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采用培养皿滤纸法研究黄顶菊水提取液对30种受体植物种子发芽及胚根伸长的化感作用。结果表明,浓度为0.1g(干重)/ml的成熟黄顶菊植株水提取液对供试的29种植物种子发芽和28种植物胚根伸长有不同程度抑制作用,对2种植物胚根伸长有促进作用。该浓度下,有24种植物的发芽率或胚根长降低50%以上,占供试植物种数的80%。提取液浓度越高对受体植物发芽和胚根伸长的抑制作用越强。黄顶菊不同生育时期和不同器官提取液对受体植物种子发芽及胚根伸长的抑制程度有差异,表现为成熟期植株〉营养生长期植株;叶片〉花(果实)〉茎〉根。揭示黄顶菊可能通过产生化感物质抑制周围生境中植物的萌发和早期生长,从而降低这些植物在群落中的多度。一旦黄顶菊大面积、高密度发生,就有可能导致入侵地植物多样性的降低。  相似文献   

黄顶菊生育特性研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
人工播种黄顶菊,研究其出苗及生育特性.结果表明,黄顶菊的出苗期从4月3日至11月8日,幼苗生长比较缓慢,8月28日之前出苗的黄顶菊均能开花,8月18日以前出苗的黄顶菊所结种子能发芽,7月17日之前出苗的其种子发芽率在90%以上,之后发芽率明显下降.  相似文献   

以常见景观植物黑麦草为试验材料,探究6种不同光照强度对水培黑麦草萌发生长、叶片叶绿素含量和光系统Ⅱ的影响。结果表明:光强为300μmol·m~(-2)·s~(-1)时水培黑麦草萌发及生长最好,发芽率、发芽势、发芽指数和活力指数分别为93%、23.67%、57.28和211.58,根长、芽长分别为3.04 cm和4.01 cm,该光强下叶片叶绿素含量显著高于其它光强处理(P0.05),叶绿素a、b及总叶绿素含量分别为0.71、0.27 mg·g~(-1)和0.98 mg·g~(-1);随着光强的增强,最大荧光(Fm)、PSⅡ的最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)和光化学性能指数(PIabs)呈现先升高后下降的趋势,300μmol·m~(-2)·s~(-1)光强下Fm、Fv/Fm和PIabs值都达到最大;叶绿素荧光快速诱导曲线(OJIP)受光强影响较大,以I点差异较显著,对OJIP曲线进行标准化后差异较小;OJIP曲线参数分析表明PSII供体侧在6组光强下无显著差异,随着光强增强,单位反应中心吸收(ABS/RC)、捕获(TRo/RC)和传递(ETo/RC)也随着增强,但单位反应中心热耗散(DIo/RC)减小,PSII受体侧在500μmol·m~(-2)·s~(-1)条件下电子传递受阻。  相似文献   

[目的] 明确黄顶菊对棉花生长及产量的影响。[方法] 在田间条件下,研究不同密度黄顶菊对棉花出苗、生长及产量的影响。 [结果] 黄顶菊发生密度在40株/m2下,对棉花出苗和苗期生长没有影响,但对棉花中、后期生长有严重抑制作用,导致棉花株高低、茎秆细、现蕾晚、蕾铃少,部分植株死亡。黄顶菊对棉花产量影响比较大,在1~40株/m2下,棉花产量损失32%~95%。棉花产量损失(YL)与黄顶菊发生密度(Dw)之间的函数关系为YL=66.230 4Dw/(1+66.230 4Dw/100),R=0.977 9。[结论] 黄顶菊对棉花中后期生长及产量有明显影响。  相似文献   

黄顶菊种子休眠与种子寿命研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
黄顶菊是一种新近传入我国的入侵植物。初步研究黄顶菊种子休眠和种子寿命特性发现,黄顶菊种子不具有原生休眠,但需要一定的时间完成其后熟阶段。室温储藏下4年后,黄顶菊种子仍保持很高的萌发率,说明黄顶菊种子的寿命较长,但长时间的冷冻(-18℃)和自然条件下深埋(10 cm土层)会显著缩短黄顶菊种子的寿命。  相似文献   

动物过腹对黄顶菊种子活力的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了明确黄顶菊种子动物传播的可能性,利用添加黄顶菊种子的饲料饲喂牛、羊、驴、兔和鸡等动物,研究了黄顶菊种子过腹后的种子活力和田间出苗能力。结果表明,黄顶菊种子经上述5种动物取食后,粪便中均有完整种子存在,5种动物取食种子后排空时间分别为4d、6d、5d2、d和1d,且粪便中种子量随时间延长呈减少趋势;黄顶菊种子经5种动物过腹后(第1天收集)的发芽率分别为25.3%、31.3%、19.3%、10%和11.7%。说明5种动物均具有传播黄顶菊种子的可能性,黄顶菊发生区动物的长途贩运是黄顶菊人为传播的重要途径。  相似文献   

