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拟目乌贼繁殖行为学的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文菁  江星  王雁  陈道海 《水产科学》2012,31(1):22-27
拟目乌贼在繁殖期间的行为较为复杂,包括求偶、雄性争斗、交配、雄性陪护、产卵等行为。拟目乌贼在生殖策略上并非"一夫一妻"制,交配时,雄性用第1、2对腕固定雌性的头部,然后用茎化腕将精荚输送至雌性纳精囊内。雌性受精后不久便产卵,拟目乌贼雌性轮流在产卵区产卵。卵白色,半透明,卵群葡萄状,分枝,刚产出的卵短径约1.2cm,长径约2.4cm,拟目乌贼平均产卵量为354枚。  相似文献   

为探讨我国近海蛸亚科(Octopodinae)动物的系统进化关系,本研究通过PCR扩增得到了东海区蛸亚科2属12种蛸类的线粒体COⅡ基因部分序列。纯化后测序,利用多个生物软件对序列变异和碱基组成进行分析。Kimura双参数法计算遗传距离,并结合GenBank上相关头足类同源序列构建NJ、UPGMA系统树。结果表明,蛸类COⅡ基因符合一般线粒体基因A+T含量较高的特点,有较为明显的反G偏倚。其变异位点较多的集中在第三位,编码的氨基酸序列变异位点较少。遗传距离分析表明,所得物种的遗传距离介于0.000与0.232 3之间,且大多位于0.140 0~0.200 0之间。聚类分析表明,所研究蛸类被明显地聚为两大类,即以真蛸为代表的长腕类和以砂蛸为代表的短腕类,证明了蛸属的非单系性。探讨了部分蛸类的分类地位,并就COⅡ基因在头足类系统进化研究的应用潜力进行了剖析。  相似文献   

人工养殖曼氏无针乌贼生殖系统的解剖学与组织学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用解剖学和组织切片技术对人工养殖曼氏无针乌贼(Sepiella maindroni)成熟个体的生殖系统进行观察。曼氏无针乌贼为雌雄异体,其雄性生殖系统包括精巢、输精管、精囊(精囊Ⅰ、精囊Ⅱ、精囊Ⅱ的桃核体和精囊Ⅲ)、副性腺和精荚囊:雌性生殖系统包括卵巢、输卵管、输卵管腺以及附属腺(缠卵腺和副缠卵腺)。光镜下,精巢属于小叶型,由精巢壁和实质部分组成,实质部分由精小叶和小叶间质构成;卵巢呈葡萄串状,由卵巢壁、不同时相的卵母细胞和卵巢基质构成。  相似文献   

浙江省沿岸春秋季头足类群落结构变化分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈峰  瞿俊跃  方舟  张洪亮  周永东  梁君 《水产学报》2020,44(8):1317-1328
根据2014—2016年在春秋季(4月、5月、11月)浙江沿岸进行拖网调查,选取其中的头足类渔获,通过统计分析方法,分析了春秋季浙江沿岸在近年的种类组成和优势种,以及优势种的时空分布变化,并利用生态学方法对头足类群落结构变化进行了研究。结果显示,3年调查共鉴定头足类22种,隶属于3目7科10属,优势种主要为多钩钩腕乌贼、火枪乌贼、杜氏枪乌贼、剑尖枪乌贼、双喙耳乌贼、长蛸。浙江沿岸头足类群落分布呈现出时空差异,在春季(4—5月)北部站点以长蛸为主,其渔获率明显高于春季以剑尖枪乌贼为主的南部站点,秋季主要为多钩钩腕乌贼和火枪乌贼为主,2016年的渔获率明显低于前两年;聚类分析将不同年月和地区站点划分为两大群组,不同群落结构间存在显著差异,长蛸对群落区分度贡献最大,同时对群落空间结构起着决定性作用,而种群的洄游可能是影响浙江沿岸头足类群落结构季节性变化的主要因素。  相似文献   

