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我国土壤熏蒸消毒60年回顾   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
熏蒸剂棉隆和氯化苦于20世纪60年代在我国曾用于棉花黄萎病的防治,由于缺乏施药机械、相关施药标准和方法,加之与国外交流甚少,虽然发现熏蒸剂对土传病害有一定的效果,但一直未形成规模化应用。我国大量使用熏蒸剂进行土壤消毒处理始于20世纪90年代,随着溴甲烷的引进与广泛应用,溴甲烷的替代技术及产品研发,开启了我国土壤熏蒸消毒的新纪元。伴随着土壤消毒技术与理论的不断丰富,新型配套机械装备的成功研发,社会化服务模式的广泛运用,土壤熏蒸消毒在我国进入快速发展时期,大批专业化服务组织应运而生,为我国农作物病虫害的绿色防控、实施乡村振兴战略提供了强有力的技术支撑。该文从土壤熏蒸剂的种类、发展历史、基础理论的建立与阐明3方面综述了我国土壤熏蒸发展情况,并对我国土壤熏蒸消毒未来发展方向提出了展望。  相似文献   

采用问卷调查法调查五类主要农业从业人员对植保基本知识的认知及对河南省小麦、玉米种植模式下病虫草害绿色防控技术的认知、采纳意愿、行为等情况。初步了解了河南小麦、玉米种植模式下病虫草害绿色防控现状,并有针对性的提出了提高五类群体人员对病虫害绿色防控知识认知水平和操作技能的合理化建议。  相似文献   

近10年来, 随着人们对环境的关注, 绿色发展成为农业生产的主流。在土传病害的防治中, 要尽可能减少对环境和生态的影响, 同时保证取得更好的经济效益。因而, 一些环境友好的防治技术受到重视。农业防治技术如抗性品种利用和嫁接、阻截传播、深翻、轮作和无土栽培; 生物防治技术如生物熏蒸、厌氧消毒、生物防治制剂等; 物理防治技术如太阳能消毒、火焰消毒、微波消毒、电消毒、射频消毒也在不断地创新; 化学防治技术主要依赖土壤熏蒸剂, 一些新型的环境友好的熏蒸剂如异硫氰酸烯丙酯、二甲基二硫、乙二腈、乙蒜素等也在不断发展。熏蒸剂新剂型、新的施药机械也在不断创新。土壤熏蒸剂在防治土传病害时, 也会对土壤中的微生态造成不同程度的影响。此外, 我们也应该清醒地认识到任何技术都有两面性, 并正视不同防治技术中的不足。土传病害作为一类难以防治的病害, 也面临着巨大的挑战, 高传染性要求有高质量的种苗和高效的防治和阻隔技术, 土传病害的定量检测技术, 土壤中的病原菌数量与发病的关系、土壤微生态对发病的影响都是亟待研究和解决的问题。在防控土传病害时, 如何减少温室气体的排放、减少防治投入以及塑料薄膜的污染均为面临的环境和经济学挑战。  相似文献   

常德香米有机栽培病虫草害的综合防控   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文主要以生态绿色防控方法为主,结合湖南省常德市农业生产实际情况,总结了在"常德香米"有机水稻生产过程中的病虫草害综合防控技术.常德香米有机栽培探索性采用抗(耐)病虫品种、健身栽培、生态调控、生物防治等措施,绿色防控水稻病虫草害,提高水稻质量、保护稻田生态安全,为常德农业绿色发展提供参考.  相似文献   

根据江西省双季稻田病虫草害发生为害的特点,自2017年以来,通过室内科学研究和田间试验示范,集成了农业技术、生物技术、物理技术及化学技术等为一体的双季稻田有害生物精准防控技术模式.在此基础上,通过参阅有关技术文献,形成了一套适宜在江西省双季稻病虫草害防控上推广应用的精准防控技术.  相似文献   