运用培养皿滤纸法和盆栽法,分别研究温度、光照和水分条件对热带常见杂草丰花草种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响。结果表明:丰花草种子萌发温度范围广泛(5~40℃),随温度升高,丰花草幼苗的鲜质量和生长长度均呈现先升高后降低的趋势;恒温下30℃为其种子萌发的最适温度,其发芽率、发芽指数、活力指数均相对较高,而平均发芽时间最短;25℃时生长的幼苗最健壮,其芽长、根长和芽鲜质量、根鲜质量均显著高于其他温度时的对应值。而变温条件更有利于丰花草种子萌发,12 h D/12 h L、5℃/15℃时发芽率达55.63%,15℃/25℃时发芽率90%,25℃/35℃时的种子萌发率、幼苗长度、幼苗鲜质量均最大。光照不是影响丰花草种子萌发的关键因子,但光照可能有利于促进丰花草幼苗生物量向根部分配,光暗交替(12 h D/12 h L)条件下丰花草幼苗生长情况相对最好(长度根冠比为1.05∶1;鲜质量根冠比为0.51∶1)。水分是决定丰花草种子能否萌发的关键因素,25℃、12 h D/12 h L条件下,在土壤最大持水量60%时丰花草种子萌发和幼苗生长状况均最佳。  相似文献   

田间条件下建立了入侵植物黄顶菊(Flaveria bidentis)和伴生草本植物马唐(Digitaria sanguinalis)、益母草(Leonurus japonicus)单独种植(以下简称单种)和混合种植(以下简称混种,比例1∶1)小区,设置施氮肥和不施氮肥处理,研究两者对黄顶菊入侵土壤微生物的影响。结果表明:黄顶菊单种小区,土壤增施氮肥黄顶菊的生物量显著升高,且促进了真菌的生长,抑制放线菌、有机磷细菌和钾细菌的生长。黄顶菊与马唐竞争生长,施肥显著抑制了放线菌、有机磷细菌和钾细菌的生长,黄顶菊的竞争攻击力系数(aggressivity,以下简称AG)小于0,在竞争中黄顶菊不占优势;不施肥时细菌、放线菌、有机磷细菌的数量与黄顶菊生物量显著正相关(P0.05),且AG0,在竞争中黄顶菊占优势。黄顶菊与益母草竞争生长,施肥与否仅有机磷细菌数量显著高于裸土,且微生物数量与黄顶菊生物量都无显著相关性(P0.05),黄顶菊的AG都小于0,在竞争中不占优势。由此,黄顶菊与马唐或益母草竞争生长,增施氮肥改变了土壤微生物数量,降低了黄顶菊的种间竞争能力,不利于实现黄顶菊的入侵。  相似文献   

为揭示荒漠地区1 a生植物对环境变化的响应机制及适应策略,于2020年以甘肃民勤县、武威市和古浪县生境的沙米为对象,对其形态结构、生物量分配及与环境因子的相关性进行了研究,结果表明:(1)古浪县年均气温、年均日照时数和土壤日均温度均最低,分别为6.81℃、2 669 h和16.22℃,武威市均最高,分别为8.58℃、2 873.4 h和22.94℃;古浪县土壤含水量、土壤粉粒和土壤速效磷均最高,分别为4.53%、17.51%和6.81 g·kg-1,民勤县均最小,分别为1.46%、7.19%和5.55 g·kg-1;古浪县沙米株高、冠幅及根长均最高,分别为70.63、54.24 cm和96.15 cm,民勤县均最小,分别为62.40、46.77 cm和86.31 cm。(2)古浪县沙米根生物量和质量分数及根冠比均最高,分别为7.56 g、15.98%和0.291;不同生境根-茎、根-叶、根-花、叶-茎、花-茎和花-叶生物量均是α<1的异速生长关系。(3)3个生境中,株高和根、茎、叶、花生物量均呈显著或极显著正相关,与根冠比呈显著或极显著...  相似文献   

采用大样本随机取样的方法,选取30株蒲公英(Taraxacum mongolicum Hand.Mazz)开花植株,对其根、茎、叶、花等构件的生物量及物质分配关系进行定量分析。结果表明:蒲公英种群花期各构件生物量的变异系数分别为54.11%、59.48%、111.21%和64.65%,具有较大的表型可塑性;其生物量与生物量分配的大小具有相同的规律:叶花根茎。蒲公英植株大小随着根、茎、叶及花生物量的增加呈幂函数形式增加,各功能构件生物量与有性繁殖构件之间均呈极显著的幂函数异速生长关系。  相似文献   

