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研究了"稻蟹共作"模式下稻蟹产出以及不同日期土壤的pH、有机质、碱解氮、有效磷、速效钾等理化指标的变化。结果表明:"稻蟹共作"模式下,养蟹田水稻的实粒数、实粒重、空粒重、单位产量均高于非养蟹田,但二者之间差异不显著;与非养蟹田相比,养蟹田千粒重略小,但水稻的单位产量增加了3.55%。河蟹收获时,体质量由14.9g增至(84.45±3.62)g,增重倍数接近6;根据当年河蟹收购价格15元/kg,扣除稻田工程、饲料及防逃设施费用,利润可达3 661.5元/hm2。不同日期养蟹田土壤的pH、有机质、碱解氮、有效磷和速效钾与非养蟹田无显著性差异。  相似文献   

稻-金鱼共栖生态系统土壤理化性状研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过田间试验对稻-金鱼共栖生态系统的稻田土壤理化性状进行了研究。研究结果表明,与常规稻田相比,实行稻-金鱼生态复合种养,土壤的速效氮、速效磷、速效钾、有机质分别增加9.6mg/kg、0.8mg/kg、4.0mg/kg、1.67g/kg,增加幅度分别为5.7%、6.4%、6.2%、7.5%;土壤物理性状也得到一定程度地改善,土壤容重降低了0.11g/cm3;土壤总孔隙度增加了8.63%,土壤非毛管孔隙度增加0.01%。  相似文献   

通过探究河口土壤养分状况及空间变化规律,为入库河口生态修复提供理论依据,以丹江口水库青塘河入库河口为例,采用传统描述性统计和地统计分析法对入库河口表层土壤养分空间变异特征进行了研究。结果表明,土壤各养分指标变异系数为38.6%~97.9%,除速效磷外,总体属中等强度变异。研究区土壤各养分指标均具有中等程度的空间自相关性,自相关距离为272~2110 m,由大到小依次为:速效磷>碱解氮>有机质>速效钾。研究区土壤有机质含量为7.97~45.03 g/kg,处于中等偏上水平,碱解氮含量为42.97~178.70 mg/kg,处于中等偏下水平,速效磷含量为5.03~121.40 mg/kg,速效钾含量为62.50~820.65 mg/kg,分别达到丰富和极丰富水平。受土壤母质、地形、气候等非人为因素和施肥、作物、管理水平等人为因素影响,研究区有机质、速效磷和碱解氮均呈现出由东南向西向北方向逐渐递减的趋势,速效钾在中部偏东处含量最高。与传统统计方法相比,地统计分析能较好地反映土壤养分含量的结构性、随机性、独立性和相关性。研究结果可为丹江口水库青塘河入库河口植被恢复与生态修复提供理论依据。  相似文献   

通过探究河口土壤养分状况及空间变化规律,为入库河口生态修复提供理论依据,以丹江口水库青塘河入库河口为例,采用传统描述性统计和地统计分析法,对入库河口表层土壤养分空间变异特征进行了研究。结果表明,土壤各养分指标变异系数为38.6%~97.9%,除速效磷外,总体属中等强度变异。研究区土壤各养分指标均具有中等程度的空间自相关性,自相关距离为272~2 110 m,由大到小依次为:速效磷碱解氮有机质速效钾。研究区土壤有机质含量为7.97~45.03 g/kg,处于中等偏上水平,碱解氮含量为42.97~178.70 mg/kg,处于中等偏下水平,速效磷含量为5.03~121.40 mg/kg,速效钾含量为62.50~820.65 mg/kg,分别达到丰富和极丰富水平。受土壤母质、地形、气候等非人为因素和施肥、作物、管理水平等人为因素影响,研究区有机质、速效磷和碱解氮均呈现出由东南向西向北方向逐渐递减的趋势,速效钾在中部偏东处含量最高。与传统统计方法相比,地统计分析能较好地反映土壤养分含量的结构性、随机性、独立性和相关性。研究结果可为丹江口水库青塘河入库河口植被恢复与生态修复提供理论依据。  相似文献   