土壤厌氧消毒(anaerobic soil disinfestation,ASD)技术作为一种环境友好的非化学土壤消毒技术能有效防治真菌、细菌、线虫和杂草等引起的土传病害。该技术已在多个国家广泛应用并被证实可显著增加作物产量。ASD技术基本流程为向土壤中添加适量有机碳源、补充足够水分和用塑料薄膜覆膜密闭2~15周。ASD技术对土传病害防控的作用机理为有机碳源分解产生的挥发性有机物对土传病原菌有抑制作用,土壤理化指标的改变(如pH降低、有机质增加等)能提升土壤质量,从而提高作物抗逆能力,土壤厌氧条件促进土壤微生物群落结构及多样性的改变,通过生物竞争和结构重建改善土壤微生态环境,降低土传病害发生风险。ASD技术对土传病害的防治效果也因有机碳源类别、土壤理化性质及覆盖薄膜的不同而存在差异。因此,优化ASD技术试验条件、深入探索ASD技术作用机理、挖掘更多有灭菌活性的挥发性物质或有益生防菌是未来ASD技术的研究重点。同时,ASD技术与其他土壤消毒技术结合使用,有助于提高其防治效果,扩大应用范围。  相似文献   

为明确日晒高温覆膜对韭菜生长及根际土壤微生物群落的影响,本研究在河北省韭菜主产区基于日晒高温覆膜措施对韭菜迟眼蕈蚊进行田间防治试验,就覆膜前后土壤的理化性质进行了比较,并采用Biolog-ECO技术分析了覆膜对土壤微生物群落功能多样性的影响。结果表明,日晒高温覆膜技术对韭蛆各龄期幼虫的防治效果达到100%,覆膜12 d后韭菜株高、茎粗、叶宽、色泽、百株鲜重及根长等生长发育指标与未覆膜的对照相比均无显著影响;覆膜后土壤中全磷量显著增加;根据Biolog-ECO培养第144 h的AWCD值计算土壤微生物群落的Shannon-Wiener指数、Simpson指数、McIntosh指数和丰富度指数均无显著变化。可见日晒高温覆膜对韭菜迟眼蕈蚊具有明显的防治效果,对韭菜生长及韭菜根际土壤微生物多样性无显著影响。  相似文献   

农药在农业病虫草害的防控中起着重要作用, 但农药应用后其母体和转化产物在农产品和水体、土壤、空气等环境中的残留存在一定的生物活性或毒性风险。传统的农药活性和毒性的评估手段不仅耗时、耗力、耗成本, 且违背实验动物“3R”原则, 也难以快速准确预测种类繁多且不断增加的农药化学品对人体和生态健康的风险。计算毒理学为农药化合物的毒性预测、活性筛查及风险评估提供了新的研究手段。本文主要介绍计算毒理学的发展及其在农药毒性预测、活性筛查及风险评估中的应用现状, 以期为新时代背景下农药对人类健康及环境安全的风险评估提供新思路。该领域的研究对指导农药的安全生产、科学使用管理具有重要意义, 对生态系统的保护具有重要参考价值。  相似文献   

聚丙烯酸钠的释水特征及对土壤物理参数的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
聚丙烯酸钠作为保水剂的一种,在农业应用中能够防止水土流失,改善土壤水分状况,促进作物增产,提高作物品质。通过室内试验分析了聚丙烯酸钠的释水特征及土壤中混施不同比例(0、0.3%、0.5%、1%和1.5%)聚丙烯酸钠对土壤饱和导水率、收缩比和紧实度的影响。研究结果表明,聚丙烯酸钠释水与混施土壤后释水存在较大差异,100%聚丙烯酸钠在1.5 MPa吸力条件下能保持46.4%的水分,而在干土中可以快速100%的释放水分;随着土壤聚丙烯酸钠用量的增加,土壤透水性急剧降低,均匀混施达到1%时,饱和导水率接近0 m·d~(-1);干燥后土壤紧实度和收缩比增加,导致聚丙烯酸钠的农业应用也存在一定的潜在风险。  相似文献   

在农业行业甲基溴淘汰项目交流与国际土壤消毒新技术培训会上获悉,2015年1月1日起中国将全面禁止甲基溴在农业行业的应用。  相似文献   

太阳能消毒技术在世界范围内广泛使用, 由于其经常受到气候差异的影响导致效果不稳定, 通常与其他措施结合以加强防治效果。种植前采用土壤熏蒸是土传病害的有效预防策略, 本研究通过监测土壤温度、理化性质、土传病原菌、草莓植株长势、产量和分析经济效益, 评价了不同浓度的土壤熏蒸剂棉隆和太阳能消毒联合处理对草莓土传病害的防治效果及经济效益分析。种植前棉隆熏蒸和太阳能消毒处理不仅能很好地控制土传病害, 其对镰刀菌属、疫霉属的抑制率分别为64.41%~84.75%、51.59%~86.94%, 而且显著提高了草莓的产量, 增产率为79.9%~99.4%;联合处理的成本较单独太阳能消毒处理仅增加约3.29%~13.17%, 但净收入增长率高达49.77%~66.28%。因此, 在草莓土传病害管理中, 土壤熏蒸与太阳能消毒处理相结合, 可以降低作物感染土传病害的风险, 保证作物稳定高产。  相似文献   

