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我们小浩大队在养殖海带的生产过程中,坚持实践第一的观点,大搞群众性科学试验活动,努力探索海带的生长规律,不断探求养殖海带的新技术,使海带生产连续十年高产稳产,产品质量也越来越好。从1972-1976年,连续五年平均亩产(标准田)突破三吨关。在新长征的道路上,  相似文献   

崔夕壮 《海洋渔业》1983,5(6):276-276
<正> 荣成县水产养殖场在本场试验海区今年6月收割海带时,发现一棵大海带。这棵海带体长15尺,体宽2尺2寸,鲜重量6斤半,据《海水藻类养殖学》记载,一般人工养殖的海带最高鲜重量在3  相似文献   

山东省荣成市是我国海带的主产区,海带年产量占全国的40%左右。前几年,由于部分单位存在「萝。快了不洗泥」的错误思想,海带加工质量差,甚至以次充好、掺杂使假,严重败坏了荣成海带的声誉,影响产口叩销售。去年以来,为切实加强海带加工质量管理,拓宽销售渠道,促进海带养殖持续健康发展,该市组织全市60多个海带养殖生产单位,成立了海带销售协会,发挥行业协会的整体优势和自我管理作用,加强海带加工、销售的统一协调管理。一是严格加工质量。每年海带收获之前,海带销售协会都要组织召开全体会员大会,统*海带加工质量标准,督…  相似文献   

山东省荣城县各地水产养殖场的工人、干部,遵照毛主席关于“农业的根本出路在于机械化”的教导,积极发展海带养殖机械,先后搞成了海带打捆机、打桩机、加工机、夹苗器等近十种,其中,海带夹苗器就有好几种,现将我县各水产养殖场常使用的几种海带夹苗器介绍如下:  相似文献   

山东省长岛县盛产海带,种植面积12000亩,年产量约17000吨。为了满足广大城乡市场对海带方便食品的需求,长岛县兴办了海带食品加工业。为此,长岛县农机修遣厂组织技术力量,在有关单位的协助下,设计制造了6DS-200型海带切丝机。样机经过6个多月的生产试验证明,各项技术指标达,到设计要求,最近通过地区级鉴定。  相似文献   

山东省荣成县王连乡养殖场是个有三十九名职工的乡办企业,主要从事海水养殖生产。该场位于本县桑沟湾西岸。在养殖上属“三类”海区。过去单一养殖海带,生产一直不景气,特别是一九八○年海带市场出现滞销,海带连续两次降价以后,该场连年亏损,累计达二十六万六千元。  相似文献   

目前,中国水科院黄海所邀请山东省海水养殖研究所、大连水产学院、大连新碧龙海产有限公司和大连市旅顺口区藻类协会等单位专家,对该所承担的国家支持计划项目“食用海带良种定向培育”课题进行现场验收。选育的食用海带苗种叶片平整、宽度明显大于对照组海带品种,中带部与边缘部叶片厚度比较均匀,可提高海带加工食品的出成率,并可提高产品的经济效益。  相似文献   

海带是山东省海水养殖的主要品种,1985年产量13.45万吨,居全国各省之首,占山东省水产品总产量的16.5%,占海水养殖产量的68%。  相似文献   

连江县“海带养殖之乡”的筱埕镇官坞村,1995年10月,从山东省烟台市引进日本与大连海带杂交的新品种—日连杂交海带,试验养殖5亩,势头看好,目前长度已达80cm。  相似文献   

