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鄱阳湖是我国最大的淡水湖泊,重要的湿地和候鸟栖息地,宝贵的鱼类资源库、鱼类基因库和经济鱼类的原种基地。针对鄱阳湖区渔业资源和水域现状,强调对渔业水域生态修复的重要性和必要性,提出建立湿地保护带、重建和恢复湖区滨岸植被、采用生物调控技术、加大增殖放流和人工鱼巢力度、建设重要经济鱼类种质资源保护区等措施。  相似文献   

<正>5月18日,湖南省畜牧水产局和省质量技术监督局组织有关专家,对湖南省地方标准《淡水人工鱼巢增殖技术规程》进行综合评审。人工鱼巢是指模仿鱼类繁殖生态、采用替代材料人工建造的、设置在特定水域供鱼类产卵繁殖,并为其仔幼鱼提供栖息  相似文献   

2019年4-5月在重庆市长寿区桃花河开展了人工鱼巢试验,探讨了人工鱼巢的增殖效果及其影响因素。研究结果显示,监测期间6个投放点人工鱼巢共采集到鱼卵11批次,出现3次产卵高峰。1、2、3、4、5、6号投放点人工鱼巢粘附鱼卵总数分别为12074粒、74207粒、360563粒、187472粒、131026粒和210854粒,其中,鲤占28.69%、鲫占31.96%、红鳍原鲌占39.35%。按照鱼苗的野外成活率5%估算,人工鱼巢可增殖10843尾鲤、12079尾鲫、14873尾红鳍原鲌。单因素方差分析表明,人工鱼巢的附卵均数在不同投放点间不存在显著性差异,在不同产卵批次间则存在显著性差异。Pearson 相关性分析表明不同投放点人工鱼巢粘附的鱼卵数与水温、溶解氧相关。研究结果可为保护渔业资源多样性和制定重要生境的修复措施提供科学依据。  相似文献   

<正>黄河占全国河川径流2%的资源,近年来一些人为因素的影响,黄河流域的生态环境和渔业资源受到了一定程度的破坏。针对黄河郑州段水域自身的特点和近年来环境变化的影响(以黄河鲤鱼为代表的产黏性卵鱼类的正常繁殖受到了严重影响),黄河鲤种质资源保护站先后三年间对黄河郑州段黄河鲤种质资源保护区进行了投放人工鱼巢等系列人工增殖渔业资源的项目工作。实践证  相似文献   

由梧州市水产渔业专家承担的江河野生黏性卵鱼类种群增殖试验日前宣布获得成功,这是广西第一个成功通过人工鱼巢为载体繁殖西江黏性卵鱼类的技术,为西江野生渔业资源可持续发展提供了技术保证。  相似文献   

西江人工鱼巢增殖鲤鱼效果评估   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2015~2016年在西江郁南、云安和高要江段开展了人工鱼巢增殖鲤鱼的实验工作,通过实施期间鱼巢粘附鱼卵数量以及同期鲤鱼资源状况调查对其增殖效果进行了评价。结果表明:两年人工鱼巢分别粘附鱼卵量达4.78亿粒和4.66亿粒,粘附鱼卵孵化出膜后统计全部为鲤鱼,按照自然水体鲤鱼苗的成活率5%计算,两年分别可增殖鲤鱼苗2 120万尾和2 020万尾,实现渔业捕捞经济效益增长达1 272万元和1 212万元。实践证明:选择好适宜的鱼巢投放位置和下水时间,保持鱼巢材料的新鲜能使人工鱼巢达到更好的效果,人工鱼巢是一种简单可行且易推广的鱼类增殖方法。  相似文献   

为找出最适合的人工鱼巢材料,形成产黏性卵鱼类产卵场修复技术,该研究于2019年3—5月在西江肇庆江段利用芦竹(Arundo donax)、芒草(Miscanthus sp.)、象草(Pennisetum purpureum)、蒲葵(Livistona chinensis)、仿真水草、尼龙网布共6种材料制作人工鱼巢,分析了材料及环境因素对鱼巢实施效果的影响。结果表明,鲤(Cyprinus carpio)鱼卵对黏附介质具有较强的偏好性,芦竹制作的鱼巢有卵黏附的比例和单件鱼巢黏附鱼卵数量均显著高于其他材料制作的鱼巢(P<0.05),可知芦竹是制作鱼巢的最佳材料。有卵黏附的比例和鱼卵数量均随着入水天数的延长而下降,主成分分析表明鱼巢入水天数是影响实施效果的最主要因素,径流量和水位的上涨可促使鲤到鱼巢产卵,而天气状况对鱼巢效果影响不大。此外,还讨论了鱼巢投放时间、地点对实施效果的影响。  相似文献   

