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对马渔场冬季浮游植物的分布生态研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
顾新根 《海洋渔业》1994,16(2):55-58
<正> 前 言 对马渔场自然环境条件优越,是多种经济鱼类繁殖生长的良好场所。该渔场冬季的马面鲀渔汛,我国于80年代起逐步投入生产。东海水产研究所“东海北部及日本海西南部绿鳍马面鲀等底鱼资源调查与探捕”课题组自1985~1987年间,每年冬、春季在此渔场进行了资源和环境调查,其中作为渔场环境条件之一的浮游物植项目因,限于人力不足,仅于1985年12月17~28日调查期间,进行了  相似文献   

<正> 我国对五岛对马渔场底鱼资源的开发利用始于1979年冬季,主要捕捞对象是绿鳍马面鲀。为了进一步了解该海域马面鲀等底鱼资源的分布洄游和资源状况,1985年中国水产科学研究院向东海所下达了“东海北部及毗邻海区绿鳍马面鲀等底鱼资源调查与探捕”课题。在这之前,东海所和上海市海洋渔业公司合作,于1983年12月、1984年12月和1985年1月进行了三个航次的第一阶段调查。本文用这三个航次的调查资料,对调查海域内马面鲀等底鱼(包括部分头足类和上层鱼类)的现存资源量和年可捕量进行估算,供合理利用该渔场资源参考。  相似文献   

袁启荣 《海洋渔业》1998,20(2):70-71,67
<正> 闽东、台北渔场是中上层鱼越冬、产卵、索饵的重要场所。该渔场中上层鱼资源丰富、品种繁多,是日本、中国台湾以及福建沿海拖、围网生产的主要渔场。随着马面鲀资源的急剧衰退,开发利用该渔场春汛中上层鱼资源,已被各国有海洋渔业企业所重视。1995年春汛,我公司首次组织拖网作业赴该渔场捕捞中上层鱼,获得成功。1997年4月下旬我公司又先后组织了4组围网船投入该渔场生产,并取得了较好的成绩。拖、围网生产中上层鱼的成功,标志着该渔场已成为我公司春汛生产的重要渔场之一。  相似文献   

本文报道了闽厦渔0043号灯围船于2001年6月至8月伏季休渔期间在闽南-台湾浅滩渔场的调查结果和同期的生产状况。并结合该渔场的中上层鱼类的资源状况和历史的调查资料对灯围作业是否纳入伏季休渔作了探讨。  相似文献   

厦门前埔浅海文昌鱼资源调查报告   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
厦门前埔浅海是目前文昌鱼生产的重要作业区。为贯彻执行农牧渔业部的重点科研课题“文昌鱼资源调查”任务,我们以厦门前埔文昌鱼渔场为重点,于1987年4月至1988年3月间,设站进行周年逐月定点词查,初步查明了该渔场文昌鱼的数量分布特点及现存资源量。现将调查结果报告如下。一、调查材料与方法厦门前埔浅海文昌鱼渔场面积约3平方公里,水深变化于1—5米之间。本次调查  相似文献   

闽东北渔场主要经济蟹类的生物学特性及其时空分布   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着近海经济鱼类资源的日渐衰退,海洋蟹类资源的开发利用引起了人们的普遍关注。闽东北渔场(26°00’-28°00’N,120°00’-125°30’E)是锈斑(?)、红星梭子蟹等经济蟹类的重要分布区。为了探索该海域经济蟹类的资源潜力和开发前景,本文根据闽东渔场指挥部近年开展的闽东渔场蟹类资源探捕调查和以蟹类为主捕对象的笼捕作业生产探捕监测船的渔捞记录资料,专题报导闽东北渔场的锈斑(?)、红星梭子蟹、三疣梭子蟹、武士(?)、细点圆趾蟹等5种主要经济蟹类的生物学特性及其时空分布,旨在为渔业生产和管理部门制定合理开发利用蟹类资源提供科学依据。  相似文献   