80年代初期,山东省蓬莱县积极引导渔民走以海带为基础,两贝为重点,贝藻间养,相互促进的路子,收到明显效果。在全国海带面  相似文献   

对山东沿海7个地点生产的海带所含水分、碘、胶、甘露醇及粘度进行了化验分析。综合3年化验结果,对不同产地海带的5项质量指标进行了排序。  相似文献   

In the Shiretoko Peninsula, a World Natural Heritage site, the sustainable management of kelp forests has drawn public attention because of the economic and ecological importance of kelp. We spatially estimated the distributions of kelp forests in the Shiretoko Peninsula before and after harvest. Field surveys were conducted in coastal waters (23.74 km2) at the ends of July and August 2008, immediately before and after harvest. Data on the presence or absence and thickness of the kelp forests were collected via acoustic observation. The data were interpolated using geostatistical methods. Before harvest, the kelp forests were continuously distributed over 5.64 km2 (thickness 33–132 cm), especially near the north part of the study area. After harvest, they were sparsely distributed over 2.73 km2 (thickness 35–105 cm). In the southern part of the study area, the influence of harvests was observed as declines in forest area. In addition, relatively thickly forested areas formed the majority of the part most likely to be harvested. Selective harvesting for area and size was confirmed though quantitative mapping of kelp forests. The quantitative mapping of both the distribution and harvest of kelp forests was successful.  相似文献   

Theoretical and numerical models were developed to investigate the effects of water temperature on the population dynamics of the kelp, Laminaria religiosa . The models describe seasonal changes in the biomass of kelp by calculation of growth and grazing rates of sea urchins, Strongylocentrotus nudus . Using the theoretical model, conditions were obtained to satisfy the statistical analysis of a relationship between water temperature and kelp harvests from a fishery census. The conditions require the negative second derivative of the growth rate with respect to temperatures, or the positive second derivative of the grazing rate. By using the numerical model, harvests of kelp were calculated for a change in water temperature over a given period. The period of a temperature change giving the maximum effects on the harvest was determined primarily by temperature dependence on the growth rate. Grazing by sea urchins had large effects on the harvest of kelp. A value of 104 was obtained for a ratio between harvests at the higher and the lower temperatures differing by ± 1C.  相似文献   

为实现海带收获转运机械化,减轻海带收获人员的作业强度,通过改进现有海带养殖筏架模式,将海带苗绳首尾依次连接成串,便于海带机械化收获转运,在此基础上设计并试制回转伸缩齿爪式收获转运试验装置。采用单元数值算法对海带收获过程中成串海带苗绳张力及拖拽力进行计算与分析,对照分析不同苗绳拖拽角度对转运装置运行状态的影响。计算分析和台架试验结果显示:海带收获转运装置拖拽附着养成海带苗绳结合点张力为1290 N,当拖拽海带苗绳起吊角≤15°时,伸缩齿爪无法挑起苗绳,易发生脱绳现象;当拖拽海带苗绳起吊角>15°时,伸缩齿爪可依次挑起海带苗绳,海带能够顺利经过转运装置,达到海带收获转运的目的;回转伸缩齿爪式收获转运装置台架试验运行情况良好,齿爪顺序伸缩机构可有效解决收获转运过程中海带缠绕齿爪的关键问题。液压系统设计采用叠加式液控单向阀,可解决油管泄漏吊臂快速下降的问题,提高系统的安全性。试验研究表明,回转伸缩齿爪式收获转运技术是可行的,可为海上试验打下扎实的基础。  相似文献   

  1. Ecological stability based on statistical variability was contrasted with the asymptotical local stability of transient states during successional changes in community structure in kelp forests and barren grounds.
  2. Simplified semi-quantitative ecological models with different levels of complexity were constructed to represent transient successional states in kelp and barrens, and Routh–Hurwitz's criteria and Levins' criterion of local stability were also estimated.
  3. The results suggest that ecological stability based on statistical variation does not match local (mathematical) stability, since although successional changes in kelp exhibited less variability (measured as percentage coefficient of variation), barren beds were more locally stable. The local stability criteria used in the current work could be a suitable technique for evaluating the likelihood of transient ecological states to resist or change, since it considers states at equilibrium to maintain their properties only against small disturbances.
  4. These outcomes are relevant because the natural alternation between kelp and barrens could be disrupted by the intensive harvest of kelp species carried out over the last 10 years on the central-north Chilean coast and in other temperate ecosystems.
  5. Additionally, the negative effects of harvesting kelp species could have a synergetic relationship with other drivers such as climate change and coastal pollution. Thus, strict policy managements to limit the kelp harvest are deeply encouraged. A monitoring programme for assessing the current conditions of benthic–pelagic ecosystems along the Chilean coast is also required.