江鳕是鳕科鱼类中唯一的淡水种类,也是我国冷水鱼类的珍稀物种,主要分布于额尔齐斯河流域和乌江上游,目前是全世界抢救性开发的品种之一,具有极高的经济价值、药用价值和特殊的科学研究价值,在国际上属于高端消费品种。江鳕全人工养殖作为世界性的研究课题,十几年来一直未有突破性进展。河北省石家庄市水产部门摸清了江鳕非原产地人工繁殖技术要点,进行了咸鱼人工养殖,并掌握了江鳕不同生长阶段适宜的环境条件参数。该技术项目的突破,将对保护我国淡水渔业资源起到积极的促进作用。  相似文献   

研究了泥鳅无土静水养殖技术中人工鱼巢的选材与设置问题。试验结果表明:以废旧自行车外胎作鱼巢,成活率为87%,单位产量3.85kg/m2,效益59.9元/m2,投入与产出比为1.0∶1.10。以PVC塑料管作鱼巢,成活率78.1%,单位产量3.45kg/m2,单位效益49.0元/m2,投入与产出比为1.0∶1.12。两种人工鱼巢的选材与设置均比较合理,能为泥鳅提供良好的栖息隐蔽场所。综合比较,以废旧自行车外胎作为泥鳅无土静水养殖的人工鱼巢,生产效果更好。  相似文献   

嘉陵江北碚江段人工鱼巢增殖效果调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探索人工鱼巢的增殖效果,于2014年2月15日—4月20日,在嘉陵江北碚江段郭家沱和三圣庙产卵场投放人工鱼巢对该区域产黏性卵鱼类进行增殖。结果显示:在两水域人工鱼巢上产卵的为鲤(67.2%)和鲫(32.8%),产卵集中在3月中旬-4月上旬,产卵均有4次峰值,分别粘附鱼卵814.6万和2 194.6万粒;推算本研究投放的人工鱼巢至少可为200组鲤、520组鲫亲鱼提供繁殖场所,增殖鲤58.0万尾、鲫28.4万尾,增加鲤400.4 t、鲫8.7 t,经济价值达491万元。  相似文献   

The vicious cycle of poverty, overfishing and resource degradation in coastal communities in the Philippines calls for action that will address the problem of declining fish catch and degraded fish habitats. The literature has shown that an efficient and effective coastal management program can be instrumental in approaching this problem. In order to secure food and livelihood of fishers, the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center/Aquaculture Department collaborated with the local government of Anini-y, Antique to develop a sustainable utilization of natural marine resources through sea ranching of abalone within the Nogas Island marine protected area. Establishing a marine protected area is a means of conserving natural stocks while sea ranching is considered an effective strategy that can increase fishery resources. The two management schemes are considered as effective coastal resources management strategies. The success of a sea-ranching project is dependent not only on biophysical but also on socioeconomic factors as determinants of community participation and cooperation. A social assessment was conducted to determine the fishers’ socio-cultural characteristics, their perceptions of their coastal resources and knowledge on how to effectively manage these coastal resources. The fishers’ awareness on fishing regulations and the extent of their participation in community's coastal resources management activities were also determined. Data were collected from a household survey using a semi-structured questionnaire, focus group discussions and in-depth interviews with key informants. The fishers generally scored low in almost all aspects of their socioeconomic wellbeing. Most fishers perceived that their coastal resources were in a bad condition which they attributed to illegal and commercial fishing, increasing number of fishers and the poor enforcement of fishery regulations. However, the weighted mean scores of their knowledge on coastal resources management, awareness to fishery regulations and participation in community coastal resource management activities were average. This implied that fishers when trained and developed can become potential partners for effective coastal resources management programs.  相似文献   

