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We tagged fingerling white bass, Morone chrysops, with passive integrated transponders (PIT) at two body locations (peritoneal cavity and dorsal musculature) and six weight classes to evaluate survival, tag retention, and weight gain during a 28-day experimental period. The probability of survival (as calculated by logistic regression) was >95% for fingerlings >19 g for both PC and DM. Retention of PIT tags varied between PC and DM tagged white bass in 6 g and 14 g fingerlings. The probability of tag retention was 100% in all sizes of fingerlings tagged PC, and >95% for fish >19 g tagged DM.  相似文献   

Abstract An attachment technique which gives good tag retention, minimal damage to fish and prevents entanglement with weed is described. Fish carrying transmitters were monitored in semi-natural conditions and appeared to exhibit the same behaviour as untagged fish. Median condition factors of dummy-tagged fish did not differ from those of untagged fish over a 10-week period. Examples of movement patterns obtained using radio tags attached to dace, Leuciscus leuciscus (L.) are given.  相似文献   

Electronic tags have become a common tool in fish research, enhancing our understanding of how fish interact with their environment and move among different habitats, for estimating mortality and recording internal physiological states. An often‐untested assumption of electronic tagging studies is that tagged fish are representative of untagged conspecifics and thus show ‘normal’ behaviour (e.g. movement rates, swimming activity, feeding). Here, we use a unique data set for potamadromous walleye (Sander vitreus) in Lake Huron and Lake Erie tributaries to assess whether the lack of appropriate controls in electronic tagging could seriously affect behavioural data. We used fish tagged in previous years and compared their migratory behaviour during the spawning season to fish tagged in a current year at the same location. The objective of the study was to determine whether intracoelomic acoustic tag implantation altered downstream movement of walleye after spawning. Fish tagged in a given season travelled slower downstream from two river spawning sites than fish tagged in previous years. Fish tagged one or two years earlier showed no differences between each other in downstream travel time, in contrast to fish tagged in a given year. Our results support notions that standard collection and intracoelomic tagging procedures can alter short‐term behaviour (i.e. days, weeks, months), and as such, researchers should use caution when interpreting data collected over such time periods. Further, whenever possible, researchers should also explicitly evaluate post‐tagging effects on behaviour as part of their experimental objectives.  相似文献   

To determine the efficacy of passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags for marking rohu Labeo rohita (Ham.) in the selective breeding programme, a series of experiments has been carried out at the Central Institute of Freshwater Aquaculture (CIFA) under the Indo–Norwegian project of ‘Selective breeding of rohu’. Six groups of rohu fingerlings with weight ranging from 2 g to 20 g were tagged with PIT tags to determine a suitable size range for tagging. Fingerlings weighing 8–15 g were found to be quite suitable for tagging with a PIT tag. Recovery of the PIT tag depends upon the survival of tagged fish under field conditions. Rejection of the PIT tag by rohu was observed to be only 0.05%. Through effective management practice, the survival of tagged fish increased up to 95%, and thus tag loss was minimized.  相似文献   

In the spring of 1996 and 1997, a prototype 400 kHz flat-plate (pass-by) passive integrated transponder tag interrogation (PIT tag) system was installed at the terminus of the downstream migrant (DSM) channel of the Bonneville Dam First Powerhouse, located on the Columbia River. The system was designed to interrogate previously PIT tagged juvenile salmonids migrating down the Columbia River without interfering with the traditional subsampling of fish passing through the facility. In addition, the design enables fish of virtually any size, and debris, to pass over the system's antennas without the port restrictions imposed by traditional pass-through PIT tag interrogation systems. We describe the fish facility in addition to the flat-plate system and its operation. The system tag reading efficiency was evaluated during 1996 and 1997 using a direct method based on the release of known numbers of tagged test fish and an indirect statistical procedure based on tagged run-at-large fish. The results showed that PIT tag reading efficiency during both years using the direct method averaged 97%, while that using the statistical procedure averaged 99% for the dual multiplexed antenna array. During the 1996 and 1997 field seasons 4371 and 14 733 fish, respectively, were recorded. Daily system functionality was monitored using stick tests (i.e., the passing of PIT tagged sticks across the antenna array).  相似文献   

