对果实品质的改善效果明显好于沟灌和畦灌。综合分析表明,微喷灌能够明显改善梨园土壤水分条件和梨树光合能力,显著提高果实产量与品质,是较为理想的节水灌溉技术。  相似文献   

不同灌溉方式对冬小麦光合速率及产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究微喷灌和漫灌不同灌水条件下冬小麦光合速率和产量的变化规律,试图探明华北冬小麦光合速率和产量对不同灌水处理的响应,为冬小麦合理浇水管理、提高产量和水分利用效率(WUE)提供依据。设置微喷灌和漫灌两种灌溉方式,微喷和漫灌分别设置4个灌水量和灌水时期组合处理,微喷处理灌水量分别为90、120、150 mm和180 mm,漫灌处理灌水量分别为83、130、201 mm和205 mm,对冬小麦产量、光合速率、蒸腾速率、LAI等进行了分析。试验结果表明,在灌水量相近条件下小麦生育期灌水量≤120 mm时,微喷方式较漫灌方式能显著提高小麦子粒产量和WUE,产量增加的主要原因是千粒重增大;灌水量≥180 mm时,微喷方式产量和WUE均低于漫灌方式。不同时期小麦叶片光合速率微喷处理均高于漫灌处理,蒸腾速率除拔节期微喷灌水量120 mm、灌溉4次处理(SI2)外,微喷处理亦均高于漫灌处理;微喷、漫灌两种方式小麦叶片光合速率和蒸腾速率的变化趋势基本相同,均是先增大后减小。微喷和漫灌方式均表现为随灌水量的增加小麦LAI逐渐增大,主茎绿叶片数逐渐减少;在灌水量相近条件下,微喷处理小麦LAI大于漫灌处理,而主茎绿叶片数小于漫灌处理。2012—2013年度冬小麦生育期灌水量较小情况下微喷方式增产增效显著,而灌水次数多、灌水量较大时,微喷方式由于小麦LAI过高,群体郁闭,通风透光差,反而不利于产量和WUE的提高。微喷方式最优灌水处理为SI2,漫灌方式最优灌水处理为灌水量205 mm、灌溉4次(FI4)。  相似文献   

在额济纳绿洲首次开展了棉花滴灌、防渗渠灌等节水灌溉试验 ,结果表明 ,节水灌溉技术与绿洲内漫灌相比 ,可收到明显的节水增产效益、节地省工效益以及经济效益 ,是一种行之有效的灌溉方法。在绿洲水资源缺乏的现状下 ,农业的持续发展主要依赖于节水灌溉技术 ,节水灌溉将是绿洲今后发展的必然趋势 ,建议绿洲发展滴灌、防渗渠灌等节水灌溉技术。  相似文献   

通过田间试验,系统地分析了膜下滴灌条件下,棉花干播湿出、湿播湿出处理与传统灌溉处理的水分利用差异。结果表明:膜下滴灌与传统灌溉相比,可以降低株高、减少蕾铃脱落和使根系集中。普通膜下滴灌处理比传统灌溉处理增产204.15 kg/hm2,总耗水量减少32.91 mm,水分利用效率增加0.73 kg/(mm.hm2)。干播湿出处理产量虽然不是最高,但是其灌溉量比其他两处理减少30%以上,水分利用效率最高,干播湿出具有一定的推广价值。  相似文献   

塔里木河孔雀河中下游地区棉花膜下滴灌节水技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以合理利用和节约有限的水资源为目标,2002年在尉犁县孔雀农场进行了棉花膜下滴灌节水试验。得出:该区棉花膜下滴灌适宜的灌溉量为3 931.5 m3/hm2,最佳产量为皮棉2 997.75kg/hm2。与当地农民大水漫灌方式比较,节约水量8 070~14 070 m3/hm2,增产皮棉747.75 kg/hm2,膜下滴灌是该区目前最节水的棉花灌溉方式之一。  相似文献   

塔里木河—孔雀河中下游地区棉花膜下滴灌施肥量研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
塔里木河—孔雀河中下游是我国最干旱缺水的地区之一,该区水资源95%以上为农业灌溉用水,主要灌溉方式为大水漫灌,水分损失量严重。为合理利用和节约有限的水资源,我们在2002~2003年进行棉花膜下滴灌用水量和氮、磷施肥量耦合试验。通过两年试验得出:在该区棉花膜下滴灌条件下,适宜的灌溉量为393mm(3931.5m3/hm2),施肥总量为301.6kghm2/标肥,最佳产量为3353.53kg/hm2/皮棉。比当地农民大水漫灌(生育期)节水8068-50683/hm2,节肥281.3kghm2/标肥,节肥率达48%。增产皮棉1103.53kg/hm2,证明膜下滴灌是一个节水、节肥、高产的灌溉方式,应该在塔里木河—孔雀河中下游地区推广。  相似文献   

