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强度相同条件下,聚酰胺(PA)单丝网衣的水阻力比聚乙烯(PE)捻线网衣的要小,所以在普通PE网衣拖网中,可以对部分网衣结构设计替换高强度PA单丝网衣,以降低拖网阻力,达到节能降耗的目的。以虾拖网为实物拖网,按照田内模型试验准则,设计改进型PA网衣的模型拖网,通过水槽模型试验,对比研究改进型PA网衣和传统PE网衣的拖网渔具性能和节能效果。试验结果显示,在相同拖速条件下,水平扩张比(L/S)为0.40、0.50、0.60时,改进型模型拖网比对照模型拖网所受阻力分别可降低12.14%、8.11%、6.00%,网口高度分别可提高20.00%、22.09%、25.64%,网口扩张系数分别可提高28.57%、27.27%、30.00%,能耗系数分别可减少30.61%、29.32%、29.18%。研究表明,高强度PA单丝网衣拖网能起到降低渔具阻力、提高拖网性能的作用,可在渔业生产中推广应用。  相似文献   

聚乙烯编织线替代普通聚乙烯捻线对拖网性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周爱忠  张禹  郁岳峰  张勋 《海洋渔业》2013,35(1):95-101
聚乙烯编织网线比普通聚乙烯捻线强度高,用编织线来替代目前的普通捻线,可降低拖网渔具的阻力从而达到节能降耗的目的。本文通过实际取样测试,比较了两种网线的拉伸性能,在不降低原拖网渔具的单线结强力的前提下,用聚乙烯编织线代替原普通捻线,并通过模型试验研究其对拖网渔具性能的影响和节能效果。结果表明:单线结强力相同的两种网线,编织线的直径可比普通网线的直径下降15.17%以上。本试验编织线拖网的平均网线直径比原普通捻线拖网下降16.00%,网具阻力面积(线面积)从304.57 m2下降到256.47 m2,下降了15.79%。同等试验条件下,编织线拖网的阻力比普通捻线拖网下降17.25%左右,而网口高度的变化则不明显。能耗系数的计算结果为编织线拖网过滤同体积的水体所消耗的能量比普通捻线拖网下降16.67%。功率消耗的分析表明,消耗同样的功率,440 kW的双拖渔船使用编织线拖网,拖速可比普通捻线拖网提高8.33%,如采用和普通捻线拖网同样的拖速作业,则去掉起、放网所消耗的时间,以一天正常拖网作业18 h计算,可节约燃油77 L左右。  相似文献   

大网目底中层拖网模型试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用1:22.82比例的2张网具模型,在拖曳水槽中进行底中层拖网的网具性能测试,得出网具阻力公式为:F=0.121(d/a)LCV~(1.62),网口高度的公式为:H=0.225CV~(-1.316),2张网具的作业性能良好,GM_2的垂直张开性能优良,拖速3节时的垂直扩张系数已接近7%,能耗系数在拖速3节时为0.2kw.h/10~4m~3,在同类渔具中较优;GM_1网的能耗系数比GM_2网低,在拖速3节时低于9%左右,作为中层拖网时的总体性能优良。  相似文献   

桁杆拖网是南极磷虾连续泵吸桁杆拖网捕捞系统重要组成部分之一,为深入了解该系统中桁杆拖网的作业性能特征,促进网具作业性能优化,本研究通过模型试验开展了网型结构和沉子重量对网具作业性能影响的探索,网型结构包括6种(3种腹网宽度,每种宽度采用2种缝合方式),分别以A、B、C、AA、BB和CC表示,沉子重量3种。综合比较表明,不同试验网型作业性能优劣排序为BB>CC>C>A>B>AA,但差异不显著。缩小腹网宽度和斜目缝合均能有效提高网口垂直扩张、降低能耗系数,提高网具作业性能,尤其适用于较高拖速的作业场景。沉子重量与网具阻力、网口垂直扩张均呈显著正相关,但与能耗系数相关性不明显;为促进网口垂直扩张,合适的沉子重量配备随拖速增加而递增,拖速1.5 m/s的条件下,各试验网型其沉子配重应不低于3.05 t。试验条件下,各网型的网具阻力、能耗系数变化趋势较平稳,递变斜率变化较小,网具阻力与拖速呈幂函数关系,指数介于1.49~1.64。以上结论可为南极磷虾桁杆拖网属具配备以及优化设计提供参考。  相似文献   

