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于单因素试验基础上,以牡蛎蛋白和多糖提取率(Y1和Y2)为响应值,利用响应面法对牡蛎中蛋白和多糖提取工艺进行同步优化.试验结果表明,液料比(X1)、提取时间(X2)、提取温度(X3)及pH值(X4)4个因素对Y1和Y2均有显著影响.由响应面三维及等高线叠加图得到牡蛎蛋白和多糖提取率均高的最佳提取工艺参数:液料比33∶1,提取时间2.6h,提取温度40℃,pH值4.2.在此条件下,验证试验得到牡蛎蛋白提取率为21.15%,牡蛎多糖提取率为12.07%,与数学模型预测值非常接近.可见,响应面同步优化法对牡蛎蛋白和多糖提取条件进行同步优化合理可行.  相似文献   

为研究制备牡蛎(Crassostrea angulata)糖原的最佳工艺条件,通过比较分析了碱性蛋白酶、木瓜蛋白酶、胃蛋白酶、中性蛋白酶和胰蛋白酶等5种不同蛋白酶对牡蛎进行酶解提取糖原的效果,以碱性蛋白酶为最优酶制剂。在对碱性蛋白酶酶解工艺条件进行单因素实验的基础上,应用Box-Bhenken中心组合设计3因素3水平试验方案,通过响应面分析,建立数学模型优化牡蛎糖原的提取条件,以p H、酶解温度和加酶量为自变量,牡蛎糖原提取率为指标,获得碱性蛋白酶水解牡蛎提取糖原的最佳工艺条件,即加酶量4%、p H9、水解温度50℃,此时牡蛎糖原的提取率可达(48.55±0.01)%。试验结果表明,响应面法对牡蛎糖原提取条件的优化方案合理可行,该研究为牡蛎糖原的开发利用提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

以苹果醋为主要原料,添加牡蛎多糖采用正交实验研制牡蛎多糖苹果果醋,并测定了牡蛎多糖苹果果醋、牡蛎多糖及苹果醋的ABTS自由基清除能力、DPPH自由基清除能力和还原能力。结果表明,牡蛎多糖苹果果醋的最佳配方为:牡蛎多糖添加量0.3%,酵母添加量0.1%,柠檬酸添加量0.1%,蜂蜜添加量10%,其感官评定得分为86.6。抗氧化测定结果表明,牡蛎多糖苹果果醋ABTS自由基清除率为95.81%,DPPH自由基清除率为95.11%,还原力为0.66,具有较强的抗氧化活性。  相似文献   

海藻多糖是大型海藻重要的组成成分,其生物活性是近年来研究的热点和重点。本文综述了近年来海藻多糖的水提、醇提、酸碱提、酶提、超声波辅助提取和微波辅助提取等6种方法,比较了不同制备方法的适用性及优缺点,详述了海藻多糖的免疫调节、抗肿瘤、抗病毒、降血糖、降血脂和抗氧化等生物活性及作用机理,介绍了海藻多糖在生物医药、食品以及化妆品领域的应用情况,展望了海藻多糖未来的研究重点,以期为海藻高值化开发利用研究提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

水溶性牡蛎多糖的降血压活性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
牡蛎中含有丰富的多糖。从牡蛎中制备的水溶性多糖经HPLC测定,其单糖组成为葡萄糖,以葡聚糖分子筛测定其分子量为(3.93~10.84)×106 Da。以牡蛎多糖(7g/kg)对高血压模型大鼠灌胃均具有较明显的降低收缩压和舒张压作用。  相似文献   

叶丽珠 《福建水产》2013,35(1):68-72
牡蛎是一种营养价值极高的天然保健食品.我国沿海牡蛎资源充足,开发利用还不充分.从国内外牡蛎的开发利用现状出发,通过对牡蛎的营养价值与功能作用的介绍,阐述了发展我国牡蛎食品的必要性,并对牡蛎在冷藏保鲜、食品加工、生物保健制品等方面的开发利用提出自己的看法.  相似文献   

通过在啤酒发酵过程中添加不同剂量的牡蛎多糖,研究啤酒发酵过程的变化。研究表明,在啤酒发酵前加入1.2%(w/v)牡蛎多糖参与发酵,生产的牡蛎多糖啤酒其香味与啤酒风味较协调。  相似文献   

响应面法对缢蛏粗多糖提取工艺的优化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以秦皇岛海域的缢蛏为原料,通过不同提取方法的比较,确定超声辅助酶解提取法为较优的多糖提取方法,并通过响应面法对缢蛏多糖提取工艺进行优化。试验结果表明,原料超声预处理30min后再进行酶解提取,在添加3.99%的木瓜蛋白酶、50.9℃、酶提8.94h条件下缢蛏多糖提取量达9.41mg/g(鲜)。该方法对研究海水贝类多糖功能性产品原料的选取及产品的开发与应用有重要意义。  相似文献   

