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  1. Bycatch in gillnet fisheries is one of the main threats to several penguin species. Magellanic penguins (Spheniscus magellanicus) are caught by gillnets during their wintering in southern Brazil. However, current information is based only on a small number of sets observed during a single fishing trip.
  2. This study assesses bycatch rates of bottom and drift gillnets operating in southern Brazil, and describes the sex and age classes of individuals captured.
  3. In 80 bottom gillnet sets, 33 penguins were captured (85% adults), 14 were sexed of which 13 were females. In 41 drift gillnet sets, four penguins were captured, three of which were juveniles.
  4. The mean bycatch rates, measured as number of penguins km?2 of net and number of penguins km?2 h?1, were significantly higher for the drift gillnets.
  5. Despite the lower bycatch rates, owing to the higher fishing effort in terms of number of boats, net length, net area, soak time and fishing season, the magnitude of penguin bycatch in the bottom gillnet fishery cannot be ignored.
  6. Despite based on small sample size, the predominance of adult and female Magellanic penguins as bycatch in gillnet fisheries in southern Brazil agrees with previous studies suggesting that females displace further north than males. In addition, such evidence contributes to the male‐biased sex ratio in breeding grounds, and the long‐term decline of major Patagonian colonies owing to higher female mortality during winter.

  1. While floating near the sea surface plastic debris interacts with a number of external factors, including many different organisms. Seabirds have the most extensive documented history of interactions with plastics, through ingestion, entanglement, and nest construction.
  2. In the present study, eight seabird species from the South Pacific Ocean were used as a proxy to determine potential patterns of removal of marine plastic debris, and three hypotheses were tested in relation to their feeding habits and nesting areas.
  3. Plastics from abiotic compartments (Chilean continental coast, South Pacific Gyre, and Rapa Nui beaches) and biotic compartments (surface-feeding seabirds, diving seabirds, and nesting areas) were compared, according to their type, colour, shape, and density.
  4. Continental beaches had a relatively wide range of colours and shapes, with many non-buoyant plastics. Samples from the South Pacific Gyre (SPG) and Rapa Nui (Easter Island) beaches comprised mainly hard, rounded, buoyant, and white/grey plastics.
  5. These results indicate that the composition of floating plastics from terrestrial sources changes during transport with oceanic currents, reducing the proportion of prey-like plastics present in the subtropical gyres.
  6. The stomach contents of surface-feeding and diving seabirds were dominated by hard, white/grey, and round plastic items, similar to plastics from the SPG, suggesting non-selective (accidental or secondary) ingestion.
  7. Nesting areas had a more variable composition of brightly coloured plastics, suggesting a pattern of selective removal of plastics by seabirds, probably from oceanic sources.
  8. The present study reveals extensive interactions of seabirds with plastics on a broader scale, which is highly relevant given that the impacts of plastics on seabirds are increasing worldwide, compromising their efficient conservation.

  1. Bycatch is the most significant threat to marine megafauna (sea turtles, marine mammals, elasmobranchs, seabirds) worldwide, and the leading cause of the decline of several cetacean species. The bycatch issue in the Indian Ocean is poorly understood, but high bycatch levels in gillnet fisheries have been documented for the past two decades, in both small-scale and semi-industrial fisheries. Unfortunately, methods to reduce bycatch are often unavailable, financially non-viable or socially unacceptable to fishermen.
  2. Using a network of trained boat captains in the tuna drift gillnet fishery in the Arabian Sea, targeted catch and bycatch data were collected from 2013 to 2017 off the coast of Pakistan (northern Indian Ocean). Two fishing methods using multifilament gillnets were used: surface deployment and subsurface deployment (i.e. headline of net set below 2 m depth).
  3. Predicted catch rates for targeted species did not differ significantly between the two fishing practices, although a drop in tuna (6.2%) and tuna-like (10.9%) species captures was recorded in subsurface sets. The probability of cetacean bycatch, however, was 78.5% lower in subsurface than in surface sets.
  4. Cetacean bycatch in tuna drift gillnet fisheries has the potential to be significantly reduced at a relatively low cost for fishers. However, further research with an appropriate sampling design and a large sample size is required to confirm the efficacy of the proposed mitigation method. The acceptability and adoption of subsurface setting by fishers also needs to be further investigated. Despite some limitations, this preliminary study also highlights the importance of crew-based observer data as an alternative source of data when observers cannot be deployed on fishing vessels.