精子作为物种生殖生物学、受精生物学研究的重要内容之一,其发生及超微结构具有属种特异性,是系统分类、亲缘关系和生殖进化的重要依据。头足类是重要的海洋生物,在海洋生态系统中占有重要的地位,其精子发生主要经历顶体的演变、精核的建成、核后端线粒体的系统演变等过程,不同属种的成熟精子超微结构存在显著差异。八腕目属种精子顶体呈螺旋状钻头形,精核为直核,线粒体于尾部形成线粒体鞘;乌贼目属种精子顶体呈圆屋顶形或圆锥形,精核稍弯,线粒体裹于线粒体距中;幽灵蛸目的幽灵蛸和旋壳乌贼目的旋壳乌贼精核均为直核,线粒体围绕鞭毛形成线粒体袖套,前者顶体球形,后者顶体圆锥形。其中,线粒体距、线粒体袖套、线粒体鞘等头足类精子的线粒体系统变化,是精子对受精环境的适应,也是头足类不同属种生殖进化的演化产物。  相似文献   

中国沿海九种头足类齿舌的形态学   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
郑小东 《水产学报》2002,26(5):417-421
采用扫描电镜技术对9种头足类的齿舌进行了显微观察和比较研究。结果显示所研究的物种的齿舌均有7列纵向的齿组成,齿式为3·1·3。乌贼目的7个种(罗氏乌贼Sepiarobsoni、金乌贼S.esculenta、虎斑乌贼S..pharaonis、白斑乌贼S.latimanus、目乌贼S.aculeata、曼氏无针乌贼Sepiellamaindroni、柏氏四盘耳乌贼Euprymnaberryi)中央齿一列,具有一个齿尖;侧齿位于中央齿两侧各3列,分别称为第一、第二和第三侧齿,也称为侧齿,内缘齿和外缘齿;无缘板结构。长蛸Octopusvariabilis和短蛸O.ocellatus中央齿一列,分别有5个、3和5个齿尖,侧齿各3列,具有缘板。文中对九个种的齿舌结构以及彼此的异同进行了详细的描述和比较,并对乌贼类、蛸类和枪乌贼类彼此之间的齿舌关系以及功能差异进行了讨论。  相似文献   

嘉庚蛸生殖系统结构观察   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
采用解剖和组织切片技术对嘉庚蛸生殖系统结构进行了系统研究。雄性生殖系统除已报道的精巢、输精管、精囊、摄护腺、精荚囊和阴茎等部分之外,新发现了盲囊结构。精巢属于小叶型精巢,由精巢壁和实质部分组成。精囊分为前、中、后3段,前段与输精管相连,后段与摄护腺相连。精囊壁组成复杂,有两个舌状突起伸入囊腔中,两个舌状突起结构从精囊中段渐行至精囊后段,一个逐渐膨大,另外一个逐渐缩小,精囊壁及舌状突起上密布腺体细胞,分泌作用旺盛。精荚及胶质尾巴均在摄护腺中形成,在精荚囊中浓缩、储存。雌性生殖系统包括卵巢、输卵管和输卵管腺等部分。输卵管较长,开口于漏斗口处。输卵管腺着生在输卵管上,结构复杂,内部有纳精囊结构。  相似文献   

浙江南部外海头足类种类组成和数量分布   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
根据2006年5月、8月、11月和2007年2月浙江南部外海底拖网渔业资源调查资料,用渔获率作为资源分布的数量指标,对浙江南部外海头足类种类组成、数量分布、季节变化趋势作了定量分析。结果表明:浙江南部外海调查海域头足类种类有36种,其中:群体数量较大,经济价值较高的常见种有杜氏枪乌贼、剑尖枪乌贼、中国枪乌贼、长蛸、针乌贼、真蛸、神户乌贼、珠乌贼、罗氏乌贼、短蛸、椭乌贼、太平洋褶柔鱼、多钩钩腕乌贼等13种。调查海域以夏季头足类资源密度较高,数量分布主要集中在100~200 m水深的外侧海域;秋季和冬季尽管头足类资源数量在下降,但其数量的地理分布与夏季相近;而春季分布较密集的区域则在80~200 m水深海域。年间不同水深海域的头足类资源密度是80~100 m水深海域低于100~200 m水深海域。与近海渔场相比,浙江南部外海调查海域头足类种类多而且资源较丰富,其渔获量仅次于鱼类,是浙江南部外海底拖网的主要捕捞对象,特别是枪乌贼科的种类是今后可供底拖网作业开发利用的主要渔业资源之一。  相似文献   