2012年7月中旬,在全国水产技术推广站副站长李可心的带领下,国家、省、市等多家平面媒体对青田稻鱼综合种养技术进行了采访调研。目前,青田稻田养鱼面积达8万多亩,产量1450万t。据悉,此次采访团走访了德清、绍兴、景宁等同样具有稻鱼种养模式的县市,与其他地方相比,青田的稻鱼种养有着独特的优势。李可心认为,青田的稻鱼共生系统是建立在自然生态的基础之上的,在促进农业增效和农民增收,推动稻鱼养殖转型升级中,完全实现了"百斤鱼、千斤粮、万元钱"  相似文献   

稻田养鱼是一项投资少见效快的生态渔业,它可以综合利用水资源又可以增加水稻产量。以鱼促稻,鱼稻共生,是稻农降低生产成本,提高水稻产量的最佳途径,特别是稻田养鱼节水节地节肥省饲料。若每亩稻田产鱼10公斤,那么20亩稻田养鱼的产量就相当于1亩池塘常规养鱼的产量。我市现有可以养鱼的稻田面积为25万亩左右,如果全部  相似文献   

赵连胜  张金兰 《水产科技》1995,(5):18-19,17
稻田养鱼应以水稻为主,兼顾养鱼,这一指导思想是根据稻鱼共生理论,利用人工新建的稻鱼共生关系,将原有的稻田生态向更加有利的方向转化,达到水稻增产鱼丰收的目的。如果是鱼丰收而水稻减产,那么稻田养鱼是发展不起来的。根据促进水稻增产兼顾养鱼的指导思想,我们认为稻田养鱼应以养草鱼为主(50—70%),因地制宜地搭配一些鲤鱼和尼罗罗非鱼等。  相似文献   

1995年,我市徐塘乡在510亩稻田养殖罗氏沼虾获得成功.现将主要过程及技术措施报告如下。1稻田选择及田间准备1.1地点和条件试验在徐塘乡沙沟湖水稻区内进行,该稻区地势低洼,常年积水,不受客水污染.为一年一季田。该稻田土壤pH值6.9有效氮含量大于75ppm,有效磷含量大于6.8ppm,速效钾含量大于103ppm,有机质含量大于2.5%,为二合土。1,2稻田改造510亩稻田共分六个小区,每个小区以10~15亩为一养殖田块,田块内离埂三米处开挖条形围沟,沟宽6~67米,深1.2米,坡比为1:2.畦面种稻.沟中不种稻。1.3防逃设施田埂加宽夯实,埂…  相似文献   

稻鱼菜、稻鱼鸭复合生态模式综合效益的试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
试验研究和示范表明 ,与平作种稻比较 ,在稻鱼菜、鸭多元复合生态模式中 :水稻产量可平均增产 10 %以上 ,同时每亩平均增收鲜鱼 5 5 8kg ,成鸭 14 6kg ,蔬菜等经济作物 4 7 3kg (按稻田面积计算 ) ;提高了稻田的肥力 ,水稻土壤全N、P、K和有机质含量分别增加了 2 0 1%、 5 7 3%、 17 3%和 18 9% ;水稻植株虫口量最少。稻鱼菜、鸭多元复合生态模式的总收入达到 10 0 0元 /亩以上 ,大大提高了稻田的产出和效益 ;其生态环境质量指数在 0 5以上 ,属良性循环的高效多元复合生态农业模式。最后介绍了稻鱼菜、鸭多元复合生态模式的主要技术措施。  相似文献   

稻田养鱼是以稻为主,在有利于水稻增产的前提下,利用稻田这个特殊水体资源,发展渔业生产,增加鱼产品。在进行稻田养鱼上,过去一般都要求在田里开挖鱼沟,鱼溜、以解决养鱼与水稻生产上的浅水灌溉,施农药,干旱等矛盾,使稻鱼共生互利,获得较好的稻鱼产量。所进行的这些基本措施,人们往往认为麻烦,  相似文献   