为探究乌江思林水电站鱼类增殖放流效果,2013年和2014年对思林(沙沱)鱼类增殖放流站放流的中华倒刺鲃(Barbodes sinensis)和白甲鱼(Varicorhinus simus)部分个体进行了荧光标记,共标记放流1.98万尾中华倒刺鲃和4.56万尾白甲鱼,并在2014年与2015年进行了2个周期的回捕调查。结果显示,回捕调查捕获鱼类12种,共计2687尾;其中,中华倒刺鲃和白甲鱼的渔获物占比分别为1.60%和0.71%,未见荧光标记个体。通过走访调查,收集到标记中华倒刺鲃7尾(2014年6尾,2015年1尾)、白甲鱼7尾(2014年4尾,2015年3尾),回捕率分别为0.013%~0.049%和0.009%~0.030%,回捕地点共7个,距离放流地点226~24 105 m。研究表明,思林(沙沱)鱼类增殖放流站的增殖放流活动可对中华倒刺鲃、白甲鱼等起到一定增殖效果。为取得更好的增殖放流效果,建议调整放流方法、放流地点、加强渔政管理和宣传教育。  相似文献   

The utility of visible implant (VI) tags for marking tropical river fish   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In tropical fisheries where ageing fish is often difficult, tagging programmes offer an important means to estimate growth parameters and mortality rates. The majority of tags are large and attached externally via a puncture in the muscle. These characteristics may cause significant biological effects which bias parameter estimates. Visible implant (VI) tags offer a more benign means to individually mark fish. The utility of VI tags for marking five species of tropical river fish was examined. The results indicate that the tag and tagging operation had no influence on either growth or mortality, although tag retention was poor compared with other studies. For three of the five species, the only suitable tagging location was highly inconspicuous and therefore inappropriate for tagging programmes that rely upon fishermen to return tagged fish. Alternative tagging locations may improve retention rates and the visibility of the tag.  相似文献   

Thirteen adult bluefin tuna were tracked with electronic pop‐up satellite tags during their reproductive migration towards Mediterranean spawning grounds as they entered the Strait of Gibraltar. Fish were caught in tuna traps and tagged either underwater, with the aid of a modified spear gun, or on the deck of the boat. Fish tagged on board initially showed a shallower behavior than those tagged in the water. The pattern of horizontal movements was also different between both groups. Shortly after tagging, the eight fish tagged in the water entered the Mediterranean Sea. Six of these fish reached the spawning ground located southwest of the Balearic archipelago before heading back for the Atlantic, whereas the other two traveled farther east, reaching its easternmost longitudes between Formentera and Sardinia and the South Tyrrhenian Sea, respectively. In contrast, two out of the five fish tagged on board never entered the Mediterranean Sea, and another one did enter the Mediterranean when the reproductive season was already over. These results suggest an impact of the tagging procedure on the post‐release behavior of bluefin tuna. Excluding the tags that popped‐off east of the Strait of Gibraltar, bluefin tuna stayed in the Mediterranean Sea for 22–28 days. Analysis of the median depth indicated a shallow behavior during both day and nighttime throughout the return phase of the fish from the Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic Ocean with the exception of the area around the Strait of Gibraltar, where they showed a deeper behavior that coincided with a marked vertical gradient in the currents.  相似文献   

Over 3 years, 32,444 age‐0 group Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) parr tagged with passive integrated transponder tags throughout the River Frome catchment were assigned to one of three groups, nonmigrants, autumn migrants and spring smolts, depending on the detection and the timing of detection at downstream tag readers (situated 8.6 km above the tidal limit). We examined the effect of density at the time of tagging (n·m?2), distance upstream from the tidal limit (km), fish length (mm), Fulton condition index, habitat type (divided into two types, main river and carrier), days after 1 September that each fish was tagged and year (replication) on the proportions of fish in each of the migration groups. Distance upstream from tidal limit was strongly negatively related to the proportion of autumn migrants and positively related to the proportion of spring smolts. Nonmigrants had a lower average body size than migrants, although there were no differences in the sizes of autumn migrants and spring smolts in September prior to migration. Fish density had no effect on migration strategy. A lower proportion of fish migrated as autumn migrants from the smaller carrier habitats than the main river channel. There is some evidence that those parr destined to become autumn migrants underwent a lower mortality rate during September before tagging than those destined to become spring migrants indicating possible physiological or behavioural differences between these two groups of fish at that time. More research into the factors responsible for initiating the autumn migration is required.  相似文献   