Sonchus oleraceus (common sowthistle) is a dominant weed and has increased in prevalence in conservation cropping systems of the subtropical grain region of Australia. Four experiments were undertaken to define the environmental factors that favor its germination, emergence, and seed persistence. Seeds were germinated at constant temperatures between 5 and 35°C and water potentials between 0 and ?1.4 MPa. The maximum germination rate of 86–100% occurred at 0 and ?0.2 MPa, irrespective of the temperature when exposed to light (12 h photoperiod light/dark), but the germination rate was reduced by 72% without light. At water potentials of ?0.6 to ?0.8 MPa, the germination rate was reduced substantially by higher temperatures; no seed germinated at a water potential >?1.0 MPa. Emergence and seed persistence were measured over 30 months following seed burial at 0 (surface), 1, 2, 5, and 10 cm depths in large pots that were buried in a south‐eastern Queensland field. Seedlings emerged readily from the surface and 1 cm depth, with no emergence from below the 2 cm depth. The seedlings emerged during any season following rain but, predominantly, within 6 months of planting. Seed persistence was short‐term on the soil surface, with 2% of seeds remaining after 6 months, but it increased with the burial depth, with 12% remaining after 30 months at 10 cm. Thus, a minimal seed burial depth with reduced tillage and increased surface soil water with stubble retention has favored the proliferation of this weed in any season in a subtropical environment. However, diligent management without seed replenishment will greatly reduce this weed problem within a short period.  相似文献   

Mimosa pudica (common sensitive plant) is a problematic weed in many crops in tropical countries. Eight experiments were conducted to determine the effects of light, seed scarification, temperature, salt and osmotic stress, pH, burial depth, and rice residue on the germination, seedling emergence, and dormancy of M. pudica seeds. Scarification released the seeds from dormancy and stimulated germination, though the germination of the scarified seeds was not influenced by light. The scarification results indicate that a hard seed coat is the primary mechanism that restricts germination. The germination increased markedly with the exposure to high temperature "pretreatment" (e.g. 150°C), which was achieved by placing non-scarified seeds in an oven for 5 min followed by incubation at 35/25°C day/night temperatures for 14 days. The germination of the scarified seeds was tolerant of salt and osmotic stress, as some seeds germinated even at 250 mmol L−1 NaCl (23%) and at an osmotic potential of −0.8 MPa (5%). The germination of the scarified seeds was >74% over a pH range of 5–10. The seedling emergence of the scarified seeds was 73–88% at depths of 0–2 cm and it gradually decreased with an increasing depth, with no seedling emergence at the 8 cm depth. The rice residue applied to the soil surface at rates of ≤6 t ha−1 did not influence the seedling emergence and dry weight. The information gained from this study identifies some of the factors that facilitate M. pudica becoming a widespread weed in the humid tropics and might help in developing components of integrated weed management practises to control this weed.  相似文献   

Controlled growth chamber experiments were conducted to determine factors affecting seed germination and emergence of the troublesome weed Gomphrena perennis. The objective of this research was to examine the effects of temperature, light, moist chilling, osmotic potential, dry storage and depth of seed burial on G. perennis germination and emergence. The optimum temperature for germination was around 15–20°C. Seeds showed germination rates above 90% under 20/10 and 25/15°C temperature regimes. The minimum exposure to light needed to stimulate germination was 1 min. However, the light requirement was reduced after a long storage period. Furthermore, germination was high (>90%) in all moist‐chilling treatments tested. Germination was highly sensitive to increasing osmotic stress. The highest germination percentage (94%) was achieved at 0 MPa, and decreasing osmotic potential from 0 to ?0.3 MPa reduced germination to 11%. The highest seedling emergence occurred for seeds placed from 0 to 1 cm deep, and no seedlings emerged from a 5‐cm burial depth. Gomphrena perennis has a suitable environment in a no‐till soybean field, where seeds remaining on the surface have the required temperature, light and depth needed for germination.  相似文献   

Flaxleaf fleabane ( Conyza bonariensis [L.] Cronquist) is a difficult-to-control weed in dryland minimum tillage farming systems in the northern grains region of Australia. Experiments under field and controlled environments were conducted to study the seed germination, emergence, and persistence of C. bonariensis . The base, optimum, and maximum temperatures for seedling germination were estimated at 4.2, 20, and 35°C, respectively, with light stimulating germination. The soil types and burial depths had significant effects on seed persistence and emergence. The persistence pattern showed an initial rapid drop, followed by a slow but steady decline over time. After 3 years of burial, there were ≈ 7.5%, 9.7%, and 1.3% viable seeds at 10, 5, and 0–2 cm soil depths, respectively. Conyza bonariensis predominantly emerged from the soil surface or from the burial depth of 0.5 cm. Very few seeds emerged from a depth of 1 cm and none emerged from ≥ 2 cm. The emergence was greater in lighter soils. On-farm monitoring of the field emergence over time in a light sandy loam soil showed that 99% emergence occurred in late autumn, early and late winter, and a small fraction of 1% emerged in mid-spring. The predominant emergence from the soil surface suggests that the fleabane problem is a result of weed species shift toward the minimum tillage systems that provide moist conditions for better emergence compared to conventional tillage systems. The seed longevity of at least 3 years in the soil and the prolonged emergence patterns between autumn and spring have posed great difficulties for the long-term management of C. bonariensis .  相似文献   