为揭示金乌贼精子进入纳精囊及产卵过程中的精子利用方式,丰富金乌贼繁殖生物学研究内容,本研究利用实验生态学和组织切片技术,检测了交配后不同时间段雌性口膜表面精子囊和纳精囊中精子数量的变化,观察分析了雌性金乌贼纳精囊的组织结构。结果显示,金乌贼纳精囊位于繁殖期雌性个体口膜腹面的突起处,共1对。纳精囊开口于口膜内表面,通过一根中央管连通整个纳精囊。中央管内壁含有大量褶皱和纤毛。在中央管两端,有12~20个储精小囊与之相连。储精小囊四周具有发达的环肌,其中储存有大量精子,并且大部分精子头部均朝向腔室内壁。完成一次交配后,雌性金乌贼对精子囊和纳精囊中精子的利用可以分为三个阶段,主要利用精子囊中的精子(交配后1~2 d);由利用精子囊中的精子向纳精囊中的精子过渡(交配后2~3 d);主要利用纳精囊中的精子(交配后3 d以上)。研究表明,从精子囊释放出的精子进入雌性口膜表面的褶皱中,通过自身运动到达纳精囊。进入纳精囊的精子通过自身运动及中央管内壁纤毛的摆动进入储精小囊,其中大部分精子头部朝向储精小囊内壁有规律地分布。在产卵过程中,雌性优先利用精子囊中的精子,而在精子囊中精子不足时,纳精囊通过肌肉收缩以及纤毛摆动将其中的精子逐渐释放出来,卵子在雌性口膜附近完成体外受精。  相似文献   

2006-2013年黄海秋季头足类资源状况调查与分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为摸清中国黄海秋季头足类的资源状况,本研究根据2006–2013年秋季黄海渔业资源调查所取得的292个站位底拖网资料,以渔获率作为头足类资源分布的数量指标,分析黄海秋季头足类的种类组成、数量分布、年度变化以及空间分布格局。结果表明,黄海秋季分布的头足类有14种,隶属于3目6科8属,不同年度头足类的种类变化为(8±2)种/年,以温带种占优势,也有一定数量的暖水种,未出现冷水种,明显反映出暖温带海区的动物区系特征。黄海秋季头足类的优势种为太平洋褶柔鱼(Todarodes pacificus)、日本枪乌贼(Loligo japonica)、剑尖枪乌贼(L.edulis)、针乌贼(Sepia andreana)和双喙耳乌贼(Sepioda birostrata),年际间优势种稍有不同。更重要的是,此阶段调查捕获了3个黄海新记录种:罗氏乌贼(Sepia robsoni)、多钩钩腕乌贼(Abralia multihamata)和真蛸(Octopus vulgaris)。根据这3个暖水种在黄海其出现的位置、频率和数量,分析可能的原因是全球气候变暖使得头足类暖水种分布的纬度发生变化,导致其栖息范围扩大。调查还发现,柔鱼类和枪乌贼类为秋季黄海头足类优势类群,不同类群头足类的渔获量在年际间存在一定波动,且过去的十多年间黄海秋季头足类资源组成结构已有所变化。黄海不同区域间头足类资源量从北往南呈现递增趋势,黄海北部、中部、南部头足类的平均渔获率分别为0.55 kg/h、0.67 kg/h、0.98 kg/h。本研究结果可为黄海头足类资源养护和可持续利用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