采用小区试验研究了不同灌溉方式对樱桃番茄结果期根系特性与产量的影响。试验设置了6个灌溉方式处理,即:处理Ⅰ,常规沟灌,种植行和操作行同时灌溉;处理Ⅱ,交替沟灌,种植行和操作行交替灌溉;处理Ⅲ,固定灌种植行;处理Ⅳ,固定灌操作行;处理Ⅴ,前期常规沟灌,结果期交替沟灌;处理Ⅵ,前期交替沟灌,结果期常规沟灌。结果表明,不同灌溉方式之间樱桃番茄根系的特征值差异达到显著水平,处理Ⅵ根体积显著高于其余5种处理,根系伤流量为22.37 mg/min,根系活力高达0.50 mg/(g.h)。灌溉方式对樱桃番茄单果重、产量有显著影响,前期交替沟灌结果期常规沟灌(处理Ⅵ)的单果重与产量均高于其他处理。因此,前期交替沟灌结果期常规沟灌有利于樱桃番茄根系的发育与产量的提高。  相似文献   

滴灌春小麦生长发育与水分利用效率的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
试验于2009-2010在石河子大学试验站进行,设置了滴灌和漫灌两种灌溉方式,滴灌又设置了一管四行和一管六行两种滴灌带布置方式,目的在于分析不同灌溉方式及不同毛管布置方式对滴灌小麦生长发育及水分利用率等方面的影响.结果表明:滴灌与传统漫灌相比,株高、叶绿素含量、根系活力增加,叶绿素后期下降缓慢,滴灌可降低小麦千物质在营养器官中的分配率,促进干物质向籽粒中分配,防止后期叶片旱衰;滴灌比漫灌相比灌水量降低了25%,产量平均增加14.4%,水分利用效率提高35.4%.滴灌小麦实行一管四行毛管布置与一管六行相比受水均匀,不同边行间植株生长差异小,产量及水分利用效率均比一管六行高.  相似文献   

N,N-Diethyl-, N,N-dipropyl-, N,N-di-isopropyl, and N,N-di-isobutylalkanamides in which the acyl moiety ranged from C8 to C21 were synthesised, and their larvicidal activity was determined against the first-instar larvae of the southern house mosquito Culex quinquefasciatus Say. The four homologous series of amides generally showed an increase in their larvicidal activity as the carbon number in the acyl moiety of the amides increased, until the activity reached a maximum. Subsequently, an increment of carbon number resulted in declining activity in the higher homologues, until the activity disappeared. N,N-Diethyltetradecanamide, N,N-dipropylundecanamide, N,N-di-isopropylundecanamide, and N,N-di-isobutlynonanamide or -dodecanamide were the most active compounds in their respective homologous series of amides; however, they were less active than their analogous N,N-dimethylalkanamides previously studied.  相似文献   

长武旱塬不同麦玉轮作系统产量效应模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用EPIC模型对不同麦玉轮作系统进行模拟,通过对其输出结果的分析,综合考虑产量、经济效益、干旱胁迫和氮肥生产率等因素,对不同麦玉轮作系统进行综合评价,从而比较不同麦玉轮作系统的优劣。结果表明:(1)在模拟研究期间,8种麦玉轮作系统的产量均呈波动性下降趋势,其平均值分别为4.61、4.40、4.16、4.48、4.28、4.29、4.714、.55 t/hm2。所有的麦玉轮作系统中,麦玉轮作系统"春玉米→冬小麦"的经济效益最好。(2)在模拟研究期间,麦玉轮作系统"春玉米→冬小麦→冬小麦"的冬小麦和春玉米所遭受的年均干旱胁迫日数最少(29.51d)。在干旱年份麦玉轮作系统中的冬小麦较春玉米更容易遭受干旱威胁。综合产量、经济效益、作物所遭受的干旱胁迫天数和麦玉轮作系统的氮肥生产率等因素,在长武地区适宜采用的麦玉轮作系统为春玉米→冬小麦。  相似文献   