Creeping mannagrass is a perennial grass weed widely distributed in China and is becoming increasingly problematic in nurseries and landscapes in some regions. Understanding the germination ecology and response to commonly available POST herbicides of this weed is critical to determining its adaptive capabilities and potential for infestation, and assist in the development of effective control strategies. In the light/dark regime, creeping mannagrass germinated over a wide range of temperatures (15/5 to 30/20°C), with maximum germination at 20/10°C (95%). No seed germinated at 35/25 or 10/0°C. The time required for 50% of maximum germination increased as temperature decreased. Compared with the light/dark conditions, germination was slightly stimulated when seeds were placed in the dark. Creeping mannagrass is moderately tolerant to osmotic and salt stress, which had 53 and 50% germination rates at ?0.6 mPa osmotic potential and 200 mM NaCl concentration, respectively. Seedling emergence of the seeds buried at a depth of 0.5 cm (86%) was higher than those sowing on the soil surface (17%), but declined with burial depth increasing. There were no differences in the emergence rates from a burial depth 0.5–2 cm. Few seeds (4%) could emerge when seeds were sowed at a depth of 8 cm. POST application of haloxyfop‐R‐methyl, quizalofop‐p‐ethyl, sethoxydim, and pinoxaden provides 100% control of creeping mannagrass at the three‐leaf to five‐leaf stages. To achieve 80% control with clodinafop‐propargyl, mesosulfuron‐methyl, and fenoxaprop‐p‐ethyl, herbicides had to be applied at the three‐leaf stage.  相似文献   

少花蒺藜草是我国重要外来入侵植物之一。研究了环境因子对少花蒺藜草种子萌发和出苗的影响。研究结果表明,光照会促进少花蒺藜草种子休眠,少花蒺藜草种子萌发温度范围为15~40℃,最适萌发温度为25℃,萌发的临界温度在10~15℃;临界水势在-12~-10 MPa,水势在-8~-4 MPa的环境适宜少花蒺藜草生长。少花蒺藜草出苗临界土壤含水量在1.0%~2.5%,生长临界含水量在2.5%~5.0%;少花蒺藜草在pH值为2~12的条件下均可萌发生长,但pH值为12的条件更适合生长;少花蒺藜草种子在沙土中0~15 cm深度均可出苗,1~9 cm深度出苗率最高,在壤土中1~7 cm深度出苗率最高,超过11 cm不能出苗。  相似文献   

外来植物黄顶菊根、茎、叶的化感作用初探   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对黄顶菊[Flaveria bidentis (L.) Kuntze]营养器官进行了解剖学观察,发现其根、茎、叶均存在分泌结构或分泌物。以白菜(Brassica pekinensis Rupr.)作为受试植物,从白菜种子发芽率、幼苗的简化活力指数、幼苗下胚轴及胚根伸长、幼苗中叶绿素、丙二醛(MDA)及可溶性糖(WSS)含量等指标对黄顶菊根、茎和叶水浸提液的化感作用进行了探讨。研究发现,根、茎、叶的浸提液降低了白菜种子发芽率和幼苗胚根长度;幼苗中叶绿素a及总叶绿素随浸提液浓度的升高最终呈下降趋势;MDA和WSS含量随叶片和茎的浸提液浓度升高相应增加。白菜种子萌发及幼苗生长对黄顶菊不同器官浸提液反应有差异,其对叶片浸提液的浓度响应最明显。  相似文献   

Germination of freshly harvested seeds of Commelina benghalensis L. varied from 0–3% for small aerial seeds, 20–35% for large aerial seeds and from 33% for small underground seeds to 90% for large underground seeds. Innate dormancy of all seed types was completely overcome by clipping the seed coat. Exposure to 90°C dry heat for 2 h was also effective in increasing germination of the three strongly dormant seed types. Optimum temperature for germination varied with the different seed types. Periods of likely major weed infestation from the four seed types were predicted using soil temperature data. Exposure to light increased germination but was not essential and underground seeds responded more to light than aerial seeds. Optimum depth of emergence for the four seed types was from 0 to 50 mm and there was a positive correlation between maximum depth of emergence and seed weight.  相似文献   

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