为了解莱氏拟乌贼(Sepioteuthis lessoniana)输卵管腺的结构和功能,通过解剖学、组织切片和透射电镜技术对腺体进行解剖学及超显微结构观察。解剖结果显示,莱氏拟乌贼具有1个输卵管腺,由圆饼状近端输卵管腺和圆柱状远端输卵管腺构成,整体呈白色,靠近内壳侧具有棕黄色的色素沉着,透明瓣膜位于腺体末端。显微结果显示,输卵管腺由腺壁组织包裹,由外向内分别是外膜层和结缔组织。外膜层由柱状上皮细胞构成,结缔组织中分布少量肌肉组织和血管;腺体的外膜层和透明瓣膜的外表层中分布少量杯状细胞,瓣膜主要由肌肉组织构成。腺体内部是分泌叶瓣,在腺体中呈层状分布,叶瓣依附于腺壁组织。电镜结果显示,分泌细胞个体较大,细胞核呈圆形或椭圆形,包含大量内质网、线粒体和高尔基体等细胞器,此外,胞内分布大量黏液颗粒,细胞外连续着生纤毛。透明瓣膜主要由肌细胞构成,可见横切和纵切的肌丝以及大量的胶原纤维。研究表明,输卵管腺具备分泌功能,其分泌物形成受精卵的内层卵鞘,在受精卵孵化过程中具有重要作用。本研究首次对莱氏拟乌贼的输卵管腺进行超显微结构观察,描述了输卵管腺的外部形态构造和内部结构特征,分析并总结了该腺体的结构和...  相似文献   

刀额新对虾输精管的组织学及精荚形成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
刀额新对虾 (Metapenaeusensis)采自福建沿海 ,体长约 14cm。活体解剖、取样、固定 ,于OlympusBH 2显微镜下观察 ,其生殖管道分为前输精管、中输精管、后输精管和端壶腹 4部分。前输精管上皮为单层柱状上皮 ,其分泌物呈嗜碱性 ;中输精管分泌物为嗜酸性 ,前段为高柱状上皮 ,后段则为柱状上皮 ,至后段共出现 2处上皮隆起 ,隆起间为扁平上皮 ;分泌管出现于中输精管前段 ,其分泌物呈嗜酸性 ,开口于中输精管后段 ,分泌物由此处流入中输精管腔 ;后输精管腔结构与中输精管腔相似 ,但管径缩小 ;端壶腹共分 3个腔 ,其中 2个由后输精管腔延续形成 ,精荚 1个。精荚由精子团和精荚壁组成。精荚壁分 2层 ,内层为均匀的嗜碱性初级精荚壁 ,精子团位于初级精荚壁中央 ;外层为次级精荚壁 ,呈嗜酸性 ,略呈“C”形包被于初级精荚壁之外。整个精荚横切面的外形似柳叶状 ,分为光滑区和皱折区 2部分 ,光滑区由次级精荚壁包被 ,皱褶区则为裸露的初级精荚壁。精荚形成于中输精管后段 ,它是由前输精管的嗜碱性分泌物、中输精管嗜酸性分泌物以及分泌管上皮细胞分泌物经复杂的化学变化形成  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of body size, temperature and annual cycle on sperm production in Cherax quadricarinatus. Sperm count and sperm mortality were estimated, the reproductive system was weighted, and macro and microscopical analysis of the testes and vasa deferentia were conducted. Sperm count and weight of the reproductive system are strongly related to male size, in contrast to sperm mortality. The spermatophore structure presented macro and microscopical differences between sizes. Males higher in size have more adherent spermatophores. This species has a reproductive cycle related to sperm production. Sperm count and weight of the vasa deferentia rise in summer, while the weight of the testes increases in winter. During the spring, the sperm cord presents a higher density than in other seasons. The temperature seems to affect sperm production being 27 and 29 °C the best assayed conditions. The present results are relevant information to obtain the best sperm viability selecting male size, season of sampling and the best temperature for the reproductive stock and future assays of spermatophore cryopreservation for this species aquaculture.  相似文献   