哈尼梯田稻鲤共作模式下的微生物群落结构   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了探究哈尼梯田稻鲤共作模式(复合生态系统)微生物菌落结构特征,本实验拟采用高通量测序技术对稻鲤共作(RC)与稻田单作(CK)2种模式下水体、表层以及根系土壤及鲤肠道细菌(16S rDNA)多样性特征进行分析。高通量测序结果显示,复合生态系统中主要细菌门类为变形菌门、放线菌门、厚壁菌门、绿弯菌门、酸杆菌门、拟杆菌门及硝化螺旋菌门等。与CK相比,RC表层土壤中绿弯菌门和厚壁菌门相对丰度显著增加,主要显著增加的优势菌属为厌氧绳菌(Anaerolineaceae_norank)、Aminicenantes_p_norank、未定义的绿弯菌(Chloroflexi_P_unclassified)、梭菌(Clostridium_sensu_stricto_1)、梭菌(C._sensu_stricto_12)、互营菌(Syntrophaceae_f_norank)、芽单胞菌(Gemmatimonadaceae_f_norank);RC根系土壤中绿弯菌门含量显著高于CK组,主要是Anaerolineaceae_norank、Sideroxydans、Aminicenantes_p_norank、Chloroflexi_p_unclassified、Gemmatimonadaceae_f_norank优势菌属显著增加。RC模式中鲤肠道优势菌主要为厚壁菌门和变形菌门,其中厚壁菌门相对丰度为58.59%,超过一半的丰度。RC模式组相比CK组,土壤的有机质、总氮、总磷等理化指标都有所降低,其中pH、总磷和速效磷显著降低;稻田表层和根系土壤的细菌Sobs指数及PD指数也均增加,其中稻田表层土壤组显著增加。研究表明,增加鲤养殖后,稻田表层土壤的理化性质和细菌群落结构产生明显变化,同时也在一定程度上对水稻根系和养殖生物肠道的群落结构产生了影响。本研究初步揭示了RC复合生态系统优于CK系统的微生物生态基础。  相似文献   

为了准确揭示杉木溪消落带土壤养分及其空间分布对三峡库区水位消涨及其所带来的环境变化的响应,2014年研究了5个完整水位消涨周期的不同海拔梯度和土层深度土壤。沿海拔梯度分别在150、155、160、165、170、175 m处各设置1个样带,180 m处设置1个对照样带,每样带设置5个样方,在各样方内选取4个角及中心点共5个样点,用土壤采集器分别在0~5、5~10和10~15 cm土层分层采集土样。结果表明,在水位消涨的作用下,消落带土壤养分含量显著下降,有机质、全氮和全磷含量与非消落带土壤相比分别减少了14.55%、20.00%和26.12%,土壤p H值则显著增加。水位消涨还导致消落带土壤养分随海拔梯度呈显著的空间变化。其中,有机质、全氮和全钾含量以中部消落带土壤的含量最高,全磷含量则以中下部消落带土壤的含量最高,而土壤p H值随着海拔梯度的减少而增加。消落带和非消落带土壤养分在不同土层之间有着显著差异,有机质、全氮、全磷含量随土壤的加深而显著减少。在水位消涨的影响下,消落带表层土与下层土有机质和全氮含量的差异显著减少,而全磷和全钾含量的差异则有所增加。  相似文献   

Rice-fish culture, which means the simultaneous culture of rice and fish, is one of the best options to increase food production from limited land and is practiced in many countries in the world. Although many researchers and farmers believe that the rice yield is increased by fish farming in paddy fields, this hypothesis has never been fully tested. Here, we report ecological processes leading to higher rice yields in the rice-fish culture using crucian carp (Carassius complex), which have adapted to the paddy field ecosystem in Japan. We compare the rice-fish and rice-only plots in the experimental paddy field for biota, water quality, and rice yield. Coverage of duckweed and densities of zooplankton and benthic invertebrates in the rice-fish plots were lower than those in the rice-only plots, indicating that fish utilized them as food. NO3–N concentration in the rice-fish plots was higher than that in the rice-only plots, indicating that the increase in NO3–N concentration results from excretion of unutilized food nutrients by the fish. Consequently, rice yield in the rice-fish plots was 20% higher than that in the rice-only plots. The fertilizing effect of the fish excrement probably increased rice yield.  相似文献   