多囊桁拖网选择性研究中对照网囊网目尺寸的选择   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
张健  石建高  张鹏  孙满昌 《水产学报》2010,34(1):160-168
对比作业法是拖网渔具选择性研究中重要的试验方法之一,而对比试验中对照网囊网目的选择至关重要。研究利用多囊桁拖网不同网目尺寸(20、30、35和40mm)网囊捕获的哈氏仿对虾、小黄鱼和棘头梅童鱼渔获体长分布数据,应用几何相似原理,分析过滤性渔具的选择性,并按不同假设条件下(假设1:符合几何相似原理对渔获具有一定的选择性;假设2:对渔获种类没有选择性),探讨如何合理选择对照网囊网目尺寸。结果表明,对照网网囊网目尺寸为20mm,在上述2种假设下,对选择性模型的拟合、简化及对其它网囊的选择性参数没有显著的影响;在考虑了桁拖网渔具各网囊具有相同相对作业强度,以及桁拖网渔具与普通拖网渔具选择性分析方法上的差异等因素后,认为在此项研究中,将小于20mm网目尺寸的网囊视为没有选择性的对照网囊是可行的。  相似文献   

<正>根据《渤海生物资源养护规定》第三十条,渤海禁止三重流网、底拖网、浮拖网及变水层拖网作业,但网口网衣拉直周长小于30m的桁杆、框架型拖网类渔具除外;根据农业部关于实施海洋捕捞准用渔具和过渡渔具最小网目尺的公告,框架拖网和桁杆拖网属于过渡类型网具。拖网的高捕捞效率与现在海洋渔业资源逐渐衰竭存在着十分严重的冲突。为客观评价框架拖网和桁杆拖网对河北省渔业经济、渔业资源和生态效益的影响,并  相似文献   

拖网,是海洋渔业的主要作业方式,也是夺取海洋渔业产量的重要渔具之一。但是,拖网(尤其底拖网)对海洋幼鱼资源损害程度也居各类渔具之冠。从保护海洋幼鱼资源的角度来说,拖网渔具渔法理应受到严格限制和管理。因此,渔政管理部门除了制定和实施禁渔区、禁渔期、限制网目尺寸、控制拖网渔船发展指标等渔业管理政策之外,还有一项值得重视和努力的既实际又可行的工作就是改革渔具设计,尤其是拖网网囊的设计和改进。  相似文献   

三、渔具设计及其作业性能研究渔具设计及其作业性能研究,除了为保护幼鱼,研究如何改进渔具的选择性外,另一重要方面,则是研究如何提高渔具的捕捞效果,降低生产成本、增加经济效益。本文就欧美国家所开展的一些研究活动概述如下: 1.拖网(包括底拖和中拖) 拖网是欧美国家的主要海洋捕捞作业。70年代以来,世界各国的海洋捕捞业,利用越来越大的渔船功率向外海、深水海区推进。为了适应该发展趋势,提高拖网作业的经济效益,欧美各国的海洋渔业研究部门,利用现代先进的科研设备,如水槽模拟试验,  相似文献   

高强度聚乙烯拖网网具性能的研究   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
对4顶单船中层拖网和双船底拖网的前部以高强度聚乙烯网线替代常规聚乙烯网线,依田内渔具模型试验准则制成模型网,进行水池对比试验。结果表明,在其它条件不变的前提下,应用高强度聚乙烯网线的拖网与原生产网相比,在2.5~4.5kn拖速下,网具阻力可平均下降6.5%~16.2%,网口垂直扩张可提高0.9%~25.7%,能耗系数下降14.5%~33.5%。  相似文献   

底拖网作业捕捞努力量标准化方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从拖网网次渔获量的数学表达式入手,在假设捕捞效率与拖网作业宏观技术水平呈幂函数关系的情况下,推导出底拖网作业捕捞努力量和捕捞努力量指数的数学表达式。公式表明一个海域(或渔场)所投入(或所承受)的底拖网作业捕捞努力量不仅与单位渔船数量(决定渔具数量)和单位渔船主机功率有关,而且还与渔船类型(性能)、拖网网型、作业技术水平和作业时问有关。同时,作者还探讨了各有关参数的计算方法,可为底拖网作业的捕捞努力量标准化计算提供一条新的途径,而且在进行不同底拖网网型捕捞努力量标准化的同时,也完成了其年间的标准化。因此,该公式能较全面、较真实地反映底拖网作业的捕捞努力量面貌,有助于较合面地描述和理解捕捞努力量的基本概念。  相似文献   