采用熏蒸剂进行土壤消毒可有效控制设施作物及高附加值作物的土传有害生物,其中熏蒸效果突出的熏蒸剂溴甲烷由于会破坏臭氧层而被禁用,导致土传有害生物熏蒸治理过程中缺乏高效稳定的熏蒸产品。二甲基二硫是一种新型熏蒸剂,对有害线虫具有高活性,可兼治部分土传病原菌及杂草。广谱、安全和高效等优点使其成为最有推广应用前景的溴甲烷替代药剂,或将改善国内杀线虫熏蒸剂缺乏的局面。该文系统综述了国内外关于二甲基二硫对土传有害生物的防控活性、作用机制和降解、散发逃逸、扩散分布及残留等环境行为,以及对土壤养分、微生物及非靶标生物等方面的影响,以期为二甲基二硫的开发及推广应用提供参考。  相似文献   

The efficacy of solarization in weed control under field conditions of the United Arab Emirates was evaluated by two methods: on-farm weed assessment and a seed germination test. In the on-farm weed assessment method, the weed frequency, density, and dry weight were compared in the solarized and non-solarized plots that were cultivated with cabbage. Prior to solarization, the soil was artificially infested with the seeds of 10 weeds. Generally, the densities of seven species and dry weights of five species were significantly lower in the solarized plots as compared to the control. Launea mucronata , Capsella bursa-pastoris , and Echinochloa colona were very sensitive to solarization, as they did not appear in the solarized plots. However, Portulaca oleracea and Melilotus indica were not significantly affected by soil solarization. In the second method, the germination was assessed for the seeds of four weedy species buried at three depths for different durations of solarization. The results confirmed the great sensitivity of L. mucronata and C. bursa-pastoris seeds to solarization, as all had not germinated after 15 days of solarization, even at the 15 cm depth. The seeds of E. colona , however, were less sensitive after 15 days of solarization, especially at 7.5 cm and 15 cm, respectively. The seed germination method confirmed the resistance of the P. oleracea seeds to solarization. The results emphasized the importance of the germination test to provide accurate predictions about the spatial and temporal changes of the soil seed bank in solarized farms. This would help to determine the optimal duration of solarization in each farm, depending on the kind of weeds infesting the farm.  相似文献   

Soil solarization is not broadly adopted as a soil deinfestation method mainly because of its long duration (4–6 weeks). We present evidence showing that the duration of solarization can be reduced to nearly half using impermeable plastics and/or low doses of methyl bromide, while still ensuring effective control of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cucumerinum. Chlamydospores of a pathogenic isolate of F. o. cucumerinum, formed in sterile soil, were inserted into nylon mesh envelopes and incorporated into the soil prior to treatment at 20‐ and 30‐cm soil depths. Soil treatments included untreated control, soil solarization with polyethylene or impermeable plastics (LMG), and soil solarization with polyethylene or impermeable plastics plus 20 g m?2 methyl bromide. According to the effects on artificial inocula of F. o. cucumerinum checked at weekly intervals for 4 weeks, soil solarization with impermeable plastics was most effective in destroying pathogen populations even two weeks after soil covering.  相似文献   

本试验研究红壤旱地不同棉田种植模式对病虫草害的影响,为选择合理棉田种植模式,减少农药使用量,保护农田生态环境和促进农业可持续发展。结果表明,间套作种植模式相对单作能有效地减缓棉花枯萎病和黄萎病的发病率和病情指数,明显减轻苗蚜和小地老虎的为害,但是会加重伏蚜、棉叶螨和棉盲蝽的发生,而对四代棉铃虫和斜纹夜蛾的影响不大,能减少杂草发生的种类、杂草的盖度和杂草发生的优势种类。其中棉花间作豇豆较优于其他种植模式,适于红壤旱地推广应用。  相似文献   