日本海洋水产资源开发中心的主要任务除开发各大洋的新资源新渔场及负责系统规划全日本的海洋资源调查外,还接受国际委托进行国际间的渔业合作调查,以及新技术的应用、各渔场的资源评估等,其活动范围主要为日本渔船从未作业过的海域,对已利用渔场的外延海区、深海及海山渔场等的开发海区。  相似文献   

仇林根 《现代渔业信息》1990,5(10):16-25,12
浙江南部沿海港湾、滩涂、岛屿以及披山、洞头和南北鹿等渔场,盛产各种蟹类,其种类多,旦较复杂,资源相当丰富.根据作者自50年代以来,从事渔场生产工作、张网渔获物分析、水产资源调查、毛虾资源调查、海岸带生物综合调查等所取得的样品和资料以及日常随机取样积累的资料,加以整理和分析。  相似文献   

闽东渔场鱼类资源生态容量和最大可持续开发量   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
林法玲 《海洋渔业》2004,26(2):86-92
以海洋生态系统营养动力学为理论依据,根据历次调查所获得的闽东渔场初级生产力资料,通过对该渔场浮游植物有机碳含量和生态效率的测算、52种主要鱼类营养级及其有机碳含量的检测,采用营养动态模型和Cushing模型估算鱼类资源生态容量(自然生产量),采用Cadima模式和MSY简单模式估算鱼类资源最大可持续开发量。估算结果:闽东渔场鱼类资源生态容量平均为6.308×10~5t,最大可持续开发量为3.268×10~5t。1994年以来闽东渔场实际年渔获量3.435~4.685×10~5t,平均4.267×10~5t,已连续9年超过鱼类资源最大可持续开发量,呈现过度捕捞态势。必须实行渔获量负增长制度才能使鱼类资源得到有效恢复。  相似文献   

台湾海峡枪乌贼资源的调查,在历次的水产资源调查中都曾结合进行,如1972-1974年福建近内海水产资源调查,1975-1978年闽南-台湾浅滩渔场鱼类资源调查及1982-1983年闽中渔场鱼类资源调查等。但上述调查都没有把枪乌贼列为主要调查对象,所获得资料缺少系统性,未能反映出台湾海峡枪乌贼资源的全貌。  相似文献   

秘鲁沿岸秘鲁鳀渔场及渔汛分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈芃  汪金涛  陈新军 《海洋渔业》2016,38(5):449-458
秘鲁鳀(Engraulis ringens)是栖息于东南太平洋沿岸的小型中上层鱼类,了解秘鲁鳀渔场和渔汛的状况有助于渔情预报工作的开展进而实现资源的合理利用。利用2005~2014年秘鲁各港口的上岸量数据,以上岸量(landings)、总捕捞努力量(fishing effort)和单位捕捞努力量渔获量(CPUE)为指标分析秘鲁鳀渔场分布及渔汛;结合二因素方差分析(two-factor analysis of variance)探究渔场月份和纬度上的显著性差异;利用分位数的方法,找出各年的旺汛时间。研究表明,每年的4~6月和11~12月为秘鲁鳀的主汛期;主要的捕捞区域分布在7°S~13°S;渔汛的前中期,上岸量和捕捞努力量有着明显的年间差异,而CPUE在渔汛后期年间差异明显。方差分析表明,不同月份和不同纬度对捕捞努力量[ln(effort+1)]有极显著的影响(P0.01);5月为一年中最主要的捕捞阶段。旺汛期分析表明,第一渔汛阶段的旺汛一般在5月出现,而第二渔汛阶段的旺汛一般在11月出现。研究结果有助于对秘鲁沿岸秘鲁鳀渔场及渔汛的认识。  相似文献   