Juvenile Pacific bluefin tuna (Thunnus orientalis; PBT) often experience high mortality during ship transportation. This study investigated whether the addition of colours or patterns to the walls of tanks affected survival rate. In the first experiment, three colours and lattice patterns were tested: dark blue single‐colour, red single‐colour, and red–blue lattice pattern. Fish in all tanks exhibited abnormal behaviours when sunlight entered the tanks between 0800 and 1000 hours, but mortality only increased in the single‐coloured tanks as a result of collision with the tank walls. In the second experiment, four colours and patterns were tested: dark blue single‐colour, red–blue lattice pattern, red–blue lattice pattern with shade sheet and red–green lattice pattern with shade sheet. Again, we visually observed that fish in all treatment groups exhibited abnormal behaviour when sunlight entered the tanks, but there were no collision deaths in the lattice‐patterned tanks and survival in this group was significantly higher than in the single‐coloured tanks. Thus, the use of a high‐contrast colour pattern can prevent mass death of juvenile PBT during ship transportation.  相似文献   

  1. The most western little penguin colony globally, and the most northern in Western Australia (WA) is found on Penguin Island, WA. The penguins use coastal bays that are also used extensively by recreational watercraft. These penguins have been found to either dive predominantly to shallow depths of 1–5 m or to depths >8 m. It is thus hypothesized that (a) both the shallow and deeper diving penguins can potentially be disturbed or injured by these watercraft but that the risk will differ between the two diving strategies, and (b) that risk of injury for both is greater during the summer and autumn, when people are more likely to use watercraft.
  2. This was tested by attaching data loggers to little penguins during chick rearing and by investigating necropsy records. Diving activity was studied for the very shallow and relatively deeper diving penguins separately, and we considered the penguins were vulnerable to interactions with watercraft when they were within the top 2 m of the water column or at the surface.
  3. Shallow‐diving penguins executed >1,200 dives per day, 64% of dives occurred within the top 2 m, and they were vulnerable for approximately two‐thirds of their time at sea. The deeper diving penguins executed fewer dives. Almost half of dives were to ≥10 m, yet they were vulnerable for almost one‐third of their time at sea. Their post‐dive recovery was also longer. Thus, the risk of interaction from watercraft differs depending on the diving behaviour.
  4. This study highlights the potential impact to little penguins throughout Australia and New Zealand.

  1. Incidental capture in commercial fishing gear is a threat to many populations of marine megafauna, including sea turtles. While research has largely focused on pelagic longline impacts on sea turtles, fixed‐gear fisheries are a significant, historically understudied source of injury and mortality.
  2. The present study assesses the interaction of endangered leatherback sea turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) with fixed‐gear fisheries in high‐latitude seasonal foraging habitat where sub‐adult and adult turtles aggregate.
  3. Records of leatherback‐fishery interactions (n = 205) were compiled from databases of publicly‐reported sea turtle sightings in Atlantic Canada (1998–2014) to identify the spatio‐temporal distribution of these events; to identify corresponding fisheries and gear types; and to describe the mechanics and outcomes of entanglements in fixed gear.
  4. Most reports came from coastal Nova Scotia (n = 136) and Newfoundland (n = 40), with reporting rates peaking in the mid‐to‐late 2000s. The majority of entanglements were reported during the summer months of July and August when leatherbacks are seasonally resident and several fisheries are active in continental shelf waters.
  5. Entanglements were most commonly reported in pot gear (e.g. snow crab, lobster, whelk) and trap nets (e.g. mackerel), reflecting extensive use of polypropylene lines distributed in the upper water column where leatherback foraging activity is concentrated.
  6. Given reporting biases and uncertainty regarding post‐release survivorship, entanglement mortalities should be considered a gross underestimate of true mortality rates.
  7. This study highlights both the importance of looking beyond pelagic longlines to evaluate leatherback interactions with fixed‐gear fisheries in high‐use continental shelf foraging habitat, and of involving the fishing industry in developing mitigation measures to reduce entanglement rates and associated turtle mortality.

  1. Gillnets are commonly used in tropical multi‐species fisheries and there is a need to investigate the comparative efficiency and impacts of this gear on fish populations and diversity. The efficiency and the impact of gillnets of distinct mesh sizes were compared in the Lower Tocantins River (Brazilian Amazon).
  2. Fish sampling was conducted in 12 floodplain lakes using gillnets of distinct mesh sizes and 345 fish landings were recorded. Indicators of gillnet efficiency were: (1) catch per unit of effort (CPUE) of total fish sampled; (2) CPUE of fish caught by fishers; (3) CPUE of commercial fish sampled; and (4) proportion of biomass of commercial fish sampled. Indicators of impact were: (1) the number of non‐commercial fish (by‐catch); (2) the proportion of fish above the length at first maturity; (3) mean fish size (length); (4) total number of fish species and of rare fish species caught.
  3. Gillnets of 8 cm mesh size showed a higher CPUE in fish samples and fish landings. This mesh size also showed reduced impacts (lower numbers of non‐commercial fish caught and higher proportion of adult fish).
  4. Gillnets of 6 cm mesh size caught a smaller proportion of adult fish, smaller fish, more species and more rare species. Therefore, intensive use of these gillnets could increase the risk of regional species extinctions and impair the provision of ecosystem services by target fish.
  5. Gillnets of 8 cm mesh size could improve fish catches while minimizing adverse effects of gillnet fishing. The practical management recommendation would be to replace the more damaging small mesh gillnets by gillnets with intermediate mesh size. This recommendation could simultaneously protect small‐sized rare species and larger fish, being broadly applicable to other small‐scale and multi‐species fisheries that use gillnets intensively in tropical countries with high fish diversity.
Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