2014年—2016年,当海带养殖区水温降至19℃时,将海带"奔牛"品系的幼苗移植到荣成养鱼池湾海域,采用垂挂式养殖方式暂养,定期调整水层和摆洗幼苗,采用挂袋施肥的方式施加硫酸铵和硝酸铵的混合肥。约11月中旬,在海带苗种长至12~15 cm时开始分苗,此后在Ⅰ类海带养殖区,按照大单架平养的养殖方式进行正常养殖。自1月中旬起,每隔半个月对其叶长、叶宽进行测量,计算绝对生长速率,同时记录养殖海区的水温和透明度。连续3年的养殖试验结果显示,透明度最低值出现在水温约6℃,但在同样温度下,透明度不同。海带叶长最大时水温为11~14℃,叶宽最大时水温为13~15℃,比海带叶长最大的温度高1~2℃,海带叶宽生长速率最大时水温为6.5~8.0℃。海带叶长和叶宽基本呈正相关关系。海带由薄嫩期到收获期期间,叶长、叶宽比值为5.4~9.0,在收获期的比值则为6.8~8.7,但相同比值出现的温度不同。  相似文献   

Kelp is not only a kind of food of sea vegetable for human, but also widely used as raw materials in processing food, chemical engineering, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. In China kelp is generally planted on floating raft by using horizontal kelp rope cultivation method and often harvested manually. Harvesting kelp by hand is a difficult process with low production efficiency and high labor intensity. In this paper, a harvesting machine was developed for floating raft culture of kelp. It consists of mainly two locomotion modules, a collection/transmission module and a power module. The structure and working mechanism of this machine was presented and analyzed in detail. The tests of experiments were conducted as well with the developed machine. The manual harvest efficiency is 16.7%; however the mechanized harvest efficiency average value is 35.8%. The harvest time could be reduced by half if the company takes the same people to work. It is proven that the design of the machine is feasible.  相似文献   

1. Dynamic and spatial models of the kelp forest off northern Chile (SE Pacific coast) were constructed using the Ecosim and Ecospace theoretical frameworks based on a previously mass‐balanced trophic model using Ecopath II software. 2. The biomass of Macrocystis integrifolia and Lessonia trabeculata blades constituted the most relevant compartments or variables of the ecosystem studied. 3. The relative ascendency (A/C) of 35.5% suggests that this ecosystem is immature, but resistant to disturbances (e.g. fisheries). 4. The results obtained using mixed trophic impacts (MTI) show that both brown macroalgae produced relatively similar quantitative and qualitative effects, however, the predictions based on Ecosim clearly show that L. trabeculata experienced the most relevant direct and indirect effects. 5. The highest values of system recovery time obtained by Pinguipes chilensis and the other seastar group suggest that both compartments could be considered to be top predator species with strong top‐down control. 6. The exploitation of kelp blades as a new harvest strategy appears to be ecologically sustainable. 7. The Ecospace trophic‐spatially explicit model shows that exploitation exerted separately by habitat generates a similar pattern of direct and indirect effects. These results suggest that a habitat rotation of fisheries would not be justified.Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为开发山东半岛南部浅海养殖,在苏山岛海域采用“顺流筏架、大筏距、多浮力、浅水层”等技术,大面积养殖海带成功,1992年试养200亩,平均每亩效益1583元;1993年试养450亩,平均每亩效益1638元,皆高于荣成桑沟湾海区海带养殖效益。  相似文献   

Sustainable management of the kelp forests of the Shiretoko Peninsula, a World Natural Heritage site, is necessary due to kelp’s ecological and economic importance. The objectives of this study were to estimate the area of kelp forests and to clarify their spatial characteristics in coastal waters of the Shiretoko Peninsula. Data on the presence/absence and thickness of kelp forests were collected via acoustic observation on transects over about 80 km using an echosounder at 200 kHz. Acoustic data were geostatistically interpolated, and the areas covered by kelp forests were estimated. Differences in kelp distribution between the eastern and western sides of the peninsula were compared. The total area of kelp forest was 3.88 km2 (eastern area: 3.49 km2; western area: 0.39 km2). The range of thickness of the kelp forests was 34–91 cm. Many kelp forests in the eastern area were thick (>78 cm) and distributed continuously, while kelp forests in the western area were sparsely distributed.  相似文献   

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