Rice–fish-farming systems constitute a unique agro-landscape across the world, especially in tropical and sub-tropical Asia. Rice is a globally important staple food crop, with a wide distribution and constituting diversified varieties. The introduction of fish rearing to rice farming creates an integrated agro-ecological system. China boasts a history of 1700 years in rice–fish-farming practice. It is no longer a sole agro-production practice, but an agro-cultural pattern. Therefore, it has been listed by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as one of the Globally Important Ingenious Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS). Qingtian County of the Zhejiang province has been selected as a pilot conservation site. The rice–fish-farming systems in China diversify China's agro-landscape and favor the conservation of species variety of both rice and fish. The survival of deep-water rice, an indigenous rice variety, and Oujiang red carp, an indigenous fish variety, are cases in point. Being low external input systems, the rice–fish-farming systems necessitate only small amounts of pesticide and fertilizer. The application of pesticides can be lowered to 50% of that of modern, high-input rice production; sometimes, no pesticide application is required. The natural enemies of rice pests show a prominent rise, making the bio-control of rice diseases and pests highly feasible. The rice–fish-farming system is also of great significance in global food security and global change. It provides food and animal protein for subsistence farmers living in ecologically-fragile mountainous regions. It also reduces economic risks that these farmers potentially face. The nitrogen-fixation role of the system increased the content of organic matter, total nitrogen and total phosphorus in the soil by 15.6–38.5%. It also reduces the emission of CH4 by nearly 30% compared with traditional rice farming. However, the economical development and industrialization in China pose a threat to rice–fish farming and, consequently, the numbers of farmers involved in rice–fish farming are decreasing. This calls for the Chinese government to engage itself in the conservation and development of this system and to innovate the existing technologies. It would also be useful, in the meantime, to exploit and conserve rice–fish farming as eco-tourism resources, so that the income of the mountainous farmers can be increased and this important, indigenous agro-culture be conserved and developed.  相似文献   

为研究稻虾综合种养对稻田土壤肥力和金属元素含量的影响,对潜江市稻虾综合种养田(渔沟以TRC表示、田面以PRC表示)和水稻单作田(以RM表示,作为对照)土壤不同土层(0~10 cm、10~20 cm和20~30 cm)的主要肥力指标和金属元素含量进行了对比。结果显示,各土层总氮、速效磷和总磷含量均表现出PRC RM TRC的趋势,有机质(20~30 cm土层除外)、氨氮含量表现出RM PRC TRC的趋势,硝态氮含量表现出TRC PRC RM的趋势。各土层的Cu、As、Mg和Mn含量均表现出TRC PRCRM的趋势,而Cd、Pb、Fe和Ca含量的变化趋势与之相反;除0~10 cm土层外,Cr、Zn和Ni含量在TRC、PRC和RM之间均无显著差异。根据《GB 15618—2018》中的污染风险筛选值,各土层的Cr、Cd、Pb、Zn、Ni、As含量均未超标,而Cu含量普遍超标,超标率的范围为14%~46%。研究表明,稻虾综合种养可能会促进田面土壤中氮磷的积累、降低渔沟土壤氮磷的含量,也可能引起土壤中Cu、As、Mg、Mn的积累及Cd、Pb、Fe和Ca的减少。  相似文献   

Abstract. Data from 15 rice-fish experiments, conducted at the Freshwater Aquaculture Center of Central Luzon State University. Philippines during the years 1976-1983. were analysed using the multiple linear regression technique with the objective of explaining the variation in fish production from input and climate data. The experiments dealt with the effects of various management practices on the production of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.), in concurrent culture with several varieties of lowland irrigated rice, Oryzasativa (L.). Climate data were obtained from the nearest weather station. Significant models (P< 0.001) were derived for gross fish yield (kg/ha), net fish yield (kg/ha), fish recovery (%), fish growth rate (g/day) and rice yield (kg/ha). For gross fish yield, 66% of the variation could be explained by seven independent variables: length of the culture period, fish stocking weight and density, nitrogen and phosphorous application rates; insecticide application and air temperature. The interpretation of the regression results is discussed. Despite the problems with linking regression coefficients to ‘real life’ processes, this kind of exploratory data analysis, applying modem statistical techniques, can be a useful tool in summarizing the results of previous research and obtaining more information from existing data.  相似文献   

Adoption of rice-fish culture by farmers in the rainfed areas of northeast Thailand is examined with reference to recent field research and extension in the region. The practice is placed in perspective with the development of aquaculture per se and the human and agricultural ecology of this heterogeneous region. Rice-fish culture is a recent activity in the region and has been promoted by government and non-government agencies with variable success among small-scale farmers. The widespread availability of private hatchery-produced fish seed and perceived decline in wild fish have been important stimuli. Rainfed rice fields are marginal agricultural environments and lack of water constrains both rice and fish production. Wild swamp fish are tolerant of these conditions and traditional systems for their management and capture have expanded greatly in recent years. In much of the region ‘trap’ ponds are used more for catching wild fish than as refuge sumps or ponds for fish culture per se; wild fish typically constitute between 20 and 80% of the total yields in stocked systems. Widespread availability of fish seed allows more farmers to try rice-fish culture but the small size of seed at purchase is still a problem particularly where carnivorous, wild fish are prevalent. Appropriate on-farm nursery techniques may improve success and adoption of hapa nursing has been high in some parts of the region. Species ratio and density of fish stocked depends mainly on their availability from fry traders; the major species stocked in rice fields are the silver barb (Puntius gonionotus), common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus).