Abstract –  The effectiveness of a pool-and-weir fish pass in the regulated river Laarse Beek (Belgium) was assessed for bullhead ( Cottus gobio ), perch ( Perca fluviatilis ) and roach ( Rutilus rutilus ) from August 2002 to April 2003. Fish were caught by electrofishing downstream, within and upstream of the fish pass. They were marked with visible implant elastomer tags and released downstream of the fish pass. Our results suggest that the fish pass is ineffective for the bullhead because none of the 1270 tagged bullheads were recaptured in the upstream study area. Passage failure most likely resulted from excessive water velocities in the fish pass. On the contrary, 8% of the tagged perch and 29% of the tagged roach were recaptured in the upstream study area. Several management strategies are proposed to allow free upstream passage of the endangered bullhead at the fish pass under study.  相似文献   

To monitor the success of stockings of hatchery-reared barramundi, Lates calcarifer (Bloch), in tropical Australian waters a series of laboratory and field experiments were undertaken to evaluate a range of marking techniques. Juvenile fish of stocking size 30-85 mm total length were first used in laboratory experiments and then some were stocked into a freshwater impoundment for field evaluation. Marking techniques evaluated were fin crimping, fin removal, cold branding, polyethylene streamer (ags and coded-wire tags. The results showed that dorsal fin crimping and pelvic fin removal were relatively ineffective methods of marking, with only 53% and 63% of marks in each respective group being recognizable after 3 months. The polyethylene streamer tags were quickly shed, with 100% loss after only 77 days. Cold brands faded rapidly and were not considered to be of value as long-term marks. Coded-wire tags, inserted into the cheek musculature, were considered to be the most successful of the techniques assessed. Coded-wire tags were implanted at a rate of 250-270 tags per hour with an immediate success rate of 95-97%. These tags had no significant detrimental effect on either growth or survival and tag retention in the 2-month laboratory trials was 93%. Longer-term field studies, where fish had been stocked for about a year, also suggested little effect of coded-wire tags on growth or survival and no evidence of shedding.  相似文献   

采用切鳍法和挂牌法对体长为11~17cm、体重50~70g的草鱼(Ctenopharyngodon idellus)进行标志研究,用铜丝从背鳍第一与第二支鳍骨间缝隙穿过,将椭圆型塑料标牌(长8mm×宽5mm×厚1mm)挂在背鳍基前,标志牌及铜丝的平均总重量为0.04g,不影响草鱼正常游泳和摄食等活动;暂养10d的标志牌保持率达到82.4%,土塘饲养70d的成活率为91.5%,标记保持率为79.9%。切鳍法标记草鱼暂养10d后,标志保持率100%,土塘饲养70d后,成活率为83.6%,80.7%的草鱼被剪鳍条已完全或接近完全再生,标记保持率只有19.3%。挂牌标记比切鳍法标记的成活率高7.9%。需要2周时间进行食性转化训练,将饲料食性转回天然食性即草食性。研究结果显示,切鳍法因切除的腹鳍可以完全再生,只适合短期标志(约30d);挂牌法具有较高的标志保持率、标牌保留时间较长和标牌醒目等特点,可用于较长时间的试验研究。2种标志方法均可应用于草鱼增殖放流的效果评估。  相似文献   

鱼类育种实践中的个体标记技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对鱼类育种实践中所采用的鱼类个体标记方法及其优、缺点进行了综述。鱼类个体标记主要有外标和内标两种方式,每种标记方式中又有不同的具体方法。外标法主要包括鼻签、剪鳍、挂牌、烙印等,具有简便易行、成本较低等优点,但标记的保留率相对较低;内标法有染料标记、放射性同位素标记、荧光色素可见标记和被动整合雷达标记等,内标法的标记保留率较高,但成本也较高。内标法在标记效率和个体存活率上比外标法要好。  相似文献   