The recent rise in oil prices has brought renewed attention to energy savings in the fishing industry, and particularly in trawling. Coastal trawlers spend most of their time on fishing grounds near the coast. In such cases, the most successful energy-saving modifications ought to result from changes in the fishing gear and towing conditions. The purpose of this study was to identify the energy-economy potential for Portuguese fish trawlers after altering a vessel's operating conditions and improving its trawl gear performance. Two trawlers, named Tricana de Aveiro and João Macedo were selected as subjects in this project. Both vessels work with gear of similar design and size. Experimental sea trials were carried out to elucidate the actual vessel and gear performance. A model trawl was then built and tested in a flume tank, which provided the basis for improving the gear design. Full-scale trials were then carried out with both vessels using the modified trawls in order to assess changes in gear performance. The new trawls maintained their previous ability to catch species of different ecological groups and consumed less fuel at the same commercial trawling speed. An economic study showed potential increases in the net cash flow (NCF) of up to 27% over the range of operational navigation and trawling speeds. Having demonstrated the performance of the new trawls, the skippers of both vessels subsequently adopted the new design for commercial fishing.  相似文献   

Danish seines and bottom trawls operate differently and have different catching processes. Both gears belong to the same legislative category in European fisheries, but different management strategies in other countries and criticism by fishers on grouping Danish seines and trawls together indicate disagreement on current gear classification. This study compared both gears in terms of their fishing characteristics and catches of commercial species based on 16 years of observer data. Danish seining is a specialised fishing method that targeted few species but with higher total catch rates than bottom trawlers. Bottom trawling is a more all‐purpose fishing method that targets a larger number of species, and bottom trawlers use larger engines than Danish seiners. A generalised additive mixed model indicated that catch rates of flatfish are generally higher for Danish seines, and catch rates of roundfish species are higher for trawlers. The results do not directly suggest a separation of the gears in terms of legislation as the quantities of fish below current minimum size were similar, but for example future survival studies may reach different conclusions. Additional factors were found to be important in determining catches of both gears.  相似文献   

福建海洋捕捞业近年来的变化与可持续发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
冯森 《福建水产》2002,(3):24-29
十年来我省拖网、张网作业发展太快,捕捞力已大大超过近海渔场资源的承受能力,造成鱼类资源严重衰退,海捕业经济效益明显下降。解决的根本办法是实行限额捕捞制度,逐步减少拖网和定置渔船数量,围刺钓笼作业也要调整发展,并引导上岸渔民改行从事养殖、加工、休闲渔业及第三产业。  相似文献   

选择性虾拖网渔具渔法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据虾拖网存在网目偏小,渔获物中经济鱼、虾类幼体和杂物所占比例较大等问题,于2002~2003年对在福建海区生产的网板虾拖网作业的网具进行改革,主要是在网具的后部采用上、下两个囊网。下囊网入口处装配刚性栅隔装置,起鱼、虾分离作用,上囊网采用放大网目尺寸,以达到释放经济鱼、虾类幼体为目的。通过改革试验取得了良好的效果。本文着重论述改革后的渔具特点与渔法。  相似文献   

南海南部渔场是广西拖网渔船在南海外海的传统作业区域之一。然而,近年来该海域渔业涉外事故频发,广西渔船损失惨重。为了规避涉外事故,广西拖网渔船不得不频频中断正常生产,转移到南海外海其它涉外风险较低的渔场作业。2013年5月以后,在南海外海生产的广西拖网渔船陆续撤出南海南部,至今未恢复生产。本文采用南海捕捞信息动态采集网络和信息渔船2013年的生产记录,通过统计及对比,分析拖网渔船从南海南部转移后面临的困境和成因。结果表明,渔船转移到6°N以北的南海外海渔场生产,单位捕捞努力量渔获量(CPUE)减少31.25%、优质鱼类所占的比例明显下降、全部航次亏损,生产难以为继。目前南海南部的生产态势明显不利于南海外海渔业的发展。本文提出恢复和坚持南海南部生产是南海外海拖网渔业发展的基础,有关部门应加强渔场巡航护渔、组织综合编队生产及加大对渔船开发南海南部渔业资源的支持力度。为了进一步发展南海外海拖网生产,建议在南海南部探索试验共同渔区模式。  相似文献   