Tropical hilsa shad, which is an anadromous fish migrating from the sea to spawn in freshwater river, constitutes an important fishery in some Asian and Middle East countries, particularly in Bangladesh. But, historical information on hilsa biology and ecology has confronted the scientists and policymakers with research and management challenges. We have reviewed both the old and recent findings on hilsa fishery to document the status of knowledge and potential gaps, necessary to comprehend for formulating a more effective fishery management plan. Thus, there has been a decline in hilsa catches in the riverine system associated with shift in fish migration routes, indiscriminate harvesting of brood and juvenile fish, and degradation of habitat. Specifically, the riverine hilsa catches peaked in the 1960s, declining thereafter, and became relatively abundant in marine waters since 1990s. Biological data indicated that hilsa goes through multiple reproductive cycles; therefore, a comprehensive understanding of reproductive biology, recruitment by various cohorts, stock abundance and habitats across the life cycle are necessary to accurately impose fishery regulatory measures, such as fishing ban in spawning season in Bangladesh. Moreover, domestication initiative is important for artificial seed production and mariculture development of hilsa that can not only offer economic return to small‐scale farmers but also reduce the growing pressure on capture fishery. Importantly, the arrangement of co‐management is found ideal as fishermen, scientists and managers can work jointly to improve the regulatory processes and to sustain the hilsa fishery over time.  相似文献   

我国近海渔业资源可持续产出基础研究的热点问题   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
近海具有极其重要的生态服务功能,是众多渔业生物的关键栖息地和优良渔场,支撑着近海渔业资源的补充和可持续生产。在我国,近海渔业提供90%以上的海洋捕捞产量,是我国优质蛋白的重要来源。目前,因过度捕捞直接造成的资源量骤减、及大规模围填海工程、陆源污染和海水养殖等高强度人类活动的加剧,近海资源和环境问题日益凸显,如:富营养化导致的赤潮、水母暴发等生态灾害,湿地减少引起产卵场、育幼场碎片化或功能消失等,使得近海渔业资源的补充和可持续性严重受损。渔业资源的补充过程是海洋生物、物理作用耦合的过程,依赖复杂多样的环境驱动因子来调节和维系可持续渔业生产。而渔业种群早期生活史阶段是其生命中最脆弱、对栖息环境变化的敏感性最强的阶段,小规模环境变化也可能会对其资源补充过程产生剧烈影响。因此,渔业种群早期生活史的关键生境(产卵场、育幼场等)和过程(繁殖发育、存活生长等)对环境变化的响应机制及其资源效应的研究成为海洋生态系统演变和生物资源可持续产出前沿领域的重点和热点。作者在综合国内外相关研究动态和我国近海渔业生态系统存在的突出问题的基础上,展望并分析了关键栖息地的形成和变迁过程与机理、关键资源补充过程与机制、渔业种群对生境变化的适应性响应以及资源效应的综合评估与模型分析等研究热点,期待为我国该研究领域的发展起抛砖引玉之用。  相似文献   

Landings in the blue crab, Portunus trituberculatus, fishery in Korean waters of the Yellow Sea have declined substantially from 11,000 t in the 1980s to 2,300 t in 2004. Blue crab habitat quality in the Yellow Sea has been degraded by anthropogenic activities including sand mining, land reclamation, and coastal pollution. Various traditional management measures have been implemented, including closed seasons during spawning and size limits, but these measures alone have been unsuccessful to conserve blue crab stocks. Consequently, a total allowable catch and a stock-rebuilding program using an ecosystem-based management approach were implemented in 2003 and 2006, respectively to rebuild blue crab stocks and restore habitats. This program involved assessment of both blue crab stock status and trammel-net fishery impacts at an ecosystem-level using an ecosystem-based fisheries assessment method ( [Zhang et al., 2009] and [Zhang et al., 2010]), which considered fishery data from catch and effort time-series, crab population biology, and ecosystem characteristics, including habitats and environmental conditions. Recent (2008) management status indices have shown significant positive change compared to conditions in 2000 with respect to sustainability of the stock and fishery and with regards to biodiversity and ecosystem habitat quality.  相似文献   

董芳  方冬冬  张辉  危起伟 《水产学报》2023,47(2):029318-029318
长江是我国鱼类多样性最高的河流,同时也是我国最重要的淡水渔业资源产区。然而,近几十年来受水域污染、水工程建设、湖泊围垦、航运发展、过度捕捞和外来种入侵等多重因素的影响,长江流域生态系统面临着逐渐衰退的困境,主要表现为鱼类种类数减少、鱼类濒危物种程度加剧、鱼类资源小型化趋势明显、鱼类资源呈衰退趋势和外来物种种类增多等。长江十年禁渔,对恢复长江水生态环境和保护水域生物多样性提供了重要的机遇。作者建议统筹协调长江生态保护与渔业发展的关系,创新流域管理体制与机制,根据长江水生态系统结构与功能变化,适时调整服务目标,其目的旨在实现对长江流域水生态环境的保护和渔业资源的可持续发展提供科学依据。  相似文献   