Several male Penucus stylirostris were selected from a 3 ha commercial earthen pond and were individually evaluated for reproductive performance. Indicators measured were compound spermatophore weight, sperm count, and sperm abnormalities.
It was found that spermatophore quality was significantly better for 30–40 g shrimp than for 20–30 g shrimp ( P < 0.05). The higher frequency of abnormalities measured in younger males and the inverse relationship between abnormalities and sperm count indicate that the vas deferens could be the tissue responsible for producing highly abnormal immature semen. It is proposed that male maturation has at least three independently controlled levels of organization: testes maturation, vas deferens maturation, and spermatophore synthesis.
The individual evaluation showed that each male followed a particular response in reproductive quality. Changes in spermatophore weight were not an indicator of sperm density within spermatophores.
Male reproductive tract degenerative syndrome (MRTDS) and male reproductive system melanization (MRSM) did not develop in any shrimp during these experiments.  相似文献   

The effects of different diets on spermatophore production and sperm quality were investigated in the river prawn Macrobrachium americanum. River prawns were cultured and fed with three diets for 244 days: fresh food (50% squid meat, Dosidicus gigas and 50% sardine muscle, Sardinops sagax); commercial pellets (35 Purina®); and a 50:50 mixture of both diets. Spermatophore production was recorded every 24 days on average as the percentage of spermatophores produced per extraction per diet, weight and biochemical composition. Sperm quality was measured as the total number of sperm, the proportion of live/dead sperm and normal/abnormal sperm morphology. There were no significant differences in the mean biochemical composition of M. americanum spermatophores for any of the diets. Biochemical composition was 36.3% protein, 25.8% carbohydrate and 4.6% lipids for all data pooled. The weight of spermatophores and sperm counts was not significantly different among diets, nor were there any differences as a function of the male initial total length (p > .05). Male river prawn reproductive exhaustion was observed as a decline in spermatophore production, weight of the spermatophores and the number of sperm cells per spermatophore, with an increasing proportion of dead and abnormal sperm seen throughout the experiment. The recommended period of maintenance in captivity for male broodstock is less than 115 days. It is recommended to feed broodstock males of M. americanum with commercial pellets because no significant differences were detected with the diets tested; pellets are easier to use, ensuring the same spermatophore production and sperm quality that was obtained with fresh food.  相似文献   

克氏原螯虾雄性生殖系统的超微结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄文虎  龚世园 《水产学报》2012,36(4):514-521
采用透射电镜研究了克氏原螯虾输精管的超微结构,采用石蜡切片法研究了克氏原螯虾的精巢、输精管和精荚的显微结构,并对精巢做了周年变化研究。结果表明,精巢由许多生精小囊和收集管组成,其结构呈葡萄串状,生殖细胞在生精小囊内发育成熟后由收集管输送到输精管;输精管有左右两条,相对于左侧输精管,右侧输精管比其约长一半,直径更大,卷曲程度更高,内容物含量更多,分泌细胞内的内质网含量更丰富;输精管根据形态不同分为前、中、后、生殖突4段,前中段具有分泌精荚壁物质的功能,后段具有储存、射出精荚的功能,末端生殖突为输精管出口;精荚呈长囊形或椭球形,由精子团、精荚基质和两层精荚壁组成,精子团偏向精荚一侧分布;克氏原螯虾雄虾精巢在一周年中的5—8月和10月处于精子细胞期的生精小囊比例很高,具有两个成熟时期。  相似文献   

The reproductive potential of males plays an important role in the productivity of captive penaeids. Males present a large variability in their reproductive potential, and thus the selection of appropriate males for reproduction is highly desirable. The present study compares sperm quality at the beginning of the experiment (baseline values) with variations in sperm quality as a result of consecutive spermatophore regenerations. This was done to evaluate possible predictive criteria for optimal sperm quality based on morphological and biochemical criteria in pond-reared Pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei males. Sperm quality was similar between left and right spermatophore. Sperm count and proportion of normal sperm increased by 86 and 65% (P < 0.05) respectively, from baseline values to third spermatophore regeneration. Proportion of dead sperm progressively decreased with consecutive regenerations, attaining values 33% lower by the third regeneration, compared to baseline values. This indicates that no decrease in sperm quality occurs in L. vannamei during consecutive regenerations and that the existing spermatophores at stocking of males should be expelled to have higher sperm quality in regenerated spermatophores. Furthermore, this procedure allows selecting individuals with high baseline sperm quality based on significant correlations between baseline and regenerated sperm quality observed in the present work. Baseline values of glucose concentration in the hemolymph were positively correlated to baseline values of sperm count (r = 03, P < 0.05). In contrast, baseline values of several lipids in the hemolymph were negatively correlated to several traits of sperm quality at first sampling (baseline values) or at first regeneration. These results are discussed in terms of nutritional requirements of males and of possible predictive criteria of sperm quality.  相似文献   