柔鱼(Ommastrephes bartramii)是大洋性经济头足类,是我国远洋鱿钓渔船重要的捕捞对象。分析柔鱼渔汛特征并预测旺汛期,有助于柔鱼资源的合理开发与利用。本研究根据2013―2017年北太平洋柔鱼渔业生产统计数据,以每日平均渔获量(CPUEday)作为资源丰度,利用分位数的方法划分旺汛期;结合灰色波形预测方法,对旺汛期日期序列建立灰色波形预测模型群[GM(1,1)模型],对旺汛期出现的时间进行预测。结果显示,北太平洋柔鱼渔汛时间最早为5月12日,一直持续到年终;旺汛期为每年的8―11月,第1旺汛期基本在8月出现。GM(1,1)模型的平均相对误差为6.83%,旺汛期日期序列预测的平均相对误差为8.19%,验证数据的平均相对误差为15.82%,表明此模型可预测北太平洋柔鱼的旺汛期。研究结果可为远洋渔业企业的高效率、合理化的科学生产提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

The life histories of the estuarine prawn, Nematopalaemon hastatus Aurivillius, and the brackish river prawn, Macrobrachium macrobrachion Herklots, were compared in relation to their seasonal exploitation patterns in the Cross River estuary, Nigeria. The period of intensive exploitation of N. hastatus (March to June) was outside the main spawning season (July to October), because these prawns migrate from the main fishing area in the estuary and near shore coastal waters into the deeper continental shelf waters to spawn. This probably contributes to their reproductive success and conservation of the stock. With M. macrobrachion , the peak spawning period and the major fishing season converge between July and September. These prawns also migrate from the fresh water into the major fishing zone within the estuary during the spawning season. This exposes the spawning population to intense human exploitation. On the basis of their spawning dynamics, M. macrobrachion requires more urgent management attention. An option would be a closed season for M. macrobrachion within the estuary during the spawning period.  相似文献   

闽东渔场光诱鱿鱼敷网渔业现状   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据2004—2005年闽东渔场鱿鱼灯光敷网作业技术试验和鱿鱼资源调查项目的资料结合近年来闽东地区鱿鱼敷网生产监测资料,对闽东渔场鱿鱼敷网生产进行分析,结果表明近年来闽东地区鱿鱼敷网发展十分迅速,形成了一定的产业规模,渔场范围位于北纬26&#176;00′-28&#176;00′,东经121&#176;30′-125&#176;00′海域;渔期每年的4—10月,旺汛为6~8月。主要渔获物组成为枪乌贼类、鲐鳄鱼、纯科类和扁舵鲣、其年间所占比重变化很大;本文还对其中部分主要渔获种类的生物学特性进行分析。总体来看,闽东渔场的光诱敷网具有一定的发展前景,但不宜过度发展,建议不要过早的捕捞产卵群体和过度捕捞幼体枪乌贼。  相似文献   

为合理开发利用云鳚(Enedrias nebulosus)资源,设计了云鳚单拖网。2年的生产试验证明,云鳚单拖网生产效果良好,主机功率58.8—73.5kW渔船在云鳚汛期(2个月)的捕捞产量达到250t以上,产值18万元以上,且比双拖网生产节油20%以上。专家鉴定认为,该项试验成果填补了国内云鳚资源开发利用的空白,居国内领先水平。  相似文献   

太湖银鱼资源变动关联因子及资源测报方法探讨   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
严小梅 《水产学报》1996,20(4):307-313
据1989 ̄1994年汛期前后测试结果,结合实际产量,运用灰色系统理论关联方法,得知与银鱼资源密切相关因子是水位和捕捞强度。汛后留湖量与捕捞强度呈负相关,秋汛银鱼产量与春汛留湖量呈指数回归,与太湖新银鱼春群留湖数量呈线性相关。  相似文献   