钟百灵 《水产学报》1993,17(3):209-215
作者根据中国沿海现有几十种较有代表性的底层有翼单囊拖网网具资料,统计了大量的网具设计参数,并根据拖网的结构特征和作业性能来分析研究结果,认为在中国沿海拖网渔业生产中,使用较多、效果良好并具有一定代表性的底层有翼单囊拖网的网型,主要有尾拖型、疏目型、改进疏目型和编结型四种,并认为这四种网型的作业性能可简单地归纳为:改进疏目型为高口中速;尾拖型为中口中速;编结型为中口高速;疏目型为低口快速。  相似文献   

Georges Bank haddock is a recently recovered fish stock in the New England groundfish fishery. Due to federal constraints under the Magnuson–Steven Act, however, this stock cannot be optimally exploited due to the bycatch of other critical species in the New England groundfishery such as cod and yellowtail flounder which are overfished. The Ruhle trawl and Separator trawl are examples of recent advances in gear technology that have been shown to significantly increase haddock to bycatch ratios. This study models the groundfish fishery through a mixed-stock yield model which incorporates technological interactions. We also develop a socio-economic model that quantifies the amount of employment and producer surplus associated with three trawl types. Our results explore policy situations regarding the use of the new trawls. By bridging the biological and socio-economic models, we are able to view the fishery as a system that more accurately represents stakeholder views. Our model shows that each trawl, when used exclusively, produces different optimum strategies and therefore an optimum management strategy would most likely include a combination of trawl types. Our results also support the logic of using modified trawls for haddock fishing trips in which bycatch is strictly regulated (“B days”) as the Ruhle trawl is able to maintain 80% of catches caught by a conventional trawl while reducing bycatch up to over 60%. This paper is a first step towards an aid for policy makers to examine fishery gear trade-offs and the resulting biological and socio-economic consequences of different management actions within the constraints of the Magnuson–Stevens Act.  相似文献   

We carried out a trawl-depletion experiment for benthic fauna in an area closed to commercial trawling. A 12-fathom prawn (shrimp) trawl net having a swept path of about 18 m was towed 13 times along each of six tracks. Each track was 2.7 km long and known from previous surveys to contain several relatively dense patches of megabenthos. The depletion rate was assumed to vary between trawls on a given track, and was modelled by a beta distribution defined by a mean rate and a dispersion parameter. Maximum likelihood analysis of the sequence of catches on each track suggests that a single trawl removes a small, but non-negligible, fraction of the benthos. The combined effect of 13 trawls on each track, assuming the trawls were aligned, was to remove a substantial proportion of the initial biomass. Gastropods suffered the greatest impact (an estimated 95% removed, on average). Ascidians, sponges, echinoids, crustaceans and gorgonians were depleted by an estimated 74–86%, and all other taxonomic groups except algae (27% removed) were reduced by at least 54%. Using differential global positioning systems and careful navigation, we aimed to achieve a high degree of overlap between successive trawls. Nonetheless, records show that the trawler deviated from this path and it is likely that the net did not sweep exactly the same path during the 13 trawls on each track. A simulation study was conducted to examine the effect on parameter estimates of ignoring the probable non-alignment of trawls. There was little bias in the estimate of the dispersion parameter. With the level of dispersion found on these tracks, the estimated mean depletion rates would, however, have been biased (upwards when the true mean depletion rate was below 15%, downwards when the true mean depletion rate was above 15%). This means that most mean depletion rates estimated from the catch data are probably biased by 2–3%. The depletion rates estimated from this study may be acceptable in areas that are trawled infrequently or sparsely. However, the cumulative effect of frequent trawls in an area of high intensity trawling is likely to be substantial both in terms of organisms directly affected by trawling and indirectly due to attracting scavengers and removing refuge habitat for fish and other mobile organisms.  相似文献   

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from fisheries are of primary concern because of their effects on the environment. GHG emissions from fisheries are mainly related to their fuel consumption. Furthermore, the fuel consumption of fisheries also influences their economics. Therefore, many studies have been conducted to find ways of reducing fuel consumption in fishing operations that use fishing gear. The fuel consumption of fishing gear is generally related to its hydrodynamic resistance and the distance traveled. It mostly depends on the drag created, which is affected by towing speed. Based on model experiments, this study proposes new designs of trawl net and trawl doors to reduce fuel consumption in fisheries. The low-energy midwater trawl developed here can reduce the resistance force on the gear by 37.5%. It can also save 17% of the fuel consumption per voyage. Furthermore, this study investigates the efficiency of a low-energy trawl from an economic point of view. The findings of this study will be useful in reducing GHG emissions in fishing operations and thus contribute to a reduction in fishing costs through fuel savings.  相似文献   

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