Abstract— This study was conducted to determine the effect of water temperature on male reproductive tract degenerative syndrome (MRTDS) and male reproductive system melanization (MRSM) in Penaeus setiferus , and to evaluate the effect of water temperature on spermatophore regeneration time and sperm quality in electrically ejaculated adult males. Variation in sperm quality, gonadosomatic index, and histological changes in the reproductive system were used to assess reproductive tract changes in the first experiment. Sperm quality and regeneration time were measured before and after successive regenerations in the second experiment. Sperm quality was stable when shrimp were held at 26 C for 30 d but was reduced when shrimp were held at 30 C. Reproductive tissues of 20% of the shrimp held at 30 C were melanized to some degree but tissue melanization was found in only 2.5% of the shrimp held at 26 C. Spennatophore regeneration time was also affected by temperature. Average times for first spermatophore regeneration were 192 h at 25 C, 152 h at 30 C, and 144 h at 33 C. Sperm quality of regenerated shrimp was not affected at 25 C but was reduced for regenerated animals held at 33 C. Based on these results, we recommend a water temperature between 25 and 27 C to obtain adequate spermatophore regeneration and to maintain healthy male P. setiferus broodstock for at least 30 d.  相似文献   

Spermatophore and sperm quality of male Argentine red shrimp Pleoticus muelleri held under laboratory conditions was evaluated using compound spermatophore weight, sperm count and percentage of live sperm as indicators. Thirty-seven males of S to 20 g wet weight were held indoors in a 3-m diameter circular fiberglass tank for 45 d. They were fed fresh squid, clam and pelletized diet. Spermato-phores were obtained by manual ejaculations. Four shrimps were re-ejaculated to verify the subsequent spermatophore regeneration. Spermatophore mean weights were significantly lower for 5–10 g males than for 15–20 g males ( r = 0.998) (P < 0.05). There were no significant differences in sperm count and percent live sperm among the different weight classes (5–15 g, 15–20 g, 20–25 g). The sperm count varied from 2.22 to 5.62 million. No change in sperm quality was seen in re-ejaculated individuals. During the first 2 wk of the experiment, the spermatophores exhibited healthy morphology and colour; by the fifth week evidence of spermatophore deterioration was apparent. Despite the degree of melanization, sperm quality was not affected and the high variability in sperm count indicated that the artificial ejaculation is adequate in this species.  相似文献   

利用组织能量密度测定技术和残差指标分析方法,分析了阿根廷滑柔鱼雌性个体肌肉组织和性腺组织的能量积累及其分配规律。结果显示,足腕、胴体、卵巢、缠卵腺和输卵管复合体等组织的能量密度平均值分别为(22.75±0.60)、(23.42±0.68)、(25.15±2.08)、(21.49±1.46)和(25.12±3.02)k J/g。不同性腺成熟度等级,足腕、胴体和缠卵腺等组织的能量密度均不存在显著性差异,卵巢和输卵管复合体等组织的能量密度则差异显著。足腕、胴体等肌肉组织能量在性腺成熟度III期时达到最大值,卵巢、缠卵腺和输卵管复合体等性腺组织在I~III期时的能量积累缓慢,随后能量积累增长迅速,在生理性成熟后期(V期)或功能性成熟期(VI期)时达到最大值。随着性腺生长发育,肌肉组织能量占比逐渐下降,性腺组织能量占比逐渐增加。在性腺成熟度III~V期时,雌性个体肌肉组织能量部分转化用于性腺组织的生长发育,但这种生殖投入方式不影响肌肉组织的完整性。研究表明,阿根廷滑柔鱼生殖投入以外源性为主,但发育过程中肌肉组织存储能量部分转化以满足性腺发育对能量的需求。  相似文献   

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