李良才 《河北渔业》2009,(11):45-47
海洋渔业资源面临枯竭是世界性难题。我国既有的海洋渔业资源养护与管理法基本上形成了国内法体系与国际法体系。但是,对渔业资源的养护与管理,我国缺乏适应市场经济要求的理念。渔业资源立法的现状堪忧。我国缺乏基本的渔业资源养护与管理原则、制度及其规范,其问题与缺陷应得到矫正。立法文本中要提出有针对性的法律规制措施。  相似文献   

Abstract – For decades, the European eel Anguilla anguilla (L.) population has been declining strongly despite several management attempts, so additional experiments need to be conducted on management measures. The use of freshwater protected areas has been advocated but their efficiency has never been assessed. In this study, we investigated whether the population structure and the silver eel (mature migrating stage) production differ in fished and protected areas within a marsh wetland (Brière, 7000 ha, Northwest France), using an intensive biological study (electrofishing and trapping) and a survey of the traditional fishery (licenses, questionnaires and creel surveys). First, we found that fishermen mainly targeted >320‐mm yellow eels (sedentary stage) using pots and square dipping nets and that harvest by fishermen was highly variable at different locations in the study area. Secondly, we found differences in the size‐class structures and mortality rates between protected and fished areas. Mortality rates of eels >320 mm was positively correlated with harvest by fishermen. Furthermore, the proportion of potentially migrating eels in the total population was found to be higher in the protected areas than in fished areas (6.38% vs. 1.42%, respectively). Thirdly, we found that protected areas potentially produce 8.4% of the total silver eel production whereas they only account for 2.4% of the aquatic habitat area. We estimated that a size adjustment of protected areas to 31.1% with maintaining the current fishery would produce 50% of the potential silver eel of a fully protected marsh. Protection of freshwater areas appears to be a promising management measure and a constructive consensual way to integrate the patrimonial and societal value of the traditional fishery and the international management plans for European eels. Furthermore, freshwater protective measures can be an effective local solution if they are integrated into the framework of freshwater biodiversity management and accompanied by other management measures that focus on all eel life stages.  相似文献   

人工鱼礁建设是指在自然海区营造适宜于水产经济生物生长繁殖的环境,从而吸引野生或人工放养的海洋生物定居,促进水生生态系统健康发展与海洋渔业资源的增殖与养护。青岛崂山湾公益性人工鱼礁区位于崂山湾南部海域,建设周期三年(2012年~2015年),工程建设采用了混凝土和废旧渔船两类鱼礁体,共建设三处人工鱼礁群,每处人工鱼礁群使用海域200 hm2。项目建设期间需要采取多项安全防治和环保治理措施,后期管理工作也要同步展开。该项目建成后具有显著的生态效益、经济效益和社会效益,并将为修复海洋生态环境和渔业资源、发展生态休闲渔业、实现渔业可持续发展发挥重要的促进作用。  相似文献   

我国淡水贝类资源丰富、种类繁多,有记录的淡水贝类目前已经超过470种,广泛分布于我国各地的湖泊、河流和山间湿地等生态系统中。其中我国特有种贝类在各主要分布水系的比例均高于50%,特有种质资源十分丰富。淡水贝类不仅在生态系统中扮演着重要的角色,而且具有巨大的经济价值。淡水珍珠蚌中三角帆蚌和褶纹冠蚌,以及一些食用贝类如中华圆田螺、螺蛳、河蚬等的资源开发比较充分,但是由于淡水贝类分布范围广、栖息环境多样,相对于其他一些淡水贝类,目前研究还仅限于资源调查和物种鉴定层面。整体上,国内淡水贝类的种质资源评估不够系统,保护和开发利用未得到足够重视。本文就我国淡水贝类物种多样性与区域分布、淡水贝类种质资源可持续开发与利用情况、引进淡水贝类种质资源与利用现状及淡水贝类种质资源现行保护措施进行概述,并提出有关淡水贝类种质资源保护和可持续利用的建议,以期促进我国淡水贝类资源保护和开发利用协同发展。  相似文献   

明晰渔业产权强化渔业管理   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
渔业产权是指海洋捕捞资源,如何分配准入权或其它权利,不同国家采取不同的手段来处理这一问题,明确界定和有效实施渔业产权,被大多数渔业经济学家视为最有效的措施之一。本文介绍了渔业产权的基本概念、类型及其特征,并指出强化我国渔业管理应构建怎样的渔业产权管理机制。  相似文献   

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