Otter-trawl catch rates and population structure of the prawn Melicertus kerathurus were studied at the fishing ground of Thermaikos Gulf (North Aegean Sea, Eastern Mediterranean), where the stock is exploited both by otter-trawlers and the artisanal local fleet. Sampling was conducted on board commercial trawlers on a monthly basis in two consequent open fishing seasons (October to May 2000–2001 and 2001–2002) resulting to a total of 70 hauls. Samples were also obtained through experimental trawling (24 hauls) during the closed season. The main trawling ground is located near the border between the outer and the inner gulf, and along the western and northeastern coasts of the outer gulf in depths ranging from 35 to 70 m (most frequently at 40–50 m). Catch per unit effort (CPUE) varied significantly with month but not with fishing season (mean CPUE 3.18 and 1.78 kg/h for the 2 successive years) or depth. Catches were at maximum (up to 7.5 kg/h) at the beginning of the open season in autumn and decreased sharply as the season proceeded (<2.5 kg/h), which is likely to be due to induced fishing mortality in the preceding months, to prawn dispersal and/or to its tendency for longer burrowing. Commercial fishing trips consisted of multiple, short efforts when catches were high, whereas low yields during winter–spring led to less hauls of longer duration: ln CPUE = 2.974 − 2.047 ln HD, r = −0.57. Prawn size ranged from 17 to 60 mm CL, showing a consistent difference in favor of females. A weak recruitment to the fishery was observed from autumn through winter, while, as shown by experimental trawling, the main recruitment pulse to the fishery occurs just prior to the season's opening. The delayed arrival of the prawns on the fishing ground during the second fishing season, accompanied by smaller prawn size and shallower exploitation depth, was possibly related to decreased autumn rainfall. In both years, sex ratio showed a temporal pattern, which seems to be the result of sex-related differences in fishing vulnerability, in timing of inshore migration and in mating mortality.  相似文献   

南海北部金线鱼流刺网渔业情况分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张鹏  杨吝  张旭丰  谭永光 《南方水产》2008,4(6):101-107
根据“粤阳东18023”渔船2006年1月至2007年12月的渔获销售记录,结合春、秋2季的渔获抽样测量数据,对使用单片刺网在南海北部作业的大型金线鱼流网船的生产情况进行了分析。结果显示,渔获以底层和近底层种类为主,带鱼Trichiurus haumela、长尾大眼鲷Priacanthus tayenus和金线鱼Nemipterus virgatus为渔获优势种,占产量的29.7%、13.3%和10.5%,占产值的27.4%、24.4%和15.7%;渔船全年作业,汛期在11月至翌年3月,其中1月为旺汛期,休渔期的产量和产值在全年中所占比重很小;优势种渔获以成鱼为主,其CPUE的高值期与汛期基本一致。  相似文献   

Matsumoto  Yukio  Takami  Hideki 《Fisheries Science》2022,88(6):693-701

In field studies of a species’ population size, the movement and distribution of the target organism beyond the study area affect the population size estimate. Estimates are derived based on the number of animals caught, and catch efficiency changes with distribution and locomotion of the animals. This study, using acoustic telemetry and unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) mapping, revealed that the Ezo abalone, Haliotis discus hannai, alters its distance moved depending on its distance from brown kelp. In addition, we reproduced abalone locomotion and brown kelp phenology as individual-based models. In the model, abalone moved to deeper water during the spring/summer brown kelp growing season, while during autumn/winter, the model showed them moving to shallower water and aggregating around the remaining brown kelp. The timing of moving to shallower area in the model coincided with the fishing season. Fishers mainly catch abalone in shallower areas. Therefore, it is possible that fishing efficiency will not decline later in the fishing season because fishers can catch the abalone immigrating to the main fishing grounds and those aggregating around the brown kelp. Our model indicated the need for improvement in the DeLury method and the catch per unit effort (CPUE) trends used in the abalone fishing industry.


In order to establish the migration route of Pacific saury Cololabis saira, we measured the radius of otolith annual rings (ROA) in fish collected from areas off the Japanese coast up to 165°W in June and July (pre-fishing season) and from fishing grounds in August?CNovember (fishing season). The average ROA for six sea areas that each spanned 10° of longitude sampled during the pre-fishing season were compared with data obtained during each month of the fishing season. The average ROA decreased from west to east and also decreased monthly from August to November. The average ROA of fish caught after October at the peak of the fishing season was equivalent to that of the fish caught in the areas east of 160°E or 170°E. We conclude that Pacific saury caught by Japanese fishing vessels during the peak of the fishing season migrate from an area east of 160°E.  相似文献   

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