对当归多糖的提取方法进行了优化,并测定了当归多糖得率及当归多糖中蛋白质、总糖和还原糖的含量。结果表明先用乙醇进行处理可以改变当归多糖的的获得率,乙醇渗漏方法的当归粗多糖获得率最高。  相似文献   

枣粉多糖提取方法研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对枣粉多糖提取方法进行了概述,着重介绍了传统水提法、超声助提法、酶法辅助提取、碱液提取法、超临界CO2和微波提取法等多种提取方法在枣粉多糖提取过程中的应用及优缺点,为提高枣粉多糖的提取效率和工艺水平提供参考。  相似文献   

Oyster processing sometimes requires determining if the shucking process has been completed. One application of this requirement is in the automated Wheaton oyster shucking machine where one oyster shell valve is removed and it is necessary to determine before the oyster proceeds through the remaining machine components whether the valve has been removed. Failure to remove the valve will cause the oyster meat to be destroyed downstream in the processing system. Thus, an automated sensor was developed to view the oyster and determine automatically if the valve was removed. The sensor is based on the difference in light absorption between the oyster meat and shell. Light reflected from the oyster passing beneath the sensor enters the sensor and passes through a beam splitter. Each light beam passes through a different narrow band filter and into a photocell. The output difference between the two photocells was used to determine if an oyster meat or shell was passing beneath the sensor. The sensor output for the 875 nm shell sensor varied from 0.143 to 0.305 mV and for the 975 nm shell sensor varied from 0.27 to 0.615 mV. When looking at meat the 875 nm sensor output varied from 0.157 to 0.305 mV and the 975 nm sensor varied from 0.307 to 0.622 mV. Results show the sensor will detect the difference between the oyster shell and the meat as long as there are readings for both sensing elements for both the meat and the shell. With the Wheaton shucking machine the design configuration will provide only a wavelength readings for either the meat or the shell but not both. Suggestions are presented to modify the system to allow the sensor to differentiate between the oyster meat and shell.

Because the study was designed to determine if the sensor would perform as designed data on the sensor speed was not available. However, the sensor was designed as part of a shucking machine with a design shucking rate of 60 oyster/min. With the electronic processing needed and the available computer processing power today the sensor should be able to meet the 60 oyster/min for which the shucking machine was designed.  相似文献   

多糖是指由10个以上的单糖分子脱水缩合而成的一类结构复杂且庞大的糖类物质。不同种类的多糖有着独特的理化性质和生物活性,这与多糖的结构密切相关。为了改善多糖的诸多性能,人们常对天然多糖进行分子修饰或改性。本文综述了目前国内外有关天然多糖常见的改性方法及其研究进展。  相似文献   

The black‐lipped pearl oyster, Pinctada margaritifera, is the most important farmed species in French Polynesia and the basis of the most valuable export industry. Mass production of black pearls relies on a surgical operation requiring tissue from a donor pearl oyster to be grafted, together with a nucleus made of shell, into the gonad of a recipient oyster. Improving pearl size through family selection remains one of the main challenges for future aquaculture development. This study analyses the relative contribution of donor and recipient oysters to pearl size. To this end, hatchery‐produced donor oysters of two batches, large and small (based on shell height), were used to supply grafts for recipients, which were then monitored individually for their growth performance by recording shell height, width, and thickness, and total live weight (flesh + shells) every 6 months (four biometric measurement times) over 20 months of culture. Pearls issued from the two batches of donors showed no significant differences in nacre weight or thickness. In contrast, recipient oyster shell height and total weight were increasingly positively correlated with these pearl size parameters over the culture period, becoming significant at 8 months post‐grafting. Potential therefore exists to use shell height and oyster weight as phenotypic indicators for selective breeding of recipient oysters with high growth performance to increase pearl size in P. margaritifera.  相似文献   

The Wadden Sea is an extensive wetland area, recognized as UNESCO world heritage site of international importance. Since the mid‐1990s, the invasive Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg 1793) population in the area has grown exponentially, having a distinct impact on the ecosystem. The recent spread of the emerging oyster pathogen Ostreid herpesvirus OsHV‐1 μVar worldwide and specifically in the oyster culture areas in the south of the Netherlands raised the question whether the virus may also be present in the Wadden Sea. In the summer of 2012 juvenile Pacific oysters were collected from five locations in the Dutch Wadden Sea. The virus was shown to be present in three of the five locations by real‐time PCR and sequencing. It was concluded that OsHV‐1 μVar has settled itself in Pacific oyster reefs in the Wadden Sea. These results and the recent discoveries of OsHV‐1 microvariants in Australia and Korea indicate that OsHV‐1 μVar and related variants might be more widespread than can be deduced from current literature. In particular in regions with no commercial oyster culture, similar to the Wadden Sea, the virus may go undetected as wild beds with mixed age classes hamper the detection of mortality among juvenile oysters.  相似文献   