Howell PJ, Dunham JB, Sankovich PM. Relationships between water temperatures and upstream migration, cold water refuge use, and spawning of adult bull trout from the Lostine River, Oregon, USA.
Ecology of Freshwater Fish 2010: 19: 96–106. This article is a US Government work and is in the public domain in the USA Abstract – Understanding thermal habitat use by migratory fish has been limited by difficulties in matching fish locations with water temperatures. To describe spatial and temporal patterns of thermal habitat use by migratory adult bull trout, Salvelinus confluentus, that spawn in the Lostine River, Oregon, we employed a combination of archival temperature tags, radio tags, and thermographs. We also compared temperatures of the tagged fish to ambient water temperatures to determine if the fish were using thermal refuges. The timing and temperatures at which fish moved upstream from overwintering areas to spawning locations varied considerably among individuals. The annual maximum 7‐day average daily maximum (7DADM) temperatures of tagged fish were 16–18 °C and potentially as high as 21 °C. Maximum 7DADM ambient water temperatures within the range of tagged fish during summer were 18–25 °C. However, there was no evidence of the tagged fish using localized cold water refuges. Tagged fish appeared to spawn at 7DADM temperatures of 7–14 °C. Maximum 7DADM temperatures of tagged fish and ambient temperatures at the onset of the spawning period in late August were 11–18 °C. Water temperatures in most of the upper Lostine River used for spawning and rearing appear to be largely natural since there has been little development, whereas downstream reaches used by migratory bull trout are heavily diverted for irrigation. Although the population effects of these temperatures are unknown, summer temperatures and the higher temperatures observed for spawning fish appear to be at or above the upper range of suitability reported for the species.  相似文献   

We investigated juvenile brown trout migration and mortality in a headwater tributary of the Motueka River, New Zealand, by tracking 1000 young‐of‐the‐year passive integrated transponder (PIT) tagged fish over autumn to summer to (i) partition total loss into emigration and mortality and (ii) determine the influence of season and flow on emigration. Fish were tracked using mobile and fixed PIT tag readers. Of the 1000 fish tagged, 173 remained within the Rainy River; emigration contributed 60% and mortality 29% to loss. Only 11% of fish tagged in autumn were predicted to remain in the upper reaches of the stream by early summer, and this agreed with density data collected in a parallel study. We identified a two‐phase downstream migration pattern with early movement of large young‐of‐the‐year fish in autumn (mainly during floods). This was followed by another substantial period of movement in spring (during floods and lower flows) by fish that were initially smaller at the time of PIT tagging. The management implications for damming and fish screening in headwater tributaries are discussed.  相似文献   

We tested if it is technically feasible to monitor fish in real-time in full-scale commercial fish farms using acoustic telemetry. 31 Atlantic salmon were equipped with acoustic transmitter tags containing depth sensors. Tagged fish were monitored for three months in two industrial scale sea-cages containing 180000 and 150000 fish, respectively. Each cage was fitted with two prototype acoustic receiver units designed to collect, interpret and store the information transmitted by the acoustic transmitter tags. Ten in each cage were also equipped with Data Storage Tags (DSTs) containing depth sensors to record individual-based datasets for comparison with the acoustically transmitted datasets. After compensation for sample loss caused by expected acoustic interference between the transmitter tags, the resulting dataset revealed that the receiver units collected 90–95% of the signals in both cages. Acoustic communication conditions in the sea-cages were not strongly impaired by factors such as fish density and local noise. Further, the dataset from the acoustic transmitters had comparable resolution and quality to that produced by the DSTs. However, acoustic tags provide data in real time and enable farmers to respond to the received information with farm management measures, whereas archival tags such as DSTs need to be retrieved and downloaded and hence have no real-time applications. We conclude that acoustic telemetry is feasible as a method to monitor the depth of fish in real-time commercial aquaculture.  相似文献   

Vaccination of sea-ranched Atlantic salmon was conducted in order to investigate if immuno-prophylactic measures could improve their survival. Fish were either vaccinated by bath or injection. A total of 66 000 fish were reared in fresh water at a hatchery on the island of Bornholm and at the presmolt stage were separated in three groups each comprising of 22 000 fish. One group was vaccinated intraperitoneally with a polyvalent vaccine (containing killed Vibrio anguillarum serotype O1 and O2, Yersinia ruckeri and Aeromonas salmonicida ). A second group was bath vaccinated with the corresponding vaccine-components and the third group was used as a non-vaccinated control. One month after vaccination these groups were allocated to three separate net-pens located 500 m from the coastline of the island. After 4 months in the net-pens, 1000 fish from each cage were tagged with Carlin-tags below the dorsal fin. The fish were then released for a migration period in the Baltic Sea. Following a sea period of 40 months (45 months post-vaccination), the recapture rates of the groups were calculated from the returned tags from fishermen. Recapture of the injection vaccinated group was significantly higher (25%) compared with the bath vaccinated fish (14.7%) and the control group (16.8%).  相似文献   