Farmers adapt rice fields for fish culture as part of their whole farm strategy; benefits to rice, vegetable and fruit and livestock may be considered more important than fish yields. The high value attached to even small quantities of fresh fish is a major incentive for rice-fish culture, but women who are decision makers in terms of changes to rice fields and household consumption have often not been fully considered during promotion of rice-fish.

The relatively small areas of riceland that farmers can stock and harvest fish, low yields per unit area and high consumption of fish reduces the importance of rice-fish culture in many rural households. The analysis suggests that stocking fish in rice fields in areas with poor access to wild fish supplies from community water bodies would have most impact.

Although rice-fish culture can contribute to subsistence requirements, the high labour demand often means that intensified capture of wild fish or pond-based culture of fish are more attractive for poorer and better off farmers, respectively.  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of organic enrichment on water column, sediments and macrofauna caused by a fish farm in the Mediterranean Sea. Samples were collected on four sampling campaigns over a one‐year cycle. Significant differences were found in the water column in dissolved oxygen, dissolved inorganic nitrogen, phosphate and total phosphorus concentrations between the fish farm and the control. The increase in the dissolved inorganic nitrogen and phosphate concentrations at the fish farm modified the stoichiometric ratios between nutrients, with silicate acting as limiting nutrient at the fish farm 11% more than at the control. Nevertheless, chlorophyll a concentration in the water column was higher at the control station, probably due to the fouling of the underwater fish farm structures. Significant differences were found in sediment concentrations of organic matter, total phosphorus and redox potential between the fish farm and the control. The Canonical Correlation Analysis indicated that organic matter, total phosphorus, redox potential and% of gravels accounted for 68.9% of the total variance in the species data. Changes were observed in macrofauna, with a decrease in number of species and up to a nine‐fold increase in abundance with respect to the control.  相似文献   

林海  周刚  李旭光  周军  张彤晴 《水利渔业》2011,32(5):100-104
比较研究了微孔和机械2种增氧养殖模式下4种沉积物酶活性的动态变化,并分析了所测酶活性与养分因子的相关性。结果表明:(1)4种酶活性随水温的季节性变化较为明显,其中蛋白酶活性与脲酶活性变化呈单峰状曲线,蔗糖酶各月波动较大,过氧化氢酶活性整体呈上升趋势。(2)池塘沉积物中酶活性对不同增氧方式有明显的响应,2种增氧均可提高4...  相似文献   

Changes in water parameters were studied in a yard experiment for 7 weeks after application of cow dung at 20, 50 and 100 t ha?1, poultry manure at 4, 10 and 20 t ha?1, feed mixture (groundnut oil cake and rice bran at 1:1) at 10, 20 and 30 t ha?1 and inorganic fertilizers at 100 kg urea+50 kg single super phosphate (SSP) ha?1, twice this dose (2x ha?1) and thrice this dose (3x ha?1). To study the role of soil in the mineralization process, each treatment was divided into two groups – one with and the other without soil substrate. Higher degree of changes in water parameters was observed at higher input levels. Both organic amendment and inorganic fertilization caused significant reduction (P<0.05) in dissolved oxygen and increase in free CO2, dissolved organic matter, total ammonia, nitrite, nitrate and phosphorus contents of water. Organic inputs significantly decreased (P<0.05) water pH and increased total alkalinity and hardness. In contrast, inorganic fertilization caused a significant increase in pH; alkalinity and hardness increased significantly in the presence of soil, but reduced in its absence. In organic input, presence of soil substrate caused significantly lower value of pH, dissolved oxygen, dissolved organic matter and phosphate‐phosphorus and significantly higher free CO2, alkalinity, hardness, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate contents, compared with those in the absence of soil, revealing enhanced microbial mineralization in the presence of soil.  相似文献   

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