  1. The impacts of fisheries on several charismatic marine fauna have been a subject of global concern. Sea snakes share the same habitats as many commercially important fish species and often end up as fisheries bycatch.
  2. Previous studies of bycatch from India have been limited to individual reports of mortality, with little information on the regional community structure of sea snakes. This study was carried out along the Konkan coast, off the central west coast of India, between 2016 and 2018, to determine trends in the bycatch of sea snakes in coastal fisheries.
  3. In this study, 922 sea snakes were encountered in 916.57 gillnet haul hours and 449.16 trawlers haul hours of fishing, comprising largely of two species: beaked sea snake (Hydrophis schistosus) and spine-bellied sea snake (Hydrophis curtus) (83.05 and 16.94% respectively) which was in stark contrast to a similar study conducted in 2002–03, which recorded a dominance of H. curtus (84%) followed by H. schistosus (14%) in the same region. Both studies, however, indicated higher mortality in H. curtus than in H. schistosus in trawl nets.
  4. This study highlights the significant impact of non-selective fishing practices on regional assemblages of other marine organisms such as sea snakes from South Asia, which has been relatively understudied, and the potential consequences for local ecosystems.

  1. Dolphins interact with many types of fishing gear, causing damage to fishing activities and in some cases facing harm and becoming entangled as bycatch.
  2. In this study, the behaviour of bottlenose dolphins during their interaction with set nets, equipped with and without interactive pingers, was investigated. Acoustic monitoring of the nets was conducted for a total of 56 hauls and 814.9 hr of recordings, from the 16 October to 13 November 2015, along the coast of Lampedusa island (Sicilian Channel, Italy, Mediterranean Sea).
  3. The level of interaction between dolphins and the nets was evaluated considering the number of dolphin clicks grouped over time (single acoustic incursion on each net), the duration of every acoustic incursion, and the number of dolphin clicks per incursion. Moreover, the catch rate was measured as the number of fish per hour for each net.
  4. Based on the recording time of dolphin clicks, the spatio-temporal development of the interaction with the nets located in different bays of the island was assessed.
  5. The duration of the interaction between dolphins and nets significantly increased over the study period, with a concomitant reduction in catch rate. The interactive pinger showed efficacy in protecting the nets from dolphin depredation during the first period of 36 hauls and 11 fishing days (higher catch rates and lower incursion durations), whereas no differences were found in any interaction parameters between pinger and control nets in the second period (20 hauls and six fishing days).
  6. Interactive pingers may be an effective, short-term (2–3 weeks) tool in deterring depredation by bottlenose dolphins in small-scale artisanal fisheries. Other mitigation approaches, such as gear modification, lessons learned through outreach, and passive acoustic monitoring of the nets, could improve the management of the interactions between fisheries and bottlenose dolphins.

  1. Bycatch resulting from fishing activities is the main threat for the conservation of sea turtles in the Mediterranean Sea. Fixed nets are a matter of concern for sea turtles mainly in coastal areas during the neritic stage when both juvenile and adult life stages are affected. Mortality caused by entanglement in set nets is related to forced apnoea due to the high soak time of the nets and consequent drowning.
  2. This study investigated the loggerhead turtle bycatch in set net coastal fisheries in the northern Adriatic Sea (General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean Geographical Sub‐Area 17, [GSA 17]) through an interview‐based approach, to understand the potential contribution of these fisheries to the general decline of the sea turtle population. A second goal was to identify a possible hot‐spot turtle bycatch area through on‐board observations.
  3. The study estimates that more than 5400 turtles are caught in the west GSA 17 each year with the largest number in the summer. A hot‐spot for entanglement was also identified in an area located south of the River Po delta (41.5–69 m depth) during the summer. Sixty‐four turtles were caught over a period of 30 fishing days by either trammel nets and gillnets (0.7 and 0.5 turtle per km of net respectively) and was the greatest number that has been observed anywhere in the Mediterranean.
  4. Possible management strategies to reduce bycatch include technical modification to gear setting (such as reducing netting slack and using small meshes), bycatch reducer devices (such as LED UV), and area and seasonal gear restrictions to small‐scale fisheries in areas of greatest concern in the northern Adriatic Sea.