大亚湾黑鲷标志放流及回捕率调查   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为评价大亚湾海域黑鲷(Acanthopagrusschlegelii)增殖放流效果,使用塑料椭圆标志牌(plasticovaltags,POTs),开展了黑鲷幼鱼标志保持率与生长实验。结果显示,背鳍鳍棘基部第4~6鳍棘下方5mm左右的背部肌肉为最适标志位置, 90 d后标志保持率为81.76%。POTs标志黑鲷幼鱼45 d内生长与对照组无显著性差异(P0.05),而90 d后标志组生长显著缓于对照组(P0.05)。并于2014—2016年每年1次在大亚湾开展黑鲷幼鱼标志放流试验。采用有奖回收方式进行标志鱼回捕,测量体长、体重,收集回捕日期、回捕地点、回捕方式等信息,整理分析相关数据。3年共放流标志黑鲷幼鱼60115尾,共2758尾回捕标志鱼被定置网、流刺网及垂钓捕获(总回捕率4.59%);大规格放流苗种回捕率高于小规格放流苗种;垂钓回捕鱼数量占总回捕数量的比例为62.08%。通过对反馈信息的分析,认为放流后的标志鱼最初主要沿湾内和湾外两个方向呈近岸辐射状扩散,最远扩散距离约70 km。放流后1~2个月标志黑鲷生长较慢,随后相对加快,放流5~7个月后,黑鲷幼鱼体长、体重分别增长59.51%~127.20%和322.75%~989.83%。结论认为,POT是黑鲷幼鱼体外标志的适宜选择;在研究海域,放流后的标志黑鲷更易于被垂钓方式捕获;丰富的食物和可供躲避敌害的空间是影响其扩散、生长的因素。  相似文献   

Assessments of stock enhancement programmes for European lobsters (Homarus gammarus) require mark‐recapture analysis of stocked individuals. However, established tag technology is deemed unsuitable for extensive use by many current lobster hatcheries, particularly upon the early juvenile stages. We tested the suitability of fluorescent Visible Implant Elastomer (VIE) tags for use in 5‐month‐old juvenile lobsters. Three treatment groups comprising 348 cultured lobsters in total were used to examine survival, growth and tag retention, and to assess mobility, shelter use and moulting behaviours. Tagging had no significant effect on lobster survival, growth, mobility, shelter use or moult frequency. Survival over 7 weeks was 75% among lobsters tagged with two elastomers, 76% in those with one elastomer and 74% among untagged controls. Mortality during moulting did not increase in tagged (6%) compared to untagged lobsters (9%). We found no evidence that VIE tags cause any negative effects that would be expected to inhibit survival upon wild release, but tag loss had reached 12% in both tagged treatments after 7 weeks and showed no sign of abating. Our study suggests that VIEs effectiveness in discerning cultured lobsters long after wild release may be limited when used in smaller juveniles.  相似文献   

Abstract  A hatchery experiment was organised to find out if the high loss rate of coded wire tags, noticed in connection with an Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus (L.) restocking programme, was size-dependent and also to test head moulds for future taggings. Six moulds made by Northwest Marine Technology Inc. and five moulds made at the Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute were used. A total of 100 charr were tagged with standard-length coded wire tags using each mould. One-summer old charr at tagging were held for 534 days and two-summer old charr for 320 days. The tag loss rate varied between 0% and 54% and was negatively related to the size of the charr at tagging. The high loss rate was connected with the poor alignment of some moulds, such that a large proportion of the tags were located in the nasal cavity instead of the nasal cartilage. Testing of the moulds and careful grading of the fish for tagging is emphasised, especially if Arctic charr smaller than 20 g in weight are to be tagged.  相似文献   

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