为了明确长期施肥和不施肥条件下作物连作对土壤微生物群落功能多样性的影响,以典型黑土为研究对象,选取长期定位实验站长期施肥和不施肥条件下的小麦、玉米和大豆连作处理,通过稀释平板法和Biolog Eco微平板法,测定土壤细菌、真菌、放线菌数量、碳源代谢活性等指标,为建立合理的农田管理措施提供数据支撑和理论依据。结果表明:长期施肥条件下大豆、小麦和玉米连作土壤细菌、真菌和放线菌数量均高于不施肥处理,且均以大豆连作处理细菌和真菌数量最高。不施肥条件下小麦和玉米连作土壤细菌总数较大豆连作处理分别下降了24.8%和31.0%,真菌总数分别下降了64.0%和51.2%;施肥条件下小麦和玉米连作土壤细菌总数则较大豆连作处理分别下降了29.0%和45.5%,真菌总数分别下降了26.7%和31.5%。Biolog结果表明,不施肥条件下小麦连作处理的平均颜色变化率(AWCD)高于玉米和大豆连作处理,施肥条件下则是大豆连作处理的AWCD值高于小麦和玉米连作处理。不施肥条件下大豆、玉米和小麦连作处理利用最多的碳源是碳水化合物类,施肥后不同连作处理利用最多的是碳水化合物类和多聚物类。大豆和小麦连作不施肥条件下土壤微生物利用率最高的碳源均是α-D-乳糖,施肥条件下利用率最高的碳源均是D,L-α-甘油,而不论施肥与否,玉米连作条件下土壤微生物利用率最高的碳源均是D-半乳糖醛酸;葡萄糖-1-磷酸盐和γ-羟基丁酸是农田黑土微生物群落特异利用的关键碳源。主成分分析得出,施肥对土壤微生物碳源代谢能力的影响大于作物的影响。  相似文献   

运用温室葡萄水热平衡观测资料,分析了东北日光温室葡萄的能量平衡和能量分量日变化、生育期变化以及分配规律,同时也分析了潜热通量(λET)对环境因子的响应。结果表明:水热通量各分量在整个生育期日变化总体上呈现为单峰趋势,净辐射(Rn)的峰值最大为618.75 W·m-2λET峰值最大为242.73 W·m-2,感热通量(H)峰值最大为327.93 W·m-2;在新梢生长期,白天λET较小,为34.55 W·m-2,随着生育期推进,λET逐渐增大,在果实着色成熟期达到最大值(78.49 W·m-2)之后减小;H在各生育期能量中均占了绝大部分;白天潜热通量占净辐射的比例(λET/Rn)在新梢生长期最小,为25.28%,在果实着色成熟期最大,为44.17%;感热通量占净辐射比例(H/Rn)整个生育期几乎都达50%以上,土壤热通量占净辐射比例(G/Rn)相对较小,变化范围为4.46~12.32 W·m-2;在整个生育期能量比率大小依次为H/Rn>λET/Rn>G/Rn。在不同生育阶段瞬时尺度上,Rn是影响潜热变化最主要的气象因子,R2高达0.88。在日尺度上,各气象因子对潜热通量的影响在逐渐变弱,相对湿度(RH)与λET相关系数仅为0.28。但无论从瞬时尺度还是日尺度,Rn都是影响潜热通量最主要的气象因子。各气象因子对潜热通量的影响大小依次为:Rn>VPD>Ta>RH。  相似文献   

The rust fungus Maravalia cryptostegiae , from south-west Madagascar, was introduced into Australia in 1995 as a classical biological control agent against the highly invasive rubber-vine weed Cryptostegia grandiflora , a woody climber endemic to Madagascar. The rust was released at 69 sites between 1995 and 1997 and is now established throughout the plant's exotic range in Queensland, estimated at over 40 000 km2. Dispersal was low in the first 3–4 months but was virtually linear thereafter, and the rust spread over 100 km within the first year; after 3 years it was recorded 550 km away from the nearest release site. Spraying both dry and aqueous inoculum of uredinioid teliospores from the ground using mist-blowers, as well as from the air by atomizing spore suspensions, resulted in rust-induced defoliation, producing an overall reduction in fecundity and biomass of the weed. In sites with low water tables, weed growth decreased markedly, with a reduction in plant volume from 9 m−3 to 1 m−3 over a 4-year period. Both rust- and drought-induced stress combined to cause up to 75% plant mortality at some sites, and at all monitored sites, seedling recruitment was virtually nil. Improved growth of indigenous grasses amongst rubber-vine thickets has increased fuel loads and created opportunities to use fire as a component of an integrated approach to the management of this economically and ecologically damaging weed.  相似文献   

Mercury and cadmium were found in fish, water, and sediment of American Falls Reservoir (AFR), Idaho. Mercury and cadmium levels in some fish exceeded human health standards set by the Food and Drug Administration, U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, and the World Health Organization. Analyses performed on the flesh of rainbow trout showed mercury residues of up to 1.20 mg/kg, which were higher than residues previously reported in trout collected in 1970 and 1971 from AFR. Cadmium residue levels were as high as 0.80 mg/kg. Although arsenic was found in reservoir sediment at levels of 1.36-2.40 mg/kg, it was not detected in fish.  相似文献   