In this study, the effects of different background colours on growth performance and physiological parameters of Epinephelus coioides were investigated. One hundred eighty E. coioides (average weight 18.16 ± 0.07 g) were distributed in black, white and blue 300‐L tanks and fed to satiation for 60 days. The tank colour had no significant effect on the weight gain, condition factor, hepatosomatic index and specific growth rate (p > .05). The lowest amount of viscerosomatic index and the highest carcass protein were recorded in the white tank (p < .05). Daily food intake, feed conversion ratio and plasma glucose were significantly higher in the blue tank (p < .05). The highest levels of haematocrit and plasma triglyceride were observed in the white tank, while the total protein and albumin were higher in the black tank compared to the other tanks. The tank colour had no significant effects on the plasma cortisol level (p > .05). Our findings showed that colours used in this study did not evoke stress and thus had no effect on growth, but some metabolic adaptation occurred in each colour to achieve optimum growth.  相似文献   

  • 1. Artisanal fishing on coral reefs in Papua New Guinea is an important livelihood activity that is managed primarily at the level of local communities. Pockets of overexploitation exist and are expected to increase with plans for increased commercialization.
  • 2. This paper provides a current assessment of the artisanal multi‐species coral reef fishery by examining selectivity of the dominant gear, namely line fishing, spearguns, and gill nets. Each gear has its own strengths and weaknesses in terms of use and conservation of resources, with no clear problem gear.
  • 3. The three gears utilize different resources but there was moderate overlap in the species caught, particularly between gill nets and line fishing and marginally between lines and spearguns. Gill nets have the disadvantage of being destructive to coral and the advantage of catching commercial species. Line fishing catches an intermediate number of species but mostly large‐bodied and predatory species that could potentially reduce predation and the mean trophic level of the fishery. Spearguns catch the highest numbers of species, including many non‐commercial and herbivorous fish and could reduce the diversity of fish and encourage algal growth.
  • 4. This information could be used in combination with scientific monitoring and traditional ecological knowledge to develop an adaptive management framework that uses local restrictions on the various gears to restore or balance the fishery and ecosystem. Restrictions could be selectively imposed: on gill nets when coral cover is low, line fishing when large‐bodied predators are depleted, and spearguns when biodiversity is reduced and algal abundance high.
Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of feed colour on the performance of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) larvae and fingerlings. In the first experiment, triplicate groups of newly hatched larvae (0.01 g fish−1) were stocked in 40 L glass aquaria at a density of 2 fish L−1. The fish were fed a test diet (400 g kg−1 crude protein) with six different colours (dark blue, dark green, red, dark brown, yellow and light brown) for 60 days. The best performance and survival were achieved in fish fed on dark‐coloured diets, while light‐coloured diets (yellow and light brown) resulted in inferior performance. Dark diets also produced higher body protein than light diets. Body water, lipids and ash showed irregular trends. In the second experiment, triplicate groups of Nile tilapia fingerlings (5.30 g fish−1) were stocked in 140‐L aquaria, in a recirculating indoor system. The fish were fed a test diet (350 g kg−1 crude protein) with the same colours used in the larval trial, for 60 days. Growth rates, feed efficiency, survival and body composition were not significantly affected by feed colours. These results suggest that Nile tilapia larvae are visual feeders, and they prefer dark‐coloured diets to light‐coloured diets, while fingerling fish showed no preference to diet colours.  相似文献   

This study examined the behavioural response on the preference and acceptance, growth performance and survival of Marcobrachium rosenbergi larvae fed with isonitrogenous and isolipidic yellow (YCF) and blue (BCF) coloured feed. In the behavioural response test, single and paired feed drop test of YCF and BCF were introduced at the middle of a tank about 15–20 cm from the edge of the white colour tank wall to larvae zoea IV–VI. The number of larvae attracted to each coloured feed was recorded. For the growth and survival performance, each coloured feed was fed to triplicate groups of larvae (zoea V–VI) at stocking density of 30 larvae/L in 12 ppt brackish water for 28 days until they reached postlarval (PL) stage. In the behavioural test, the number of larvae that attracted and accepted the BCF was significantly higher than those fed YCF (p < 0.05). The body weight and length of PL fed BCF was 28% and 5.6% bigger than those fed YCF respectively. However, the survival of the PL was almost similar in both treatments. This study shows that the freshwater prawn larvae were attracted more to the BCF and able to detect and capture the preferred BCF by vision and this contributed to higher growth of the larvae.  相似文献   

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