The work presented in this study adds to previous research on the occurrence, distribution and growth habitat of common weeds along roadsides in the Mississippi River Delta region of eastern Arkansas, USA. It addresses the relationships between soil properties (i.e. defined as a group of individual soil characteristics or attributes such as P, K, Ca, Mn and other nutrients) and the most agronomically important weeds of which the occurrence at field margins accounted for ≥ 10% of the total sampling sites. These were three broad‐leaved weeds (Amaranthus palmeri, Ipomoea spp. and Sida spinosa) and four grass weeds (Echinochloa crus‐galli, Urochloa platyphylla, Sorghum halepense and Digitaria sanguinalis). Soil properties were used as explanatory variables for weed occurrence (presence–absence) using partition analysis; the occurrences of the weeds under examination were partitioned by the application of a decision‐tree method. The most important soil properties explaining the occurrence of these weeds in field margins were extractable soil nutrients, specifically sodium, boron and copper content, as well as soil physical attributes, in order of importance, bulk density, silt content, field moisture capacity, hydraulic conductivity, wilting point, available water and clay content. Soil chemical properties proved least reliable in explaining weed occurrence at roadside field margins. Knowledge of the relationships between soil properties and weed occurrence can add to our understanding of weed biology and hence enhance the efficiency of weed management strategies. For example, the occurrence of A. palmeri, in soils with high bulk density (>1.4 g cm?3) and low organic matter content (<2.7%) and thus lower residual herbicide activity, will require integrated weed management of this species in field margins. This is of interest given the occurrence of herbicide resistance in roadside arable weeds, mainly A. palmeri, E. crus‐galli and S. halepense, in the Mississippi River Delta region of eastern Arkansas and other parts of the world.  相似文献   

Black (BPE) and clear polyethylene mulches (CPE), 0.08 and 0.06 mm thick, respectively, were compared for their effectiveness for soil solarization over three seasons during 1986–1989 in weedy fields. Solarization for 6 weeks reduced weed growth and enhanced crop yields. However, further mulching with BPE after solarization with either BPE or CPE gave the best results. Not all weeds were sensitive to solarization. Some weed species were completely controlled; others were reduced to varying degrees; yet other weed species seemed to be enhanced by solarization. Solarization without further mulching was no better than farmer-practice in reducing weed growth or in increasing crop yield. Weeds required further removal after the middle of the growing season. Any soil disturbance after solarization reduced the weed control effect of solarization. Crops grew best in plots after solarization with BPE if they were planted in the same mulch after it was perforated.  相似文献   

The effect of soil solarization on physical, chemical and biological properties of soil was studied, along with the response of cauliflower seedlings following solarization. Nursery beds were covered with transparent polyethylene sheet and soil temperature and moisture were recorded. Soil samples were collected five times for analysis. Three cauliflower nurseries were raised at 30-day intervals; germination was recorded 10 days after sowing and seedling length 30 days after sowing. The maximum temperature in solarized soil ranged from 40.2–47.2°C, with an increase of 5.2° to 9.9°C over non-solarized soil. There was a conservation of 5.48% moisture in solarized soil as compared with non-solarized. Solarization significantly increased electrical conductivity, organic carbon, nitrogen and potassium over pre-solarized soil. The mean pH, EC, Ca, Mg, N, P, K and C recorded in solarized soil was higher than in non-solarized. Soil solarization reduced the population of fungi from 25.68 x 104 to 4.8 x 104, bacteria from 20.28 x 106 to 5.66 x 106, actinomycetes from 31.60 x 105 to 4.40 x 105, and reduction in population was recorded even after 90 days, when compared with non-solarized soil. Solarization effectively reduced (>97%) population of plant parasitic and free living nematodes. Cauliflower seedlings in solarized soil had a better vigor index than non-solarized soil. Present findings reveal that soil solarization could be exploited for nutrient management and soilborne pests control, with a better vigor index of vegetable nursery.  相似文献   

A. Grinstein 《Phytoparasitica》1992,20(Z1):S127-S131
Soil solarization is a non-chemical method for soil disinfestation. Theoretically, Israel is one of the ideal sites for the use of this technology. It has been shown that the introduction of soil solarization is highly crop-dependent and is inversely correlated with the availability of alternative soil disinfestation methods. Solarization has been easily introduced for crops with no reliable and recommended soil disinfestation methods or in organic farming and in cases where the technique is inexpensive. Its introduction into crops for which other soil disinfestation techniques are established, or to less intensive crops, has been much slower. Apart from objective reasons for not using solarization,e.g. plots which are in use during the suitable season or low efficacy against specific soilborne pests, there are problems that need to be solved. These are related to technology and technology diffusion, to the price of the plastic sheeting, and to the priority given by farmers to non-chemical methods.  相似文献   

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