We present a value chain analysis of seafood exports from South Korea to major consumer markets in the United States, outlining the global value chain of oyster products from South Korea and its governance structure. A major issue faced by consumers is the lack of ability to determine where and how the seafood products are produced and processed. This can be addressed through standards set by the importing firm or country. In this article, we show that Korea–USA free trade agreement has led to development of high‐capacity US‐approved farms and processing facilities, and stricter standards have created a more efficient production and processing sector for exporting seafood products from Korea to the United States.  相似文献   


In the heat treatment of oysters, many aroma compounds are lost in the cooking steam and water. In this study, aroma compound profiles from oyster processing were identified by gas chromatography- mass spectrometry (GC-MS). The compounds were extracted by headspace-solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME), while the best process conditions such as temperature, extraction time, and desorption time were studied. The aroma compounds were obtained from raw oysters, from oysters after thermal treatment, from water released from raw oysters, from cooking steam, and from oyster boiling juice. All compounds were identified and semi-quantified by GC-MS. The major oyster aroma compounds were 1-octen-3-ol, hexanal, and benzaldehyde. Most of the components from oysters were lost both to the cooking steam and to the oyster boiling juice. The concentration range of volatile organic compounds transferred for oyster boiling juice between 14 and 90 mg L?1 shows that the residues from oyster processing have great technological potential, and they can be recovered for application as aromas by the food industry.  相似文献   

Perkinsus marinus, the causative agent of Dermo disease, is responsible for mass mortalities and negatively impacts aquaculture production of the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica. Selective breeding is a viable option for Dermo disease management; however, fluctuations in natural selection pressure and environmental noise hinder accumulation of genetic gains acquired through field performance trials. The purpose of this study was to adapt and apply laboratory disease challenge methods to eastern oysters, better characterize resistance‐specific traits and assess the potential for genetic variation in Dermo resistance among distinct families within a breeding population. Two challenge experiments were conducted, one in 2014 and the other in 2015. Significant treatment (control vs. challenged) and family effects on survival (measured as per cent survival and days to death) were detected in the 2014 challenge, while overall high survival precluded the detection of a significant family effect in the 2015 challenge. An alternate measure of resistance, parasite elimination rate, was also measured in the 2015 challenge, and this varied significantly among families. Thus, both survival and the change in parasite concentration in oyster tissues over time represent Dermo resistance phenotypes that can be measured accurately with the adapted laboratory disease challenge protocol described here. The obvious next step is to incorporate the challenge protocol in eastern oyster breeding programmes to assess whether well‐defined, accurately measured, Dermo‐resistant phenotypes result in enhanced genetic improvement for this commercially important trait.  相似文献   

Integrated multi‐trophic aquaculture systems (IMTA) are building ecosystems designed to produce aquatic organisms with less environmental impact. We have developed a simple system and a management strategy for introducing seahorse (Hippocampus spp.) culture in shrimp/oyster farms to increase economic sustainability. The system includes broodstock, nursery and grow‐out phases of Hippocampus reidi G. culture. We performed a test in a 42.4‐ha marine shrimp/oyster farm, which showed that this system is technically feasible. Then, we performed a partial budget analysis including cost‐return, cash flow and financial feasibility analysis. More than 12 000 marketable size seahorses may be produced in 402 m2 annually. Initial investment was only US$ 21 103.00. The benefit–cost ratio was ~US$ 20.00 for each US$ 1.00 spent, internal rate of return was 131% and payback period <2 years. In conclusion, the introduction of seahorse in shrimp/oyster IMTA system is technically feasible, profitable, resilient and shows high liquidity. This system may be easily established in developing countries and has potential to provide seahorses to supply different markets (live specimens for the marine aquarium trade and dried specimens for traditional Chinese medicine and the curio trade). In addition, it can indirectly contribute to preserve natural populations.  相似文献   

The Australian edible oyster industry has been severely impacted by disease and declining yields since the 1970s. Selective breeding of Saccostrea glomerata is one measure addressing these problems by producing fast‐growing, disease‐resistant oysters. Farmers report that selected oysters have different growth characteristics than their wild counterparts using conventional grow‐out methods. This study investigated how different grow‐out methods influence commercially valuable oyster characteristics including shell length, shape, surface growth deformities and meat condition. In June 2015, selectively bred S. glomerata spat were deployed in two estuaries (Hawkesbury River and Georges River) in NSW, Australia, using three grow‐out methods (fixed trays, Stanway cylinders and floating baskets). In November 2015, oysters were transferred among grow‐out methods to test for the effects of changing grow‐out methods on oyster growth patterns. Oysters transferred from baskets to cylinders and from trays to cylinders had, on average, deeper and wider shells, a higher meat condition and fewer shell surface deformities than oysters in other grow‐out method combinations. However, these oysters were smaller than oysters not grown in cylinders. While there were some differences in growth patterns between the estuaries, overall it was the grow‐out methods that most influenced oyster characteristics. This was attributed to differences in the amount and magnitude of movement oysters experienced in the grow‐out methods, as recorded by motion sensors. This study demonstrates how grow‐out methods can be managed to achieve desired growth trajectories and therefore improve marketability among selective bred S. glomerata.  相似文献   

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