The mode of action of trifluralin (α,α,α-trifluoro-2,6-dinitro-N,N-dipropyl-p-toluidine), oryzalin (3,5-dinitro-N4,N4-dipropylsulfanilamide), pronamide(N-(1,1-dimethylpropynyl) 3,5-dichlorobenzamide), and propham (isopropyl carbanilate) on purified microtubules from pig brains and on the ultrastructure of wheat (Triticum aestivum L. “Mediterranean,” C. I. 5303) and corn (Zea mays L. “yellow dent, U. S. 13”) roots was compared with that known for colchicine. Colchicine disrupts the in vivo cortical and spindle microtubules of root cells. Like colchicine, the herbicides trifluralin, oryzalin, and pronamide caused the loss of both cortical and spindle microtubules of root cells. The rate of microtubule disappearance depended on the type of herbicide and length of exposure of roots to the herbicide. Unlike colchicine, cortical microtubules were present in propham-treated roots but they were disoriented within the cell.In vitro polymerization studies with pig brain microtubules (Sus scrofa) showed that the herbicides failed to inhibit the assembly of purified microtubular protein into microtubules and that radioactively labeled herbicides did not bind to the microtubular protein. Colchicine inhibited the polymerization of microtubular protein and readily bound to the microtubular subunits. These results indicate that the mode of action of the herbicides is not similar to that of colchicine and that the loss of microtubules from root tip cells treated with trifluralin, oryzalin, and pronamide may be caused by these herbicides interfering with synthesis of microtubular protein or metabolism of endoplasmic reticulum membranes involved in microtubule assembly. The mode of action of propham appears to be on the microtubular organizing centers rather than on microtubules per se.  相似文献   

The activity of 15 herbicides from different families was assayed on nonphotosynthetic Acer pseudoplatanus cells, in batch suspension culture. They inhibited growth, stimulated the oxygen consumption by cells, and changed the pH evolution of the culture medium. Amides did not seem to disturb the membrane properties. Some diphenyl ethers and phenols directly modified the proton compartmentation of cells whereas some other diphenyl ethers, nitriles, triazines, and uracils altered permeabilities to potassium and leucine. Changes in membrane permeabilities to protons and medium constituents were discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Modeling techniques were developed to quantify the probability of Tilletia indica entering and establishing in Western Australia (WA), and to simulate spread, containment, and the economic impact of the pathogen. Entry of T. indica is most likely to occur through imports of bulk grain or fertilizer (0.023 +/- 0.017 entries per year and approximately 0.009 +/- 0.009 establishments per year). Entry may also occur through straw goods, new or second-hand agricultural machinery, and on personal effects of travelers who have visited regions with infected plants. The combined probability of entry and establishment of T. indica, for all pathways of entry, is about one entry every 25 years and one establishment every 67 years. Alternatively, sensitivity analysis does show that increases in quarantine funding can reduce the probability of entry to about one entry every 50 years and less than one establishment every 100 years. T. indica is spread efficiently through contaminated farm machinery, seed and soil, rain, air currents, and animals. Depending on the rate of spread of the pathogen and the amount of resources allocated for detection, the time until first detection could range from 4 to 11 years and the economic impact could range from 8 to 24% of the total value of wheat production in WA.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Vector‐borne plant disease management can be enhanced by deployment of antifeedants in addition to the use of broad‐spectrum neurotoxic insecticides. The effects of pymetrozine on Asian citrus psyllid (ACP), Diaphorina citri Kuwayama, feeding behaviour, survival and transmission of Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus (Las), the presumed causal pathogen of huanglongbing, were investigated. RESULTS: Pymetrozine applied at 52 and 104 µg mL?1 to citrus plants [Swingle citrumelo (X Citroncirus webberi Ingram and Moore)] modified the feeding behavior of ACP and increased the amount of time spent performing non‐penetration behaviors while decreasing the time spent performing ingestion behaviors compared with the controls 1 day after treatment. However, the antifeedant effect of pymetrozine subsided 5 days after application. Pymetrozine reduced the survival of both adults and nymphs on treated plants compared with the control. However, it had a greater impact on survival of nymphs than on survival of adults. Pymetrozine applied at 52 and 104 µg mL?1 on Las‐infected ‘Valencia’ sweet orange plants [Citrus sinensis L. (Osbeck)] reduced acquisition (12 and 21% respectively) and transmission (11 and 18% respectively) of Las by feeding ACP adults compared with the controls; however, these reductions were not statistically significant. CONCLUSIONS: Pymetrozine exhibited moderate antifeedant effects by modifying the feeding behavior of ACP adults with short residual activity. The impact of pymetrozine on survival of nymphs was greater than on adults at the higher concentrations tested. Pymetrozine also reduced the acquisition and transmission of Las by feeding ACP adults up to 21 and 18%, respectively, compared with untreated controls. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

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